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norsk-dansk utgave
Martinus kimset ikke av astrologien ifølge dette svaret under spørretime i Varnhem 21. august 1966 (opptatt på bånd):
Temabog 2 102. Jorden korresponderer med andre kloder. Astrologien SPØRGSMÅL Kan jordkloden tænke og føle? SVAR Ja,
i overordentlig stor grad. Den tænker og føler kolossalt. Den er et
væsen, der er under den store fødsel. Jorden er ved at blive ligesom det
færdige menneske, når det er i Guds billede. Men jordens tid- og
oplevelsesforhold er jo helt anderledes end det, vi oplever. Det, som er
flere hundrede år for os, er måske kun et sekund elle et minut for
jordkloden. Derfor varer det for os 3000 år, før jordkloden oplever den
store fødsel. Men for jordkloden er det få minutter. Jeg regner med
sådan cirka 3000 år. Så har jeg sagt så stort et område, at man ikke
senere kan sige, at jeg har taget fejl. Det vil ske alt sammen inden for
dette område. Men det kan være svært at forstå, at jordkloden har sådan bevidsthed, for den ser De jo ikke så meget til. Nogle siger til mig: ”Jamen, den render jo rundt sådan. Hvad bevidsthed er der i at rende rundt sådan?”
Jordkloden aner slet ikke noget om, at den ”render rundt”, for sådan en
omdrejning, sådan et døgn, er så mikroskopisk for jordkloden, at det
har den slet ikke nogen føling med. Jordens bevidsthed er åndelig. Den
korresponderer med de andre kloder på et helt andet og højere plan. Den
ligger jo i et størrelsesforhold, hvor vi andre er mikroskopiske i
forhold til denne korrespondance. Men den har altså denne store
korrespondance med de andre kloder, og det er denne korrespondance, der
ligger til grund for astrologien, for at man kan forudsige menneskenes
mange ting, altså hvad der sker i verden. Menneskeskæbner og mange andre
ting kan forudsiges gennem astrologien. Det er netop i kraft af, at man
kan komme ind på de bølgelængder, som jordkloden er i forhold til andre
stjernesystemer. Spørgetime den 21. august 1966. Artikel-id M4138
excerpt from about p.64 > in the book "Communicating with the spirit world, laws and purposes",
by the German org.edition as was written by the priest and spiritual
researcher, Johannes Greber. The book was published in German in 1937.
And it was translated from the German original text. Note that the word
'od' is translated with ETHERIC energy here, as it is the same.
More about it and the etheric body inArthur Powell's book: 'the etheric
link. Rø.)
Greber – Communication with the Spirit World, page 64:
(remark that od and odic must be the same as the theosophy word, 'etheric'. rø.)
"....Their growth and their taking material form,
are subject to those selfsame laws of odic/'etheric' condensation.
“The od of individual material organisms comprises a mixture of od of
the most varied strength and kinds, produced by wonderful laws unknown
to you mortals. The mixture is
different in human beings than in
animals, different in animals than in plants, and different in plants
than in minerals.
“This difference in od mixture
obtains not only between the primary
stages of nature, but also between
individual organisms within the same
stage. Thus the odic/'etheric' composition of the various
human races differs: that of the Negro is not
the same as that of the white
man or of the Indian.
Furthermore, not all members of the white race have the same odic/'etheric' composition.
This is true also for all the
other races of mankind. Every
individual has his own odic/'etheric'
composition. There are, therefore,
no two human beings with exactly the
same od, and the same applies
to animals, plants and minerals.
“Since, therefore, the physical
structure of a living organism results
from the condensation of the
odic/'etheric' mixture peculiar to that
organism, each body has its own individual physical
properties. In every living being, flesh, bones,
nails, hair, and all other parts
of the body have their distinctive
characteristics, which are based on the odic/'etheric' composition
of the individual in question.
“In your human eyes it is one of nature’s deep secrets how od, which
exists in an ethereal form and
is invisible to you, can be
condensed into tangible matter. That it is possible you know
from your own daily experience, for you can
see that your body does not
grow by the direct application to it of finished
matter. You know that the acorn does not grow into an oak by
having more and more bits of oak wood attached to it, but that its
growth represents a process taking place within the organism. You
know, furthermore, that the food you eat does not attach itself to the
inner surfaces of your body and promote
growth in that way, but that
an unknown something flows into all parts, great and small, of
your entire body, condensing into flesh, bone, nails, hair
and other tissue, and by thus condensing
becomes matter.
“That ‘something’, which is unknown to you, is ‘od’.
“Where, you may ask, does this
od, which is so necessary for the
formation and support of all living
beings, come from? You can
find the answer yourself, if you stop to think about what the
needs of your physical existence are: you require air, water and
food. But not everything present in the air,
water or food can be utilized
by the body. Above all,
it cannot be assimilated by the various parts of your body
in the form in which it occurs in the air, water or food, that is to
say, not in its material form. Even air is
matter. Everything must first
be converted into an ethereal form,
and conducted in the form of od to all parts of the body, great and
“The conversion of the material nutrients into od proceeds by way of
the dissolving that takes place in your bodies during the process of digestion.
“The air you breathe comprises a material mixture of od, from which
your lungs extract only those parts
of the od that your bodies require,
exhaling those they cannot use, in the process of breathing.
“Water also has an odic/'etheric'
composition of its own. The
od of water is needed most of
all by the bodies of human
beings, animals and plants, for these bodies are
for the most part a condensation of the od taken from water.
Therefore, water-od predominates in the
foods derived from the plant and animal
kingdoms, so that when you eat this food, you generally also receive
the necessary quantity of
water-od. Because the od of
water plays so important a role in all bodies, they cannot
go without it for any great length of time. Your professional
fasters may be able to do without solid food for weeks on end, but if
they were deprived of water, they would soon die. For the same
reason animals and plants perish when denied the od of water for a
prolonged period.
“Now you also understand why the
torture of thirst is the greatest
torture that any living being can experience; it constitutes death in its most painful form.
“The od of the air is needed not so much for building up the structure
of the body, but mainly for producing the various power currents that
carry out the dissolving of food and
its conversion into od, the mixing
of the various kinds of od, and
finally their ultimate condensation into
bodily matter. All dissolving is caused by hot
odic/'etheric' currents and all condensation by cold ones.
For this reason you cannot live more than a few moments without
the od of the air, for where
this is absent, all other odic/'etheric'
activity ceases
“Now we still need the answer
to the question: where does the od
found in air, water and food come from?
“It comes from the earth, which as a heavenly body possesses an odic
mixture and an odic radiation that contain every kind of od required for
the support of all living beings on
it. The terrestrial od
consists of the od peculiar to the earth as a heavenly
body; in addition, the earth absorbs into its own
odic mixture the odic radiation of
all the heavenly bodies within
Greber – Communication with the Spirit World p. 66
range of the earth. Each of these heavenly bodies has a specific
od peculiar to itself, of a nature and composition not found in any
other heavenly body.
“According to the position of those heavenly bodies with respect to
the earth, their odic/'etheric' radiation will have a greater or
lesser effect upon it, and since the position of the heavenly bodies
relative to each other changes every second, the
odic/'etheric' radiations sent to the
earth by those bodies will vary
“The blending of the od of your earth with that of the heavenly bodies
around it is of the greatest importance to life and growth upon the earth.
“You must also remember that every kind of od possesses powers
peculiar to itself. To the extent, then, that the bodily od of an infant at the
moment of its birth stands under the one-sidedly strong influence of the
od of one or more heavenly bodies,
to that extent the infant’s own
odic/'etheric' composition will be affected. At the time of
birth, this composition is, as it were, still fairly neutral, but at
that instant it is given a fixed permanent trend by the
odic/'etheric' radiations and mixtures acting upon it.
“If, in producing a mixture in a glass, you pour in a large amount of
one substance, that reduces the
amounts you can add of other
substances. The whole mixture will then be characterized by that
substance of which you added a large amount
– in color, smell, taste and
other external features.
You cannot later reduce the amount of the substance of which you added
too much, nor can you dilute it by adding larger amounts of other
substances, for the glass cannot be filled beyond its capacity.
“The same is true of the od
mixture of a newborn infant.
The total amount of od is predetermined and cannot be
increased. If, now, a particular type of od
constitutes the major component of
the whole, it will determine the
infant’s growth and development for
all time. Since the different
od types each develop completely individual vital energies, the
particular nature of the major component
of the od will give to the
newborn infant – in addition to its
individual physical characteristics – an
individual set of character traits.
“It is, therefore, neither superstition nor idle fancy to assume that one
can draw conclusions about a
person’s physical nature and character
from the moment of his birth.
The influence of the od of the
heavenly bodies upon your life on
earth, upon your vital energies,
your character and your temperament is
much greater than you realize.
You yourselves have a saying: ‘He was born under a
lucky (or an unlucky) star’.. This refers to the effect
exerted by the odic/'etheric' radiation
of a heavenly body on living
beings at
the moment of their birth.
Greber – Communication with the Spirit World p67
“All this is so closely related
to the great questions of the destiny of
human beings that I could not entirely refrain from speaking of it.
“All bodies of terrestrial beings are therefore condensed od, derived
from the odic radiation of the
earth and that of its surrounding
heavenly bodies.
“An example taken from nature will
illustrate to you this process of
dissolution and condensation:
“You know that moisture from the
ground and from bodies of water evaporates
under the influence of heat, although this is generally
imperceptible to your eyes. At a certain height above
the earth, the vapor, which was invisible at lower levels, condenses
into a thin, barely perceptible veil of mist. As condensation
progresses, this veil becomes distinctly visible as a cloud, which grows
denser and denser under the influence of cold, until, after
condensing even more, it falls to
the ground as rain or
snow. If the water is chilled still further, it
condenses into ice and becomes a solid. Here you have the
condensation, step by step, of an ethereal substance invisible to
your eyes into solid matter, which you cannot only see and touch, but
which also exhibits considerable resistance. Thus the sheet of ice
that covers your streams, ponds and rivers
is solidified water, of the same
composition and distinctive properties as the water from which it
is formed and which in turn is condensed vapor.
“Thus, just as vapor rises from
the earth and step by step
turns into solid matter as ice, only to dissolve again into water
and back into vapor, so it is with all
terrestrial bodies. They are
derived from the od of the earth,
invisible to you, which is condensed
into matter by the process of
growth and which returns to the od
of the earth after the death
of the living organism. The words ‘of earth thou art,
to earth shalt thou return’ therefore apply to all
terrestrial beings. This is
the continual cycle that will endure
until all matter is finally
dissolved into od and not
re-condensed into material bodies. Later I will have more to
tell you about this.
“From what I have said you can deduce that in every terrestrial being
there are three forms of od: the od of the spirit embodied in this
being; the somewhat more condensed od that is still invisible to the
human eye and that is the body’s life force; and the od that has become
solid matter, which you call the body.
“The od representing the life force of the body always remains
connected with the od of the spirit and hence with the spirit itself. It is the
bodily ‘fuel’ under the control of
the spirit, just as your terrestrial
power current is the ‘fuel’ at the engineer’s command. If,
therefore, the ‘fuel’ for
Greber – Communication with the Spirit World p.68
the body is diminished below the
point required to maintain life, the
spirit departs from the body and corporeal death ensues.
Similarly, the machinist abandons his machine
when he can no longer keep it
running for lack of power.
“When terrestrial bodies die, the odic/'etheric' force remains
with the spirit, for earthly bodies possess no
independent odic/'etheric' force of their
own; only the spirits that have taken possession of the
bodies have such force.
“Nevertheless, the spirit can with
its own odic/'etheric' force through the
exercise of its willpower strengthen
the od of its body, which may
have become weakened by sickness; it
can stimulate the activity of sluggish
bodily organs and thereby eliminate
injurious matter from the
system. In these circumstances it
is of course essential that the
weakened body avoid eating harmful foods, and that it
promote the effect of the spirit od by means of a
wholesome diet. To use another
concrete metaphor, the spirit in this
case works by its own odic/'etheric' energy like a powerful
pressure pump upon the
physical od and on the conductor of the odic/'etheric' current, namely, the blood. "
end extract- taken from the book of
Johannes Greber:_Communication-With-the-Spirit-World
the od-body/energy must be what the theosophists call THE ETHERIC BODY,
which is "a coupling body" between astral and physical body.
NEDERLANDS: johannes-greber-omgang-met-gods-geestenwereld-zijn-wetten-en-zijn-doel-persoonlijke-ervaringen-van-een-rk-priester link