The LYA contacts of prof. Hernandez in the 70ths - part 14

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After considerable reflection upon what LYA had told me I began a search for literature referring to the Unidentified Flying Objects. I analyzed the data concerning such contacts worldwide with great curiosity to see if anyone else, in the whole world, had suffered an experience similar to mine. From then on I have been writing to groups studying the extraterrestrials in the United States as much as in Europe.

I understood that since those same groups had, perhaps unconsciously, established guidelines for such things, they would examine for themselves all kinds of sightings of ships of extraterrestrial appearance. They spoke much about the credibility of the extraterrestrial contacts and speculated concerning the truth or falsehood of such cases, and this was influenced by many factors.

One of them they referred to as plasmaphysics. I did not know much about what that was, but I immediately began to familiarize myself with it and I discovered that it only referred to extraterrestrial ships and balls of light whose characteristic was that of a form of stable plasma. Such luminous phenomena had been reported as UFOs. Luminous balls that later were recorded in the annals of laboratories were created as masses of partly ionized air. The masses of air completely ionized were forms of stable plasma.

What was curious, was that nobody was able to seriously offer a rebuttal in turn to the question.

There were accounts that referred to extraterrestrial beings who entered into contact with terrestrial people but, for some reason, very few of those cases were worth taking into account. It gave me the understanding that those studies were still in the sightings phase. One of the rules on credibility of the contacts depended in large part on the conditions under which the sighting was reported, and always on whether there were two or more witnesses. However after conscientiously analyzing a case one runs into opposition with conformance to the established theories creating with this an uncertainty on whether the witnesses were sober or not at the time of seeing what they reported they saw.

After much thinking on this I became disillusioned. How could I say that an extraterrestrial woman had invited me to travel in her ship and that she had shown me how much damage man was doing to his own self? How could I explain that humanity constituted a threat to it's own self, and that this had been shown demonstrated to me by a beautiful woman who lived on a world called INXTRIA or AENSTRIA.

If the scientists scarcely analyzed the light of those photographs and movies that had been taken of what had appeared as mysterious lights, and had not studied them under a microscope and in a computer, how could they explain that the business was not much more serious than a simele light in the sky?

Sometimes I was totally convinced that nobody would ever believe me. I had read that when a UFO was totally identified as a form of plasma the witness was considered truthful. If the scientists then agreed with this, that was given absolute credit. But my experience could not be investigated through any terrestrial parameter, Why? With what analogues situation could I compare it? I knew it would be very difficult, and above all for a professor such as I.

Considering this, what would be my next step?

I was of the opinion that my case concerning the experiences with LYA was managed with the greatest love. Because to take the opposite point of view not only is totally illogical but is absurd. In some manner I had to give to knowledge all that LYA had said.

In vain I had looked for someone to offer me the light of an adequate investigation and analysis of my case.

LYA had told me one time, almost at the beginning:

"The incredulity and skepticism shown by the terrestrials has been our principal cover. We knew that we could come and live on the Earth confidentially. Nobody would believe in our origin."

She knew that all that was said by a contactee would always be placed in doubt. She had also told me:

"We have been speaking liberally with your co-terrestrials because we are sure that nobody is going to believe the witnesses."

I reflected on the classification they would give me. Perhaps they would call me a lunatic or crazy. Perhaps my students would say that I was delirious, or my children would define my state as senile hallucinations. In the majority of the cases they would simply call me a fanatic.

LYA had given me many prophecies, which had come to pass with the passage of time. For example she had informed me that:

"In the days to come, the world will be confronting many surprises. After 1984 there will be intense political agitation that will bring very significant changes in all the Communist countries. They will be trying to find a solution to the problem of hunger and will seek allies to undertake studies in search of a solution to the scarcity of foodstuffs, but no country will have confidence in them. New systems of espionage will be developed and they will increase their spynets throughout the world for better communication and to favor new strategies. New personalities will come to political power who will seek in their turn the support of scientists in their eagerness to combat the famine, also, because in the future the scarcity of grains will make more nations dependent."

I thought that if I spoke out on the prophesies of LYA, would they believe that I was a neophyte in predicting the questions of political futures. Once more the uncertainty.. would they believe me? On the other hand, wasn't it necessary that they believe me or that they believe LYA!? I have meditated much on this. I would have to write down all that she had told me. Whether anybody wanted to believe me or not, it was within my capacity to try to convince them.

"Would you like to know something more?" LYA had asked me on that occasion.

"Yes... Who will triumph at the end of a conflageration?"

"You refer to your planet? Well then... if the following conflict at a world level obliges the powers to recruit allies, nobody will survive, not even those tribes who inhabit the most interior parts of Africa. The bacteriological weapons that are being developed today in countries like Viet-Nam and Afganistan still do not show the real panorama of their noxious spectrum. Their consequences in the long run will become known later. Moreover, due to the high chemical concentrations that will be utilized in a conflagration, the Earth will become barren. Not a single root will survive.

And if perhaps some human being would come to save himself, it will be for very little time, because the energy released through the weapons and boobs will attract more energy from space. Thus once the thick gasses are concentrated in the stratosphere, gaseous clouds full of energy that circulate in space will be attracted by the energy of their same kind or the affinity of their chemical composition. Something that you do not know is that energy feeds on energy. It is precisely for this that the atom is so dangerous; because it feeds on energy. Very great are the dangers to which man is exposed. If your humanity does not unite and combat these radioactive rains that come from space, and belts of noxious gasses that will adhere to the terrestrial atmosphere, nor also to neutralize the enormous power of combustion of the artificial satellites that surround the Earth, as well as to suspend the accumulation of deadly weapons, even for themselves... they will be destroyed by their own hands."

LYA sent me to ponder through complete reflection all that I had heard.. which at times not even I myself could explain... the why of the liberation of coherent atoms, neutrons, neutrinos, protons, etc. I meditated profoundly on death... Of what significance was it FOR MAN to live in the violence and to die for it??? Under these circumstances.. .was it worth being born?

With the passage of time I felt totally impotent. I no longer listened to the news. Desperation little by little overpowered me. I continually thought about peace and how to gain it. Could one University teacher change the mentality of the great powers? I was trying to accumulate my will to resist falling into the state of mind that was slowly sinking me into depression.

I vowed to myself that someone would come to have access to these pages. I took heart in the illusion that man would understand. I said to myself that man is the only rational being of his expression in the world, and it inspired me to continue until I reached my colleagues through the lofty expression obtained by writing. I promised that I would do something for myself by my writing this...

I would continue to struggle because they must be made to know what LYA had confided to me... It would cost a lot of work but it was worth the effort because this was the least that I could do...



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