via Swiss medium BEATRICE BRUNNER,born 1910, and incarno to 1983, about Experience reports, 1958- 1959. from past life, reported from the other side.recounted spiritual experiences, when they entered the afterlife. here then google translated from German to English: remark this has been found in German language online, and translated here via Google into English, for personal use, and mistakes can certainly be found here, both in the translations, and in Googles perception, interpretation of the language otherwise. At some point in time, these messages will surely be translated and "approved" by the group, Preface. The over 2,000 teaching lectures that were conveyed through medium- channels by the deep trance medium Beatrice Brunner, (1910,1983), also include 91 reports of experiences from ascending spiritual beings. These are stories of deceased people who talk about their life on earth and their first experiences in the world beyond. These descriptions are very personal. The reporters show in a variety of ways what impact their human thoughts and work had and how individually they were judged and treated after their death. The descriptions provide a vivid insight into different levels of the world beyond and into the laws of cause and effect. They show how justice is done to every returnee and how much the spirit world of God strives to promote everyone in their spiritual development. The reports of the experiences date from the years 1958 to 1970. This volume contains the first 18 lectures from the years 1958 and 1959. The new edition of the reports, they are being published chronologically in book form for the first time, sticks as closely as possible to the original text to the original wording. Editorial changes were generally only made where they were necessary when the spoken language was translated into written form. The characteristic expression of the spirit beings that manifest themselves here has been left as original as possible so that the reader can understand their individual nature. PRO BEATRICE. Introduction. The reports of the experiences of ascending spiritual beings are part of the comprehensive teachings about Christian spiritual teachings that were given to us humans over 35 years by the Swiss deep trance medium, Beatrice Brunner. As the otherworldly teachers and community leaders explained, the various spirit beings were specially selected and commissioned to report on their personal experiences. The listeners were informed that the descriptions of the experiences were not intended to be entertaining, even if some of them had an entertaining character. Rather, they are significant instructions about spiritual laws that govern life on earth and the hereafter. Before each of the lectures, a controlling spirit spoke first, who was responsible for the spiritual supervision of the event. The controlling spirit, who spoke before the lecture on February 3, 1960, gave the following explanations of the descriptions: We each seek out these spirits; You should not assume that they are just allowed to do so. We will consult with you carefully beforehand. These spirits, the controlling spirit emphasized, have usually been in the world beyond for a long time. They were commissioned to report on their early days: We enable them to experience this again in the way they did back then. We have to support them to do this. But we also have to ensure that there are no failures; for if a mind can transport itself back, this could easily happen. These entities often report in perhaps a somewhat humorous manner; It all depends on what was inside them, whether one was malicious or good,natured or indifferent. We just want these characteristics to be expressed so that you can see that someone who has returned to the afterlife behaves exactly the same as when they were human. that the feelings and the views are still the same and then you let yourself be taught otherwise, that the feelings become more refined and you are no longer able to act like that later. Therefore, we give the spirit in question the opportunity to act and behave as it did in the beginning. I also have to point out that what is reported is a summary of a long period of time. We discuss everything with the spirit in question beforehand and show him how he has to say it to you. So you get a picture of it. Of course, these spirits who tell you about their experiences have been purified and would no longer speak the same way today as they did in the beginning when they came to the world beyond; They now have a completely different view. But you should hear that for yourself. After the descriptions of the experiences, the listeners had the opportunity to ask questions of their trusted spiritual teacher Josef after a trance change. The book contains questions that relate directly to the respective experience report. March 5, 1958. headline, Markus Philippus, great freedom in a small, personal paradise. A new spirit is gained for order and for service in the Linus house. Control spirit: God bless you. Dear friends, it was announced to you that a new spirit friend would speak to you. Well, he will give explanations and tell about his life in the world beyond. We have given him this instruction and explained to him how to do it in order to make it understandable for you. What is given to you here is not for your entertainment, but for your instruction. In general, these hours offered here are not hours of entertainment. They serve for your spiritual progress. This matter of drawing man to the heights is far too serious to be compared to conversation. Because we serve God and do not offer people entertainment. There is no room here for those who are looking for this. We wish that people are ambitious and able to rise. One day, when he comes to the afterlife, he will be happy for these hours that he spent in this seriousness and in this devotion. The brother who speaks to you introduces himself and he is not very familiar with your language. Now you should play some music and then, as usual, when you realize that the time has come, stop. When your brother has said goodbye, you should play music again. Afterwards, Brother Joseph will give explanations about what was said. So I ask you to listen carefully and then you can make comparisons. Because there are also mediumistic people here who try to get in touch with spirits. Now It is a lesson for them about what kind of spirits you can attract to yourself. The blessing of God be with you in this hour. God bless you. [The spirit being reported below spoke grammatically incorrect German. These grammatical errors have been corrected for better readability; However, the characteristic language style has been left as original as possible.] Markus Philippus: Greetings from God. My dear brothers and sisters, my name is Markus Philippus. I have been in the spiritual realm for a long, long time. I will tell you about my life, about my entry into the kingdom of God. I was welcomed by my parents. They were happy that I came. They did not stay with me for long and left again, and I wandered along beautiful roads and fields. Then someone came and said, There is your house; You can go there.But I did not want to go into the house, I wanted to see what there was in this kingdom, and I wandered far, far away. Then I came to a beautiful forest, and I lay down at the edge of this forest. There were others there too and I became friends with them. Then, after a long time, they came to me and told me to go with them; one of my children also arrived in this kingdom. So I got up and went with them and showed my joy that this child had come too. But there were so many others there; they spoke to the child and took him away. Then I went on my way again. Once someone came, greeted me and said: Paulo, I am glad you’re here. I have been looking for you for a very long time.I said: My name is not Paulo, my name is Markus Philippus., No, you are my child, you are my Paulo,he replied. I thought you had to be polite and I stopped refusing to be Paulo. So he spoke to me and told me to come with him. No, I did not want to come with him and said: I like it so much in paradise here now. I have not had a good time in my life: earthquakes and lots and lots of hunger, me and my children." No, I didn’t want to go anywhere else: I know that where I am now is nice and I will stay.Then he answered: If you dont want to, I will go back to my city. Maybe we’ll meet later. Yeah, I will see you later,and I left. I made friends not only with others, but also with animals. I wandered further into the forest and saw such beautiful animals. I gathered them around me and looked for a place to lie down. I took all the animals I liked and lived with them in peace and beauty. Then someone came to me again and said: Markus Philippi, come with me, you have to come back and greet a child., Oh yes, if I have to, I will come.But I did not want to give away my place, I wanted to have it; I was afraid that my paradise would be closed to me and I would not have it as nice any more. Well, I went along and greeted this child and saw: It is like that again many there that I do not know. Then I went back and no one called for me or asked for me. I went back into my forest and then took a beautiful horse with me said to him: You are my apple blossom, so beautiful.And this horse always stayed with me. In my world, where I had experienced so much hunger and so many earthquakes, I only had a little donkey, and now I was so rich, so noble and beautiful and had a horse! I did not have to pay anything, I just got it. It stayed with me and was my property. But I did not just have this horse, I had a tiger that always came to me and lay down with me. This tiger was also so beautiful, not like humans, its body was fine, the whole animal was so fine and so beautiful. Then I said to him: You are as beautiful as the dust of a lily, you are my lily dust.So I gave all the animals names and they stayed with me. Then I set out and walked with these animals; they always came with me. If I called out to them, they immediately came near me. Then once someone came to me, a noblewoman, and said: Markus Philippi, come with me., No,I answered, my world is so beautiful, I am not coming, I am staying.And Noblesse left again. I continued hiking again and someone came again and greeted me: Now I have finally found you. You are my Carlo., No, I am not your Carlo, I am Markus Philippus., No, I was your father, you were my son., No,I replied, that’s not true, that’s not true.He said, It’s true, and I stayed silent because I didn’t want to be rude. So for a while I was Carlo to him. Then he also invited me to come to him and I thought: I can try it.But he had to promise me that I would get back to my paradise. He said, Yes, I will take you back.And so I went with him. I did not like it so much with him and I said: Where I live is a paradise, It is so beautiful. I am not hungry and I do not have to worry about earthquakes and stuff any more. I am happy." And so I walked away from him again and did not think or ask, "Why does he say I am Carlo and another says I am Paulo?" Oh, I Was not thinking, I was so content and happy and went to my animals, to my lily dust and to my apple blossom. I had so much fun here. Then this noblewoman came again and said very sternly: Now, Markus Philippi, you come with me!And I said, No, I am not coming.I stayed and he left. So I had fun with my animals, with my friends, and I lived so beautifully in my paradise. Then someone else came and said: Good friend, other places are beautiful too, even more beautiful than here. Come with me, you dont always have to live with your animals.Yes, I did not want to go because I was still thinking about my life and how difficult it had been. I did not want to give up my paradise. Then he said: Yes, you can’t stay here forever.Then I asked him, because I suspected that he had something to do with this noblesse: Who are you and where do you live?He explained to me that his name was Joseph. Josef, yes, maybe I will come, but now I want to stay.Then Joseph explained: You can never be completely happy if you always stay here in this small, narrow paradise. You have to come with me and a lot has to be told and explained to you. Yes, I answered him that I wanted to think about it and then I would tell him. I asked him to come to me another time. Then I went back to the other friends who were at the edge of the forest and asked them if they always stay here. or were allowed or whether such a noblewoman had not come to them and said: You have to come with me.They answered me: Yes, yes, they always come and say that you should come with them. But we like it here and we’re not leaving like that.Then I thought: Yes, if you really have to go with me, then they will say: It’s over now, you have to come with me now?I went back to my animals and had fun with them and thought: Oh, if I had to leave my apple blossom behind, oh, how difficult that would be!I thought to myself, Okay, I will say, ‘I am coming, but I want to at least take my apple blossom with me.’” Then Joseph came back and said: Now, Markus Philippi, now you have to come with me.I made it clear to him that I would only come with my apple blossom. But he said: No, you can’t do that. The animal is the property of this paradise and you cannot take it with you.Oh, then I had no reason to leave because I loved this apple blossom and the many other animals so much. Well, I went back to my forest. But then Noblesse came with Josef and said: Now, Markus Philippi, now it’s over. Now you have to come with us.I asked this noble to be allowed to take my horse with me, but he said: No, you cannot take this horse with you now. But if you work well with us, you can return to this paradise and you can be with your animals again.Yes, then I decided and thought it might be better to go along. I went with them and it was sad for me to leave the animals behind. Now they led me into another paradise. That was nice too, but there were so many friends here and I heard them talking about their many jobs, what they do, how and where and what and. Oh! Then I got a little scared and thought: If only I had stayed back!They took me in and Josefo said: You dont have to be afraid, we are good with you.Then Noblesse disappeared and I did not see him for a long time. Joseph took me to a house where many other friends lived; I should now live with them. I was introduced to everyone and I thought, Now I have to hear if they call me by my name.Yes, you have called me by my name. Joseph said: Now, just for a while, you are this Markus Philippo. Afterwards we will tell you what your name is.Oh, I did not think about it any further and wanted to know where I would work. Then I was sent to a school. So many things were said here. I was once told about my children and explained to me where they all live in the Kingdom of God. I did not live with them, I lived all alone, without my children or relatives. A lot has been said in this school; I did not really understand everything right away. Josefo kept coming and taking me with him. He told me: Now we are going to the people, you have to come with me to the people again.I did not like going because I was still thinking about my life on earth, about peoples hunger and the earthquakes. But Josefo said, No, you dont have to think like that. Come with me." We went to good people, and I saw: They were not hungry and did not have the catastrophes like the ones I had experienced, and I thought: They have a beautiful life, yes, they already have a paradise when I compare it with my poor life . Josefo told me all I had to do was observe, do nothing but observe. He led me to a person and said: You have to have this friend all the time, this brother, this sister, watching. And when I come back, you have to tell everything he did. Yes, at first it was difficult for me to be interested in so many things. I made an effort and was able to explain better and better what the people I was observing had done. Then I had to go back to school and there was a teacher who asked one by one about their assignment: What did you have to do?And each one had a different thing to do. So I said: I watched this person and saw this and that, and so and so…The teacher then explained: What you report about this person is good, but this is not, and he has to then do better in the world beyond.In another, he told me, You see, this friend has had this mistake in previous lives.Then I understood: previous lives! It was now explained to me that in every life you have to improve yourself, that you have to experience worries and hunger and the like in order to become healthy, sane, and content. So I had to spend a lot of time here. I also went to you and then told you at school: That’s how it is, and that’s how it is.People talked in school of you, of your mistakes, of your good things. that is how I was taught. Josefo said: Well, you have now observed; now you have to do other, more demanding work.Now I had to try to get people away from evil thoughts, I had to lead them to other thoughts. I did not always know where I was allowed to do that. So I simply tried to guide people with a lot of good spirit and cheerfulness so that they do not speak or act evilly. So I did, and I had to go back to school. Here they explained: Now you must try to influence people for the good.People said what was important for people, what they had to do, and so I had to transfer what was said at school to people using my strength. I did it. But then I also asked Josefo: I want to go back to my paradise again, just for a short time.Josefo replied: I am not allowed to say whether you can go; I will ask someone else., Ah,I thought, that’s this nobleman he has to ask.And that is how it was. He asked and then came and explained: You can go now until I come calling you; because you have worked well.I went back and was happy to be with my animals again. I explained to the other friends who were still there what I was doing now and that I was going back. They said they would not come with us, they had too much joy and pleasure in their place, and they would not leave here. Then Josefo picked me up again and school continued again. So I had to go through this stage and try to give good influence and good thoughts to people. When I did that, I was told, You have to try to protect people now. You must be a good spirit to them and try to practice on them all that you have learned.So I tried it, like that good it was in my power. Then they said: Good, now you have lived with people for a while, but now you have to go to other people too.They explained to me: You deserved to go to such a beautiful paradise. But it can not always stay that way; you have to work a lot in the otherworldly realm, and you yourself have to have the will to work to help others who are poor. Then Josefo led me to poor brothers and friends and showed me the world, where they are. He explained to me: You see, these people have not been hungry or experienced earthquakes during their life on earth. But you see, their current world is not beautiful. Look at this dirt and there are no animals, no beautiful forests and no flowers here, there is nothing beautiful here.I asked: Yes, is that just because they lived so well, so without worries?, No, not because of that, but because they didn’t listen to God, because they couldn’t endure suffering and because they wished evil on many people instead of helping them.So it was explained to me why they now had to live in this evil, bad spiritual environment. I had mercy on them because they all said, Take me with you. Stay with me!" And I Was not allowed to stay. Now I understood: These people wanted to leave this world, while the others in that beautiful paradise did not want to leave, they were so happy in their place. Yes,I asked, this paradise where I lived is so beautiful. Are there others even more beautiful?And Josefo replied: Even more beautiful.Then he took me into these various dark worlds to these poor friends, and we brought them comfort and told them that we would come again and send others who would have more opportunity to save them. So Josefo went everywhere with me and I saw this misery, these poor friends. I said, Oh, I want to help these poor people.And Josefo answered: That is good, you shall help these poor people, and you shall help the people of the earth; you have to help. And now I am going to ask if you can visit my house.Then I asked him: You have a house for yourself?, Yes,replied Josefo, I have a house. It’s not mine alone, there are a lot of my friends there.Then I asked: Is this noblesse also included?, Yes, he’s there. Then he led me into this house, into this beautiful, big house with a beautiful garden and beautiful flowers. I also saw animals here, also so beautiful! He went with me into a large room where everything glittered so beautifully. There was a carpet and a chandelier and beautiful colors and pictures, everything was so beautiful!, and small tables where you could sit and lie down; it was so beautiful! Josefo introduced me to the many friends. Yes, I was scared at first. Then they came and greeted me. And that spirit that I had been afraid of, that was so beautiful yet so serious, said, I am Linus. You will now be in to go in and out of this house.Many others came and also greeted me and had fun. Then a beautiful creature came and brought me a beautiful coat: I must be a little more beautiful now too. They put the beautiful cloak around me and put a silver band on my head and said to me: They are pleased with you because you have set out to work for heaven.Yes, I was proud and thought: Oh, and now my beautiful horse, I am so beautiful!” Yes, I had to go with Josefo again. I was received in the house where I was assigned because I was so beautifully dressed. The coat was taken away from me again and they said: You can wear this coat again when there is a celebration and a special welcome.I was surprised; I was given other things to wear, which were also very nice. Josefo said: So now you have to always stay with me and come with me.So I am with Josefo and I go here and there with him. Now I would like to say that, if possible, I can go back to that world where these beautiful animals are and I can stay there for a short time. I was told: You can always fetch this beautiful horse when you receive a brother or sister from the high, beautiful sky. Then you can ride towards them on your horse.I was happy. At the same time I was told that I would have my own horse later. But this one always has to go back to that world because it is the property of that paradise. And now I am waiting until I can have my own horse. I have to work for it and I will get this beautiful horse. I am so happy, I have it so nice now,and I can go back to where I liked, and I will experience even more beautiful things, as was explained to me. So I became a faithful servant of Josefo and Linus. This is how I come to you. And today I still have to observe here and there, but no longer in the same sense as before, but I now have to observe and then report back so that you do not end up in danger; you shall be protected. Wherever possible, we will divert danger away, where possible, but it is not always possible. Sometimes we see danger and we can not do anything about it. But we are very close to bring comfort. But it has to be; through the pain that man has, he can go further up. If I look at my previous life: I was always good to everyone, worked and gave what I had, and that is how I got the beautiful sky. Now I am going back to my task, which means I will stay here for a while and then we will all go together. I hope you were satisfied with my execution. I can not answer your questions. Josefo will do this. Now I wish you Gods blessing, for you and your whole life. God bless you. Joseph: God bless you. My dear friends, this is what the brother has now spoken to you. You were able to gain insight into our courtship with the spirits in the afterlife. On the other hand, you can see a lot from these explanations. I would like to point out the following things: This spirit was greeted by two spirit siblings who had been with him in previous lives, who had been his fathers. So he was accordingly greeted with the names he had back then. Since these people who had introduced themselves to him were not mentally highly developed, they were unable to give him any further explanation. There was no spiritual leader who could give such explanations because it was not considered necessary. This means that these encounters were intended to serve as his later instruction. Later he was informed why he was told Carlo, why Paulo, that they were the names he had had in previous lives when he lived with those in question. This spirit, like so many others, has not heeded the request of the higher beings to leave its place and set off. Such souls defend their sphere almost stubbornly because they are afraid that things might be less good for them and because they simply like where they are and do not even recognize the necessity of service in the plan of salvation. So it depends on the will of beings. One is good,natured and ready to obey and do something, to do a certain amount of work. And others, they just like this world where they are and they do not want to give it up or leave it. Here I would like to draw your attention to something: So many things happen to people, that is, there are manifestations from such spirits; They report through a media person and explain what they see and what they are dealing with, spirits go in and out of this house.Many others came and also greeted me and had fun. Then a beautiful creature came and brought me a beautiful coat: I must be a little more beautiful now too. They put the beautiful cloak around me and put a silver band on my head and said to me: They are pleased with you because you have set out to work for heaven.Yes, I was proud and thought: Oh, and now my beautiful horse, I am so beautiful!” Yes, I had to go with Josefo again. I was received in the house where I was assigned because I was so beautifully dressed. The coat was taken away from me again and they said: You can wear this coat again when there is a celebration and a special welcome.I was surprised; I was given other things to wear, which were also very nice. Josefo said: So now you have to always stay with me and come with me.So I am with Josefo and I go here and there with him. Now I would like to say that, if possible, I can go back to that world where these beautiful animals are and I can stay there for a short time. I was told: You can always fetch this beautiful horse when you receive a brother or sister from the high, beautiful sky. Then you can ride towards them on your horse.I was happy. At the same time I was told that I would have my own horse later. But this one always has to go back to that world because it is the property of that paradise. And now I am waiting until I can have my own horse. I have to work for it and I will get this beautiful horse. I am so happy, I have it so nice now, and I can go back to where I liked and I will experience even more beautiful things, as was explained to me. So I became a faithful servant of Josefo and Linus. This is how I come to you. And today I still have to observe here and there, but no longer in the same sense as before, but I now have to observe and then report back so that you do not end up in danger; you shall be protected. Wherever possible, we will divert danger away, where possible, but it is not always possible. Sometimes we see danger and we can not do anything about it. But we are very close to bring comfort. But it has to be; through the pain that man has, he can go further up. If I look at my previous life: I was always good to everyone, worked and gave what I had, and that is how I got the beautiful sky. Now I am going back to my task, which means I will stay here for a while and then we will all go together. I hope you were satisfied with my execution. I can not answer your questions. Josefo will do this. Now I wish you Gods blessing, for you and your whole life. God bless you. Joseph: God bless you. My dear friends, this is what the brother has now spoken to you. You were able to gain insight into our courtship with the spirits in the afterlife. On the other hand, you can see a lot from these explanations. I would like to point out the following things: This spirit was greeted by two spirit siblings who had been with him in previous lives, who had been his fathers. So he was accordingly greeted with the names he had back then. Since these people who had introduced themselves to him were not mentally highly developed, they were unable to give him any further explanation. There was no spiritual leader who could give such explanations because it was not considered necessary. This means that these encounters were intended to serve as his later instruction. Later he was informed why he was told Carlo, why Paulo, that they were the names he had had in previous lives when he lived with those in question. This spirit, like so many others, has not heeded the request of the higher beings to leave its place and set off. Such souls defend their sphere almost stubbornly because they are afraid that things might be less good for them and because they simply like where they are and do not even recognize the necessity of service in the plan of salvation. So it depends on the will of beings. One is good,natured and ready to obey and do something, to do a certain amount of work. And others, they just like this world where they are and they do not want to give it up or leave it. Here I would like to draw your attention to something: So many things happen to people, that is, there are manifestations from such spirits; They report through a media person and explain what they see and what they are dealing with just no insight yet; it was still dark for them. When their spiritual field has brightened, they will be able to look back. Dear friend and teacher, I noticed that this spirit had no relationship with his family. Does that happen a lot? Josef: It especially happens when people, let us say, have lived in great poverty and then recognize these beauties in the kingdom of God. Then they are so impressed by all this beauty and they just want to capture that. They are, so to speak, afraid that this could be taken away from them again. They still remember the many hardships they endured. And because this spirit was also led to his children and relatives and he saw that they were received by others and led away from him, he recognized that there was no longer much interest in him; and so he went his way. Does it happen very often that some people quickly lose connection? Josef: I can not say it happens very often; This is very different and depends on the development. It is like this: In the beginning there is usually the urge to return to relatives. When the angels of God explain so many things to the spirits in question and say to them: Yes, you know, your parents are also in the spiritual realm, they live here and there, you can not go to them now, they are at this level and have to develop upwards, But you have already lived so many times and have so many relatives and friends,then, I would like to say, this close bond of kinship is expanded, it is no longer so close. So you feel drawn not only to these relatives from your last life, but also to others. But this always varies from one person to the next. The feelings that a person has, I would like to say: perhaps feelings of attachment, may be increased in one persons mind, i.e. expressed more, while in another they may be diminished. There are always so many things that play a role in why it happens one way or another. Dear Joseph, the friend Markus Philippus described himself as a servant. But what is the sequence of steps in a house like the Linus house? Josef: Yes, I would like to say that there should be no confusion: He can go in and out, he comes in and out. But it was explained to you that there are many areas around the House of Linus where so many houses are inhabited by spiritual beings, and that these belong to the most diverse levels and are all connected to the House of Linus. So they are in different areas of development. Now those who work their way up then take a higher position; They can change their house again and then move into more beautiful levels, just as you can leave a house and move into a more beautiful one. Yes, and now what is this friend in relation to the House of Linus, a student or a servant? Joseph: He is a servant in Gods plan of salvation. Then in this sphere Linus there are also these different levels, just like every sphere has its levels? Josef: Yes, I explained that clearly once. Dear friend Josef, how did it happen that Linus of all people took care of this soul? Did he receive a higher command to do this, or how was Linus connection to this soul established? Josef: Linus goes through these different spheres completely independently. He has the right to do that. It will be explained to you, and if you listen attentively, you will know, that when we go out, we must keep our eyes open; that is, we pay our attention to a being here and there and see whether there is a possibility that we can win it over to our work; This applies not only to the spirits in the afterlife, but also to people. First, I would say, the less important workers go out to search. And wherever you find it, there could be someone who is useful. [End of audio recording. Addition from the first publication in the magazine Geistige Welt”.] and if it would be useful for us, then we would share it. Then from this upper level you go and look at it, and if the spirit in question gives its consent, you take care of it. You should not think that Linus would have to get special authorization to do this. But he also knows exactly how far he can go; He knows the limits of his freedom of action and would never make a decision that he was not entitled to. For it was also explained to you that there are others above Linus; But he is, so to speak, the head of the house and has the task of looking out for those in these many spheres who can be elevated. It is an outrage connected to active activity. You have no idea about it. And here I would like to emphasize that everyone who has reached this level only belongs to one church: it is the rule of the Lord. Markus was first assigned a house when he came to the spiritual world, but he preferred to wander the beauties of this heavenly sphere. Would his development have progressed faster if he had obeyed? Joseph: Yes, that’s right! He would have been taken care of. But the spirits have their free will; they can accept or reject the help and guidance. So this spirit wanted to search for itself, that is why it took longer. Experience report of the ascending spiritual being Markus Philippus and answer to questions from spirit teacher Josef by mediator Beatrice Brunner in the hall on Münchhaldenstrasse, Zurich. Template: tape recording. next headline, April 2, 1958. Mary, Observations in a Church. How Mary helped dissuade a desperate woman from thoughts of suicide. [Greetings from the Control Spirit]. Mary: God bless you. My dear brothers and sisters, today I am speaking through a human being for the first time. But I have been here several times and looked at you. Well, I have the task of telling about my spiritual experience. As a human being, I had my own special thoughts about hell, purgatory and heaven. I used my rich imagination. But I have to mention: I had a very pious upbringing. I prayed a lot. My faith dictated this to me. I was very ill for a long time before I was allowed to leave this world. When I arrived in the afterlife, I was greeted by three beautiful figures. The first said to me: I am happy to welcome you here, mother., Mother?I asked, yes then…, I hardly thought I could say it. Yes,said this spirit, I am your child. I was removed from the world at the age of three.I was happy and I had so many questions and yet I did not get around to thinking. The other two also greeted me and introduced themselves: I was your guardian spirit., I was your teacher.Yes, I was happy, the angels looked just as I had imagined them in my imagination: they were dressed in silk and velvet and so beautiful. Now, what should happen to me? I was interested, and I immediately asked: Am I in heaven now, and can I see all these saints, can I see Mary? Can I go to Christ? And when can I see God?They did not really give me an answer; I was told: Yes, you are now in the kingdom of God.Now said my protection Spirit: You are still so tired and need to rest. When you are fully rested and the time is near for you, we will continue to teach you. But now you need sleep. So they accompanied me into a beautiful house, opened the door to a large hall, and there I saw the busy activity of beautiful spirits. So they were the angels. They were just as beautifully dressed as the ones who picked me up. There were many creatures lying here on a kind of, I can not say: beds, they were resting places. I was given one of these and explained: Here, Maria, you can lie.Maria was my name as a human being. I lay down on these soft pillows, and as they explained to me: You are tired, yes, this tiredness suddenly came over me, and I felt exactly the same pain that I had as a human being. Then I realized that it would probably be best for me to rest now; Afterwards I would ask, ask and be interested in other things, now I really wanted to sleep, I was tired. So,they said to me, lie down.I did so and they came and covered me up. But this ceiling was not like yours in your world. It Was not one that had to be re,covered and had feathers in it, no, it was something so delicate, so soft. I touched it, I wanted to know: What is it?” And when she covered me like that, I felt so blissful and I was able to fall asleep. I do not know how long I slept. I could not calculate according to the time, the time calculation here is different than yours. I opened my eyes and the angels of God stood there again and explained to me: We will now accompany you to the house where you may live.Then, when they had taken me there, they told me: Now you have to try to find your way around here yourself.Yes, I wanted to know where I was, whether that was the real heaven, I would have imagined it to be more beautiful, or whether it was purgatory, I would have imagined that to be different, namely worse. Then I was told that I would be able to give myself the answer; I have to find my way around here, all alone. Now I would mine attitude tested. I thought: Yes, you can test my attitude. I will pray, do not worry, by praying that I will be led into these most beautiful heavens and come to the saints. I want to meet Mary, whom I adored so much.Then I said to this one, who was my son: So stay with me and be my companion, my guide., No, mother,he answered, I have other tasks. I will then inquire about you again, but you must do as you are told., Then tell me, is this purgatory? I imagined it differently, once hot, once cold, but not like that. I didn’t imagine that there were houses here, flowers, trees, forests.No, this was all very strange to me and I really had to find my way. So the feeling of loneliness and abandonment came over me, even though there were so many people around me who were willing to offer me a hand and show me the way. But I refused: No, I was told: ‘You have to prove your attitude, you have to find your way around yourself.’Yes, I now believed that it was purgatory after all. I had something to fix or to come to a better understanding of; I had to work on myself. I saw that there was something to be improved and made good. And I had a great longing for heaven; because I actually believed that after you died and prayed so much, you would still be received by these beautiful angels and then you would be allowed to enter this wonderful world and live with them. Well, it Was not quite like that and I was a little disappointed. I thought: You prayed a lot, you did everything that was prescribed to you in your faith. Well, I felt drawn down to earth, and then I was in the middle of people. I did not want to be with them; my path led into the church. I wanted to go to church, I wanted to pray there; and I left. It was daytime and a few people came into the church to pray. I saw them: some came with devotion to pray with real fervour, others came with a superficial mind, going in quickly and leaving quickly; still others just looked at the pictures, the paintings and everything else, and went out again. Then I saw a young woman. She came in and I recognized and suddenly realized that this woman was full of worries. I could read her mind, all of a sudden, I saw her worries. So I accompanied her to her place. I knelt down next to her and wanted to pray with her, for her and for myself. Suddenly I saw better and better; Not only did I see the people so clearly in front of me, but I also saw that there were so many dark, gloomy, dirty figures among these praying people. They came from everywhere, there was a lot of activity. So they visited one, passed him by, and stayed longer at another. Now I wanted to know what they were doing in this place of worship, and I left the young woman and went near these dark figures; I wanted to see it. Because I believed that these devils would not be allowed into a place of worship. And as I cleared my seat with the young woman, three of these disgusting hunchbacked figures immediately came up to her, danced around her, made signs with their hands and made faces. I saw how they drew a kind of cloud around this woman and enveloped her in it, and the worries of this woman with whom I wanted to pray became greater and greater, and she increased in these worries, and it was all the work of these devils. Oh,I thought, That’s the temptation. I would like to explain to you how these characters do it and what I learned from them about how to influence people, but I wanted to do it for good. If, let us say, there are two people among you who are busy talking and perhaps they do not quite agree on a particular matter, then one of them starts to express his opinion very energetically and the other does the same. They come into the fire like this, and everyone speaks and gets excited, and the one who drowns out the other wins. The one who remains silent surrenders, and the other gains power over him, robbing him of the thoughts that he wanted to express. He takes hold of him in such a way and speaks and talks to him that the other person can no longer follow the thoughts he had, but then thinks about what the other person is pouring into him with his violence. This is what these devils did to this woman. They stirred up her worries and inspired her to commit suicide. She had already mapped out the path for herself, had already walked it in her mind, and yet she prayed again: No, help, help, I do not want that. dont do it, I dont want to do it, give me strength.And the devils made grimaces again and strengthened themselvesand penetrated them with their thoughts. Then I thought: It’s not right that something like this is happening here in a house of worship!Then I looked around. And what have I seen? Yes, here and there I also saw spirits who certainly meant well, just like me, and who wanted to support people in prayer. Maybe it worked a little. But at the back there was always the spirit of temptation. I looked around, looking for help: Is there really no one there to help these people and this woman who prays like that, and the temptation is so great!” Suddenly I saw, I can not say: near me, you do not have such a concept or understanding of space and time, but they seemed to be near me, two wonderful figures, tall, slim. Her facial features were so even, so beautiful. There was no smile on her lips. They looked straight ahead at those devils with this woman. But I would like to explain in more detail what these wonderful figures looked like. They also wore these clothes, just as I had imagined as a human being: They were dressed in silk and velvet, and beautiful, colorful ribbons adorned the edges of their clothes, and they were wide. It struck me: these figures were standing there with one hand hidden under the width of the coat, while with the other they were holding the fullness of the material together. They stood there motionless and looked at that woman. Then once again they turned their gaze somewhere else. I went as close to her as I could and asked: Please help, please help, please help!And I said to them, In the name of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, please help this woman!But they did not turn their eyes on me. Her gaze went straight ahead. Then I went myself, gathered courage and thought: You must deserve heaven. Those who are so beautiful there do not want to know anything about you. Those who received you have forsaken you and these here do not even greet you." Well, it became clear to me: you have to work for heaven. So I went near these three devils. I went up to them, just like that, and I said to them, In the name of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, leave this woman!As soon as I said these words, they threw me away with their feet and jeered and laughed. I got up again, went near them again and grabbed them with my hands, and again they threw me away. Then I went back to those two angels of God, near them, and asked again: Come, see, and help!You have not listened to me, not yet. Then I went back to this woman, very close, and the three devils tried to pull me away from her because I wanted to give her other ideas. But I did not succeed alongside these three. This is how I maintained my place. Every time they pushed me away, I got back up, went back and said, I am not leaving this woman; I will make sure she doesn’t go down this difficult path.Then I looked back at the two beautiful figures. And suddenly: one of them just glanced at his brother, then there was a bang! Their hands became free and they pulled out something like a glowing scourge from the vastness of their cloak, and in an instant these hideous figures disappeared. Now I knelt down and prayed with this poor woman, she did not know about this fight, but now I could at least pray with her and tell her: No, do not do it, think of your child, think of your parents, think of the shame; dont do it, you get help, I will go, I will get you help, you get help.I said it so loudly in her ears, she had to hear it. And then she became freer, she took in my words. Well, I was afraid that these others would come back. I looked around and I no longer saw these two angels of God. But I still hoped and believed that the power that they had exuded would fill the space to such an extent that it would It would not be possible for devils to get back in. I accompanied the young woman out of the church and went with her into her house. I got a better and better overview of her concerns, and I did exactly the same as in my first experience, which was so meaningful for me: I spoke to her in the following way: Have hope and faith, and look up. Remember that you will be held accountable for your actions. Remember that God gave you life and He took it from you when it suits him, and not when it suits you.that is how I got power over this woman. However, I could not stay with her all the time and thought I would ask in my world where I live how better help could be given to her. I had a desire to return to my paradise; For me it was paradise. Just the thought of it, and I was already there. There were so many spirits there, and I suspected that they had already been educated and had far more experience than I did, and so I asked someone: Well, how do you support a person who is always tempted? How can you strengthen it?, Oh,I was answered, he also has a guardian spirit. He had to leave this person because he had to make a decision based on his own strength. You can go back and you will see that the guardian spirit is with this person when he has overcome the temptation.So I had hope and I believed that this womans guardian spirit would definitely be at her side, since the greatest temptation was now over. Now I wanted to go back to her, and I knew I would easily find the way again, because I already had a road or a train, I do not know what to call it, opened to her. That could no longer be lost for me. Then I was suddenly called. All the friends who were around me said, You have to come with me. A little away from where we live, the angels of God come and sing.Then I thought: "Really? Do we see the angels of God? The saints come and sing?, Yes you should come and we will hear them, they sing beautifully.I wanted to know: Yes, they are close by, Can you talk to them?, You will see,they answered me, and I followed these crowds. It Was not far from where we lived and we saw them coming, these angels of God. But they did not come to the level where we lived, they were above us. It looked as if they were all standing together on a cloud; It was such a fine mist and there were these hosts of Gods angels standing on it. They were dressed just as beautifully as the ones I had seen up close. They sang beautifully, as no human voice could sing, so beautifully. We all listened in reverence, and there were so many around me who knelt down and took up the song in this prayerful position. Then I did the same, in the hope that someone would come to me later and say: Maria, now it’s time, now you can go into heaven.I believed that they would come to us later and talk to us. This was my hope. But it was not like that. The angels of God left again. The room was empty, but these many people were still gathered with me. It was still as if we were hearing the echo; It still sounded so beautiful to our ears. We were able to hear the angels sing. We were allowed to see them, but not up close. I thought: They’ll definitely come back,and I also wanted to stay as long as the others did. But then one thing after the other slowly went again. I thought back to that sister on earth, how she was doing, and I visited her again. I found her busy at work and in a happy mood, and I saw her protective spirit. I talked to him about the fight she had. He comforted me and thanked me for helping in this spiritual battle. She no longer allows any thoughts of suicide to arise; she has come to the realization. But she will go to church again and pray. But these devils will no longer have any power over her, for the simple reason that she has completely rejected the idea of suicide. So the devils no longer found it worthwhile to bother with her, since she had changed her mind and made a firm decision not to do it. But then I went back into this church and... I saw many a fight. I thought: As a human being, I would never have believed that when you go to a place of worship to pray, the temptation is so great.There they stand, these dark figures, stopping one from his prayer and simply wanting to take him away from his noble thinking. Not many people succeed in constantly raising their thoughts and prayers in the face of the presence of these dark forces. Yes, these dark characters are the ones who always want to turn people away from the good. I also saw it in shops, in everything people do, They always stand there, always trying to take advantage of every opportunity to harm man and drive him to sin and say: That is nothing; that, that is insignificant, you can do it, that, no one sees that...", and what knows I. This is how they do it, this is the influence of the evil spirit world. They are allowed to tempt people in this way, and people should express their feelings. Personally, I could not be indifferent to all this. I had prayed so much in my life, and now I had to see: I had not lived completely right. I had definitely done a lot of things wrong, otherwise these angels of God would not pass me by, as people do with you people who want to be noble and take no notice of others. Then I thought about my religion like this: What was wrong? Why was I taught this way, and why do people continue to be taught this way?Then the thought came to me, also out of curiosity, yes, I wanted to see what life is like where the Pope lives. I thought, It’s not difficult for me to get there.I wanted to know if everything was as sacred as we had been told. So I grasped this idea more and more firmly, and I was already close, close. And what did I see nearby? Whole walls of ghosts. Then I wanted to go through them, but they would not let me and asked: What do you want there?, Yes, I want to go to the Pope’s house., You have no business there., "Who are you? Who gives you the right to stand guard here?, Well, we dont owe you an answer. We won’t let you through. Now I thought I will try it somewhere else, there is definitely a gap. I would also like to explain: The Pope has his human guard, but he also has a guard of spirits. They are those who simply banded together to protect him. So I withdrew a bit, you float over things. But I wanted to get into that sphere, and actually, there was a gap somewhere, I got through. But I Was not where I wanted to be yet. I saw another wall of spirits near the Pope, and they spoke again: What do you want?, Yes, I want to go through., No,they said, you won’t get through. We stand guard here for our Holy Father. Then I gave up and went back to my world. Because I thought I should get information about what right they have to stand there and why I am not allowed to go through. In my world, where I lived, I would talk to someone, sometimes with someone else, sometimes with someone else. In the house where I lived I had a special friendship with a ghost. I asked him: Tell me, what right do they have to build a wall around the Pope?Then this spirit said to me: Why are you interested in such things? Do you think that these are high spirits? These are spirits who are followers of the Pope and believe they are offering him protection. But do not think that dark characters like those you met in church do not have access to him. They have it exactly as you saw it with the people in the church; They also do the same with him, if they have the opportunity to interfere, depending on the persons thoughts, if he is weak, then it is easy for them to grasp his thoughts, if he is strong, then they cannot do anything." I said that it would surprise me and I would long to come close and see all these things, and why these spirits actually still had such power over me, why they could stop me. Yes,they explained to me, you see, you’re not a pure spirit yet either; These spirits are like you, although different in their views, and so they have the Opportunity and the power to block your path. Well, if it Was not beneficial and beneficial, I would not necessarily want to go there. Then I was told: It is completely pointless for you to concern yourself with such things. There are already millions and millions of spirits who are busy with such pointless matters in which they achieve nothing. There are so many spirits that come together and believe that they can form a wall around a person and protect them, but the angels of heaven get through and so do the devils. It was also explained to me that from a higher point of view one can form a spiritual protection around a person, that good spirits can take over the protection of a person and that they take serving beings aside to carry out their tasks. I wanted to earn heaven, but I saw that I still Was not met. I still did not have access to that beautiful sky. Then I tried to help the simple people, to cheer them up a little, to convey some happiness to them. And if I succeeded, if I could, I was able to steer away from a sin or something unjust, I was particularly pleased. I kept going back to my world; and then it happened again that the message was spread: We go again to hear, the angels of heaven are coming to sing for us.So I went back to listen. I only wished that they would come closer; they were still so far away. So I also prayed, listened and prayed; prayed that the way to heaven would now be opened to me and that they would explain to me how I could best earn this heaven. This time the singing lasted a little longer, and as we looked up at these heights, we saw beautiful beings approaching us from different sides. So I thought: Now the time has come. We will be dealt with.They came near us, took a spirit by the hand and led it, talked to it, and I waited for one to come to me too. But they kept walking past me. Well, I wanted to be patient. I Was not that unhappy. But I wanted to come to this beautiful heaven and be united with all those I had prayed to. Now I knew: I still have to endure; It’s not time yet. Then I went to the people again and I visited the church because I saw: There are many there who lay down their fate in prayer, who declare to God: You see my life, help me. It is the spirits who pay attention to these prayers, which are said with power. I could also see that where people prayed like this, truly beautiful angels of God approached them. I also saw the guardian spirits, how they were here or there at a distance from their protégé and then left together with him. So I did it again. I chose a person who was particularly worried and I wanted to strengthen his trust and hope. I accompanied him to his workplace and tried to cheer him up and lift his spirits. I did that to so many people. I had my joy, my satisfaction, in being useful and helping in this way. Then I went back to the place where we had heard the singing, but without being told that the angels of God were coming to sing. I was sad. I prayed, but no one came to me yet. As I was having these thoughts, someone put their hands on my shoulders and I looked up and saw a beautiful figure before me who said, Now, Mary, I will lead you. But heaven is not that close for you yet. We have now seen your zeal, and you can fulfill your task in Gods plan of salvation in this way, but now under the leadership of an angel of God." Yes, I wanted to know what his name was and where he came from, and I wanted to know whether he lived with Christ and with all the saints. I got an evasive answer, but one answer: I live in a beautiful house. I have many brothers and sisters, they are all as beautiful as me, and we only have one goal: to help our brothers and sisters.And this spirit, he was just as beautiful as those who had stood so sublimely in that church and worked so energetically there; he too was wrapped in silk and velvet. He said, My name is Myrta. Myrta, I am happy. Will you always stay with me now?, I can not always stay with you, but you can accompany me in my tasks. I am a missionary spirit,said this spirit Myrta to me. Oh, how happy I was, because now I had a beautiful creature at my side and I was proud to walk with him. This spirit informed me about the work plan he had in mind for me: The path goes to people, but also into the depths to the unfortunate spirits, and one also has to assist those who are dying. There will be enough work. Oh, I wanted to do it, and I was told that I had shown that I could work in this way, that is why I was called upon to do it, and if I now fulfill my work in this way, I would be reunited with him Spirit who was my child on earth and who has now become so beautiful. My guardian spirit and my guide would also support me in my work with people and with the unfortunate. So Myrta took me out of my house and gave me precise instructions, and we went together. And so I was able to learn more and more about her and her house. She explained to me: In the house where I live with my blessed brothers and sisters, there are the mission spirits, the spirits of salvation, of love, of familiarity, of strength, and you will also occasionally make the acquaintance of them. Yes, I wanted to know what the name of the house was, whether there were many such houses exist, and whether they are at the top of heaven with God. Yes, they explained to me that there are many heavens and many beautiful houses, wonderful castles and that Myrta lives in such a beautiful castle. When the time comes, I can also enter this castle. But first I still have to prove myself. Now I am at work and I was able to see those friends from this wonderful house in my work. They visited me, they greeted me, and I see them here and near you; they are friends, good friends of yours. My job now is to prove that I really care about moving forward, that I do not become lazy or careless in this helping and serving. This is how it was explained to me: How greater the zeal and the endurance, how sooner you will be able to enter these beautiful heavens. Well, that is how I spoke to you and told you about my experiences. So I will visit you too, bring you the strength, together with this missionary spirit Myrta. May Gods blessing accompany you, the blessing of salvation fill you. God bless you. Joseph: God bless you. I am Joseph. My dear brothers and sisters, you now once again heard a spirit speak about his experiences. Do you have any questions about this relationship? Dear Josef, I am interested in the time problem. Maria said that she could not cope with the time. How does the measurement of time happen in the eternal? Somehow these infinite periods of time also have to be measured? Joseph: Yes. They are well measured, in the highest heights, by God. What are these time units? Are there eternal ages or eternal years? Josef: I can not tell you about that now. Maybe I will have a chance to do that another time. According to Marys story, the church seems to be a special playground for lower spirits. would not it be better if such troubled people went into the forest or into a meadow? would not they then be freer from these bad spirits who apparently aim to attack people who are already in need and are looking for help in the church? Josef: Yes, that is just it: these dark figures know that people are making their way to church. It would be good, as you say, if they went out into the forest or somewhere else in nature and would pray there; the chances of such challenges would be fewer. They are not excluded, but in these vast spaces there are so many good, helpful spirits who can approach people in the way this Mary did. Dear Josef, the guardian spirit of this worried younger woman had to distance herself from her. is not it true that in times of trial you can go wherever you want and these lower spirits have a right to deal with you? Josef: Yes, unfortunately that’s the case. that is why a persons decision must come from within themselves. It was the case with this person that he was marked by fate. So it was his fate that happened at this point in time. Now he had to prove himself or make the decision himself, and this independent decision could only be made if it happened completely freely, without any influence from the good spirit world. Because it is clear that the good spirit world wants to support and help every person. But the other side would say: That’s not justice.And so it was agreed at the time, in the fight between Christ and Lucifer, that the lower spiritual world had the right to influence people and lead them into temptation, that people themselves have to find the way from within. Therefore, it is good not to act so hastily when making any serious decision, but to sleep on it again, in order to give the opportunity for these others to step away and for the good spirits to find their way to you again. So many things will become clearer for people if they do not always judge and act so quickly. We have heard that the spirits who formed the protective wall around the Pope were not high spirits. But does such a wall seem to offer a certain degree of protection against spirits of equal status? Josef: Compared to people of equal status, yes. So unpleasant influences can be warded off by such spirits? Josef: Yes, but you know, It is like this: these equal spirits also have access to this person and can inspire them accordingly. There are still enough of these people who find their way to him, and they simply take the right not to let others in. But in this way there is not just one such ring, but they are different. So first such a ring was formed, then other spirits found: Yes, we can form such a ring again at a further distance.This is how it was done, and this is how these spirits become dependent on each other in a certain sense. Dear Joseph, it obviously means a great disappointment when you come to the afterlife and have to realize that what you believed as a human being is not true. This change is not easy. Joseph: Yes, that is right. That is why this spiritual being was given the opportunity. Now it has dedicated itself to helping and assisting others, and this is something essential, something important in Gods plan of salvation. Because there are so many who are simply happy where they are and do not make any great efforts. It is the same with you people: there are hard,working people and there are those who like to avoid work. Well, in Gods plan of salvation you love those who are diligent, because in them you find support and you push them forward. Dear Joseph, we are missing one statement in Marys descriptions, namely that it was her intention to see the Pope and see how things were going there. This result was not announced to us. Josef: Yes, because this spirit has come to the realization that it would be pointless to move forward, that it learns nothing and sees nothing and that it is insignificant. I thank you. What kind of worries were the young woman? Josef: Yes, you know, that would go too far, I do not want to go into that. [The following questions are from the May 7, 1958. questionnaire response.] Mary had reported that there were many lower spirits in this church. But during the wars it was observed that many churches enjoyed special protection. That would also have been spiritual protection? Josef: Yes, you can imagine that in a war where people ask God for help, helpful spirits are there and also provide this protection. Does this protection only occur because of prayers, or does the building also play a role as a work of art, for example? Joseph: No. The churches are usually also artistically valuable? Joseph: Yes, yes. But that is again in the interest of people. We are interested first in human salvation. We also have art treasures in the afterlife. Experience report of the ascending spirit being Maria and answering questions from spirit teacher Josef by mediator Beatrice Brunner in the hall on Münchhaldenstrasse, Zurich. Template: tape recording. next headline, May 7, 1958. Irmgard, like a former mistress, gained insight into their mistakes. Unpleasant encounter with former servants. [Greetings from the Control Spirit]. Irmgard: God bless you. I was given the task of giving you an explanation of my spiritual experiences when I entered the afterlife. Two beautiful figures stood next to me when I opened my eyes to this other world. They did not talk to me much. My parents were there too, and I did not think they were particularly beautiful. I also looked at myself as best I could and thought I looked terrible. In my memory I still saw my body in front of me: the shroud that had been put on me was precious. But the garment with which I arrived in the afterlife was not precious. The two beautiful figures accompanied me into a house and said: This is your home, this is your house.I was horrified: there was a large space and many, many beings, and I was supposed to live with them! No, I did not like that! I tried to get away from this house. My first desire was to get nicer clothes. I looked for my own clothes. I found the way to my former home on earth easy; I was drawn to it like a magnet. Then I went to the closet and picked up one dress after the other in my hands. I tried to put one on; but it just did not work because my hands went through the material. I just could not believe him. It was the same as with the doors and walls: I could get through them all, there was no obstacle. I could also hold these clothes in my hands and they melted away, and yet they were there. I was looking for my jewellery, I wanted to have better appearance. But here it was the same again. I tried to take everything into my hands, and it flowed out of my hands; It was like a fog, I could not take anything. I could touch it, but I recognized: Yes, where I now have to live, there is a different wealth; I had to leave mine behind and all material value was lost. I became unhappy because I was used to wearing beautiful clothes and now I was an unsightly sight to the others. Now, well, I went back again; I was simply drawn back into the house assigned to me, where the many other beings lived. As I was making my way there, I met one of my former employees or house servants or whatever they call it in your language. She seemed to come towards me and want to talk to me. But I saw that she was much more beautiful and had much better looks than I, and I was ashamed of my appearance and avoided her. I did not want her, who had once been my maid, to now face me. I avoided her. Then I came into the house and here I met someone again who I knew and who knew me well. When he saw me, he laughed and sneered and told me the mistakes I was supposed to have had in life. He called me stingy, selfish, domineering and many other things. I was ashamed in front of the others. But I saw that everyone who was supposed to live with me also had bad looks and wore bad clothes like me. Well, I looked for a place, and I had no trouble finding one. The most disgusting names and sayings were shouted at me from all sides. I did not like it, but I had no way of escaping it. I then began to study something about how I could get out of this house and also look better and gain a better reputation among the others. But after all these speeches that were made, how one person accused the other of the mistakes in the life he had lived and how I was also told about all the things I was supposed to have done, it seemed impossible to me to get a better position. Yes, I then thought: A lot I easily try to pray so that I can be delivered from this condition and these conditions here.So I did, but it did not help me. I do not know how long I had to live in the house with these others who kept coming and asking me if I would come to Earth with them, they would go here and there, it would be funny and interesting. We tried to disperse among the people and go with them, taking an interest in them. Every now and then I went along, and yet I was dissatisfied and then sought solitude again. But here too I found nothing that I could feel the slightest joy in or how I could get out of this poverty and these terrible circumstances. When we were once again together among people, suddenly a kind of lightning, I can only say it in your terms, came through us, and we were drawn back into the world beyond; we simply found ourselves back in that house. So most people were present when two beautiful, bright figures came into this room. They did not say much, just said they wanted to pray with us. I agreed to it immediately because I knew it could help me. But most of the others did not pray with them; they just did not listen. They spoke to each other and did not hear what these two beautiful creatures said. The two figures of light did not stay very long. They said some prayers with us and explained that we should remember them so that we could pray them on our own. I tried to remember these prayers and did as told. Then it went on for a long time and no one responded like that. So we went back to the earth, to the people and to where we were simply drawn. When the beautiful creatures came back, I prayed with them more zealously. They explained to us that those who wished to pray should move away from this room and gather some distance away from the house. Then a crowd went out of this house to the designated place. And then I again met the spirit that I knew from earthly life and who initially explained to me the mistakes that I had made in my life. had gone, held up. He harassed me a lot. Well, I did not say anything this time, I wanted to avoid him. As I walked towards this place, I met for the second time the woman who had been in position with me and was now so beautifully dressed. I tried to avoid her again. I did not want her to see what I looked like. She sensed that I was withdrawing from her and she did not force herself on me. There were so many here. Then the two beautiful creatures prayed with us and explained to us that it was our punishment that we had to live here because we did not deserve it any other way. We now have enough time to think about our lives and the deeds and misdeeds we have done. If we would think about it, we would be better taught. We were not told anything other than that she would come back, would come here and continue to teach us. This other spirit now always sought to be near me in order to, I can not say insulting, but he talked about me again and again and talked about my life, who I was and what I was like. I did not like that; But I had to endure it, I had no way of defending myself. Everyone else just laughed. So I realized: I was no longer a personality in this world, I was no longer anyone. Now, out of an inner desire to get out of the house as much as possible, I went to this place in the hope that these beautiful figures would come back. And that is how it was. But the other one really followed me and also came to the place. I pretended not to see him and did not listen to him. When the two beautiful figures were standing there again, I went to them and told them that this ghost was always bothering me. Then the two replied: Yes, now think about what he says. You have to think not only about every sentence, but about every word, about everything he says, and you have to come to the conclusion that you have not acted rightly as a human being.I saw clearly that what I had done as a human being was not approved of in the divine world. Because even as a child I was taught to look first for myself, and not myself stop thinking about the harm you do to others. This was my principle; that is how I went through life, and it got me to where I was now. This beautiful being said to me: If you try to think about your life and ask for forgiveness and apologize to the other person who was in your service and suffered under your domineering, perhaps he will become more lenient towards you. Try it." So I went to him and tried to talk to him, and I wanted to talk to him alone, without so many listeners. But then he just exclaimed out loud what I would have to say to him. I asked him to forgive me; I would be sorry and I would like to make it up to you. He just laughed and walked away, and it did not seem to me that he had forgiven me. Then I tried to spend more and more time in this garden to pray. But the others also came here, and this ghost also came and continued to laugh at me. Then this beautiful woman, who had once been in my service as my maid, came back. So I sought refuge with her. I had to ask her for protection and explained to her that I understood that I had acted unfairly, but that I would also have to pay for it here. I would be grateful to her if she would assist me. She then spoke to this other man, for she knew him well, and rebuked him. Strangely, he listened to her and then promised not to bother me any more. When we were once again united and gathered in prayer and asked that God would forgive us our misdeeds and that he would show us mercy and that we would be led out of this house and that we could do some work, a whole crowd of spirits came. They were ready to take care of everyone. So every unfortunate spirit was taken care of by such a beautiful being in order to guide it. I also had this joy, and so the beautiful being led me away from this level and into another one that was not at all more beautiful. But here I could act more freely and I was no longer tied to these many siblings. So I no longer had to live with them in such a large room, but it was a different house. Let me explain it like this: It was cell to cell, and this Beautiful figures went into such a cell with each individual. So this being stayed with me and explained to me what I had done wrong in life and that I had to sort it out point by point. I had to, let me explain it this way, write an essay about my life. Yes, I had to write. The creature then left me again and I had to stay in this cell. After a while it came back and read through the essay of my life and began to cross out, over and over again. It explained to me, This is not what you have to write; and this and that is not what you have to write either..., and it started again from the beginning to talk about my mistakes in my life and explained to me: Here, start again.So it took a long, long time for me to gain insight and realize what I had to write about; I did not even know my own mistakes. I only recognized it because this being supported me and explained again and again: On that day in the year so and so, you made the acquaintance of such and such people, and you had given this instruction, and you had in your house, I made this arrangement at home.And I should now see what I had said wrong and done wrong. Slowly I understood it, and less and less was deleted from my essay, until it got to the point where this being said: Yes, now you have to read what you wrote at least a hundred times so that you are aware of it. You should not forget it again. Because these insights could only be superficial.So I read it again and again and asked God to give me strength so that I could gain insight and strive upwards. How more I was willing to see my mistakes, how greater the help was and how smaller the distance became until this angelic being visited me again. It came more and more often as I became more insightful. Then it explained to me: Now you can leave this house,and led me into a large palace on this level. Beautiful figures stood there. They seemed to me so noble, so noble, and they taught whole groups of brothers and sisters. So I was pushed in too: Here, listen.And this we, saw stood next to me. When the lesson was over, I was led away again. Then this creature accompanied me again into a house where I was allowed to live. But again, it Was not a house for me alone. There were many siblings in this house, There were ten of us in one room. But the room was large and neatly prepared. We got along well, we did not bother each other, because each of us was so far advanced in our endeavours. So I was happy to be together with ten siblings in one room. From here I was then led to my tasks, to my work in the plan of salvation and redemption. It had been a long and difficult journey for me to get to this point. This beautiful creature who took care of me is called Myrta. And the name I bore on earth was Irmgard. This Myrta guided me to the tasks. To this day I am able to fulfill wonderful tasks and help people. But I do not just fulfill my role with them. In our kingdom, where these many unfortunate people are, I also try to support them, in the way that Myrta supported me. Yes, my dear friends, that is what happened to me. If only I had thought about it in human clothing, what a big difference there is between earthly and spiritual wealth and that earthly wealth flows away and that you can not do anything with it in the afterlife, while you can put your spiritual wealth to good use. But people do not primarily strive for spiritual wealth. Yes, it takes a lot of patience, a lot of overcoming, a lot of understanding. These are all small, spiritual riches that benefit everyone in the afterlife. Well, I am going back to my task. And I express Gods blessing to my brothers and sisters. God bless you. Joseph: God bless you. My dear friends, I am ready to answer your questions as best I can. You have just heard a spirit sister. Maybe you have some questions about this. Dear Joseph, is this sphere described by this spirit a lowest level of purification? Joseph: Yes. The greeting with the parents was actually very short. The fact that Irmgard did not say anything about it probably means that the encounter Was not pleasant, right? Josef: No, it definitely Was not pleasant. But this sister has the opportunity to visit her parents and support them. Is it possible in a lowest level of purification that the spirits plague each other, as has been described here? Josef: I would like to say this: It is just the case that one person sees the others mistakes and can hold them against him. This is permitted because the individual should come to understand it. If those, lets say, but if harassment goes too far, then such a spirit will also be reprimanded. It can only work within a certain framework, but it cannot go further than that. Dear Josef, how many years after our era did it take from the time this Irmgard crossed over into the spiritual world to the time when she achieved higher insight? Joseph: Three hundred years. What is always a bit frightening for us humans is the length of the buses in relation to life on earth. Josef: One cannot speak of repentance here in the true sense. The mind is trained and when one attends school it is not a time of repentance but of instruction. One can speak of repentance when one has to pay off the wrongs committed in life; but as soon as one can be led into schools and gets closer to higher beings, instruction is there. in the afterlife. Above all, she did not say that she was brought before an angel of judgment. Josef: Yes, you know, the sleep probably took place with this sister who was now speaking. But she began her story from the point where she had opened her minds eye and became aware that she had died. When she left the body, she saw herself lying on her deathbed; but she was still, I would like to say, like in a dream. She was not yet fully aware that she had died, and was then led by a spirit into her sphere and laid there to rest for a short time. Then, when she awoke again, the two spirits came before her. I would like to say this: This sleep is like a recovery or a rest, so that the being becomes fully aware that the separation from the earthly body and from the earth is now complete. However, it is not the same for everyone. And the two beautiful figures, were they the judging angels? Josef: I would like to explain it this way: This purification that she had to go through was her punishment. She experienced her punishment in this way. The judgment you are asking about now may take place at a later date. When this sister has gone through the purification, she is led to angels, and they take note that she has gone through the purification; but they will make it clear to her what is forgiven and what she has to make amends in another life. You always have to keep this apart; It is not according to a pattern that when a spirit comes to us, it is always immediately brought before these angels of judgment. It may be so. Others, on the other hand, experience purification first and are then brought before these angels who tell them what God has forgiven and what has to be made up for, and who, in a certain sense, already reveal to them the plans that have been drawn for them for the next life or for the development in the afterlife. Was not Irmgards previous employee a step above her? Josef: Of course, but it was her job to go to this sister and meet her. Dear Spirit Joseph, approximately how many steps does a sphere have? Josef: The number of stages is not the same in all spheres. In the lowest levels of ascension there are many, up to 24. The higher you go, the fewer these levels are. When Irmgard was allowed to leave the house with the cells and enter the large palace, was that a change of level or a change of sphere? Josef: A change of level. I said this is the same sphere. Then this whole story took place within the same sphere? Josef: Yes, in the same sphere. Dear spirit Josef, Irmgard had to write down her life. So is not every soul presented with the past life? Joseph: Yes, of course. But this writing also serves as instruction. The sister had to realize what she had done wrong. It is just like you humans when you have some flaws and you just do not want to face them. You have the feeling that what you are being told is not true. In the spiritual realm, people look for the means to support these souls and help them to gain insight. If a spirit has to write about his life while he is now standing in the world of God and facing these laws, he must recognize what he had done wrong. that is what It is about, that he becomes understanding. So Myrta found that the best way, the best method, for Irmgard was to write an essay about her life? Joseph: Yes. Because you too, for example, can be told again and again that you have mistakes, you just do not believe it. Experience report of the ascending spirit being Irmgard and answering questions from spirit teacher Josef by mediator Beatrice Brunner in the hall on Münchhaldenstrasse, Zurich. Template: tape recording. next headline, June 4, 1958. Vincenzo, insight into the spiritual battle for man. Sensible use of great physical strength to protect people. [Greetings from the Control Spirit]. Vincenzo: God bless you. I was given the task of coming here; I should give you explanations of myself. I try as best as I can. My name is Vinzenz, Vincenzo. I just have to briefly talk about life: hard work, hard life... But I had great physical strength, a lot of strength in my hands, and I always prayed that my strength would be preserved. Whenever it became necessary to express my strength, I first prayed to St. Anthony to give me this strength. Things were not always good in my life, but I did not have any particular thoughts about it about what comes after death. Then, after being sick for a long time, I was called to paradise or into the afterlife. Here I briefly saw my friends and my relatives. They greeted me and expressed their joy that I was there too, but they quickly left again. Now a creature stood, I immediately recognized that it was an angel, next to me and said: Vincenzo, we are not so happy with your life. Your deeds are small, and you now have to make up for a lot and learn a lot. You will find enough time to think and make amends. He accompanied me to a large house. There were many creatures here like me, they looked just like me. I Was not happy with the place they gave me, but I thought: "I will get to the place I like, I am strong." Then I first chose the place where I could have been happy, and asked the others to leave it to me. But they did not agree to release it to me. Then I took my strong hands and led them away and went to this place myself. In each case it Was not so easy for me to be able to dispose of the others. Because I Was not always in the house; I left my place and went back to the kingdom of the earth. I went to my friends and looked for anything I liked, and when I came back, my spot was taken again. Then I tried again and again and said to myself: I am strong and I will stand my ground.I did that for a long time. Sometimes I was met with resistance and sometimes I was let in. Then an angel came to me and explained to me that I was not allowed to do that, that it would no longer be possible in this world; Here this strength would no longer count, and if I did it anyway, I would be banished from the house and sent somewhere where I would have no opportunity to prove my strength to others. Yes, then I stayed away for a long time. I walked the earth and went into this house and that house and just had a desire to express my power. Then I looked for an inn or, as you say, a tavern or restaurant and chose the friends there with whom I had seen that I could use my strength. They drank a lot together. I stood next to one and cheered him on. I did not do this just once, I would like to explain this, but I did it many times when I had the opportunity. I liked it, so I did it. I chose these people and asked them to drink a lot and pay for the others, and there was always an argument. This gave me the opportunity to take possession of a person and transfer my power to them. Then I used my strength to help drive or lead the others away from the house. So I looked for opportunities everywhere; I went to factories, everywhere; I just had to be able to use my strength, namely the strength of my hands. Then I was simply drawn back to the house in the world beyond. The place I had liked so much was of course occupied. But I remembered that I am not allowed to use my power here. I realized that I am now a spirit, that life goes on and that I now have to live together with these brothers and sisters. Now an angel, that is what I call him, came to me and reprimanded me: I should stop doing what I do on earth; they are no longer satisfied with that; I have now shown my strength enough and I should turn to higher things. I liked this being or angel that stood before me. True, he did not pay me any special attention. But then I thought about what I should do: You can’t do business here, you can’t trade, you can’t do anything. What should I do?" I asked the others what they did and what their interests were. They sometimes gave me evasive answers, or one said he loved this, the other that. I could not agree with them. I then wanted to look for my relatives and the friends I had had in life, but I could not find them. When I was satisfied with the place that had been assigned to me, this angel came again. He asked me to accompany him. And so I did it. He told me: You asked what you could do,and so he decided to take a little more care of me. If I was willing to obey him, he would give me the attention. Well, I could try it. Then he led me, I was amazed!, into such an economy, and precisely into such a place, where there was tremendous strife and noise. Then I thought: This is good!But the angel gave me the order: Now you must go behind this person and stand,and he pointed him out to me, and you should now try to get him out of this house with your strength, which you so boast about, and without a fight; you should just make him do it. Try to use your strength to lift this person and get him to leave the house.Well, I could do that. The angel accompanied me and watched what I did. I tried it, and I succeeded, I got this person out of the house. What happened next here, i could not watch; I was only told: Everything else will be taken care of by others; It was your job up to this point.The angel then went with me into the house where the person lived and showed me the family, the wife and the children, and he explained to me: You see, this is how much he drank, this is how much he spent, and The family now has less to eat and live on. What you have done now is a better deed; You were able to transfer your strength to him and persuaded him to go home.He explained to me that he too had used his influence to get this person to go home. I had to make my spiritual strength available, and the angel had added his own and his inspiration, and so this person came home. The angel then explained to me that this was a much more beautiful work and that if I enjoyed expressing my strength so much, I would have to use this strength for better and higher things. He then said goodbye to me again and said that I now knew the way well and should now do so in the spirit of: not calling for quarrels, but for peace. However, I have not always been able to do it this way for a long time. Then this angel came to me again and spoke to me very energetically and said: Vincent, if you do not obey me and do as you want, then I wont want to have anything to do with you any more. I won’t look at you any more, I won’t know you any more, you won’t be able to count on my help any more.Then I thought, Yes, maybe it would be wise of me to obey him.But then I thought again: Yes, others do what they like too.I then thought carefully about what I should do. I thought back to my life, to my relatives that I left behind on earth, and I also remembered that you had prayed and now you are in a different world where different laws apply and you still follow them must be subject to laws. I thought to myself: If this angel has such good looks, at least I can improve my appearance too. Try giving him obedience for a while and then become observer on myself what I have gained from it.So I did it faithfully. I went out eagerly and tried to use my strength wherever possible for the better. Not only did I lead people home, but I also gave my strength to people who were in need and needed strength. When I met the angel again, to my great disappointment, he did not take any particular notice of me. I had expected him to praise me for my work and say: Vincenzo, I am happy with you.He did not say anything, not a word, and I thought: Yeah, maybe I did not do the right thing? Now he passes me by.I got up, went to him and said to him: So, why dont you give me your attention? Haven’t I done right?, Oh yes,he said, I am happy so far. But what you have achieved is far too little. You have to do a lot more.Well, I wanted to take it upon myself and do more, and so I went out the same way again. I had the feeling that I could express my strength much more among people than with my brothers and sisters in the afterlife. There you also had the opportunity to be with them and to direct them towards this better, higher thing or to transfer strength to them; but I did not really like it. I always felt drawn to people. And so I looked for them everywhere, in the mountains, in the factories; I went wherever I could and gave them my strength. I also went to sick people and tried to transfer some of my strength to them. I was happy to see how they were able to take that strength and thrive. Over time I even found pleasure in it. So I had a lot to do and I found it interesting. It was no longer that I did not know what to do, as was the case in the beginning, but rather that I looked at the reactions of these people. I now saw how this power was transferred from me to people and they was changed and thus contributed to progress. I did that for a long time. Then he came again, this angel, and this time he came to me in a very friendly way explained to me: Yes, I am somewhat satisfied with you now. I think I could use you.Now I wanted to know, yes, that is what you ask!, what kind of salary I would get for my services. He explained to me that I would receive a wage, but it could not be compared to what people receive. But I could see for myself that in the spiritual realm there are also possessions and many beautiful things and that it is the most necessary thing if I would improve my personal appearance. Well, I had a desire for it too, and he told me: If you obey me now, I will make sure you get a nicer skirt, a better look.That was important to me too, I also wanted to look a little better. Then the angel said to me: From now on I will accompany you more. I will also send others to you so that you can fulfill your tasks together with them.He explained to me that for the time being I should carry out my task in the similar manner as I had done before. I agreed with that. I was then given two other spirits to work with and we agreed where we wanted to go. We looked at peoples needs and agreed where it was necessary to help and how best to help them. These two others were already a little more advanced than me; They had already, I would like to say, obeyed more or more and had done more in this respect than I. So we tried to accompany people. We then also had to see these others who approach people. We were not the only ones around the people; There were also those others who we always recognized well. They had such a mocking laugh and each left behind a terrible smell. We knew straight away who we were dealing with, but I always thought: They can’t hurt me, I am strong enough. So we had the task, we were allowed to do this, to build certain protective rings or protective walls around people, even around entire houses and sometimes around factories, around churches, around hospitals and so forth. We had enough to do and we, especially I, were now able to really develop our strength. We had to create this spiritual protection so that the others, these evil ones, did not have the opportunity to approach people or break into houses and so on. But it is not the case that a spirit alone takes over the protection of a person. For example, around this house, a large radius of spiritual protection can be drawn from spirits who try to ward off or contain obstacles and evil. We now carried out this activity, and to our horror we discovered that the others behind us were doing the same thing: they too were drawing a ring. If I have to explain it in your terms, you should now imagine: If you need to close off and protect something within yourself, then you use a rope, a wire or something of that kind. In the spiritual world, you form this protection with the help of spiritual powers that the spirits carry within themselves and have at their disposal; You use these forces like ribbons that you stretch, be it around a person, a house or a hospital or whatever it is, you simply pull them around to provide spiritual protection. But now I saw: the moment I made myself available for something better, when I overcame myself to only do the beautiful, the good, my spiritual strength became much greater. And so I was able to take this power, I almost want to say, like the breath of me and the band pulling around the people and around the house. [Under the influence of Vincenzo, the medium made the appropriate movements as if such a band were constantly pouring out of his mouth, and showed with his hands how it would be wrapped around a person or a house.] This is spiritual power; So you have to distinguish that from physical strength. When we had once again formed this defense, these others behind us did the same thing to annoy us, or I do not know what they were thinking. We had to send them away and break or cut the bond they had formed. At first I did not know how to do it. My Both companions then explained to me how to do it. They explained to me in detail: Not every bond of these evil people can or should be cut. If you are allowed to, a very special light will emerge to shine; it is a spiritual sign given to us to cut or to loose.It was explained to me exactly what it should look like and when it should be. If the light does not come and you can not see it, you can not do anything, even if you want to. But if the light shines on this other ring, it gives us the opportunity to use our strength to break the other band. I would like to say: like lightning, the other bond is released. I often found that sometimes we were not even allowed to remove the ring behind us and that it was a matter of our personal endurance. So we had to prove how long we had the endurance to pull this spiritual ring; So it was all up to us. We were encouraged or asked to persevere in the urge or desire to support good by doing what was necessary for man to bring him into a better light or to accompany him into the better life, away from evil to preserve, as we were expressly told that it was our job. So we were sometimes put to tough tests, because we often feel, I do not want to say: annoyed, but we would have preferred to turn our attention to other things. But we had to hold on. Later I realized that we had simply been tested to see whether we had the endurance and strength to do it. I owe it to my two companions that I held firm; because they each said to me: Vinzenz, you have to stay, we want to fulfill our task together; Because only when we obey and do what we have been told do we have the opportunity to receive a more beautiful, better life.Yes, I agreed. I would like to briefly tell you something about our work. So we once went to a person and drew this spiritual ring around him. We expanded this ring by adding his friends or the people who worked with him and were with him, included in the ring. Then the others came and drew a ring very close behind us, always with the intention of piercing ours. They could have done that; They would manage it if the spirits who draw the protective ring had no perseverance and left, then those others would come and can exert their influence on people. And that is what It is all about for them: Where there are spirits and want the good for people, the others come right behind and try to break our path. So a person was in great difficulty and distress, and he did not know whether he should choose honesty or not in a matter. We now had to use our influence on him and insist that he should not do anything that was not fair. With his indecision, this person had drawn these dark figures towards him, and so they could be very close behind us. So they always tried to reach into our waves and we pushed back with our wave. So we had a fight, we ghosts among ourselves. We fought with our own strength, with our own spiritual bond, and we had not seen this light for a long time. So we had to endure and only had our own strength at our disposal with which we could take on the others; This was the only way we could meet each other. So we had no support from higher up, not for a long time. With our good thinking we always had to insist on this person so that he does not fall, that he fulfills his task. So in this case, I remember it well, we fought for a long, long time; We fought for this person for a long time. And suddenly this shimmering pink, blue light came and we were able to easily break through this bond, and then the others had to leave. But then the test for this person was over. Yes, that was my job for a long, long time, and I really enjoyed it. Then the angel that I had liked so much came back and explained to me that yes, now I deserve a nicer skirt, and then I will look better too receive. He then asked me if I would agree to always be under his leadership or under the leadership of those spirits who belonged in his plan and in his house [House of Linus] and to obey. Yes, I agreed because I was very fond of this activity. Then I did this for a long, long time: there were three of us, or twenty, thirty, or even more. We had to guard and protect all sorts of things and transfer our powers. Then this angel once again came very close to me and explained to me that the spirits who obeyed and entered into a spiritual order came, had the opportunity to receive further teachings. They should attend schools and be taught, individually and in groups, as one sees the need to give instruction to the individuals. I would now have demonstrated that I could obey and would have performed well for a long time. He told me about his house, where it was, what it looked like, how many spirits belonged to it and what their occupation was like, and that I too could now, if I were obedient, integrate myself into this house. That would not mean that I could live there, but that I would still be a long way from this house; but a band of me would always go into this house and he would always ask me to work and bring me explanations. I really enjoyed everything that was explained to me and became more and more interested in it. I had shed much of my roughness; I no longer liked it. I then really enjoyed making my powers, which I now realized God had given me, available to God again. This is how we were taught about God, that is, we gathered together to praise and glorify God in awe. We visited these temples together, sang to the glory of God and were able to experience wonderful things. Today I can only pity any spirit that does not rise to reach for these higher levels. So I am happy and happy that I could be guided in this way. So I was asked for this hour, an explanation admit. I tried to do it and gave you a small excerpt from what I do, or, I want to say, I have summarized the most important things and explained to you how I rose, how I was integrated into this big, big family, into this house that I have never seen before, but whose beauties I have heard so much about and in which I am sure can come once. Now I will make my way to you every now and then. If it is possible that I can be of service to you, I will do so if I am allowed. Now I am being told that I have to say goodbye again, that I have spoken to you enough. So I retreat back to my tasks with my other spirits, who accompanied me here at this special hour. And I wish Gods blessings and peace for all of you. God bless you. Joseph: God bless you. I am Joseph. My dear friends, I am ready to answer your questions as best as possible. If you have any questions regarding the Spirit who spoke before me, you should address them to me. Dear Josef, why did this spirit give in to encouraging the people in the inn to drink and argue? Was it malice? Joseph: Yes, I do not want to say malice; these are passions. The spirit takes with it the passions that existed in a person and continues to live in them for a long time. Now It is about getting rid of these passions, and that does not happen so quickly; This has to be overcome slowly. Vincenzo described how double ribbons were wrapped around these people or houses. Which band is now effective? The closest? Josef: It is exactly as he explained it: there is a battle between good and evil. When the good spirits resist, If they have perseverance, the others will withdraw and then the good will have the opportunity to have an impact. It is very, very often like this: before a person comes to a decision, there is a spiritual battle going on around him. A persons good disposition naturally helps good to win. If man tends to do what is better and nobler, good will always prevail. It always depends on whether the spirits have a higher mission. There are some who come together on their own initiative and form a ring, without any higher mission. But when spirits are sent on a higher mission, they have your support. But it is as this spirit explained: you must pay attention to this special glow, this light; it is, I would like to say, the identifying mark of dissolution. Who sends this certificate in each individual case? Is this the leader of the person in question? Joseph: It is the higher spiritual world that sends this illusion; it is those who keep their eye on all these things. As you know, there are ghosts everywhere, watching everything. They then receive the power from higher sources, which they pass on. Because these spirits could not release this power on their own; it has to come from higher up. You must be aware that the highest spirits have tremendous power. All power belong to Christ himself resources available to work. He can also give sight to a blind man; he has this power that other spirits do not have. The higher spiritual world passes these powers on to its siblings; she must send it or agree that this power may be given. The higher a persons protective spirit, the greater his power. He can destroy so much impurity in peoples surroundings that many obstacles are removed right from the start. How did the actual guardian spirit of these people behave? Did he stand a little off to the side? Josef: No, this guardian spirit is always in contact with the other spirits. He may have long since asked for more help to be given to his protégé. He knows exactly the limits of how far he can exert his influence. And when the decision comes again from a higher point of view that it has to be done in this way, then it will be done. The guardian spirit, I would like to say, steps aside and has to accept the orders that come from higher up. But it is the case that the persons protective spirit is always in contact with these spirits that are around a person and asks that this and that be brought to fulfillment. So It is not entirely the case that he is ignorant or suddenly confronted with facts, but rather the guardian spirit is largely the one who establishes these connections. Thanks. And the human being himself is also torn back and forth by this battle between the good and the evil spirits? Josef: Yes, that is why people often have this fickleness. Dear Joseph, Vincenzo said that he always called on St. Anthony. What happens in a moment like this to the many people who do the same? Joseph: Yes, I would also like to mention that this spirit who spoke to you forgot to tell us something. When he was in the spiritual world, he looked for this Antonius, but did not find him. He had to think about it and ask himself: Why did we pray to this St. Anthony, and where is he?He had to come to higher knowledge. Here a higher spirit can definitely give you the answer and say: Yes, my dear, this Saint Anthony is still a long way away for you, if you mean the real and holy Anthony. Yes, but at the moment when Vincenzo prayed to him, he felt that his strength was strengthened? Joseph: Yes, of course. But how was this power triggered? Joseph: It is like this, let us say now: If a person is in some kind of trouble and says to himself and is convinced of it: "I am going to pray to St. Anthony now, then I will definitely be helped," then this faith helps him. I would like to say: This Antonius personality does not matter at all, it is not even there. But through firm belief in him, the praying persons own strength is increased. So in a sense he is now drawing from his personal power; he increases the strength within himself and takes it from himself. This is something that people can not always understand either. You have to distinguish between when and where a spiritual influence exists, where spiritual power is transferred to a person and where the person stimulates the power on their own and is themselves the creator of it. Lets take, for example, a person, a mother, who is sick and wants to die, who no longer enjoys life and does nothing on her own to get better, and now suddenly the news comes that her son, whom she already has I have not seen her for many years, comes home. Now she suddenly has a power within her; she wants to see her son, she wants to live, she does not want to die any more. Now she is boosting the strength she still has within her, and she may even be able to get healthy, depending on the strength she has. Of course, if this power has been lost too much beforehand, then it will be difficult to stimulate it again to the same extent. But, I would like to say, the extremely great joy is able to stimulate this strength in her to live again. This is often the case with people who are seriously ill and go to a certain person with the firm conviction that: This person can help me. He is a healer, only he can help me." He helps, even if he does not radiate a spark of strength to this person. The sick person himself cranked up his own strength and pulled away. But I do not mean to say that there arent people who could transmit healing power to others. When I say something, you should not assume that this is the only thing that is decisive in all things, but there are so many things and each has to be judged from its own point of view. Then such an invocation of St. Anthony does not even create a bond with him? Joseph: No. this was, Experience report of the ascending spiritual being Vincenzo and answering questions from spirit teacher Josef by mediator Beatrice Brunner in the hall on Münchhaldenstrasse, Zurich Template: tape recording. next headline, July 2, 1958. Helene, caught in memories, of a comfortable earthly life in wealth How she learns to leave the past behind her, to look forward and to take on a task in the plan of salvation. [Greetings from the Control Spirit]. Helene: God bless you. It was explained to me that music would be played before I spoke. Well, making myself known this way for the first time is a bit troublesome for me, I will try. My dear brothers and sisters, I have been asked to speak to you. I have been able to stay among you for a long time and listen to your meetings. I also chose a person here and there, approached him and tried to fulfill my task with him. I should now first briefly describe how I lived. I have had a pretty nice life, but I have been very far away or very distant from God. I had not asked about him in particular, and when I came to the afterlife, I was surprised that life went on. It was explained to me: You live on.I really missed the beautiful house and the beautiful surroundings in which I had lived. My parents greeted me, just briefly, and I was disappointed by their appearance. They looked so poor, and yet they had been such rich people in their lives. I was already thinking about it and wondering what my appearance would be like. They were not with me long, they just disappeared. I saw a beautiful, lofty figure next to me who instructed me to follow, and I was led into a house. The sphere Was not particularly beautiful, and the house, I was disappointed, because my house when I was alive was so beautiful and so clean, and the Gardens were well maintained. I was disappointed that I Was not allowed to live alone but had to be with many others. They had no customs, no order and nothing, this was what bothered me the most. I should live with them. Yes, I slowly had to get used to their disorder and bad habits. But then, after a certain time, an acquaintance came to me. I had not paid much attention to her in life. She lived near my house or in my village. She was known by her fellow human beings as a helpful, good soul. But she was poor and I had taken no notice of her. In her life she was called Pia, and so I would like to call her by that name. She then came to see me and explained that she was happy to be able to visit me. I now saw how beautiful she was, and that made me a little uneasy and, I will be honest, I was jealous of her beautiful appearance. As a person she was anything but beautiful; She was poorly dressed and not particularly beautiful in appearance. Well, I asked her why she was visiting me and she said she wanted to talk to me about the future in the afterlife, what I had to do. I replied that yes, if she wanted to make me happy, it would be that she would talk to me about the past good times in my life; I would want nothing else than to live off my memories. Because all I had done was keep looking back; I still enjoyed the beauty that I had as a human being, I lived only on memories. Then she said to me: No, Helene, you are no longer allowed to live on memories. that is over now, now you have to align yourself completely differently. You have to think differently, stop studying the past. I did not like taking such instructions from her, and I briefly explained to her that if she did not want to do me the favor of talking to me about her memories, then I did not want her to continue to visit me either. She replied, well, she did not come on her own, a man I sent her and a son of mine came to see her and asked her to visit her mother and bring greetings. I was particularly attached to this son. I wanted to know how he was doing. My parents greeted me, but I did not see my son. Now I was only given brief greetings from him. Of course, I became a little more curious and wanted to know if it would not be possible for him to come to me himself, since she had also found the way. She said briefly: No,and said goodbye. Yes, that is what I had in mind, I talked about it and I realized that I had not spoken correctly. But I was so desperate. Living with the other beings was terrible for me, and Pia did not want to talk to me about the good times past. So I just had to wait. At first I did the same as the others: I went to people. But soon I no longer enjoyed it. I could not be with them because I saw how they lived and I remembered too much of my life. I could no longer go to people; it meant pain or suffering to me. So I just went in and out of my house and the surrounding area where I was banned or where I was allowed to stay. Now a friend came to me again. She had lived with me and she had not grown up in my particular environment. But she told me that she had also had a visit from Pia and that she had brought her flowers from my sons garden. This hurt me: she got flowers from my sons garden while I did not hear from him. Then I thought, Yeah, I will try to adjust myself differently.I also prayed, I asked God to forgive me for everything I had done wrong. I asked whenever I had the strength to do so, but I simply had no desire to pray; I was dissatisfied with myself, not at peace with myself, I was unhappy. The next time Pia visited, I asked her if she would at least talk to me about her lifes memories. Then she did it, she spoke to me, but after that she did not appear again for a long time. I tried to reach her through other siblings. She then came back to me and explained that she had been reprimanded for talking to me about my past; that is why she Was not allowed to come any more and she does not want to talk about it any more. I thought: Well, I dont talk about life any more, I dont want to think about it any more. So I tried to empathize with the busyness of the many other beings who lived with me. Then I had to see that Pia was coming again. But she did not approach me, but rather other spirits who lived with me. I approached her and asked her to come to me. She said she would not come until I finally set out and changed my thoughts and attitude. I should now start to think differently and consider that I am now in the kingdom of God and also have my work, that I should look for work and not live so idle. I would probably have accepted such speeches from someone else, it would not have mattered to me who said them; I just could not stand it from this Pia. Of all people, she came to me and I could not bear that she had given me such instructions. Well, I promised her I would do it. I wanted to make a change and look for work. She did not get involved with me and then did not come back for a long time. So I saw, had to see it, that there had now been retribution, that mans difficult life had found its reward and that the many overcomings and the many good things that people had done were now rewarded in the spiritual world became. I also saw in myself and in many others who lived a beautiful life, but who passed life by, whose lives were simply meaningless: they had accomplished nothing of value and, as a result, had no merit. So you did not have the acquaintance or approach of higher spiritual beings. They were always concerned with those and were especially concerned with those who had done a lot of good things in life. who also had their faults, but who were good deep down and were not so interested in the comfortable and beautiful life. So I had to see that they had gotten away from these houses or this sphere much faster. Then I thought: Okay, I will do it that way too. I will now try to think about what you could do to help others in this environment where you live, perhaps in this way you will also earn your merits and the attention of higher beings. Thats how I did it. I tried to comfort those others who were also unhappy. Some people always wanted to live off memories, like I did. I then explained to them that you were probably no longer allowed to do this, that you now had to think completely differently and always be helpful and go wherever you saw unhappy siblings and enlighten them and, if possible, try to pray with them . I did, have done that, and have Connection found. Others came with me, they then had their own opinion, and so I became a little freer and a little more content. Then I received a visit from Pia again and she brought me my sons flowers from his garden. I may mention: he was a really good person and he had died in the war. So I realized that he was far, far above me in the spiritual realm. He really had been a good person. But we sometimes could not understand him in life, precisely because of his actions and the understanding he showed his fellow human beings, we did not agree on that. Now I saw that he thought and acted correctly and had his life accordingly. Pia then said to me that yes, what I was doing now was right and that I could be helped if I were even more eager and hard,working. If I now had the wish or asked that someone would guide me, and I would now not only go spiritually to brothers and sisters, but would also do exactly what I resist, namely, seek out people and assist them, and acted on it with all my strength, then I should achieve further things. I wanted to come to my son, I wanted to come to this garden and this house to my son, I was ready to do anything to find the way to him. Then Pia promised me that she would accompany me in the earthly realm and we looked for the people. We also made the acquaintance of unfortunate spirits. We started talking to them and asked them to give us the space and release the people. The unfortunate ones also wanted to influence them, and we then asked them to refrain from doing so and let us have the right to this or that person so that we could work. We also saw that the spirits who tried to have such an unfortunate effect on people were themselves very unhappy. We often talked to them for quite a long time and gave explanations. We also had the impression that they changed their mind somewhat and took a different view. They then did not come any closer to us, but Pia explained: "The moment they change and yet realize that what they are doing is not right, they will immediately connect with those spirits who show them the way." But our task, or my task, was to influence people, their thoughts, their entire actions. So I did this for a long time. Pia then introduced me to other beings again and they explained to me where they belonged and what their job was. So I submitted to these orders, I began to obey, and I found joy in this spiritual work. that is how I do it to this day, and I was promised: If I always try to appear in this way, I will be marked for that, and I will be taught for that and have my big field of work where I can can work in a happy way. Well, I am trying to do cs now as best as I can. But I can tell you, my dear friends, that I feel much more content and much happier today than I did back then when I entered the spiritual realm. It took this time to overcome it, to think about it. I had to change my thinking and completely give up the desire for the beautiful, for these memories. This is how I made my own way to spiritual heights. Today I am under spiritual guidance and we stand with the people. We have our own specific time, our houses or temples, where we go to the glory of God, praise, sing and pray, and this makes me happy today. So in this hour I tried to give you a little insight into myself and my experiences. Well, I return to my workplace and speak Gods blessings upon you. God bless you. Experience report of the ascending spirit being Helene by mediator Beatrice Brunner in the hall on Münchhaldenstrasse, Zurich. Template: Tape recording. next headline, August 20, 1958. Wilhelm, first experiences of a soul on its deathbed and in the afterlife. How recognizing the errors of earthly fidelity and true insight help with spiritual development. [Greetings from the Control Spirit]. Wilhelm: God bless you. I have been asked to speak to you to give an account of my passing or my dying. I was allowed to grow old. I was told it was time, I had to die. Well, I had come to terms with it; I was content because I had grown old. My relatives stood around me and I saw many things. I saw my mother and father waving to me, smiling, and they motioned for me to come to them. I was happy about their good looks, satisfied, and I wanted to tell them I was coming. Then I saw another figure, she was very beautiful and stern, without a laugh. I did not really understand it and made my comments about it each time I watched it. And then, I still remember it clearly, my relatives said: He’s fantasizing.But I Was not fantasizing, I saw everything clearly. Afterwards I saw a boy. He looked at me reproachfully. I recognized him, it was a colleague of mine. But he’s gotten old and he’s still alive,I thought. Why do I have to see him as a boy now?I would like to explain that to you. Soon after, I had another show about it. I was so physically weak and could not talk or explain much; I just gave my words. An old woman came, I still recognized her; her gait was stooped, she had a stick and a basket. Now I saw why I had to see this colleague: we called that woman the Hexenliesel. We boys each ran after her and called her bad names. Yes, we had used stones, or whatever was on the street, and thrown them at her. I had done that too. The connection with this colleague was like this: He was there when I used these nicknames and threw stones at her. Now the priest from our village came along; He walked towards us and was the first to catch this colleague. I called out to him that he had thrown the stones and that he had called her nicknames after her. He received very severe punishment from the priest and his parents. When we met again, he beat me up, and afterward we were good friends again. I had actually forgotten this a long time ago... Now I saw this old woman and the comrade. I did not feel comfortable because I realized that I had lied and that he had been punished for me. Then I saw my parents again waving to me and that stern figure next to me again. The parents, who had initially seemed far away to me, strangely enough, came closer and closer. Now I saw something else: a document that I had written was held out to me. This document, I saw it, was as if written in blood, so red. I thought: That’s not true at all. I did write it, but with ordinary ink or whatever was used for it, but not with blood.And yet this letter or piece of paper, written as if in blood, shone. Now came the next thing: I once wrote a letter to a neighbor without my signature. I had accused him and not exactly written him the nicest names. Now he suddenly stood there and pointed his hand at this letter and at me. Now it was no longer a secret; so he knew I had written it. But no one else had found out. But now I suspected something bad: I knew that people were talking so much about heaven, about God and about justice, and about retribution... I was afraid: now retribution is coming. And I saw more. I met another person, a neighbor whom I had never liked, whom I had done nothing to please and whom I had insulted. Now I had to go with him, watching and overhearing what I had said about him and to whom I had said something. It was as if time had been turned back. The people I had spoken to were there and the neighbor was listening. He witnessed what I said, what I lied, and what I should not have said. I was ashamed. He pointed his finger at me. Yes, I knew it; I would have loved to ask him for forgiveness, but I did not have the strength to do so because I felt so much that the strength in my body was draining away. It was so strange for me to see all this. I encountered many more things. Yes, my whole life, I would like to say, the significant events in my life, they all took place at the time of my departure. The strangest thing was that there was simply no secret. What I would have liked to remain a secret was simply known to the others. They stood there, listening and seeing everything I had done. And I got scared. But then my parents got closer and closer. And the stern figure standing next to me was suddenly not alone, but there were three of them. They all held out their hands to me, and I gave them mine. So I was able to leave the body. So they took me and led me away from the house, from this earthly world into another environment. I could not see clearly, could not see very clearly, where I was, where I was. But it reassured me that I could see my mother and... i saw my father next to me. But now I had to experience the same thing again. What I had seen and experienced before happened again. I saw again this comrade and the old, frail woman for whom we had made life so difficult. I saw this letter again, which seemed to be written in blood. They all stood there, all of them that I had wronged, lied to or cheated on in some way, and they pointed their fingers at me. I could not stand up straight, nor could I look up. I felt so weakened by this separation and this fight. But they lifted me up, gave me a drink, and I felt strengthened. I was still very aware that this was the second time I was experiencing this. But then I also thought to myself: Throughout my entire life I have always spoken of justice and love and of the forgiving God.I thought I had not lived so badly after all. Where was the good? Or were you not allowed to see the good you had done? I was now not allowed to experience any of the good things I had done, not the slightest thing. I had also done good things, I knew it. Now where was the retribution from this good man? And I was saddened. Then one of these figures said to me: Even the good of you finds its reward.They led me through a narrow path and it seemed to me as if a gate had been opened. I came into a beautiful environment, the atmosphere was so calming. I no longer felt that fear within me. I had the impression that this environment that I entered conveyed so much peace and calm to me. Well, here they wanted to show me the retribution, the reward for the good that I had done. The first thing I said was: I know what I did.I was still a little intimidated by everything else and said: I have done a lot of good for my wifes parents. They were poor people and I put them in a house. They did not have to pay anything, and I gave them two goats and two sheep, and they had to live. I didn’t have to do this.So I had secretly hoped for retribution. They saw how I thought and explained to me: Yes, what you have done in this regard will also be retaliated against.They showed me a small house with a small garden and explained that I could live in it for the time being, that it was the reward for doing something good. Well, I was happy about it and thought that if everything else would be taken care of then, I would not be punished any further. I was a little unsure; but I saw the peaceful faces around me. Suddenly someone else was standing next to me. It was also someone who lived very close to me. He had been blind for half his life. I often went to him and brought him many a bottle of wine. I had sometimes taken him here and there because he Was not given enough attention. I often went to him and told him what I had seen and explained it to him. Things he was interested in. I devoted myself to him and he was always happy when I came to him. He then said to me: Wilhelm, I can’t offer you anything, but may the good Lord reward you for the charity you show me. Now I saw him. He greeted me and said: You see, I told you: The good Lord rewards charity.I Was not amazed at that, and yet it was strange: He was so beautiful, and he saw with his eyes just as good as me. I was happy to see him and I was happy that this had been recognized and that I was now being rewarded for this charity. Yes, I became freer and happier. I now realized: First, injustice had been shown to me, and there is no escape, for no things, for no lies, for nothing at all, everything is revealed. And the ones You have lied to or cheated in some way stand there and they point their finger at you and say, "Yes, you see, I saw it, and I know it was you." I met another one; There was another one to whom I had also given a lot. He lacked his daily bread and I felt sorry for him because we had grown up together. He could not find his way in life; He Was not feeling well, he was sick a lot. And so I helped him and gave him whatever I could. I had actually done this in silence; I did not tell anyone about it, not even my family. I had the opportunity and the independence to do it in this way. Now he rushed over to thank me for it. Of course I was happy. Suddenly I saw that not only were my parents there and these beautiful figures who had accompanied me here, but there was a whole crowd of spirits there. There were many that I came from lives I knew and had lived with. Some even rushed there with the remark: Just quick, just quick, I can not stay long, I just want to greet him.And so it was urgent and I had to greet this one and that one. They hugged me, were happy and wished me all the best in the kingdom of heaven. Yes, there they were, all those with whom I got along well. Then she was asked to separate from me again. They had to say goodbye to me again. So I now stood alone with these three who had guided me over from the earthly realm. They told me: You see, you got to experience the good too. It was so nice that they were allowed to come and thank you. We were very happy. You have also seen what you have done wrong, and you have also seen that there is nothing in the spiritual realm that can be kept secret. All those who were accused are coming. Everything is open and clear; there is no denial, nothing. The act that one committed is being performed and the other person sees it. I then asked what I could do now, since I had the insight that I should not have done that. And I would have done all these things in my younger years; When I got older and more mature, I would not have done these things any more. They said to me: You see, you shall receive the reward for all the good you have done. You can now rest in this little house for a longer period of time. But you are completely alone and you will not receive any visitors. Your garden is not exactly big, but you have the opportunity to walk around a lot. But you are alone, and there you have the opportunity to think about all of this: about the life you have lived and what you think, how you would like to shape the future or the near future. They left me on that. I would like to emphasize: I was very happy about this little house, which was so beautiful, and about this garden. I worked in the garden, but I Was not happy because I was alone and could not talk to anyone. So I asked that I might be freed and redeemed from it; I would rather live somewhere else and work under harsher conditions than here. I thought, I have met so many; Where do you live?I thought about God and everything that was said in religion. And I asked that they free me from here and show me the way. For myself, I wanted to put myself in the service of my neighbor, to do something with which I could make others happy. And how much more I occupied myself with it and wished, these three came to me again and were happy that I had thought of such ideas. You would now give me suggestions. They said that through this loneliness I had also removed some of the injustice and the stumbling of life. But everything would not be over yet. I should now make up for another part through the work I would have to do. I could redeem myself this way. Another part would then be imposed on me in my future earthly life. It was explained to me that I would have to return to the earthly realm. Then I would still have to pay off a small part of those debts as a human being. They also explained to me that it all depended on how I applied myself to the work they were assigning to me. They told me that it was not enough to just create, but that I would also receive spiritual teachings and training. I should go through schools and fulfill my tasks. Yes, they gave me notebooks or books and I had to write down what was said and explained in them. I had to write, yes, write, because I would not have been able to keep it, I would have forgotten it again. So I wrote it down and studied diligently. I went through different schools and was happy. After a certain time they came back and said that my knowledge was now sufficient for my tasks. I would now have to go into practical labor service and apply what I had now learned. So I did. I was led into a wide variety of spheres. I had to show my interest in working with spirits of God. When I saw how these sublime and beautiful beings of heaven exert themselves and found it necessary to work like this, I felt that it was also up to me to give the utmost and work like this. In between they told me about God. They explained to me what levels I could reach to experience this and that. I had the zeal for it, and I also said, Good, I am working for the glory of God. I want to take everything upon myself and work for the glory of God and also for my salvation and for the health of others, my siblings.This is how I am deployed in this work plan. Sometimes I act on a slightly higher level, and sometimes I have to do something like that which descend deeper. The spirits who took care of me and gave me these instructions all come from a very specific sphere. They indicated to me that I could work in their area and that they would accept me into a community. Through this reception ones zeal would be greater and one would be able to grasp divine love and wisdom more readily as one would receive additional instruction from the spirits of heaven. If you then fulfilled your task and were fully committed, that would bring its reward. However, there are also spirits who do not wish to work in this way, or who do not have this zeal at all. I was asked to tell you this. It is certainly still in my memory because it has not been erased, these images are alive. As it is explained to me, such images will lose their luminosity and become insignificant when ones involvement in human life has been made for the glory of God and the salvation of mankind. Then only such things would stand in its luminosity; everything else would remain unimportant, would not go out, but would become illegible or unrecognizable. It is the same with the spiritual beings that you see again and that have come along. If you have a picture of something happening today and after many, many years you show this picture to another person, they will hardly remember it. On the one hand the event is there, but on the other hand its luminosity is weak. As the ascension progresses, the others who were involved slowly, slowly forget those events; They are forgotten for you personally, but not in the whole event, as a whole they remain. Now I withdraw again, because the brother who always speaks to you is waiting next to me. I should give you these words and these explanations so that you think about yourself and become clear about everything. Whatever you think is a secret, everything is there in the spiritual. If you lie and cheat, in the spiritual realm it is there and everything is clear and proven. Then you really feel ashamed... So, good friends, I wish you Gods strength so that you can overcome and know which way you have to go; so that you may mature early and not only when you are old. God bless you. God bless you. Joseph: God bless you. My dear friends, I will try to answer the questions you have as best as possible. Dear friend Josef, what was the name that this friend who told us his experience bore on earth? Joseph: William. Thanks. Then I would like to ask: If you have forgiven a person, want to forget and sometimes actually completely forget what they did to you, is it still shown to you? Josef: If it serves the well,being of his soul or, I would like to say, as a punishment, this event can be shown to him temporarily. But then, I would like to say, you will not point your hands at him or reach for him, you will rather stand next to him in a forgiving manner. Thanks dear friend. People would certainly be interested to know how such youthful sins can be remedied in life on earth. Josef: I would like to give you an explanation for this. If you have committed injustice and have no insight, i.e. show no insight or no remorse, you will experience this again in the spiritual realm. It is different with things that have been cleared up among people. They will hardly be presented in the spiritual realm any more. People will meet each other, but in this way without any shadow of sadness. Christ himself said: Before you go and offer a sacrifice, go to your neighbor and cleanse your sins; forgive one another first(cf. Mat. 5:23,25). This forgiveness must really come from within. It is very often the case that people forgive something of a fellow human being or claim that they have forgiven him, but they continue to talk about it for years. that is just not forgiveness. If a person is forgiven, it should be wiped out. Then you should not talk about it any more. If you keep talking about the past, you arent finished with it internally. You are then not forgiving towards him and it is still not okay. Dear friend Joseph, when it comes to this forgiveness, another method is recommended. During the evening review that you suggested to us, one should think about such things and feel strong remorse, that would then have a cleansing effect. Can you confirm it? Josef: Yes, I can confirm that very much. Do you know, We know people like this: They lie down, pray to God, and the majority of them think that everything they did during the day is okay. They find no fault in themselves at all, and so they cannot feel any particular remorse. People do so much injustice, but they do not see what injustice they have done. Therefore this cannot be forgiven. But a person who is spiritually at a higher level, who takes things very carefully and conscientiously, thinks about what he said during the day, who he met and whether he spread discord or sadness or the like through any way of speaking. Such a person then comes to his senses and asks God for forgiveness for this stumbling. It is like this: Many people just do not see the mistakes they have. It takes a certain level of mental sophistication to get to the point where you see your own mistakes and admit them. Thanks dear friend. Then we heard that this Wilhelm continued his studies in the spiritual world. He was given books and notebooks. Is this souls memory not yet perfect? Joseph: No, It is not perfect. Remember, if a soul has not been in the spirit realm for too long, it is not the case that everything is made clear to it in this way. The soul in question must receive through and through these things that have been transferred to it by the higher spirits or about which it has been taught, in order to achieve knowledge. Only when the soul has reached a certain level of development or has reached a certain level do these things become apparent to it to supplement [its knowledge]. You may not understand it, but spiritually it is the case that not all entities have the same intelligence; but that those who are not as intelligent, as I have often emphasized, are called upon to do other work that is just as important. They are satisfied with this work because they see that it is just as necessary as that of another brother, so the brother on the upper level does not despise him. They are all grouped into plans in large communities where they accomplish the same work together. They are happy in their work, even though it could be a stumbling block for them because they know: I know I can do more, but I am now condemned to such menial work.The brother affirms this condemnation during the period of his purification, let us say for certain years; he will have to take on a lot. In his ascension, however, he realizes that despite the burden he has to bear, he could do other things to serve the greater good. The spiritual world has divided it wonderfully in such a way that it can grasp everyone and place them where they can give the utmost strength. Dear Joseph, how does the spiritual world evaluate the cruelties that children commit when they torture animals, enjoy it and think nothing of it? Josef: It is the case with children, I have already given explanations, that over the years they acquire a certain responsibility. When such small children torture animals, this is the lower urge that is within them. Through education, These lower instincts must be suppressed. The child will then slowly come to the realization that he has to stop doing this, over time he will become more sensible and accordingly he will be able to understand this. Then, of course, it depends on his whole nature: one person tends to have pleasure, to torment others, or let us say in this case, to torment an animal. But this can also be suppressed or bridged through education. The spiritual world also classifies children into such levels, stages of development: Children up to a certain age cannot be punished for an offense; But then, up to certain years, they are partly prosecuted. And after that, when, as you say, they have come of age, the spiritual world considers them responsible for all their actions. In the case of Wilhelm, as a schoolboy, would he have already been at an age where there was already a certain level of responsibility? Joseph: Yes. Experience report of the ascending spirit being Wilhelm and answering questions from spirit teacher Josef by mediator Beatrice Brunner in the hall on Münchhaldenstrasse, Zurich. Template: tape recording. next headline, Pio, Differences between earthly and spiritual reputation. Reunion with the priest and the doctor from the village. [Greetings from the Control Spirit]. Pio: God bless you. I was asked to speak to you. Maybe I am not that good at it. Well, I will try. They give me strength and sometimes tell me the right word. I had a hard life, and had to care for many. But I took it for granted that it was so hard for me. I saw that my parents had also had such a hard life, and many neighbors and acquaintances had the same fate. I thought it was fine. I had done my duty; I had tried to work a lot to earn something so that my family would have enough to eat. Well, I then came into the spiritual realm and I was surprised. So much honor was done to me and I did not want to accept this great honor. I did not think I deserved it because I took it for granted that I would do so much for his family. But now they gave me beautiful clothes and said to me: You had a hard life, and now it will be easier for you; It’s nice for you now, you’re in the kingdom of heaven now, and you’re doing well. I then went with beautiful angelic beings and visited some schools. I was taken to beautiful buildings and explained a lot to me. Of course I enjoyed all of this. I was then shown my beautiful house, which I was soon allowed to take possession of, and I enjoyed it and the whole area. But then I was told: You now have to pick up your friends and acquaintances who lived with you. First you have to pick up the pastor of your church.While the priest was still alive, everything about his life was explained to me. Of course I already knew a lot about it, because I Was not far from him but I did not know everything. I was accompanied to him and leafed through it like a book. Everything about his life was explained to me in detail and then pointed out to me what I particularly wanted to highlight. I had to look at this carefully and I had to know exactly how to meet him and where I had to lead him. These higher beings would be standing near me, but the priest would not be able to see them. I was told that it would be enough if I picked him up and accompanied him to his place in the spiritual world. Okay, I went to him. Many weeks before he became so seriously ill, I was very close to him and observed everything. I was then at his deathbed and was ready to receive him to lead him into the spiritual world. Behind me were his parents and his siblings. But they were not allowed to talk, they could only wave at him, smile at him; But they were not allowed to talk, I was supposed to talk. I did this in the following way: I greeted him and explained to him: So, now you are coming to the afterlife.He was surprised that I, Pio, of all people, greeted him. He did not want to accept my company and did not want to listen to me. I knew full well that he expected a better, higher society. I then apologized to him a little and said that I was sorry that others, higher ups, would not accompany him and give him instructions, but that it was my job now and I was no longer that poor Pio which he would have spoken to. He was somewhat reluctant and reluctant to accept my company. I said it did not help him, I would guide him now. Then, when he still did not agree with me, because he still had a certain dislike for me, and I felt very well that he had expected that special honor would be shown to him, I said to him: Yes, you know, you have done a lot of things wrong in your life. You received money and you should have given it to the poor; These funds were given to you with the express desire that you use them for the poor. What did you do with that money? You bought wine for yourself. If you give some of this wine to the poor. If we had, we would have excused that. You gave nothing to poor Pietro, who lived very close to you and was so seriously ill. You didn’t give anything to Vincenzo, who wasn’t far from you either.And I continued to tell him: You had a garden with lots of vegetables and lots of fruit. The angels of heaven and the Savior, whom you have always praised, would have expected that you would have given the abundance to the poor.He did not do it; he sold it. I had to tell him that, and he was amazed that I knew about it, that I knew all these things. I knew many other things, and I told him that there were still many things where he had gotten into debt. Then he wanted to know why I had the right to tell him this; He would welcome or demand that the angels of heaven speak to him. I answered him, I am also one of the angels of heaven, and it is my job to tell you this. So I asked him to come with me and I led him into a spiritual village. He was not allowed to live in his own house; he should live with many others. I led him there and he thought I looked so good, but I was poor Pio; He could not believe that I was so beautiful, because I went to church so little and yet he prayed so much and talked about the Savior. Then I said to him: Yes, you know, you prayed a lot and talked a lot about the Savior; You told others how to live, but you yourself did not live accordingly. You spoke about the Savior, but you yourself did not live according to his laws. You can’t expect him to reward you, you have to make everything right.He was indignant. And I told him that it did not help him, that he just had to come to the realization that those who had a reputation on earth often no longer had it in the other world and that those who were not paid any attention to in the spiritual world would be given a certain amount of attention. So I accompanied him in this community where he had to live. He also found friends whom he had prayed for and whom he had gone to when they were sick. They were a little surprised that the priest was there too, that he Was not in a nicer place world was allowed to live. But I do not want to talk about that right now. He had to stay where I took him. I had been told exactly where I had to take him. Then the angels came to me again and said: Pio, now it’s time, now you have to get the ‘doctor’,as we told him. You have to lead him now.I also had to look closely at his life book. I knew him too; I knew how he lived, but I did not know everything. So they explained to me exactly what I had to say to him. It then got to the point where I was allowed to face him. I greeted him, hugged him and said: I am glad you’re here, Doctor. You have to excuse me, I was poor Pio, but now I am no longer poor; You see, I am very rich, as rich as you, and it is my job to lead you into your house.Then I told him something about his life: Yes, you know, you gave me some medicine for free when I was sick. And, you know, you get the reward for going to that woman, to Maria, who had so many children and whose husband died so early, and helped her and her children and also brought medicine, without any money from them take. I also know that you sent your wife to the poor people; she had to keep watch there, and she had to bring them food and clothes., Oh,he said, we dont talk about that, Pio, you dont have to talk about it, it goes without saying that I did that.Then I specifically told him: No, that’s not entirely obvious. You know, it Was not long ago that I accompanied the priest and I had to tell him that he used the money he got for the poor to buy wine for himself and that he used his fruit, instead of giving it to the poor, sold it. And with you I can now say that you have done so much and have not accepted any money and that everything you and your wife have done is credited to you. Well, he looked quite neat and handsome, this doctor. He was wearing a beautiful robe; it was different from the garment he had worn as a human; it had different lines and different colors. I thought it was very nice, and we looked at each other and compared each other and found that we both had a good one have appearance. Then this doctor said to me: How come you take such a position? Yes, I can understand that, you had to work a lot for your family, you could not afford anything; You have really taken care of yourself bravely, and this will now be your reward. But, tell me, what do they call you? Are you still Pio here?I answered him: No, they dont tell me Pio.He said very quietly in my ear: Are you an angel too?I explained: Yes, I am told that I belong to them, to these others. But know, you and I, we will still have much to learn and overcome, and we still have hard work to do. But at least we are in good standing, unlike those I brought in and those I have yet to bring in, who had a certain reputation with people; but this does not apply here. If only people knew that conditions in the world beyond are different.And I told him: Come on, I will accompany you now. You know, we live in the same house together. We had a nice house together, and we were happy to be able to live together and do our shared tasks to be able to survive. I had the feeling of great freedom, as I had previously been full of inhibitions towards this doctor; I had believed and said: You are such a (gescheiter) smarter person, I am a terrible person, and I am poor Pio.I had hardly dared to talk, and now I have the impression that I know just as much as this doctor, and we felt like friends and brothers. Then we moved into the house together. When we came in, a small crowd of our spiritual brothers, those angels, were waiting for us. They told us that they had enjoyed our life and that they wanted to take advantage of it. We still have a lot to make up for; We would now continue to be taught accordingly and led to schools and to tasks so that we could serve in the order of God. So we had a lot of fun together. We also agreed that in the future we would bring together those who had lived with us. The other brothers agreed completely. Those from our village should see that poor Pio now looked just as beautiful and good as the respected and good doctor. Well, I have told a small part of my experiences. Our spiritual brother Joseph will explain further to you if things are not clear to you. I enjoy my task and try to fulfill it with all my strength, to the blessing of everyone. I say goodbye and say to all of you: Gods blessings upon you. God bless you. Joseph: God bless you. My dear brothers and sisters, I will try to answer your questions as best as I can. Dear Joseph, why was the good doctor only picked up by Pio? I thought at least his parents or relatives or good friends or angels would come too. Josef: Yes, they turned on straight away afterwards. Dear Joseph, Pio described himself to the priest as an angel of God. Was he right about that? Josef: Yes, it is perhaps not expressed quite correctly in your opinion; you have your own particular idea. This spirit simply meant that it belonged to the superior beings. Because all beings who are on the rise and who strive to follow Gods plan of salvation and order are holy spirits. They are called holy spirits, and it may not have that meaning in your mind. I would perhaps like to say this: It was illustrated to him that he had been elevated in his position and that he was now received as a brother by the angels of God and had his treatment accordingly. Experience report of the ascending spiritual being Pio and answering questions from spirit teacher Josef by mediator Beatrice Brunner in the hall on Münchhaldenstrasse, Zurich Template: tape recording. next headline, November 5, 1958. Barbara, hard life behind monastery walls. Coldness of heart and social arrogance in a womens monastery and their effects in the world beyond. [Greetings from the Control Spirit]. Barbara: God bless you. I was asked to speak to you. I would like to tell something about my life and then about life in the afterlife. When I was very young, my parents sent me to a monastery. It was common practice for daughters and sons from good families to go to the monastery. The dowry had to be the same for the monastery you entered. I thought what was given to me was quite high. The conditions were set by this monastery; That was largely the case at the time. I would like to mention that there were monasteries where anyone could come and where those who entered were really very poor. They had to earn their living by praying. But those who chose such monasteries came from the poorest backgrounds. But they sent me to the monastery and gave me this dowry. I was religious from an early age; I could not be any different, that is how I was brought up. Well, when I entered the monastery, I immediately saw that there were big differences between those who had achieved less and those who had achieved a great deal, and that the position was accordingly. The sisters who came to this monastery not only brought cash, but they also had legacies of large properties that were supposed to belong to the monastery. All were divided or ranked according to the wealth one brought. Those who came from, I would now like to say, very good families and had a special reputation and accordingly brought their large assets with them, were then in the leading positions came. I received, as I mentioned, a handsome dowry; but what I brought was not enough for a leading position. I have to say that I would never have liked such a leading position in this monastery. There was one sister in particular in such a position at the time, I would like to give her the name Agnes. The name I used at the time was Barbara. Now I would like to share our work. it tell us what we had to do. We embroidered the most wonderful vestments on brocade, on linen; we embroidered tablecloths, curtains, all these precious things; it was taught to us. We were also kept strictly. There was a lot of focus on how much you could do and how cleanly you could do it. We had an early wake,up call, but we got used to it over time. This was usually or usually four oclock. Soon afterwards we went to church and mass. Then we could go back to our cell and pray for an hour. Then it was time for breakfast. This consisted of tea and two slices of bread. Afterwards we had to go to work. We were given snacks; it consisted of a slice of bread. Lunch was usually at eleven oclock. But before we were allowed to go there, we had to gather again to pray together. Even while we were at work, embroidering and sewing, we mostly prayed the rosary. I said that we were given a snack which consisted of a slice of bread. The young sisters were very often hungry, and the older ones, who were already used to the meager food, gave many a slice of bread to a starving fellow sister. But if you were discovered, you had to forego snacks for two to three or even more weeks. So, you did not get anything for yourself or for the sisters who were hungry. Every three months there was a lot of laundry in the monastery. The younger ones all had to take part. The food was a little better there; we got soup and bread. The work was rigorous, and in the evening we were so tired that we were often barely able to say our prayers. Because it Was not until four oclock to get up; We had to get up at two oclock. We did not just have to get the laundry from the monastery; Church linen was sent to us from many, many parishes. We had to wash the linen vestments of the priests, everything the church needed [in textiles] was sent to us to wash. We also had to replace or patch the tips. So this washing time lasted three weeks in a row. Then came the time to iron. Here you got half a slice of bread more as a snack. We had taken on this work and we always thought: We are doing it for the Lords sake, we want to do it for His glory. But what we saw was that these other, better,off sisters, who had entered the monastery with large assets, never had to do laundry or ironing. They never ate with us; they had a better table. We were made to understand very often and clearly that it would not be possible to maintain such a monastery and do so many good works with the dowry we had brought alone. We have become accustomed to silence. We were often not allowed to speak a word to each other for weeks. We considered this to be a form of relaxation if we were somehow given the opportunity to talk to each other. This was often a strict time for us, especially since we had to see that the others, these leading sisters of the monastery, did not comply with the rule of silence. What particularly hurt me was that we also had fellow sisters in the monastery who came from humble backgrounds and who had not been able to bring a dowry, so to speak. From the very beginning they had to do the menial work; They were only chosen for cleaning, for the kitchen. This was something that pained me, that such distinctions were made in a monastery where service was only meant for ones neighbor and, as we were told, one had to live for the Lord. If such a fellow sister failed in something in any way, she was humiliated in front of everyone, and she was also deprived of her snacks for the difficult work she had to do. Well, we have persevered, keeping our eyes upward and hoping for Gods justice. We knew, We are in the service of God and there was no way for us to ever get out of these walls. We had also given up any relationship with our relatives. We knew nothing about our parents or our relatives, whether they were still alive or how they were doing, nothing. We had to make sacrifices, we had to live with humility and modesty. So I tried to practice it as best I could. I, too, was often punished by Sister Agnes, also because the work I did at the beginning Was not so clean or careful and because now and then I gave some of my snacks to another sister. I was also humiliated many times, but I endured it, always with the Lord in mind, as we had been taught. I died in this monastery. And then when I went/came to the other side of death, the other world came into, I met my parents. The first thing they told me was: Dear child, be clear to yourself, in this world one is no longer ennobled by birth, but rather the good heart and noble actions ennoble people.I knew what it was telling me; but I had long since forgotten where I came from and who I was. But my parents were not over it yet. I felt like they were suffering. At first I was only allowed to greet them briefly. Then angels of God came and took me away, bringing me beautiful garments. I was still so used to modesty that I did not want to understand that this was possible. I was told: You still have a lot to relearn, but you will do it, and you will be rewarded for what you have achieved with your strength, for the affirmation.I had accepted everything, supported it in silence, and I was to be rewarded for it. Of course, at first I was happy about the beauty that I encountered. But soon sadness came over me anyway; because I had to realize that what I had learned or been taught about was wrong. When I was taught, I kept asking myself: Yes, how is it possible that it could have happened like this?” And the angels said to me: Everything takes time. You did the best you could, and so we want to congratulate you and give and teach you and place you in the order, in our order. You should learn to become free, to look up to others, because you were not allowed to look up, you were not free." I actually had to learn this. But the angels were a great support to me, and I soon gained this freedom. What further depressed me was that I could not see my parents; It was explained to me: For now it is enough that they greet you; Now they have to give up seeing you.It took a very, very long time until it was overcome and I was allowed to go to them, talk to them, bring them comfort and also be a leader for them. What I further experienced and what made me sad again was the following: the sisters who had been leaders in the monastery, who had brought such great assets with them and had come to this position and, in my opinion, not all of whom had any special intelligence, with the exception of this sister Agnes, they were also in the afterlife, because they were significantly older than me and they were not having a good time now. I got to see them all together. The condition of this sister Agnes made the greatest impression on me; she evoked the greatest pity in me. She always had next to her, I would like to put it this way to make it clear to you, the photograph of her life; she was always next to her: so she was seen as a nun, with such a stern look and so unpleasant. And everyone else who met her mocked her. She lived in a deep sphere with the other sisters of her rank. I was allowed to go to her. But I not only saw them and the others, but also the suffering spirits who were in the same sphere and who always mocked these nuns. For everyone, the picture of life was next to them. You could see who they had been. And these others, they were not pious at all, did not believe in God, did not know humility and modesty, and so they laughed. The nuns, they prayed, they asked for forgiveness. But I was given to understand that, despite the prayers they pray in these lower spheres, they will not be heard until all the suffering they have done to their fellow sisters is eradicated and until they have shown their pride would have filed. Because when the other spirits came and greeted them as nuns and mocked them, then they spoke of their origins, of their high status or their high birth that they had in the earthly realm, and then believed that this would make an impression on the others. But then the taunting only began again. So, although they prayed and always asked God for forgiveness, they had to live in this unhappy world for many, many years until an angel from heaven went to them. I was allowed to accompany this angel of God together with other sisters who had endured the same fate with me and received the reward in the same way as I did, in order to bring the message to the sisters in this lower sphere that they can complete the rest in a new life on earth could say that it is not possible to make everything right in the spiritual world. So it was revealed to them that in this new earthly life they would come into poor families and that then there would no longer be any question of being born high, of having a lot of money and of the many values that one possesses, and that it would never be successful either not to be respected throughout life and m to have more than you currently need. These sisters came to us, knelt before the angel and also before us, asking us to help them. We felt uncomfortable and wanted to get her up because we did not want to see her kneeling in front of us. It reminded us that in the monastery we had had to kneel before them and ask for forgiveness when we had done something wrong. It Was not pleasant for us. But the angel of God gave us a sign that we should only let them do it, they should find this humiliation. They were then prepared by Gods angels for the new life on earth, and it was made clear to them that the spiritual world would not have a hard time bringing them to such countries, to such parents, where the prerequisites for wealth would be missing from the start. Accordingly, they would be watched over so that everything would happen in such a way that they would have to live in poverty and also in humiliation, just as they had humiliated their fellow sisters. What I just wanted to mention and missed out on saying: that I remembered a sister who was now also with me, together with me in the happy world. She had come from a humble background and was accepted into menial tasks in this monastery and was often put in front of us and humiliated. This sister was also there now, and she was dressed much nicer than we were. She had a very special distinction: she was so bright, so beautiful, and her face was so fine. So the once leading sisters could now see the ways in which God rewards and punishes. In the lower spheres they were also informed about everything that they had been taught incorrectly and what false information they had spread. This is how the correction came. And it was also revealed to them in our presence that they should prepare themselves for the new life on earth. We live in our happy world, and we also know that a new life on earth will be destined for us. However, at this point in time, none of the sisters I am with have been told when it will be, since we are still working in Gods plan of salvation; We were told: You are granted a long period of rest and experience in the divine realm.So we rejoice and we are eager. But we have become freer and we can work. It is not particularly advantageous if people have to live in such a state of bondage, if they are in constant fear and anxiety, so that modesty and humility are in a certain sense a constraint on one; This is an obstacle in the kingdom of God, because it means that we cannot develop what is required of us. So we first needed real peace and joy for a long time. All of us together, just as one after the other entered the Kingdom of God, have entered this wonderful garden. We could talk to each other as much as we wanted, discuss problems; we could talk about people, about our work in the kingdom of heaven. We had the opportunity to dedicate ourselves to the fine art of heaven, and so this life was so glorious and so beautiful for us. We had to be encouraged by the heavenly messengers to take the path to the earthly kingdom for a special task. We had no desire to add a return to the people. We had to be told again and again where a task was and how it had to be completed. Thats how it happened. So, according to your time calculation, we had decades of relaxation, joy and freedom. Only then was each individual assigned the work to which he or she must devote himself until the time of his rebirth. So I live happily in the afterlife, and I have found access to a wide variety of spirit families, where each one fulfills its task, on a large scale here, on a small scale there. We are always welcome guests, because we not only come into the houses of these spiritual relatives and friends, but we immediately offer them our services and say that we would like to do them favors. that is what happened to me. When I visited this house, to which your community belongs, and declared: I offer you my services,I was replied: It is good, sister, we could use you.So I was brought here to tell you a few things, to give you an insight into a time that was a long time ago for you and in which there was a lot of suffering in many hearts that lived so locked up behind walls. But today we see that a lot of things in this world have been relaxed and a lot of things no longer exist in the same way. We can also understand that it will happen like this: gradually things will be relaxed more and more and people will be given more and more internal and external freedom and self,determination, so that it probably no longer exists today more is happening to bring children into the monastery in the way that was once done when I was alive. Now, dear friends, I return, but I would like to express Gods blessing upon you; may it bring good luck to everyone. So I would like to give everyone a small souvenir from a heavenly garden that I visit so often. It is not all flowers; there are still many things in the gardens of God that could please a human eye. God bless you. God bless you. Experience report of the ascending spirit being Barbara by mediator Beatrice Brunner in the hall on Münchhaldenstrasse, Zurich. Template: Tape recording. next headline, December 3, 1958. Christel, teacher of her own father. Spiritual liberation after an earthly fiefdom with physical disabilities. Control spirit: God bless you. Dear friends, the first thing a ghost will do is come again and tell you about his penultimate life. We always select those entities who can describe their experiences accordingly. All of this comes with so many teachings. So we ask you to listen carefully, and if any questions arise, they can be asked later to Brother Joseph. You should play music again until the trance changes. God bless you the hour. God bless you. Christel: God bless you. Dear brothers and sisters, I am speaking through someones mouth for the first time. I was commissioned to speak to you about my penultimate life. Well, my father was a journeyman baker. My name was Christel. I lost my mother very early; I did not know her. My father looked after me as best he could. But I Was not like other children, I could not speak; and we were poor, very poor. I remember the time when I, even in extreme poverty, took care of the household as best I could. My father was very worried about me. I could not read, could not write, or even speak. But I understood what people were saying about me, and it often pained me to hear the base manner in which they spoke about me. It hurt me. We had a very modest apartment, if you can even call it an apartment according to your terms. We were in extreme poverty. But my father had bought goats for me, and so I went up the mountains with these goats. There was a hut there. When the weather was good and warm, I stayed on the alp for a long time and slept with my friends Goats in the stable. My father asked me not to sleep outside with the animals, but to take them into the stable. I also felt much safer here. I just lay on straw and sometimes I laid my head on the body of a goat that was particularly dear to me. that is how I lived. My father brought me the bread; he visited me as much as possible. I had enough milk myself. So I lived on milk and bread. My father wanted to make sure that if he died before me, I would be able to get good accommodation somewhere. So he had put aside some of his meager wages. It was often possible to sell an animal. For me, passing on an animal was always painful. But the father made it clear to me that he wanted to take care of me. Well, I remember that even though he loved me, he sometimes drank too much alcohol. It also pained me to see my father in this condition. But I could not talk. But I particularly felt what was right and what was wrong. Well, my father had made sure that I would be taken into care after his death; I had to go to a monastery. It was friends in the community or in the village who then brought me to this monastery, who sold the animals and explained to me that it Was not possible, that I was completely alone, and that it was my fathers will. So I had to enter this monastery, not as a nun, that would not have been possible. I would just like to briefly describe this monastery to you. It was a very large building. In one part there were nuns, in the other part there were all those, you call them disabled, people. They lived there or waited to die and were thus in the care of these nuns. There were blind people and people like me who could not speak; There were also those who were paralyzed or who had all sorts of other problems. So they were people who could not be allowed to live in public or who no longer had any relatives. Depending on how capable someone was of achieving something, they were called upon to work, even though they were paid money for it. Actually, it would have been the case that you would have earned the maintenance yourself. I did not like it in this monastery, with these people, because I longed for freedom, especially at first. I was now inside these monastery walls and could no longer get out. Since I used to live outdoors day and night and be with animals, it was something very difficult for me to separate myself from that. And it meant a lot of pain for me to overcome this. My work in this monastery was to look after the more severely disabled, i.e. the paralyzed, those who always had to lie in bed. They had to be cared for like small children. I had to learn that, and I certainly did it well; I was always willing to do what I was told. I always understood what was said to me, but I could not speak. So I cared for these poor, sick people, and I saw much greater suffering than mine. Over time I was able to overcome it; I had no other choice. I took care of the lame, and I led the blind; I did whatever work was assigned to me. Well, I was called away from this world early. I was forty years old and then, after a short illness, I was allowed to say goodbye. My father received me in the spiritual world. He was happy and said: Christel, I have been praying so much, I have been running here and there to get to these higher beings to make it clear to them that my Christels should withdraw from this world.He explained to me: You have me to thank for being able to care for these sick people. You had been chosen for much lesser work than the one you had to do. And then again I went to these spirits of heaven and begged them to have mercy on you. I was allowed to be around you a lot too.So the father spoke to me and he told me that he had learned how to transfer the spiritual power to a person; He would have given me comfort, and I would not have thought of him so much for nothing. So he was always close to me. But now I would like to explain that he was very amazed that I could talk, just like he and everyone else he lived with. He even thought I was beautiful. He praised my looks and my curly blonde hair. Always, again he stroked my hair with his hands and said to me: Christel, you are as beautiful as an angel. I was happy, I could speak, I was free. I had laid aside my human burden and many things had immediately become clearer to me; I could see my past lives. The angel who stood next to us said to the father: You know, your Christel had to endure this life like this because she didn’t deserve it any other way; She has now lost a lot through this life.The father did not listen to the angels messengers words; he was simply overjoyed. The angel then explained to me that my dwelling was not my fathers dwelling, that I lived in another sphere that was more beautiful than my fathers. I would now have to attend schools diligently and make a lot of effort for intellectual advancement. Well, I did everything I was told. I had to explain to my father that I Was not always allowed to be by his side. At first, however, I was allowed to do so because he only had one wish, that I come to all of his acquaintances in the spiritual world. This meant those with whom he lived; he wanted to introduce me to everyone. He delighted in me exceedingly, and the angels said to me, Let him do so for now, and then we will tell you how to exalt your Father.So I stayed with him for a while. I would also like to add that I was given a period of rest or sleep beforehand and that I then devoted myself to my father. He now went with me to his acquaintances. Yes, there were people among them that I had also seen in my life, with whom I had met. And the father always said: This is my Christel! You see, she is a beautiful angel. As a human she couldn’t speak, now God has made her an angel. He went everywhere and said the same thing, out of his pride or his joy. I told him: You should not talk like that, you should just say: Thats my Christel. You should not always say that I am beautiful; I do not want to hear that." It did not help; the father refused to be taught. He went with me through the entire sphere, and his circle of acquaintances was so large, he knew so many, and I always had to hear the same thing, and they all marveled at me. Well, I also saw straight away that the life that the father was now leading was probably not entirely right. But I only wanted to hear the instructions of the angelic messengers guiding me. They picked me up again, led me into my house, into these beautiful surroundings, and at the same time they taught me about the Father. They explained to me his mannerisms or his attitude, they told me: You see, in his In life he was a good,natured person; but he was often very weak. And he has no sense of responsibility, he does not know that; He’s not reliable either.It was explained to me that he had been assigned a job and that he had long since run away from that job; He was told with a lot of love and patience that he had to return to his work. It was explained to me that it had to be made clear to him, even when I was still living as a human being, that if he did not stick to his duties, the way to me in the monastery would be blocked. Then he picked himself up again and went about his tasks a little more, but there was no talk of conscientiousness. He did as he pleased; He talked a lot to all his siblings and thus forgot his duties. It was made clear to me that the world of God does not take violent action against those entities that are in such a deep stage of development and that it sees that they are not evil. But there are malicious spiritual beings who are then eliminated from a community or rather banned. But non,malicious spirits like my father stay in their sphere or with their siblings until they themselves have the desire to achieve something more and until they come to the realization that through achievements one achieves merit and good merit, higher life. But how can this be taught to someone who is simply content with what is around him and who only finds joy in talking a lot and finding the opportunity to talk among these huge, endless crowds of spirits? This was how I was taught so that I would know straight away what my fathers spiritual development was like. But it was also suggested to me that I was so full of suffering because of my past life and pain, I have paid off the guilt that I had brought with me into that life, everything is dissolved, forgiven, made up for. It was explained to me that because I had never been malicious, but had always willingly done everything I was told, I had achieved spiritual progress and thus paved the way for myself to reach these spiritual heights. I had to go to schools, and these schools were very strict. It was explained to me that other beings were given more freedom between lessons; That means a freedom through which you can decide for yourself whether you want to dedicate yourself to this or that or whether you want to go to people to look for a task from them and to help them. Many people only go to people to look for entertainment. So I had to go through these rigorous schools and still had time to visit my father. I could not tell him anything about what I was told; I could only warn him that he should stick to his tasks now. And I went with him to his tasks; I wanted to fulfill them with him, because he kept running away. They had previously explained to me in detail what his job entailed. It was so simple: he had certain people among his peers who he should also have made aware of their reliability, their loyalty to their duties, and their tasks. So all he had to do was look around and ask the other person: What task did you actually have to do?” That was his whole job. But he could not do this; He asked everything else and just talked to them. Now I did the same with him and went to his acquaintances, as he called himself, and to his friends. I asked her with him: Yes, what task do you have to do here?And so I had to experience that so many people no longer knew it at all. They had also turned away and turned to other interests, so that they no longer even knew what to do. But it became clear to me, I looked into them: I saw the words that had been spoken to them, what they should do. So I could tell them; and they had to agree with me that such words can be used I told them that they did not attach any importance to it and that they did not think it was that important that it was followed. Well, I explained to them that these were only the smallest and most menial orders and that they just had to try to comply with them. So I had these visits here and there with my father. I also had to keep reminding him that he did not keep talking about me. Because he kept forgetting what he should ask, but kept saying: This is my Christel, and look how beautiful an angel she is.That was all he had dealt with. It was hard for me to dissuade him and With great difficulty I got him so far that he could say: This is my Christel; in the last life she was my daughter,and that he was content with that. Then he also slowly learned to ask his friends: Oh, what task were you given when you entered this world?He had to search for these tasks with them and lead them to them. So I did it for many, many years until the angels of God came to me and said: Dear sister, we wish that you enter a new life on earth, and only for a very short time, half a year or a whole year, depending on; it will be enough.I said that if it was in the will of God, I would not say no to it, even though I enjoyed this work in the spiritual world. This is how I was prepared for the new life on earth. I was only allowed to live in this realm for a short time; A good six months was enough and I was called back into the spiritual world. I have neglected to say that I had previously informed my father, said goodbye to him and explained to him that I would visit him again later, but that he should not ask about me or look for me now; but if it were the destiny of the higher world, I would find the way to it again. He promised me that, and we said goodbye accordingly. So I only had a good six months in this earthly life and was then called back to the spiritual world. And I came to the paradise of the littlest children. There I was looked after by the angels of God with endless love. Her beauty, her patience cannot be described in such language as people speak. Well, I grew up in this childrens paradise, looked after by angels of God. I only had beautiful things to experience; Like all my siblings, I was raised only with love. We were also taken to special festivals and were allowed to say poems there, very small poems; We each brought a small torch or a few flowers and took a few steps to a dance. The world we lived in was so wonderful and so beautiful. We were surrounded with constant love, so that everyone who grew up there in this childrens paradise is so permeated with love that it is hardly possible that feelings could be expressed in them in the spiritual world that in some way do not correspond to divine laws would correspond. Because only growing up in love, in the environment of these wonderful, patient angels of God, is also a wonderful gift for a being. When I was about seven years old according to your time, I was taken to Earth to my parents and was told: You see, this is the house where your parents live and where they still talk about you . Now and then, meaning the special Christian holidays, you can go to them and bring them what you want.These wishes of a seven,year,old child are to be understood as modest things; So they often only carry a little flower, a little light, a colored stone, a colorful leaf or any other things that are in this childrens paradise that they can reach. When I was seven years old, I was taken away from this sphere. I still remained in the childrens paradise, but came to another, how should I put it, department or sphere of the same level. There you had to go to school again; because what one had previously learned had just disappeared, but could easily be regained. So I continued to grow up, and when a few more years were over, I had to leave this sphere too. We were each a nice group of people of the same age. After a wonderful farewell party, after singing, after many good wishes and playing together, we left this world and a new phase began for us again. We were told that we also had to learn, just like the growing children on Earth. So we also have to learn again and again what we can be expected to bear until this knowledge is compiled again. So I stayed in the world of God, in this wonderful, beautiful sphere. It was explained to me that I had reached these heights thanks to my good will and growing up surrounded by loving beings. Through their loving upbringing, one is imbued with the same power. It is similar to people on earth: When parents live together with their children in great harmony, patience and love, they take this love, this harmony with them into their lives later on. Everyone also carries disappointments from their parents home into their larger lives. Therefore: what grows in love becomes strong and good, what grows in true, spiritual, pure love. Today I am faced with new tasks in the spiritual world. So I was also invited to a party. As you already know, there is a lot of celebration in the heavenly world and people go and invite this and that soul, but always with a certain calculation to get something in return from them. And I have now given this in return. Well, my dear brothers and sisters, I say goodbye to you again. If there are questions within you, you have the opportunity to ask them and they will certainly be answered. I would just like to recommend one thing to you: that you too, wherever you are and where you live, try to always be of good will. Stop any malice because it prevents everyone from advancing. Be of good will, and if someone has a difficult life and is scarred, but he accepts his fate and is understanding towards his fellow human beings, then what happened to me can happen to him. The ladder to heaven is so infinitely large, and the angels of God who lead you up this ladder to heaven can lift you up, move to these heights that you have earned. So may it be with you. When they take you from this earth and walk with you on this ladder to heaven, may it happen that they can jump over many rungs with you so that you too can experience heaven in its true beauty, in its peace, in its happiness. This is my greeting to you. God bless you. Joseph: God bless you. My dear friends, I am ready to answer your questions as best I can. Dear friend Josef, was the meaning of Christels short life only for his parents or for this soul too? Josef: Yes, primarily it was for this soul, but then the parents who had to bear this suffering were chosen accordingly. So one is connected to the other. So can one assume that there was a karmic reason for the short life? Josef: Partly yes. It was a suffering for the parents. But because this soul was allowed to grow up in this paradise and only in beauty and was cared for with so much love, it was strengthened. So she did not have to go through the temptations that people have to go through and fall over and over again. This does not mean that this soul will not be born again in the earthly realm; but the world of God chooses them, draws the plan accordingly for them and strengthens them; she allows them to be so penetrated with divine power that their feelings are just as subtle. But then, at a given moment, let us say: after many, many decades or it could even be two or three hundred years, they will then have to be sent back into the earthly realm. Thank you, dear Josef. Is it possible that a soul who was allowed to grow up in a childrens paradise will then grow up in a later person, have to go through a very difficult life and fall again, that means they do not pass their exams? Josef: I want to say it could be possible. Because this world has so many dangers and man becomes weak in it. You know that here he is exposed to the Luciferian laws and the temptations are very great, so that the possibility of falling already exists. It is just like this: When a spirit has reached these heights, it is also strengthened in its belief in God and is accordingly led by the spiritual world into an environment where these possibilities are not available to the same extent. But I cannot say: Yes, that can never happen, but it could well happen that something significant comes to the person that impresses him so much that he moves away from belief in God or rejects belief in God. This possibility can also exist. But one hopes that when one has reached these heights, there are only a few of them. Dear Josef, I would be interested to know whether Christel was baptized in her second life, which lasted so short. Does baptism influence spiritual life? Josef: My dear friends, the baptism that people perform is simply an external act. You want to commit yourself to a community. But the child who is born is a child of God and belongs to the spiritual church of Christ. Baptism is a human act; So you should not think that heaven is not open to a child who has not been baptized in the name of God and in the name of Jesus Christ; but heaven is also open to it. Because remember, there are so many religious traditions. There are people who know, I would like to say: do not know, belong to communities and who baptize their children at home themselves; They, too, have a firm belief: Yes, now I have baptized the child, now it suits him the sky is open.Heaven is open to everyone; it depends on how you behave in life. But everyone who has entered this earthly kingdom is a child of God and bears the sonship of God. It was brought by Jesus Christ. Dear friend Joseph, I assume that spirit messengers are also present at the baptism of a small child and perhaps bring their gifts to this celebration. Josef: You know, there are spiritual festivals for such small children that people have no idea about. It is not always the case that the spirits of God take part in the festivals that people celebrate; but they have their own festivals and work at a time when people do not know it and have no idea about it, because this is not necessary at all. The spiritual world cannot attach such importance to the baptism that people undertake because the thought associated with it is not correct. Because there are children who are not baptized, but heaven is still open to them. Should the spirits now go to such a child because of the action because people have decided to baptize this child? The spirits of God also accompany these beings in other ways and are their guides and protectors, just as they are instructed and as marked. Dear Joseph, did his fathers forgetfulness have anything to do with his mental state, or was he perhaps just a bit weak,willed? Josef: Yes, his weak will was due to his level of development. He had this flaw, and he now found himself with siblings who had the same flaws. How can a person strengthen his will if he is weak,willed? Because here lies the problem: he has trouble making an effort. Christel, December 3, 1958. 119 Josef: But he can make an effort by listening to the words of those around him who remind him what the right path is. You know, there are weak,willed people who are good,natured. Something can be formed or something can grow out of their good nature; Due to this good nature, they are unable to do unjust actions and they will dutifully do everything that they are told, and accordingly they also have their merits. Of course It is different if youre easy,going. So there are different gradations in this relationship too. Dear Spirit Josef, was Christels disability also an instruction for his father? Joseph: Oh yes. You know, this daughter was a big burden for him. He already had a difficult life. You have to imagine what such a disability meant at the time when this happened, how people were ruthless and uncomprehending towards each other. That was worse back then. Today, when such a person lives among you, you feel sorry for him and try to make his life easier. Higher development brought all of this with it. The refinement of man, mans higher thinking, has refined his sensibilities, and he accordingly has understanding for such a person. But at that time people like that were despised. How long ago was this life? Is it more than two hundred years? Josef: Yes, It is a little more. Dear Joseph, what can be the reason why a person cannot speak? I do not mean in Christels case, but in general. Josef: You know, when people have committed major mistakes, the spiritual world always determines how to make amends is. Because here too, I do not want to say what happened back then, I would like to take you back in spirit, let us say three hundred or five hundred years ago. If you think about that time, you have to realize that back then this understanding and goodwill towards others was not present, that people used terrible means against each other and that they put each other under strain. How could what Christel had acquired after her first life in the otherworldly school be lost again so that it had to be learned again after the second life? Josef: When a being enters the earthly world, it no longer knows anything about its previous spiritual life. So it does not know where, in what sphere it lived, what position it occupied; By entering this earthly realm, this knowledge was taken away from him. When these beings leave the earth again, they have to adapt to those conditions and have to learn the same thing again. If they have diligently attended such schools in the past, it will not be difficult for them to grasp what they have previously learned. Dear Josef, Christel spoke about the ladder to heaven. Was that meant symbolically? Josef: Yes, it is clear that this is symbolic. The ladder to heaven simply means the steps. After her fathers death, this Christel was taken to a monastery where other frail and weakly gifted people were cared for. We already wrote about it in Barbara’s last report [s. P. 99 ff.] heard of a monastery and the works of the church were spoken of. Now there is no doubt that the Church has done many works. I am very interested to know, especially in connection with the last lecture, who was actually credited with these works. Christel, December 3, 1958. 121 Josef: It depends on what motives or urges the people in question had to create these works. If it was done just for their glory, it cannot be credited to them personally, but again it is something that has unfolded through development. Because it is like this: the world of God always tries to bring peoples actions to a spiritual height; That means, even if a person does something out of some attitude, let us say, out of an attitude that is neither good nor bad, the world of God then tries to produce something better from what has been created. The world of God continues to create, continues to build on what people have built. Experience report of the ascending spirit being Christel and answering questions from spirit teacher Josef by mediator Beatrice Brunner in the hall on Münchhaldenstrasse, Zurich. Template: tape recording. next headline, January 7, 1959. Hannes, the hard heart. A former innkeeper gains understanding for the vices and needs of his neighbors. Control spirit: [The beginning of the audio recording is missing.] First a spirit will speak to you who has been in the afterlife for about 35 years. It is a spirit being that speaks to you from the lower spheres of purification. That does not mean that it is a malicious spiritual being, but rather we want to give you an insight into the wonderful spiritual laws. We want to show you how you lead the individual up and what they have to experience in the afterlife and that in the spiritual world, with simple, uneducated people from whom you can not actually expect that much, all of this is taken into account . I just want to ask you to listen carefully; because you can learn a lot from the explanations that these entities give you. This gives you the best insight into the laws. The language of this spirit will not be as we wish. But we allow it this way so that you also get proof of how such a being can make himself known, that it happens in the way he thought and spoke as a human being, and that he made himself known in such a short time hasnt improved that much yet; he is probably trying hard. It should be clear to you that we only allow spirits who have a good will to ascend. We have checked them carefully and they are now under our control. If a spirit became abusive in its speech in any way, we would intervene immediately and break the trance. If this creature speaks a little funny in his story, you can, I would say, laugh a little, You can enjoy it, but you should ensure that the elevated framework remains. Because if that Was not the case, we would stop immediately. So we again allow a being in this way so that you can receive instructions from it, so that you can gain insight into the spiritual world and into the work and life of these spirits of ascension. Well, God bless you all. God bless you. [The spirit being reported below spoke in a distinctive dialect that was mixed with written German. This peculiar language style was largely left in its original form in order to illustrate the peculiarity of the spiritual being.] Hannes: God bless you. This is what I was taught, this is what I should speak to you. My dear siblings, my name is Hannes. I have to tell you: I lived in this earth realm and I had an inn. I had seen what was right here, just as I believed it would be good. Very often the priest came to me and said: Hannes, you, the good Lord is not happy with you. You can not go to church, you can not go to heaven. And you dont have a good heart, you have to change!Then I said: I can not come to church, but my wife comes to church; She prays for me and that should be enough!Well, I have already looked into the truth, that is: for me! Ma then blamed me, and the priest mostly. I gave the poor people too much brandy and I took everyones pennies. I should not have. And well, I got sick and had to die. Then the priest said I had to prepare me; I will now come before the Lord God and he will then talk to me. Yes, It is come to this point, I am away from the world. And then I met my mother and she said: Repent, the Lord God is not at peace with you. You did not have a good heart as a human being. You have a lot to make up for.Yeah, I did not even imagine what it might look like on the other side. That the Lord does not agree It is coming, I thought so; It is not possible for the next one to come. Now I have to blame the mothers for that. She always said: Yes, you had a nice house. And you always chased away the travelling people who came near your house. You were too rough.Then I said: Yes, I have to chase them away because they are killing my chickens; I had to, they were stealing everywhere, and I could not do that. Then I just chased them away!” Then my mother went to the side, and then she was different, beautiful creature, I knew that, ma always talked about the angels; and when you lived as a human being, you always said about the English, but it Was not always that understandable. Now I have experienced it. And he said the same thing to me, he said: Hannes, you didn’t have a good heart. Why did you always chase away these travelling people? You shouldn’t have done that!I said: Yeah, they could have stolen everything together., Yeah,the angel said to me and if you dont raise a few chickens less, what would that be?Yes, I could not really understand that. Then he said a lot of other things to me, I am not even allowed to say them! He also accused me of taking the last penny from the poor people; I should not have done that. I should have done it, I should have done it! I thought it would be nice if I could take care of my inn and let people come; I talked to her a lot and entertained herself. And my wife, Theres, went to church. Now the angel said: Yes now, Hannes, things are different now. Now you have to make amends for what you have done wrong in your life. I had such a hard heart. Now we have to make sure that the heart becomes good. That’s what you have to teach now in the hereafter., Yeah,I said, yeah, yeah, if it has to be done, just tell me and show me how it has to be done.Then he said: Yes, good, you’re coming with me now.Then he took me to a little house, and we did not really like it that much. My little house, where I lived, I was more beautiful. Then It is never really day, It is never really night; I am not coming to myself, what kind of time, what will happen. Once I had the feeling that it was going to be winter; then I have it Feel again, it will be autumn; I can not figure it out myself. Oh well, it was a bit oppressive and difficult. But the house, yes, It is not as neat as I would have liked. Then I just lent a hand and sorted things out and repaired the house oil. And then things went somewhat smoothly. But it did not last long before others came to me and took up residence in my house. I said: The house is mine and I have put it right. You should go away, you should look for a house like this yourself! This is my little house, and I will stay in this little house!With all my effort and effort I got it away. Then it went away for a while, and then others came back and said: You have got a nice little house, there is still room for me!, and then it just stuck and wanted to stay there. Then I said: there is nothing, there is nothing, Hannes stays in the little house and you do what you can to get out of there.So I did it, and then it went on for a while, and then this angel came to me and said: Hannes, see, that’s it, your hard heart. Why do not you give them the opportunity to stay in the house? You can talk to them. You should not be so narrow,minded. You shouldn’t send them away, just leave them in your house, you have enough space!, Yes, yes, but they have no order,I said, they mess everything up and bring about things like that that I dont like. I want to have order in my house.Then the angel said: Yes, you have to talk to them; You have to train them to be orderly and you have to make sure you get along with them. Yeah, then I have some glass, and then it does not fit; No matter how much I could talk, they were never in order, and then I just sent it away again. I had to forcefully ensure that they were gone. Then I was alone again for a while, and I liked it, and I repaired the house oil again. Then they just came back and nested again, and I had the same mishap again and had to send them away again. Then the angel came back and said: Now, Hannes, now I told you to leave her with you. Why do you always send them away?I made it clear to him: I want to have order, I have always had order as a human being, and I can not have the house being messed up; and the talk, I can’t have that!, Well,said the angel, you have to get used to it, you have to leave her with you, you mustn’t send her away. You have to talk to them, you have to educate them to order. If you can organize things so well, then you have to bring them in to work, and then they have to organize things with you.Then I thought: Yeah, yeah, when youre gone..., I will get rid of her again!So I did it and sent her away again. And that is how it went. I tried again and again for a long time and I always got rid of it. Then afterwards the angel came again. If I had always thought that he could come, then I would not have had a glass there and would have, yes, I would have sent it later. Well, then It is not a problem. Then he comes and brings another angel with him. And he looked a little more energetic. So I saw straight away: So you could not talk to him like you did to the other person to whom I said: I want to have my things in order.He immediately took me by the hand and shook it a little and said: Hannes, the theater, the It is not, you do not do that; Now I want to make sure you get your guests!And then they came, they came in droves! And I had to leave her in the house. Then the angel said: I am not going away, I am staying here, and I will make sure that you do not send them away. Now it’s over, you have to learn to obey now!Yeah, then I just glass them. Then these two talked to my guests and gave them instructions. Then I listened, but no one ever said to me: Hannes, you have to come and listen too.And then I just did what I liked. that is how it went for a while, and then they both left again, and I had my whole house full! Well, I was thinking: Do you have to follow her now, or should you throw her out again?” Then I thought about it and thought: Well, if there’s a little house like that, there’s definitely another little house around somewhere.Then I left my house and went looking for someone else. I saw different things there, and they were all completely full, and it would not have fallen, it would not have fallen, and it would have been a mess. I did not like that at all, and then I went back to my house and thought: "Well, now, you have to be happy with your house, at least you have a clean house and you have your house in order." I then told them what was right and what Was not and what I wanted and what I did not want! Then the two angels came back after a long time, also the one who looked at something like that energetically. He took me again and shook him and said: Yes, we see your attitude. It is not at all serious that they are staying in your house; youd like to get rid of them. Now were doing it differently with you; now you come with me, now you leave the house. Now It is over, Hannes, now It is over! And those who are in the little house should stay now. You’re coming with us now!” Oh dear! Then I just went with you. And then they explained to me that now I had to go to a big house, and there would be many, many people there with whom I would have to share the space. And then I would not be the first, like in the little house where I could have ruled; Then I have to submit to it. Then he went with me. But this misty layer, where it was neither day nor night, nor summer nor winter, has remained; I actually did not like that. Then my mother built such a big house; It looked like, I still remember when I was alive as a human being, like a factory; it had such small windows. I did not like that at all. But where I went, there were really a lot of people there. Hmmm! Then I thought: If you had stayed where you were, you would not have to fight with them all now!” Then I called out and said to him: So, you see, that’s Hannes. He helps you work now, he has to do it now and also look after the right thing.He has other things too, that counts, I did not understand it and I did not hear what was said. So I had to listen, I noticed that, I knew that! Then I have to stay in this house and I was assigned various jobs. I had to look to the right in the garden, and a certain group of fellow comrades, or whatever I should call them, were introduced to me. I then had to deal with them and talk to them. I was told exactly how and where I could go with them and so on. Yes, I had to come along. But then the person who shook me like that, he is the head of the big house, picked me up, and I always had to go to school with the other person at a very specific time. Uuh, I have to go to school! And then we had to, like people, like little children on earth, We were told things, and then we were allowed to go home again, and then we had to learn it almost by heart, had to go back, and then they asked us: Well, Hannes, do you remember what I told you?, and then you had to tell everything. And sometimes you knew it and sometimes you didnt. And then you just have to go to school until you can, I would like to say, just do what we were told. It was explained to us that it would take so long, and then if we could give an answer to all of that, then we would go back to a higher school, and there we would be able to learn new things again and so on. I then asked whether everyone who goes to heaven has to go to school there first; and I would have imagined heaven differently. Yes, everyone must learn, everyone must learn. And then they explained it like this: Ma made drawings, Ma drew us a kind of ball, and with the ball they made stripes like this, and then Ma said: Yes, that is now a plan, or that is now a stage,and then they drew it exactly like that up to the top and said: The soul that has already learned so much can now come there, and that is where the completely pious ones go, and there come those who just had such a hard heart." And so everything was explained. You gave us the drawing; We understood it a little better because they drew all of this. Then you had to learn, it then became very energetic. Then you could no longer do what you wanted. So I created a few schools. Then they took me out of the house and said: Now, now, Hannes, now we’ll take you to a place where it’s better; now It is getting brighter. Now you can see what is day and what is night or fog or something.Yes, and then suddenly I was tilted like that, suddenly I was there and it was so bright. I saw a green meadow, that Was not there before! And I even saw flowers and colors, all colors, the houses were in different colors. Yes, things were better! And then they explained: You see, Hannes, you also have to show that you have a good heart. As a human being you did not have a good heart, and when you came to the afterlife you had the same mistakes; You have everything you want yourself and you do not give it to others. Now you have to show whether you are ready now and can give something to the others or treat them!” Yes, there was a long street, behind it a big garden and a little house on the other. And in one little house there were maybe two or three. Now I have been led back into a small house; That was nice, that was really nice, and I was alone there. But I already thought: Aha, now I am alone, and then later theyll come and want to know whether I want to be with the others now!And that is it. Here they come! But then I said: Welcome!and let it in and talked to them. I told them or talked about what I learned in school and told them what I was taught. Then I thought, I know whether they can do more than me, whether they know more than me. Then I realized that she did not really know anything more. And then I said: Yes, you can just stay there as long as you want, and then you should tell me what you know and can do and so on. Well, these stayed and I got used to them. Then we agreed: We want to stay together, no one wants to send the other away, and we want to do something. There was one there, a female, and said: Yes, it’s not one actually, just pretending with what were talking about and stuff like that. I know exactly that we must now strive to move forward. The sky is big, and there are many mansions there; I do not want to have the worst apartment there. I have a feeling there are even nicer homes out there, and we have to become more pious, we have to pray, and we have to try to cultivate a good disposition. We must try to somehow transfer or spread what we have, the good that we recognize. I believe that the most important thing is that we will then achieve greater wealth, because that is how it is in heaven. It was then explained to me that they had learned that. We agreed, and then I still had a lot to learn, they said a lot. Then things went with me in the sphere where I was led, and the others went to the other houses and talked to each other, asking: Could I be of service to you, could I do something for you ?And one said: Yes, there one said: "No." And then they tried to understand each other and became like a community, even though there were small houses where only a small number of spirits had to live together. But we were all united and a family. Then one person from this community, or whatever I should call it, spoke and talked to us and we agreed on what we wanted to do on our own. We did it well. Then they came back, these two, including the one who shook me. And then he said: Hannes, yes, you are now on the way to where you can rise. Were pretty happy with it. Now I have to leave the house again. And he wanted to take me somewhere else again. Then he took me to a school, with the others again, and gave us drawings of heaven again, how we need to understand heaven. He talked about where many souls would go to heaven and what should be purified first and so on. I then got an insight and then I knew: There is nothing else that you, we have to follow, you have to, If you want to move forward, you have to follow, and you have to be able to think and overcome. Then everyone was led away together, from all the houses. We walked with us along beautiful streets. And as we went along, I found: It just keeps getting more beautiful, it just keeps getting brighter.And where before I only saw a few flowers, suddenly there was a whole bunch of flowers and much more. We saw beautiful trees, blossoming trees, trees with fruit. And then we got an idea: Ah, now I am actually going to heaven, no, I am not in heaven before that!” Then we were told that yes, we were now over the worst of the time. But now, even if things are getting nicer, we would have to make greater efforts and now we have to work hard and hard. We now have to show everything we have learned and what we can do. And then they told us exactly: There, Hannes, you have this task, and he has the task.This is how everything was distributed exactly. And then we agreed: We want to do everything exactly, everything precisely!We then already saw: There is nothing else, you have to listen, you have to listen. Now you’re in heaven, you have to listen!And we always do that. So these angels kept coming and saying: Yes, we are unhappy with you, but you can show a little more zeal for this; You can do it, you have enough strength,and so on. We were happy where we were kept secret. And now we do not just have a small house, we all have a nice, big house together, we have a lot of forest and animals and meadows and fields and everything. Then it was explained to us that we now have to fulfill our tasks with our brothers and sisters in the earthly realm, so we have to go there too. A precise plan was drawn for us, yes, precisely drawn, as if with a pen, and we were given the plan. We were told: This is your job, you go there, and you go there. You have these people and these houses!Everything was explained to us and we were told in detail what we had to do and what we had to pay attention to. We did that and came back again and had to give an exact report about everything that happened, what we saw, what I found, what Was not right. And so we actually came to this conclusion and then realized what was meant by that, that as a human being you should have a good heart and that I just always take everything for myself first, as is simply usual. that is how it was explained to us in detail, and then we understood it. We always got together faithfully and then prayed and sang and did everything we were told. Then, when I was in the middle of it, a whole number of beautiful angels came, dressed very nobly. They looked around with their heads held high, I might say, and then picked out a few and said: Youre standing here, and we need you, and you, now.They took me out there too, and they gave me this task, which I completed this evening; They said: You, you now have to tell the story as best you can, how you got there, what it was like, what kind of opinion you had and how you asserted yourself, what your glass was like and But how ma stepped in again and got you.And I just have to tell you all about it now. And in the school where I still have to go, they have already taught me that I have to go back to the earthly realm, but not for a long time, not for a long time; that I still have a lot to learn before then, and I still have to, I almost want to say, learn it all by heart. I still have to absorb everything through and through. I still have a lot to learn; But I am ready, I now know what heaven looks like and that it can be nice. But I also told us: Those who are evil, those who are deceitful and who are bad, then live in a completely evil, evil world. Then the angels come and they dont just shake, things are different then!” Then I thought, Ah, yeah, I want to try and make an effort.I thought back to my life and what the priest said, and some of it was true, and some of it wasnt. But now I know what It is like in heaven where I am in your steps looks approximately. And that is what I want to tell you, my dear people: you should have a good heart for everything, everything, a good heart. And if you have a good heart, then you have already achieved a lot. You will see. But there is a lot to be understood by you should have a good heart”. Now they tell me that everything I told you is true. I never spoke that well, you have to understand that, I can not do that, I will still learn. Maybe there will be another opportunity, but I still have to learn, I still have so much, so much to learn, so much, so much! Well, I am going again, and I still have so much to learn and do and do. I am saying goodbye now, and if you have any questions, someone is available to answer them for you. I can not tell you anything, so: God bless you. Joseph: God bless you. My dear brothers and sisters, do you have questions about what has been offered to you? Then I ask you to ask them. Dear Joseph, today we heard for the first time that beings in these lower stages of purification are actually touched so firmly or shaken directly by their supervision, by a higher being. Josef: Yes, you do not have to understand this in the sense that this is done in the crudest way. You often have to touch these beings a little so that they recognize the power that is above them. It was reported to you that there was also an angel who was very kind and very gentle with this brother. This one came up from below, but he was not ill,willed; He just had his own special characteristics, but it was recognized that over time he could be put on the right track, but that one could not ask too much of him. You only try to get what is possible out of such beings. The angels of God recognize this clearly. The other angel, who has now shaken this brother a little, is a stricter spirit of God who stands above the other. This, those, if we want to put it like that, who exercise gentleness and kindness are put forward; they are often ghosts who, let us say, have not yet reached the angelic degree; but they serve in Gods plan of salvation. And not every being has the ability to step forward energetically. For one person this is his gift to touch everything energetically, while another being can appear with a certain mildness and softness. With this returnee it was necessary to appear in this energetic manner in order to receive the necessary respect from him. Then it made a big impression on him that he was touched like that? Josef: Yes, it Was not just that that made an impression on him, but the whole appearance of this spirit. Because this one was very different from the other in his appearance and in his expression. Dear Josef, we were very happy about Hannes comments. It seems to me that it is very difficult not only for him, but for many spirits in the world beyond to have to live together with others. Joseph: Oh yes. It is just like you on earth. But that is just the way it goes, they have to get used to it, there is no quarter. Joseph: Yes. It seemed like the house Hannes was given was always meant to be his. But did not the others who came later also feel that this house belonged to them? Josef: Yes, you know, It is like this: The first person who takes possession of an object or a house naturally believes that it is his own, to be objects of it. And if more come, he believes that they will have second or third,rate ownership rights. Well, that is just his opinion. This is all arranged so wonderfully and these spirits are tested. If you listened carefully, you saw how long this being was given. Because this spirit was still so, I do not want to say: gripped by greed, but it wanted to have its own possessions; He wanted to take care of himself first and not have anyone around him because he had the feeling that he could be harmed, that someone could harm him. So, he lacked understanding for others, hospitality and also love. In general, he had to be led and raised in this way. It seems as if the good he is doing now is done out of duty, but not yet out of love. Josef: Yes, that is true, it will take some time. But then he becomes so penetrated by all of this that he later becomes a desire to fulfill it. What he may see as a duty now will, over time, become a desire to carry it out. We have heard that this spirit has made some progress in its development. Does he now have to reinforce what he learned in the afterlife in his next life on earth? Josef: It is like this: every being, no matter what level they come from, when they return to earthly life, they no longer have any knowledge of the training they underwent in the afterlife. It does not know where it comes from. A media person can sense it, feel it; He can come to this or that admonition and insight through spiritual guidance. But these are, by and large, exceptions. Imp But the fact is: What a spirit has learned in the afterlife and achieved through many trials, it must now prove in a new life on earth. Here It becomes apparent whether he can carry through what he has learned or whether these instructions are not so thorough that he is assailed by even the smallest blinding things that exist in the earthly realm; then these instructions are not yet so firmly established. Well, you can imagine: If a spirit has gone through schools in the spiritual world and received instructions and still fails everywhere in the next life on earth, then the purification will be different than for a being who has not yet enjoyed this training. This brother who told you about his experiences had, I almost want to say, despite its weaknesses, a nice upward progression; he did not have to be made to do hard work or be confined to very gloomy and dark places. First and foremost, people understood him; You knew you could not ask so much of him, you would give him an opportunity in the afterlife. But when he has learned this and can be expected of him: Yes, you should have taken it in now,and he enters his new life on earth and fails everywhere, then when he comes to us again, it will definitely not be the same for him any more rather, they will say to him: You were so strong, we expected something different from you,and the punishment will be accordingly; or, depending on the burdens that he placed upon himself in his daily life, he is led into these spheres of purification and has to go along with it. Dear Joseph, when this spirit achieved higher knowledge, he was suddenly able to see meadows and flowers, after previously being in a foggy environment. Was this area the same, and was it just his eyes that were purified, or was he in a completely different place? Joseph: No. It is like this, this may not be easy for you to understand: a sphere has so many levels, and, let us say, in the lowest level it is foggy and dark. When a spirit rises a little, this fog and this darkness disappear; and when he has, say, reached the highest level of this sphere, this mist will be gone. So, he has to go through the different stages or levels of his sphere, and these are not the same. In the lower stages the environment is, if I say this in your local terms, it has been fashioned by the spirits of God, it has been condensed in form and the light has been withdrawn. After a certain period of purification, the beings here are then led out of this level, into a higher one, where it is brighter and brighter again. But I would like to argue that the angels of God, and they are special spirits who do this, can change these spheres. The spheres in Gods spiritual realm change very slowly. Where there is greater darkness on certain levels or in banishments, light can flow in after certain periods of time. So it will no longer be such a difficult stage where one has to go through such a difficult development. But that does not mean that people could benefit from it when they come to the afterlife after their earthly life. I would like to say this: The spiritual spheres are changed, changed or transformed precisely according to the development of people, according to their progress or progress. Everyone has to experience what they have to experience! One of them has to be touched a little harshly by the angels of God, another has to be put under banishment, while another can be met lovingly, led into a house and cared for there. It all depends on his life, the development he has gone through. Justice will be served to everyone. Thank you, dear Joseph. But the spiritual world always emphasizes that people have free will, and now you emphasize quite forcefully that they must... Josef: there is something you do not understand correctly. It is clear that Gods world has a wonderful order. God, that is, his spiritual world, often has to intervene here or there because the individual cannot find his way forward; so you have to lead him onto this path. I would like to make the following comparison: It is like a seriously ill person who can be saved if they are operated on. If he refuses and his relatives realize that it has to be to save him and that he can no longer understand it because he is no longer able to see clearly what is good for him, then they decide him and arrange for an operation. The angels of God also decide in this sense. The spiritual beings affected will then subsequently give their consent and come to realization that what was ordered is good for them, just like the seriously ill person who finds relief after an operation and gets well again and who is then grateful to his relatives for taking this step. Nothing wrong is happening, in any relationship! This Hannes spoke in the same dialect as in his earthly life. Can one conclude from this that the spirits in these lower stages are even more earthbound and thus bound to their former language? Josef: You have to remember that this spirit has not been away from the earthly realm for too long. In the many schools he has to go through, he will also receive lessons that will help him regain good language skills. Dear Josef, will Hannes have the opportunity to tell people about his experiences and findings elsewhere? Joseph: This is a spirit that is, I would say, still very much under the control of the angels of God. You keep an eye on him because you recognize his good will, but also know his weaknesses. He has to go through these schools now; he must fulfill exactly what is recommended to him, that is the spiritual school. And he sees it, he has committed himself to it and has decided to fulfill it; and he will do it in the same way. The angels of God are always there; if such spiritual beings do something not right, they will tell you: You did it wrong, you have to do it this way. this was Experience reports of the ascending spirit being Hannes, and answering questions from spirit teacher Josef by mediator Beatrice Brunner in the hall on Münchhaldenstrasse, Zurich Template: tape recording. next headline, February 4, 1959. Amado, retaliation. for unfair dealings and hard,heartedness On a restless journey in an unhappy world. Control spirit: God greets you. I am the control. My dear friends, a spirit is speaking to you again and we ask for your attention. All this is admitted for your instruction. God bless you. Amado: God bless you. Dear brothers and sisters, I was commissioned to tell you how I came into the spiritual world and how I lived as a human being. I would like to do this in short bursts as best I can. As a human being on earth, I loved money and goods, and I had acquired these means wherever possible; because for me it was business. I wanted to earn, I wanted to be rich, and I did not care much who I took the money from, whether it was to the poor or the poorest. To me, business was business, and so I had accumulated wealth. As a human being, I had never thought about the afterlife, about life after death. I had a mother, she was pious, she was good. My father, on the other hand, had done the business in the same way as I did, only he Was not as lucky, if you can talk about "luck" based on what I know today. I had made money, not in a legitimate way from a spiritual point of view. Well, I got sick and I had to say goodbye to this world. When I opened my eyes in the afterlife, my mother stood in front of me: Amado, you have sinned a lot,she said to me, and your world, where you now have to live, will not be particularly beautiful. You have a lot to make up for; you have to go through purification, and it will not be pleasant for you.The mother cried really, not only because of me, but also because of father. She said that he too was somewhere and that she was only allowed to go to him now and then. But she feels particularly sorry for me; Because it is usual for angels of God to greet departed souls, and there was no one there with me. But it is necessary that the angels of God be around you, because only through them can you be led higher. They are the builders of the divine world and they have to take care of the individual, prepare the way for him, support him and help him in all things. These builders would have so many wonderful tasks. Yes, I could not have a proper idea of it; I Was not really aware of my condition yet. I realized that I lived on. I felt my body and saw that I had the same hands and body as before. Only the clothes were no longer the same as those I wore on earth; It was a different kind of material, and I had a completely different look with these clothes, although, as a human being, you do not wear light,colored clothes, but here I had the feeling of a certain burden. When I opened my eyes, I had the impression that I was sick. My mother told me: You continue to live now, you are freed from your earthly body, and you do not feel the pain that you had in your earthly body.And yet: I raised my arm, as a human I had had a healthy arm, and here it felt so heavy. I tried to walk, and that was actually very difficult for me. I felt like a huge burden to myself. I found it difficult to breathe or even move. Well, I thought to myself: It will be like this at first; Things will probably get better later when you get used to this mental climate and this environment.The mother said to me: Yes, you will have a hard time. Know that you carry all your burden of sin with you. You now believe that your clothes are causing you this heaviness, when in fact it is the burden that you have burdened yourself throughout your life; You can actually feel it now. The mother now explained that she could not stay with me that long, that she would accompany me now and give me some pointers. As a pious wife and mother, this is what she made me care about in the first place Prayer attentive. I should pray to God, I should ask that I would be forgiven and that the holy angels would come to me and give me support. Yes, I did not have that kind of connection initially. I simply did not care about praying, I could not do it, I did not find anything uplifting about it, and my faith was just as low as it was as a human being. I did realize that people live under a different rule there, but it was simply disgusting to me and I could not pray. I thought to myself, Well, I will just let time pass, then maybe I will calm down, and then maybe therell be an opportunity and I will be able to get myself to do it.But I could not follow my mothers words yet; I even comforted her and told her, dont worry about me; I will just bear my fate now and I will get through with it. The mother replied that it was not so easy; I should think about how long this will take. In human life there are so,called phases of life ahead of you: When a person is young, he makes plans for the future, what he wants to achieve and what he wants to achieve, where he wants to go and that he wants to start a family and so on. He has plans, you can not say a goal; He does not actually know the goal, but he has ideas about something, and that can give people strength and confidence. That’s how it is in human life,my mother explained to me, and you cling to the fact that tomorrow will be better. And here, in the circumstances where you are now, you can not count on tomorrow; You can not expect things to get better tomorrow if you do not know how long this situation will last. In human life you estimate the years, how old you get, and you can make your plans for life accordingly; But now in the spirit realm you can not make these plans, certainly not on your own. You can make plans,she said to me, when these architects, the angels, are at your disposal and they are there to give you advice. So she just did not see a way out for me; she saw no tomorrow to look forward to, where anything would be fulfilled, and she said: You see, in this world where you live, there are houses, if one can talk about houses. There are roads, there are streams, there are meadows, meadows that do not have the lush, beautiful green like in the earths realm; yes, I would have to say that they are half dried out, and every now and then there is a bit where a little green comes through. There are forests, but they are never as beautiful as on earth; They are much nicer there. And yet, what did I want to do?,, this should be my world now. I thought back to the wealth I had left behind for my children. But I myself had nothing, but I had nothing at all. The mother now walked with me, and so we came to a wide stream. We were able to look over to the other side and she drew my attention: You see, it’s bright and beautiful there. There are also forests and meadows, but they are wonderfully green. There are flowers there, the world is much more beautiful there than on Earth. But you can never cross this stream as you are now, because that is the limit, that separates you from that beautiful thing. What you can do, however: You can only look over at the others who are standing on the bank and looking over over to the unfortunate.And the Mother revealed to me: You see, I have crossed this river. Come, walk with me a little way along this stream, and you will see how I was able to bridge it.So she walked with me, and as far as I could see, on my side where I stood, there was nothing but desolation, poverty. On the other side, there was fresh greenery, beautiful trees, a beautiful world. I suspected it: there was wealth there. Now a ship came across the river and my mother said to me: I came with such a ship or barge, and I will be with you Go back to the other side in such a way. I can’t stay with you, I have to go back.They called her and signaled her to get in; because we were near the ship. The mother said goodbye and asked me to try to pray deeply and fervently and to think about life. that is what my mother said and I could understand that she spoke like that; But the words meant nothing to me. I could not pray, I had no connection, no relationship with God. So my mother said goodbye to me and, along with many others who had also walked along the banks of this river, she got into the boat and went with them to the other side. They waved to us and we could also see them getting out. They waved at us for a long, long time. I first sat down on the bank and looked into the vastness, into that other, beautiful world that was now closed to me. It was clear to me that I must have done too much injustice and that this world was still far away for me. So I thought for a long, long time until I finally decided to take a closer look at this environment that was now to be my home. So I tried first and foremost to get in touch, because I Was not alone here, there were so many people there. I thought to myself: Oh, they are all the same sinners, they are all the same distance from God, to whom we now have to return.I thought to myself that it would be just as difficult for them as it was for me and just as impossible to suddenly change their thinking and that they would just have to endure it now. My burden did not get any lighter, I just felt so heavy. But I got used to it, so I could carry my load. So I got in touch with the others. But, perhaps I was unlucky, wherever I tried to talk to someone, they just turned away from me; not, as I had the feeling, because they were higher up or above me, but simply because they were grumpy, impatient and dissatisfied and did not know what to do. I tried it a few times and it happened to me again and again: Nobody actually wanted to know anything about me. It struck me that no close contact was seen between these entities; Most of them were loners, so to speak. Where two or three were together, they stuck together, but did not care about others and hardly gave others any answers. So I was aware: I now live in a world of unhappiness. My earthly wealth has vanished, and spiritual treasures, I do not have any. So I was supposed to go hiking and now I saw some of the beings lying in gardens; They had made something like this, and I had the feeling that this piece of garden was now their property. I also went into a house here and there and asked if there was a place available. They hardly looked at me, hardly gave me an answer, but they made it clear to me that they did not want to know anything about me and that I was therefore unwanted. So I wandered on and found a garden. Garden is perhaps saying too much; it was a piece of spiritual earth that was limited. And I tried to lie down on this earth, because I had to lay down my burden once; I felt extremely tired. So I lay there on this earth for some time. Then someone came up to me, very energetically, and complimented me out of this garden, and very rudely, there was no question of the decency that people are somewhat used to. So I had to leave, he chased me away. And what did I want to do? I told him that I was of the opinion that all of this was the property of the good Lord and that everyone had the right to lie down on the ground, which was the property of the Lord God. These words had hardly been noticed or heard; I just got the feeling that I was unwanted and that I should get away. So get away, my burden was heavy... So I went further and I went near the forest. So Forest”..., they were trees, half withered. Then I found a spot that was free and I lay down there. It did not take long before they came back and I was sent away again, very unpleasantly and forcefully. I told them that one should have a little more decency and understanding and that it would probably be more than right that I too should have a share and be allowed to lie down. Then they told me that they had been here for a long time, that this was their property and that no one else had access here. Yes, I could not and did not want to get into an argument, and I moved on. I still wandered all over the place. Then I saw a large piece of cloth or material lying on the floor that must have once belonged to an Soul, had served as a cover. I thought: Well, I am no longer so sensitive about what I put over my shoulders, but rather it should be right and good for me. At least I have something to put on this rough ground and I can get some rest.I actually intended to cover myself in this piece of fabric. I took it with me and, cautiously, I wandered far away from this spot, because I thought: Maybe someone will come along again and say: This is mine.But I had this piece of material beforehand as a precaution I watched for a while to see if there was anyone around who would own it, but I did not find anyone paying attention to this piece of material. So I acquired it and then wandered further away and found a new place where I thought I could find peace. So I put this piece of fabric on the floor and kind of wrapped myself in it. I wanted to find peace for once and now hoped that the others might not recognize me as a newcomer and would leave me alone. Well, it did not take long before someone came to me and tugged roughly at this cloth. The creature in question who did this said, "Well, there is one lying there and it looks like a ghost." Well, I had heard everything, and what did I want to do? I tried to keep my stuff and said: I found it, believing that it didn’t belong to anyone and that it could serve me well.Then the other said: "You would like that! This piece of cloth is my property, I need it, give it here.As soon as I said it, he had already taken it with him, and I was back, and had nothing. I slowly started to think about it: I am chased away everywhere, I am not welcome anywhere; They do not even grant me a piece of ragged material, they take that away from me too. And so I thought: Yes, that is what you did with your business, everything was right for you to make money, you took everything; and now things are happening to you in the same way: everything is being taken away from you. A contempt lies upon me. And I can not find peace anywhere, I am rushed and can not find a place, and yet I am condemned to live in this world. So I am hunted by my own Brothers who are burdened in the same way as I am.I continued to think about what my mother had told me about the angels; I thought to myself that if these builders of the spiritual world, who pave the way for the souls and help them to work, come, then it must certainly be the case that one day here or there a soul will be brought in that will definitely now have worn away and can rise higher, and that a piece of earth would then become free. In this hope that I would be able to shed everything that I had burdened myself with, I hiked again. Because I had to go, no one would let me rest anywhere. I could hike as much as I wanted; Then they left me alone. But that was it: hiking was difficult for me because my load was too heavy. So I thought to myself: Okay, I will go into this forest now, I am sure not every spot here is occupied.I saw an infinite number of them lying around; they groaned, they cried, others knelt and prayed and begged God for forgiveness and help. Well, I also found a little spot and I laid down there. But again I had no peace. It sounded from all sides: You have no business here, get up and go away! We dont have enough space ourselves, what else do you want to take away from us.I now believed that I was right and could assert myself and said: If you have the right to stay here, then I have the right to stay here, because after all I was sent here.And they answered: No, you do not need to be here because you can hike. This world is infinitely large, and you still find enough space. You are now in a place that is densely occupied. But you can keep going, further along the stream, then you will still find enough free space. Yes, that was it: I was supposed to go hiking, which was a burden for me. I should really feel the burden of life that I had burdened myself with, and the injustice, oh, was made clear to me. I had to think about this and that and could not get rid of the images of how I had cheated on someone here and there. And what should I do? I knew I was full of guilt; but I saw no way out. So these others came towards me, they stood up and became, I almost want to say, violently against me; They chased me away, there was enough space elsewhere and they would have been here long ago, I should just go along the stream. Then I walked with difficulty. In this forest I found a piece of wood; it served me as a support because my burden was heavy. I wandered, wandered, and with this burden I bent down, I knelt and prayed: Dear God, if it is possible for you, please lighten my burden. I am willing to live here and make amends, but take away some of the weight of my burden.So I knelt down and prayed. I felt worse than a beggar on earth; I was neglected, completely neglected. I pulled myself together again, walked part of the way again, knelt down again and prayed again: Give me strength, Father in heaven, if it is so that you are so kind, and send me those who will help me, who support me.I could look around as I wanted, I saw nothing but suffering siblings; I saw everyone in distress and distress, although not exactly in the same way. Over time I reached the place that was no longer so crowded. But decades passed, if I should perhaps put it based on human calculations, before I found this place that had cleared up a bit. I found him and I was so tired; I lay down, and my burden was not one iota less. Well, the distances at which they lay here were greater. Then they called out to me: Hey, brother, you’re the same sinner as us. Yes, if we had known, we would have lived differently. But now, here we have peace and quiet and are no longer hunted and tormented by the others. Here we can do as we please; We can always lie down, so we feel the burden less. I thought it was terrible though; I could not lie on the ground forever and not see what tomorrow would bring, not know what tomorrow was. And so there was nothing else for me: I became more and more comfortable with the idea of recognizing my injustice and asking God to send me help. I wanted my mother to come close to me again. Well, I thought: I am ready. "I ran away, and when my mother comes and her boat stops in the same place where she first came to me, she wont find me in this huge crowd of unfortunate people." And so I prayed: Oh, dear mother, come to me. Well, when we were so sad together and everyone was lost in their prayers and people were pleading for help, suddenly someone who was lying there shouted: Look there, along the river, I see a ship! It’s not usual for them to come here.And suddenly they were all able to get up, even though they felt so tired and sick. I stood up too, yes, I felt like my burden had been lifted. And we hobbled and crawled and that is how we found the beach. The ship was coming towards us. It was so bright in its colors, and the figures on it waved to us and came closer and closer to us; they were dressed in so many colors. Soon words could be heard and I paid close attention to whether my name would also be heard. So I heard someone next to me shouting: Well, my sister is coming!and another: My mother is coming!, another: My father,and so on. So they shouted. Suddenly I heard my name called loud, loud: Amado, Amado.And I hurried, I hurried near this ship, I no longer felt any of my burden. We just had to marvel, the ship was wreathed, it was so beautiful in full light. The entities got out and rushed towards us. I also saw my mother, and I found her even more beautiful than the last time; she was dressed much more beautifully, decorated with flowers. I was amazed. She came and took me in her arms and said to me: Amado, the worst time is over for you. The next time the boat docks, youll be taken with it. But this time it does not work; My only mission is to bring you this news. I was happy and I saw that the others were also cheering, they were shouting and singing, they suddenly felt healthy. I saw someone next to me who had said he could not stand suddenly able to do so easily. And so it was an incredible joy to see the relatives again, whom we had not seen for such an incredibly long time. Well, I asked, Mother, will you stay with me long?And she replied: For a while. All of us who came are moving back together. We will be informed when the time comes for us to get back on the ship.But first she opened her coat and took out wonderful fruits from it, fruits that I did not know, that had never been eaten, at least in the earthly realm. She gave me some and I ate; and it Was not just me who received something. Everywhere we looked, oh, if you could see this picture!, there they knelt, these magnificent, beautiful figures, next to these poor people and opened their bags. one of them One of them had balm with him; With this delicious balm they rubbed the foreheads of the suffering souls, rubbed their hands and feet, whatever they complained about hurting them. They strengthened them, gave them something to drink and said: If you drink this now, you will no longer feel any of your illness or your burden. So my mother gave me something to eat and drink. I stood up and I shouted and jumped and I was so light, there was nothing left of a burden. We were all happy together, we who were in this isolation, who had been chased away from the others and had had to wander under these pains, under these burdens, but who had had no choice but to leave, we were the hunted. Now liberation had come. It should be said that each of us had found the way, that he had recognized his wrongs, prayed to God for forgiveness, for pardon and said to himself: I am happy to live here, it does not matter to me, only free me from the guilt and the burden that lies on me. Now they have come, ours, and have freed us. They alerted us that the angels of God were coming. They would then have to talk to us and they would take further action. But now this good news that she brought is enough; they would have now strengthened us. And so we walked along the river in joy. The others who saw us, the unfortunate ones to whom no one had yet come, looked after us with sadness. Her hands reached for us, and she asked us: Think of us too, remember us too! If you are free, try to work for us.We smiled and we promised to do it. Now the mother said that it would soon be that time again and we would have to go near the ship again. I had so many questions for her about where she had been up until now and why she had never come to me before, and why I was so hunted and why she found me in this seclusion among these infinitely many souls. She explained it to me and gave me answers to everything. Then there was a bell and we had to say goodbye; But this farewell was not difficult for us because we were happy. It was now very clear to us that liberation, complete liberation, could not be far away, and we were extremely happy to have gotten rid of our burden. So they left, re,entered the ship, and we waved after them. They sang and we called out to them, Goodbye!So the ship disappeared from us, which meant we could see the other side; we could see them getting out and we saw these massive masses of beings on the other side. But they had to be happy, because the blaze of color could be seen across this wide stream. We no longer wanted to wallow on this spiritual earth; we were now healthy and free. We discussed together what to do; We hoped so and only waited for complete liberation. Some of my siblings sat down by the stream. They walked up and down the bank, now waiting to be fetched. I thought to myself: Yes, this could still take a while, and I then went back inwards to that unfortunate place, to the unfortunate ones, because I thought to myself: No one took care of me, I was just turned away, I have only been hunted and tormented. Maybe there are souls who feel the same way.I knew: Yes, what I had experienced was retaliation. As a human being, I had hunted and tormented others, I had taken from them what I could, and that is what happened to me. The rags were taken from me, I was chased from one place to the other, and with endless effort I and my equally burdened siblings found a place, a place. We found it only when we had worn something down the path of pain, when we came to insight through our pain and burden, when we fell to our knees and begged God for help. From that point on a new day had begun for us. We could foresee tomorrow and hope that things would get better. And so it was. But I went to these poor people and heard someone pleading there. I went to him and comforted him. He also said: God is so far away from me, I can never find him.And I had to tell him: He is still far away in your soul. He will be close to you when you realize that you have really done wrong. If you have the desire for God to give you help, then you will have hope for tomorrow.I went from one to the other. One of them could not understand it, but the other listened to me attentively and asked: "Yes, did you feel the same way as me?" And I had to confess to him: Definitely. My burden was certainly even heavier than yours. I found salvation in this way, through the change of my mind, through the desire to come close to God, to beg him for help. And I received that help.The one who asked me like this was anxious and said: I too want to do it, just like you did. I told him, I ran with my burden and fell down again and pleaded.And he promised to do it too. Then I heard my name being called, not by my mother, but by the others with whom I was in this one lived dull. They called out to me: Look along the river, a wonderfully decorated boat is approaching the bank! Is the time near for us?We went to this boat in a great hurry, but we did not see anyone we knew. Our mothers or relatives were not there as we had hoped. Then it occurred to me; My mother had said: Amado, the angels of God will come and fulfill the rest with you.So they were the angels of God and we were a little shy; we were Not like ours, we were inhibited because we looked at their faces. They were strict, their eyes were large, bright, directed straight ahead, they had strict faces, noble figures. We had all formed a group; we had nothing else and simply held up our hands in a sign of devotion and supplication for their help. So they came to us and each of us was taken by the shoulders. There were as many angels as liberated souls. They took us by the arm, and I Was not feeling very comfortable, while I felt safe and comfortable with my mother. The angel spoke to me about my life, about my burdens and debts that I had burdened myself, and he spoke about Gods justice. He told me how long I had to live here in this unfortunate world and he said: Now you come with me on the boat, just like the others. Then you belong to those blessed spirits that you always envied. Each of us now received a new garment. The angels had one of these over their arm and they put it on us, and strangely enough: at the first touch we no longer felt so dark and so gloomy. I felt like my hands were more beautifully shaped than ever before. I believed that a change had taken place in me in all things. So we, who had lived together, had to compliment each other and say: Yes, you suddenly look young, I almost didn’t recognize you any more, is that possible!So not only were our hands refined, but our faces had taken on a completely different expression. There were no longer those hard, angry facial features, but they had become softer. We suddenly became beautiful to look at; Everyone at least claimed this about the other. And the angels who stood next to us rejoiced at our childish speech. You probably can not imagine how we felt. So everyone received a new garment. It was no longer that monotonous and dirty dress; it was a colorful, beautiful robe. These garments do not look like those of the people who wear them. The fabrics are interwoven with color. They are beautiful, I can not explain it and you could not understand it. We were happy and had the feeling that we had been crowned, we felt like princes. And so they took us on their boat and we crossed the river. We were curious about what was on this other side, which we had each looked at so wistfully and about which we knew: You are happy there. There they stood, our relatives, our loved ones, my mother. And when the boat stopped and the angels got out with a protégé each, these relatives came. So many angelic beings came and I only found out later what relationship I had with them. My mother had a large wreath of woven flowers for me and she placed it on my shoulders. Each of the relatives had flowers for the new arrival, and it was a joy, a joy! There was clapping, there was singing, and there were so many people there. We did not have to be ashamed at all. The way we once looked would have made us ashamed; but it would have been quite impossible to come into such a beautiful world with such a gloomy appearance. Now, however, we were just like the others, dressed just as beautifully. We were now first led to a temple. He was very close, in a small forest or in a small avenue. There we entered and again met wonderfully dressed angelic beings; they stood along the walls. As we entered one by one with an angel, they began to sing and we took up positions there. In front of us stood a very sublime angelic being. It did not speak much of the words; it welcomed us into this new world and explained to us that this world into which we had entered was not a world where one did not have to work. We did not have to work where we had been until now, but our lot was difficult. Now it would be easier for us and we would have access to different places, but our tasks would only begin now. Now we would have to strive for spiritual wealth in order to gain at least something that is usually required of a human child to bring with him into the Kingdom of God. The exalted angel explained to us, we would now be led to the tasks; They would not be difficult tasks at first, but over time, depending on our ability, our zeal and our achievements, we would be led to more and more difficult problems and tasks. We were asked whether we were willing to fulfill the tasks that were given to us. Each of us had to go before this exalted prince with his companion, i.e. with the angel, give him his hand and promise him: I want to do it, I want to obey, I want to serve for God and for everyone.Each made this promise, and we left this temple and were then assigned to the houses of our families, where we will live in the future where we go in and out, from where we go to the tasks. So, my dear friends, I have tried to describe in just a few words what happened in the afterlife after my life on earth. You cannot imagine or understand what it means when, let us say, you have to describe in such a short time something that may have taken seventy or eighty years. So we spirits can only give you an insight into the difficult time that you have to go through if you have failed to fulfill Gods will in the earthly realm and have disregarded his laws. So I have fulfilled my task for you at the request of the angel under whose guidance I am. I withdraw and I ask Gods blessing for you to gain the knowledge to live the right life. May God bless you. God bless you. Joseph: God bless you. My dear friends, this spirit spoke in detail about his experience. The time has moved on, and I do not know whether you are tired, whether it would be better if we return to your questions another time, or whether you are comfortable with it now. Dear Joseph, I think it will not be so easy to understand for all listeners, especially those who have not been listening to these lectures for very long, that there are things in the afterlife like a ship or that you can eat fruit. Josef: Yes, that is just the way it is; We explain that again and again, and these are the difficulties that everyone who comes here has. Thats why you should take care of those friends and give them the appropriate explanations, because It is not possible for me to repeat and explain this every time. All I can say is: If you imagine heaven as beautiful, you must also imagine everything that makes a world truly diverse and wonderful. Dear friend Joseph, what kind of tasks did these souls have to carry out in the afterlife? Josef: The first way is to go to school. They first have to learn a lot about the plan of salvation, because they are still largely ignorant of it. If they then attend these schools, they are also given tasks of a minor nature, to look after people or to guide spirits in the afterlife, I do not mean spirit beings from an unfortunate sphere; There are different spheres and spirits can be encountered in different ways. So they are requested in this way. They are also sent to people; They also have to exert their good influence here. In this way, it becomes very clear to a spirit whether he is really strengthened and whether he uses his courage and these convictions, which he demonstrates in the spirit realm, also near the earth realm, where he sees a lot again and many things are so familiar to him again will, can really enforce. If this does not succeed, then these entities must be trained again accordingly. [End of audio recording. Addition from the first publication in the magazine Geistige Welt”.] Is this spirit Amado already affiliated with the House of Linus that he was given the task of describing his spiritual career to us? Josef: No, it should not be understood that way. The angels of God discuss which soul could give you an instructive example and then choose one. In the Kingdom of God, friendship is cultivated, I would like to say, from house to house, and there is no need for any special affiliation. Experience report of the ascending spiritual being Amado and answering questions from spirit teacher Josef by mediator Beatrice Brunner in the hall on Münchhaldenstrasse, Zurich Template: tape recording. next headline, March 4, 1959. Agnes, the godchild of the castle rulers. How she achieves spiritual merit by foregoing a life in the castle and by taking on a life task. Control spirit: God bless you. Dear brothers and sisters, this hour we will once again send you an ascending spirit to speak to you. We chose this spirit in particular because you can learn a lot from the stories. We want you to get to know the difference between how people once had to live and how they live today, so that you are more satisfied with your lot, your fate. May God bless you this hour. God bless you. Agnes: God bless you. Dear brothers and sisters, I have been given the task of telling about my former life. It was a long time ago when I lived on this earth and I had to be helped to refresh my memory of that life because I had forgotten so many things. Now I would like to try to describe a part of life as best as possible, to give you an excerpt. I was asked to keep it short so that you could still have the opportunity to ask questions. I had before, earlier, lost my parents very early. My father was killed in the war and my mother died when I was fifteen years old. We were poor, because at the time where I lived there were only poor and very rich people, so to speak. My mother had held a position in a castle and maintained relationships with the lord and mistress of the castle. My mother must have been popular among them there, because they were both godfathers to me. When my mother became ill, the lord and mistress of the castle looked after me. They had promised her, given that they would receive me in the castle. that is how it happened, when I was fifteen years old I came to the castle. Well, from the very beginning I did not have to do dirty work because I too had a certain privileged position. But still, the coldness, this coldness of heart, mainly from the mistress, was a bit disgusting to me. They both called themselves pious people and they fought for their faith. I believed that I was also pious, but I had a different attitude. I believed that one had to do and undertake many things for the sake of God and the Savior. There was great wealth in this castle. Slowly, slowly, I was assigned a job, which meant I was allowed to control everything. For example, let us say what dirty laundry came in or went out that needed to be replaced. If any piece was taken out of a cupboard, I had to record it. I needed to know exactly how much dirty laundry was on the site. The mistress checked very often. It happened that something seemed to be missing, because sometimes something passed through my hands that I forgot to write down. Then I was scolded a bit accordingly, and it hurt me because I always stood there as if I had stolen something. But nothing was stolen from me, and I always had my eye open to make sure nothing was taken from the others. Fortunately, for the most part everything had cleared up again. But that Was not the only thing in my hands. I also had to check the food, see how much was needed each day, and always keep a detailed record of what was in stock. It was, so to speak, calculated exactly how much could be needed each day. I always had to know about all the food, for example how much grain was left. The mistress kept checking, and not everything was always to her satisfaction. Thats how we lived here in this castle. We did not have to starve, but I would like to briefly give an overview of how frugal things were, even though there was enormous wealth. To wash your hands. You could see sand; For breakfast there was soup, for lunch there was soup and corn or something else modest. You could drink tea in between. We were also allowed bread, which meant we were allowed so much for the servants and maids, servants, must be raised. You were not allowed to go any further than that, but some of them had larger appetites, so we had to divide things up so that there was enough. Baking was done once every fourteen days, then this supply had to be built up. This meant I always had an exact overview of how many loaves of bread there were and had to check carefully that there was enough for fourteen days. Two or three times a year, if things went well, three times, the butcher, as we called him, came to the castle. Animals were killed. And then, at this time, there was a festival in the castle, so to speak: you could eat meat and you always craved it. We were allowed to eat more of this meat during these certain days or times because otherwise we would have contracted scurvy from our unbalanced diet. So it was granted to us because they had to give it to us. Everything was always carefully considered and calculated: how much meat went into the fireplace so that every now and then, or on Sundays, throughout the year there would be an enrichment. There were also visits, and then this meat was served. It was not only a celebration for us when these butchers came, but also for the neighbors and the poor. When things got that far in the castle, people quickly knew about it. So they came to the gate with their vessels to ask. And something was given to everyone who came. These two were strict about giving something to everyone who came. The lord of the castle was kinder than the mistress. It was actually he who gave these orders and who wanted to know exactly whether everyone was actually allowed to leave with something to eat. Nobody was allowed to be sent away. This was part of good manners, reputation and made the lord of the castle popular. So perhaps more was done out of calculation than out of charity and mercy. The wages you get, I would like to address this. Of course I do not have the relationship between then and now, but you know, thats about what I figured out. I was told that a servant in a better position, I would say someone who performed an important task, received a wage of between twenty and thirty francs a year. This amount was always paid out on New Years Day. There was then a celebration, because the butchers were there beforehand and meat was available. So this was taken as an opportunity and you got the part you deserved. It should be noted that the rulers also paid for the clothes. You got a pair of shoes every two years. These shoes were only allowed to be worn when going out and not in the castle or in the surrounding area. Therefore, these shoes were not subjected to as much wear and tear because there were not as many opportunities to go out. These shoes as well as the slippers were made in the castle itself. The craftsmen came for a few weeks at a time and created these shoes to measure, so to speak. But I do not think you would be happy with such footwear today. The slippers we wore, we were given two pairs a year, were not made of leather, but of strong, dense material, the quality or type of which I cannot describe. Because the floor had to be protected, as some had very nice floors, and some only. Those employed in the kitchen and laundry accordingly had their footwear purchased for them; it always had to be put back in its place when the work was completed. So there was order. Everyone had to put their shoes in their place, and no one would have dared to put on someone elses shoes. In this relationship, people respected each other, respected each other, and did not harm each other. In this relationship too, I had to control everything closely. Because there were still servants and messengers who had to do things outside the castle. But I do not want to talk about them now. I was responsible for controlling those employees who had to work within the castle. So you can imagine what kind of work it was: going by everyone and always checking everything closely. The fabrics for the robes that people wore were not woven in the castle; they were brought to us by merchants. The robes were then made on request according to the color and strength of the material, because the same durable material was not needed at all times. So you got one work dress every year and a nice dress every two years. It was also my job to check that everyone had their clothes in order. This was, so to speak, all the work I had to do. So she Was not so strict because, like my mother, I had a privileged position, especially since I was also the godchild of the lord and mistress of the castle. Of course I had many opportunities to look in here and there and see a lot of things that I did not like; and I was very bothered by the fact that, on the one hand, people believed that they were so pious and, on the other hand, they often displayed great harshness. But when I looked around everywhere, I realized that I was fine. There were employees in the castle who had to work hard for less wages. Their work was not valued, even though it was much more laborious to do. I often thought about it: If I were this mistress, I would do it differently. I also had the opportunity to come into contact with the craftsmen. They came to the castle: the carpenter, the shoemaker, the wheelwright. Everyone came who was needed at the time, there was enough space. I also had to make sure they were right, because my mistress and master loved it that I gave precise reports about everything. For a while a craftsman who had a large family came to our castle. One day he told me that he had been called up and now had to go to war too. He said to me: Agnes, that was my name, pray for me that I come back again, because you know I have so many children. They must have their bread.Yes, one saw much misery; it was war, war, war. People had looked up to all those who were in the castle with a certain respect or awe, because they had a safer life. We were, so to speak, protected and well cared for, lifted. Even though the meals were not plentiful, we did not have to go hungry. We never wanted to complain about it, because we saw and heard too much of all the misery everywhere, far away. It happened that this man came back from the war seriously wounded, he was seriously ill and was brought home. According to his wife, how she lives with their many children, Ben had, nobody asked. But I was able to make it possible now and then to collect something secretly and give it to a runner so that he could bring it to that craftsmans house. Now one day a difficult piece of news came: the woman had died after giving birth to the tenth child. And in this family there was already endless misery: no money, no goods, no bread, nothing. I was just over thirty years old at the time. The man, who was injured and thus disabled, was later able to return to work because both of his hands remained healthy. Even if he had to limp, he could do his work. I always found him to be a sincere and good person. He came to the castle, asked about work, complained to me about his suffering and said: I do not know what to do, I have ten children and no wife.He asked me, dont you want to come to my house?Yes, it was something heavy, and my heart was so filled with pity. I simply had a completely different idea of a religious life. I thought I could claim that I was pious. I also always tried to ensure that there was calm among the servants and that no arguments could break out. I wanted to do my part because I had a great devotion to the Savior, our Redeemer Jesus Christ. I sometimes thought about his severe suffering and believed that it was mans duty to do his part. This man had asked me to come into the house and become his wife. Actually, it didn’t take much thought for me because I thought to myself: You can lend a hand there. What happens to all these children?People did not care what happened to them because it was war and everyone had their own misery. So I decided to go. I told my mistress this. Of course she wanted to stop me and said: What are you thinking, you will end up in endless misery! You will have to starve while you have a carefree life here.The lord of the castle also came to me and said: Think carefully about this step you want to take. There will be a lot of tears for you, a lot of work, and you are not used to working in this way.I replied, I will do it, with God’s help. I will ask God to give me the strength to do this. I knew there was nothing there, in that house. There were no storerooms with grain, there were not as many breads baked every fortnight as we do, there Was not a butcher coming three times a year... I knew it. But I still pulled myself together. I had carefully guarded and collected the money that I had received, and there was still little that I could take with me. Nevertheless, my colleagues had also advised me against it, yes, they had laughed at me and mocked me for doing that. But the more they talked about it, the stronger my decision became. I asked the lord of the castle to release me at a certain time, which we agreed upon. Well,he said, then let your will be done, and go in God’s name. So the time came and I packed up my things. I was allowed to take everything with me that had been made for me. You were allowed to keep or give away things that were still in good condition. The time was now over for me to get something new at some point. So I tried to gather together what I could and then wanted to sell the things that I did not need; because I knew there was a lack in many places. Now I experienced a big surprise. On the day that was appointed to leave the castle, the lord of the castle explained to me: You have served with us for many, many years now, and we have sponsored you. You had nothing to complain about with us. We have now prepared the ‘load’ for you,they told me at the time, and I dont know any other word for it.I had no idea about it. The load was there: there were two big wagons and I was allowed to look at them. There were objects of use stalls, which of course had long been superfluous in the castle, but were still quite well preserved, and there were even valuable items among them. I received half a wagon full of grain and various kinds of food. And they promised to bake bread for the next two years and send it to me. Of course I was completely surprised because I had not expected that. My departure was accompanied by cheers and joy on the one hand and tears on the other. I was given this great joy. Four horses pulled my load. So we went. As was customary back then, I sat down next to the carter and went into the poor house. Of course the man was very surprised, he had, yes just like me, had no idea about it and was surprised. And the children, they stood there like a ladder, from the biggest to the smallest, there were ten of them, and of course they were really happy. A lot of work awaited me. I was used to keeping order. Now the first thing I had to do was break the habit of writing all these things down, as I always did when I had to keep track of things. But I had a good measure; my practiced eye was good at estimating how long things lasted. I benefited from what I had learned at the castle. The lord of the castle was full of kindness and sent me two helpers to put the house in order; because there was a lot to clean and put in order and to set up the utensils that I had been given. I had in the end, Thats what I can say, a very nice home created, despite these poor surroundings. Everything was cleaned. At first I did not need to be distressed; especially since we were provided with bread, and so we had something to eat. I did my work, and it was like this: Despite this great enrichment that I received, which was of course very important for such a family, I had a lot, a lot of work to do with the ten children. I had to be very, very careful, because I said it: the shoemaker or the dealers did not come from time to time to ask about the fabrics. But every now and then I got something from the castle. It was more or less possible to live like that, and I certainly could not complain. I probably had a better life than many, many others, but not the same as I would have had at the castle. But I was happier, more content, because I knew: I have fulfillment in my life.I loved these children, even though there was a lot of discomfort and a lot to overcome. But I was able to overcome everything and it went wonderfully. My husband was a good soul and understanding with me. He also showed understanding towards the children. This is how I had fulfilled my life. I was allowed to reach the age of seventy and had to leave the world before my husband. The children were all grown up and had children of their own. I also felt better in the last few years of my life. But I do not have to talk about that now, but about what awaited me in the spiritual world. When I got there there was a whole row of ghosts standing there. A soul, my husbands first wife, rushed me, came up to me, hugged me and thanked me. She thanked me for this task, for the work I had accomplished. And immediately she placed a wreath of ivy around my head. She had also placed a bouquet of the most beautiful flowers in my arms. I had to look around and was curious about this sky. It was simply said to me very briefly: Now you are in heaven, and now you are standing before the angels. Now a different life begins for you. As hard as you worked on earth, you no longer need to work here, and you will find reward for what you have done.So it went on and I was spoken to. I saw another soul from afar. She had a modest bouquet in her hands and wanted to walk towards me, but could not because she Was not given priority. I was so surrounded: my parents were there and so many people I knew. They were happy and cheered me. The one who wanted to greet me, and at the same time another male ghost who stood modestly back, were my former lord of the castle and the mistress. They wanted to come up to me and greet me. I was a little surprised that they were not dressed more beautifully and did not look better. Because in my opinion they were, despite everything I had witnessed, really good people. They had a good heart after all, because I thought about what they had done to me. Then I made my way to them and they both hugged me and were happy. But I had to realize that they did not look happy. I was actually disappointed about that and asked her, What is it that makes you not happy that I am here?They replied: Oh yes, we are happy. We were just waiting for you., "On me? Why?" I wanted to know. Yes, we were told that only when you come will a more beautiful sky open to us. I did not really understand it at first because I was too overwhelmed by the others. But I still had this gratitude within me. I had to face these two Thank you for being grateful, because through their kindness they had relieved me of a large part of my lifes heaviest burdens. I tried to thank them now, because I suspect that it was about them relying on me, and that is how it was. I asked the others who surrounded me to release me. I would like to go to these two because I would be so grateful to them. It was like this. The two said to me: Only you can open the gate to a more beautiful heaven for us. You should say what kindness and love we have shown you. As soon as they had said this, beautifully dressed angelic beings intervened in the conversation, and very eagerly. I was a bit surprised by this energetic way of speaking. The angels began to list things that had happened in the castle and tell stories that I did not know about. I had no idea that this would be so severely marked for them in heaven. I did not know that they had burdened themselves with something like that. I had not dealt with and burdened myself with such business matters and politics. I did not know anything about it. I only saw the good heart that they showed to me. Of course, I often criticized the mistresss domineering and excessive precision, but I thought to myself: "It is not my place to judge her for that." Now, these angels spoke quite forcefully about many things that had happened, how much wealth they had acquired and how it had not happened in a completely honest way. You could have achieved much more if you already had such a large asset. The angelic beings had a lot to say. Then a soul, it was my husbands first wife, gave me a sign that I should intercede for them both, that I should speak for them. I do not know how it happened: suddenly I could talk so well. I said to them, Oh, have mercy,and I listed everything they had given me. My husbands earnings were too small to raise ten children. I would not have been able to do it if they had not always sent me bread and given me fabrics and so on. I never stopped recounting all the things they had given and given me and how sad my life would have been otherwise and how I would not have been able to fulfill it if they had not stood by me. By speaking so eagerly I was able to soften the angels. Her appearance had suddenly taken on a much softer tone; it Was not as hard any more. Yes, I would like to say that they began to smile quietly, as if they were admiring the way I spoke. There were three angelic beings next to each other who had previously spoken so energetically and listed everything that the mistress and the lord of the castle had done wrong. Then suddenly they said: "Very well, dear soul, you have come this far, and your intercession should be obeyed. So lead her to heaven." I could not help but be amazed... I did not know where I was supposed to take them, because I was almost dazed by everything that was falling on me, but deep down I just wanted to give them the most beautiful sky. Then these three walked ahead of us, and we walked along a path or path. It was lit up so beautifully in gold, and it kept getting brighter and brighter. At first there was only a narrow path, but it not only became clearer and brighter, but also wider and wider, until suddenly we were all together in a magnificent city. Then they came, these angels of God, and explained to the two: "Now your time of purification is over. The good that you have done to your fellow human beings in life you will also find your reward. In the spiritual world you will now be given your tasks; you will have to work. They agreed to it because they saw the need. By now they had developed a certain modesty and humility; they were no longer as bossy as they had been as humans. I believe that in the time since they have been in the spiritual world, they have learned how to behave in a dignified manner towards ones neighbor and that one regards ones neighbor as a brother and wishes them the best, just as one does for yourself too. We were amazed at this brightness, this splendor of color, and I especially. The two now had to say goodbye to me; they were allowed to take a different path. It was explained to me that I would now meet with others. I was summoned to further meetings. A program had been drawn up for me, so to speak, and it had been suggested to me that I needed some rest now. I was then led into a beautiful garden surrounded by many trees. It Was not very big, and it seemed to me like a garden in the middle of a forest, full of the most magnificent flowers. I had a place to lie down here, I was supposed to rest here. I lay down and the three Angels, who had said goodbye to the other two, promised to come by again and continue to guide me. I should not tell you anything about what happened to me, because my task was to briefly summarize the life I lived and to explain something about it to you. Everything I have said should be a guide for you in life. When we look at you, for example, the home you have, the work you are allowed to do, the freedom you have, we as humans did not even know this wonderful independence back then. People were free back then, but it Was not the freedom you have. If a person spoke something back then, his word did not count, just as today the word counts for you people who are allowed to live in a free state. At the time when I lived, things were not that orderly: when a woman died, she was taken away The children were not allowed to go to an orphanage. Over time, they were already cared for, but by force, and no care was taken for their physical or mental well,being. So it was a completely different situation. And remember, most of you have comforts; you also have your pleasure, which you can afford. You are so free in many things, and remember that in those days, if we wanted to go from one village to another, we had to walk for long, long hours, that we walked through the night. The rich had it well, they had their horses and they had riders, their messengers. Things were different there. If you wanted to receive a message from somewhere, you had to walk for many hours to get it. And in general, for the men of that time, especially in times of war, it was a big struggle to get work and have enough bread on the table. Comfort like you have was unthinkable, there was never enough water to wash yourself clean. Today there are people who have such a beautiful life, so many comforts. It goes without saying that they have to work, because that is what the good Lord wants. Nevertheless, they do not appreciate this beautiful life and are not satisfied. When they come home, they take it for granted that they do not have to draw water, that they do not have to carry it, water is just there for them. So many conveniences are taken for granted today. You do not need to count or weigh how long the grain or bread will last. You have your abundance, sweets. Think about it, nothing like that existed when I had to live. And if I may go further: if you work, you can afford clothes as you see fit, depending on your income. Yes, that did not exist back then either. Back then, only the lords and mistresses of the castle had such a well,groomed appearance as people do today, and not always. You have no idea what a comfortable life you are in, what a beautiful life you have. Think back a few centuries to the misery that lived there. Then become content again and do not demand anything always for more, but only for so much that it is proportionate, so that your good heart always stays warm. And never forget that there are also people who do not have as much as you or who are sick. You can help them or other poor people. You people are given the opportunity to do something, even if you no longer have this poverty. What is most needed today is to bring people salvation. If they do not suffer from earthly goodness, they suffer from illness in their soul. So many are dissatisfied and live in unhappiness and infidelity. Yes, dear friends, this is what humanity today suffers from to a large extent; It used to be a different way. But I think that hardly any of you would like to change to a time that was only a few hundred years ago. I am told that I have spoken to you enough and I take my leave again. I am in the service of God; I am assigned to the helping spirits who fulfill their task for you. So may Gods blessings accompany you. May you become content, happy people. God bless you. Joseph: God bless you. My dear friends, I would like to try to answer your questions. Dear Josef, would you like to know in which country Agnes lived? Josef: can not you guess that from the whole description? In Germany? Joseph: Yes. Report of the experience of the rising spiritual being Agnes and answering questions from spirit teacher Josef by mediator Beatrice Brunner in the hall on Münchhaldenstrasse, Zurich. Template: tape recording. next headline, April 1, 1959. Sapphire, heavenly existence and teaching office. Teaching ascending spiritual beings in various ways those stages as a fulfilling task in the afterlife. [Greetings from the Control Spirit]. Sapphire: God bless you. Dear brothers and sisters, I have been commissioned to tell you about my experiences in the spiritual realm. I live with eight siblings in a beautiful spiritual house that could more accurately be described as a small castle. It is located on a hill and is the only house for miles around, surrounded by beautiful gardens and forests. We enjoy a beautiful view from there. From our hill we can see a city and various larger and smaller villages. All sorts of wonderful animals come to us from the forests. All my siblings have a special preference; While one person particularly enjoys the magnificent horses, another loves dogs or tigers and panthers. Yes, the wildlife here is so diverse that it has become friends with us. You must not imagine that the animals here have a wildness that is characteristic of them in the earthly world. This wildness is completely dissolved here, the animals are trusting and beautiful. Smaller and larger herds come towards us; But there are also magnificent birds near us, whose songs we particularly enjoy. All of these animals understand each other, none of them harm the other. The little kitten plays with the big tiger, there is no sign of wildness in them. If time allows us, we go on walking tours; often with the animals because they know us and are fond of us. Everyone has a preference for one animal or another. So we gather them around us and often go a little way into the forest with them. So we have a wonderful life. But you should not think that we have nothing else to do than interact with the animals and have fun with them or keep an eye out for them. We also receive visits from angels from heaven who teach us. Because each of us has a task that we fulfill with great joy. The task is that we put together lectures, for which everyone is given a topic that is completely tailored to their personality. These are not scientific instructions, but we are preparing for the instruction of the spirits in different levels of ascension. So we have to deal with topics that are crucial for the spiritual salvation of the individual. Only when those spirits have reached a better level of development can one bring them the expanded knowledge. I said that everyone can deal with their topics according to their nature, what suits them best. So one person has to constantly adapt his lectures to gentleness if he is imbued with it. He then has to visit the different levels of ascension and teach those souls in groups. However, we nine siblings do not teach together in the same sphere, but we take turns. On the other hand, for example, someone only has to talk about peace and the dangers and evils that result from disregarding it. So he has enough to talk about with which he can explain the laws of God to those souls. What you hear from our brother will now be explained in detail by us much more clearly and in more detail. So some of us have to teach the ascending siblings: for example, in courage, in energy, in endurance and what can be achieved through them. We are, as I emphasized, our nine siblings, and each has a very dignified task to fulfill, because it is necessary. When you humans look at each other like this, you notice that some people have a sleepy nature; They have no energy, no stamina, no courage, nothing like that. Sometimes they go through their lives so restlessly, so uncertainly, so discouraged and cannot see the right path for themselves. But you should not believe that this is only the case with humans. It is the spirit in people that expresses discouragement, joylessness and the like. So in the spirit realm there are enough of these souls who are lacking energy and discouragement. Many of them do not even enter the afterlife with a heavy burden, which means that they have not committed sins so serious that they would have to be led into a dark world. For them, It is more about training them, strengthening them, teaching them. So it is our task and the task of other siblings, whose nature it is to use their energy to lead the way for them. We have to talk to such beings about everything that has been neglected in human life due to their lack of energy and joylessness, which are such a hindrance to spiritual advancement. We make it clear to them that people full of courage and energy did that Living vigorously according to Gods laws and being able to create new things and explore new things with a certain amount of sacrifice will contribute a lot to their spiritual advancement. So you can teach these spirits in this way. But if it is not possible to penetrate them with these instructions over a longer period of time, they will still have the opportunity to prove that they have learned something. Of course there are many spiritual beings who fail. If it is recognized that they are not able to achieve something in this sense despite instruction, then they are classified in the appropriate level. So our task is to go to these souls. But we take turns. While one descends into the depths, another, who has already completed his task there on various occasions, goes to those other siblings in the higher stages of ascent. I would also like to point out how our teachings are held. A spirit that teaches meekness is completely permeated with it in its very being; Likewise, a spirit that teaches peacefulness is also completely permeated by it. Now I want to tell you how we came to our task. We have reached our beautiful sphere through fulfilled lives on earth. Only then were we brought together by the world of God. So the nine of us, just us in our development, natives were allowed to work together on a task. So this beautiful house was handed over to us from where we can go about our tasks. In the early days, our activities as teachers were strictly monitored by higher spiritual beings, and we continued to be taught. We always had to first give our higher siblings insight into what we wanted to present for instruction. So at the beginning we were not just allowed to choose a topic on our own. We examined carefully what we intended to say to the others. The angels of God knew how to complement us in many ways. They had precise knowledge of what was important and necessary in all the spheres of ascension and what should not be emphasized or touched upon there. Over time, we trained ourselves so that everyone knew exactly in what sense they were allowed to teach here and there. But that went on for a long, long time. And all this time we lived together in peace in this beautiful place, and our aim was to be able to take a good position in Gods plan of salvation and order. But then they came to us and said that necessity demanded that we all enter a new life on earth. We certainly recognized the necessity, but on the other hand we also knew about the dangers of human life. So we had to leave our beautiful house. However, during the time of our absence, that is, of our life in the earthly realm, it should remain uninhabited. This is how we came into a new human life. But not in the way that we found each other or even became friends in this life, but rather we were separated from each other across entire countries, over long distances. So we no longer had the slightest idea of our former friendship in Gods world, nor of our task there. What we had to accomplish in earthly life was a similar task. Because if someone was already full of courage and energy and had a leadership nature in the spiritual world, all of this remained with him in his earthly life and he regained a leading position for himself. Since one was spiritually at a higher level of development, one was noble of everything and good, and people worked for it. Of course, you also faced temptations, just like every other person. But none of the nine siblings suffered serious injuries. Everyone had overcome the temptations to the best of their ability, and everyone had fulfilled their lifes mission to serve their fellow human beings. The person who taught about tolerance in the spiritual realm had to show his fellow human beings what God wanted through a patient life. So everyone had to prove themselves in their own way. But we did not get close to each other in life on earth, we knew nothing about each other, nothing about our being together in the beautiful world of God. So one by one they were called back. However, the return home to this beautiful, magnificent house did not take place immediately. We first met on a plain that did not come close to those beauties. One after the other arrived here. Over the course of about five years, all nine siblings were together again in Gods world. Each person was immediately recognized for their achievements in life as well as their occasional failures; Because of this, they consoled each other and tried to lift each other up. The angels of God were also there and rebuked us for what we had done wrong, but also praised us for the good we had done. So we had to do without the beautiful house for the time being. We should spend a certain amount of time on one and the same level, each of us alone. Everyone was assigned a small forest to stay in, in an environment that was certainly beautiful, but, let us say, it did not have such bright light. However, it was a very pleasant and soothing atmosphere. Each of us, in our aloneness, should reflect on the life we have lived. We should recognize what we had done wrong. Yes, we were sorry. People could see it, and each of us had resolved not to repeat these mistakes; In this way each one had, so to speak, formed itself. On the other hand, the seriousness of the tasks to be fulfilled had been taken into account. So we had a time for reflection and inner contemplation. So we lived individually, each for ourselves, in a small forest where we had no encounters, neither with our siblings nor with Gods angels or the animals. But we were told that we would be led out of the forest when our time was up and that we would then be allowed to return to our beautiful house. When the time came, we were all called together again. And then we went straight to this beautiful house, where we have been living ever since. As we approached it, everything seemed familiar again. At first we were very impressed by all the events in our human lives. We also had our ties to certain people that we did not find easy to break. So we still had a lot to overcome and overcome. When we saw the wonderful, magnificent house again, everyone said the same words: have not I been here before? It seems so familiar. But it wasn’t in our consciousness yet; we could not yet say with certainty that we had lived here before. When we returned to our house together, it was again the same angels of God who had come and gone here before. We recognized them and they explained to us: It is the house you have lived in before. Before your last human life, you were all here together. Now everything was made clear to us again: what we had accomplished here and that we had once started from here. We had regained our ability to see back to that time, and everyone knew again exactly what task they had fulfilled here. This knowledge has been given back to us through the will and desire of the higher spiritual world. So we got together again. The heavenly messengers came and immediately explained to us that we again had a similar task to fulfill. We should teach the siblings in the advancement levels again. In the same way the angels understood again, but only about two or three times. Then they said: You are through the last life gained further knowledge. You have gained experiences that now benefit you as a spirit, and you have further strengthened yourself in spirit. From now on we will no longer control what you say. You should now have our trust and do the right thing. Although we were obviously no longer under any actual control, what we taught the siblings in the ascension levels was being listened to nearby by higher messengers. If someone had acted wrongly, they would also have been reprimanded. But what we had taught before was no longer enough; we were now also being trained in other areas of knowledge. Until now we had taught our brothers and sisters about the virtues; We were all steeped in it and already knew it by heart. So things should no longer be the same as they were when we were happy to spend so much time with the animals and enjoyed their beautiful existence. Our range of tasks now became larger and more strenuous. Now senior teachers came to us. They taught us about so many things: about life in Gods world, about the type and composition of vibrations and other divine laws. We were given additional information about this, but we did not have to pass on this knowledge at the moment. For the time being it simply served to supplement our knowledge. We were imbued with the virtues and had hitherto been characterized as special spirits of peace, gentleness, helpfulness, and tolerance. Now we should no longer remain so one,sided in our knowledge and in our tasks. Now it has been made clear to us that someone at our level would be expected to have even more comprehensive knowledge. A lot was explained to us and we were able to clearly enjoy the lessons. We were led into different heavens where angels of God were at work. here we met. We no longer saw souls who were in the process of purification, but here were all angels of God who worked diligently in these glorious spheres. It is clear that we could not understand everything immediately. Yes, we had to realize that it would take a very, very long time. we would have only somewhat grasped everything. It took an unimaginably extensive amount of knowledge to even be able to understand what was going on. There were brothers and sisters there who were particularly keen to grasp it more quickly, sometimes in this area and sometimes in another. We had been trained together, and so we were able to understand it, to a certain extent. So we all returned to the same sphere, to our house, from where we had started a new life on earth. After our return, as already mentioned, we were higher teachings given; It was further explained to us: You have a certain amount of time to stay here and be trained again. When you have met these requirements, you will all be able to leave this house together and move to another level, again a level higher, which will again be more diverse and magnificent. This house of yours will then accommodate other siblings and remain open until then.In this way, the angelic world will bring other siblings together again when their development is ready. Then they will live in this house and continue the task we have carried out. So I am one of those spirits who were promised to open the way to a higher world after a certain period of time. Now I have carried out my task with you. If you have any questions as a result, I would like to ask you to ask my brother, who will get in touch after me. I say goodbye to you again and ask Gods blessing on you all. God bless you. [Greetings from Spirit Teacher Joseph] Dear Joseph, there was talk of spirits of gentleness, spirits of peace, spirits of tolerance. We have also heard of angels of gentleness and tolerance and, on the other hand, of angels of punishment and battle. It is clear that there are circumstances that require tolerance, but also such that require a fight. Both seem to be in Gods order; But especially in the Christian consciousness it is often difficult to distinguish between when tolerance is necessary and when something important has to be fought for. Josef: There is no general rule that can be laid down here. That has to be up to the individuals feelings. He is being watched to see whether he is able to judge fairly; where tolerance is in order, where one should be more reserved or where one has to defend oneself. It is like this: you have to try to remain harmonious in your work. I would now like to say: you should not clench your fists in all things where justice is at stake, but rather stretch out your feelers and listen to the views of others and consider how we could achieve the desired goal together. Sometimes it really comes down to things where the spiritual world would advise: Yes, just be very combative. You have to fight for this thing, then you will achieve the goal.If you are not sure, then you should meditate on it calmly and ask God: Show me the right path, remove everything from my path that harms me and what I am fighting for. Promote everything that is good.Then the spirits of God, who were not in a hurry before, come and say, Go now and say what you believe is right. The spirits of God are so patient, they are in no hurry. They think and look at people. Only then do they slowly start to work. Depending on what needs to happen, they clear everything out of the way so that everything goes well and harmoniously and people can fulfill their plans without difficulty. Or if it is not allowed to happen, they put obstacles in its way, for example through illness. These are the answers from the spiritual side. According to Christian belief, tolerance would be particularly godly. Dear Josef, can you say something about that? Josef: Dear sister, you cannot mix tolerance with everything. It must be applied where it is justified. And elsewhere it is necessary to proceed with a certain degree of rigor. Here you just have to know exactly where to be tolerant. One has to be tolerant towards old, sick, helpless people. Tolerance is required when faced with mentally and physically weak people. But one can certainly expect a healthy person to achieve certain achievements and, if necessary, one can approach him energetically. If you meet If you suffer injustice, do you have to take it upon yourself and endure it, as the Christian religion teaches us? Josef: Yes, that is right. If it has happened and you can no longer change anything, then there is no point in rebelling against it, indulging in lower thinking and building up bad wishes for the other person. What can no longer be changed should be accepted and endured as a test. See, dear friends, It is hard to make the right decision everywhere. So you can see how much it takes, also for the mind, to always recognize what is right, what needs to be promoted and what needs to be prevented. It is not so easy. The world of God demands that a person who strives for spiritual heights not just live with his passions and addictions. Anyone who claims intellectual integrity can also be expected to have some understanding. You can tell him what is appropriate and what is not. However, if someone has succumbed to passions or addictions, you should be able to tell them that you do not take their actions as valid and apologize for them. If he is not upset about this, he may make an effort to get rid of his vices or passions. But if you do not make any effort to improve yourself, you will be marked for having no good will at all. If you rely on Christian teaching, you have to constantly strive for the right path and mustnt say: I just can not help it, that is not possible. You do not have to be patient with such people, but you can tell them what is appropriate and that you were wrong about them. Of course, it always depends on how you relate to the other person. This must of course be taken into account. If one cannot tell the other person what the problem is due to dependency, if one struggles and fears for ones livelihood, then the only option is tolerance. Either you leave such a person, or, if this is not possible, then there is nothing left but to persevere, practice tolerance and ask God for strength to help you endure the harshness of the other person. I now come back to the question: If you want to be convinced whether you are acting correctly, you only need to ask your fellow human being: Do you think it’s not wrong if I always talk about such and such? Isn’t the way I behave towards others unruly and inharmonious?” The people around you know best and can tell you very well, because you do not know it yourself. Every person is most satisfied with themselves. He feels that what he is doing is the only right thing and cannot accept any blame. Experience report of the ascending spiritual being Sapphire and answering questions from spirit teacher Josef by mediator Beatrice Brunner in the hall on Münchhaldenstrasse, Zurich Template: First publication in the magazine Geistige Welt”. next headline, July 1, 1959 David, a heavenly builder. An artist builds a new settlement for his siblings through diligent work. Control spirit: God bless you. I am the control. Dear friends, a ghost comes forward after me, he lived a good life and was allowed to enter a world that corresponded to it. What he has to tell you is for your instruction. God bless you this hour. God bless you. David: God bless you. Allow me to introduce myself: My name is David. I would like to tell you about my impressions in the spirit realm. Of course I was very surprised when I woke up in this other world, because as a human being I was of the opinion that you would be resurrected on the last day and that you would have to rest somewhere for that long, in the grave or somewhere else. I had no particular idea of this Judgment Day. I just accepted it; it made most sense to me that it could be so. I have tried to be fair in life. My heart was good, and so was my mind. So I was happy about these beauties that I encountered. My mother immediately came to meet me and expressed her joy that I had now arrived in this other world. It is so beautiful here and I should now share in the joys with her. Yes,I said, I am actually amazed to see so much of the same here as at home.I was also amazed to be able to grasp all of this straight away, in this very state, to think so clearly, that it is not as I believed, that one would have to rest in the grave or somewhere else until the last day. Yes, it was nice here, I liked my surroundings and it reminded me so much of home. Well, I became interested in the buildings, in this site, because this city that I had arrived in was made up of different settlements. My mother and father showed me around this city and explained to me the different settlements. I realized that they were so different in appearance. They each have a completely different style. I was very interested in all of this because I immediately had the feeling that the buildings in this other world had been built with greater attention, more patience and perhaps even more love than comparable buildings on earth. I was mainly interested in the material and wanted to know what type and form it could take. Then my mother came to me and said: David, you are still thinking a bit too earthly. You must now change your thinking and try to think heavenly. You cannot compare the things you see here with earthly things, for everything here is heavenly. You must try to make your thoughts heavenly.I replied to her: Mother, you have a good speech. When you come from the earthly realm to this other world, you are not immediately able to think heavenly, but you feel, think and act earthly, just as you were used to at home. I turned my attention to the various settlements and found that I was unable to grasp or dissect [analyze] the type of material from which the houses and everything else were built. I said yes, since it was heavenly material, but I could not quite understand it yet. I was also told that I Was not yet able to grasp this; it is now heavenly work. I cannot examine this material and therefore cannot determine what type it is. I would have to be in the kingdom of heaven for a longer period of time to be able to understand how and from what materials all these buildings were made. Well, I was satisfied with that. I was presented with facts, the buildings were there. But these differences interested me: entire settlements resembled the style of the Byzantine era. Others fell into that according to your calculation Carolingian era, others belonged to the Renaissance. I saw settlements that were from the Gothic, Baroque, and even Romanesque eras. These settlements differed from each other in their particular style. I could see everything as I walked through the settlements. I wanted to know: How is that possible? It all seems so earthly! Either these souls from earth took their inspiration to the kingdom of heaven and rebuilt the cities there according to that time, or is it the case that the souls were inspired from the heavenly realms according to their development, their level, in order to build their houses accordingly on earth build?" Yes, I had questions after questions and my mother did not really know how to give me answers. She just kept saying, David, you think too earthly. You must now turn to higher thinking.Yes, I promised I would do that. But now I was interested: Why is this settlement here the same architectural style as the one back in the Earth Realm? Everything is available here too. I mainly liked the settlements that had the appearance of the Byzantine era, I liked all those towers. It is so ornate, so beautiful. The settlements from the Romanesque era may also have something to offer. I would even like to say: It is the same with every development. And I passed by a settlement from the time of the migration. The community houses were structured accordingly. And in every such settlement there was a temple, which in turn was very reminiscent of everything that human hands had once built in the earthly realm. But I had the feeling that things were more precious and beautiful here in the kingdom of heaven; that this beauty certainly cannot be found in the earthly realm, although there is still a lot of beauty there from ancient times. It is mainly the churches where this art was allowed to be expressed. However, such churches as in the earthly kingdom cannot be found in the other world. There are large temples and prayer halls here, almost an infinite number of them. But they adapt precisely to the buildings in their surroundings and in their immediate vicinity. So they form something closed, something common. And long paths are open again to another settlement, and yet the whole thing together forms a city. Well, I wanted to know further: The earth also had its great artists. If it is the case that one finds, so to speak, the same thing in the kingdom of heaven that human hands build and have built in the kingdom of earth, what about the great musicians? Where is Beethoven, where is Bach, where is Mozart, where are the other composers?My mother had to give me an answer, and all she could tell me was: Everyone lives with others in their own world, in their settlement, and everyone continues to practice their art.I wanted to know further: What exactly is your occupation now? Do they compose, play, sing, or what do they do?Yes, my mother could not give me an exact answer about that, but she told me that I would find an opportunity to satisfy my curiosity. I told my mother clearly that I would be very interested in this. I also wanted to know why and where they came from, where they got to, what work they do and what other ways they could influence people. My mother replied that I would be given the opportunity to be informed about it. I particularly enjoyed these many beautiful buildings and also thought about them. This gives me the opportunity to move around freely in this big city, and I am happy with my life, also with the friendships I have made and, in general, with all the acquaintances I live with. I also can not resist going to the earthly realm every now and then. However, I do not harass people. I am more interested in their art and their work. Then I draw comparisons between these buildings: the houses of today in the human kingdom and the buildings of this other world. Of course, I immediately made the statement: In the Kingdom of Heaven, time does not matter. But in the human kingdom, time means gold, everything depends on time. If you are the first for a house today, When you break ground, the house has to be ready the next week, so to speak, because time, time is money for them. And when we look at these houses today, oh, the people, they try to adapt them to some extent to the surroundings. Maybe they align them with the landscape and so on; but that is all, so to speak. They are attuned to convenience and everything that happens quickly. And if you just look at the outside of a house in the kingdom of heaven, you have to notice how carefully everything was done, how wonderful, how precise. And that in the kingdom of heaven art still counts for something, while in the kingdom of earth, if you have time, you only dedicate yourself to a little bit of art, because the other thing comes first. My mother, who always accompanied me, explained to me again: You shouldn’t think about things like that. You now have to deal with heavenly things. dont always think about these things.And I replied to her: I cant, because it must be understandable to you, mother: If you have not said goodbye to the earthly realm for so long, you are simply not capable of acting and thinking heavenly, but you just think and act earthly, deals with it. And now that is where my thinking goes. I do not want to be particularly curious, but it should serve to enrich myself. I want to know why everything can be found here. I have also experienced and seen things in the earthly realm and what I have dealt with. Well, I was allowed to indulge in these thoughts and found clarification here and there. that is how I look at these large peoples houses and look for the image in my city, because it is also there in a different form. I have seen something similar, I would like to emphasize: something similar, because it is much more enormous, much more powerful; However, everything was built much more carefully than in the human kingdom. My mother had a special request that if I was unable to think otherwise, I should concern myself with this heavenly matter. She explained to me: If you have certain skills and are able to create a house. You can do it just like in the earthly realm: you may first have to get permission and present the plans to the angelic world for inspection, make it known to them that you would like to build such a house or an entire settlement.I thought to myself: Yes, why not?and imagined: I will stay in this city for all eternity. Why can’t I build a whole settlement?That would be wonderful for me because I would have so many inspirations and could combine one thing with the other. I thought of creating a new style. Okay,my mother said, start drawing a plan. But before you think about a whole settlement, start by drawing just one house. I did so because I had not been asked to do anything else. So I was allowed to move freely in this big city and I saw many wonderful things. I noted that. I drew a house and put together something from the different eras, which, at least to my eyes, created a harmonious picture. But I was immediately told: You can’t just build a house wherever you want. For this you need the permission of the higher angelic world. Because anyone could come and say: ‘I want to build a house the way I think of it and the way I like it.’ That would create endless chaos. I had to get used to the exact order, and I prepared to present the plan. The higher angels came to me and they were interested and pleased that I was dealing with such things right from the start. However, they had quite a few things to criticize about the plan I had drawn. One explained to me that this shape did not look good, that it was inharmonious, that it Was not possible like that, and so on. I slowly began to understand and understand, and then quickly had other inspirations again. The angels quickly drew a house for me and explained to me roughly what it should be like. I can now let my imagination run wild and decorate it, but it has to stay roughly in this form. Okay, so I started again, and this time I visited the others in the settlements, because there was a lot of activity everywhere. I inquired about those who had skills and understanding in this regard, and I succeeded. I then had a nice group of like,minded people together and we set about such work together. We had recorded the floor plans and the conditions that were given to me and continued to build on them, made our drawings and presented them again. People were very happy with it and said that it could not be rejected, it was very good. They asked that I hand over this drawn house, or rather we had drawn several, to the angelic world. I was a bit disappointed because they did not give me the plans back and explained that I had to get back to work and create new things again, but that they wanted to stick to the plans for later times. I should now try to draw something else, start again, but do it alone. With the help of the other brothers I had received certain inspiration and could now carry out my own work. I was actually proud that people believed I could do it myself. I went back to work and called my mother for help again and told her: It’s really not that easy here.Then my mother explained to me: You know, art is cultivated here. You have to give up the utmost that lies within you and make great efforts. So you will definitely be able to create something. Even if the other one has been put aside, it will certainly find a use somewhere.The mother thought she knew that what we had drawn would not fit in this city, but that it would definitely be built in some other city. I did not really know if she meant me with that, just wanted to cheer up. So I set out to create something new and even better. Then she said to me: You see, art knows no time. Art is love. Whether it is cared for in the afterlife or in this world, the condition are the same. What is artfully created is everlasting. There is a touch of immortality in God’s creation. Now I knew that I had to do my utmost to help, and so I went about it. I drew a house and several more, I had a whole settlement together and a wonderful prayer hall. I was in contact with my siblings and we each went to these halls together. There we prayed, we sang, we praised and praised God. The joint briefing also took place there; the higher beings of heaven gave us instructions. They gave explanations of what was happening in the earthly realm as well as what was happening in the afterlife, from the lower levels to this city where I lived; of their activity itself and of their efforts and efforts and how they motivate individuals. So, in that sense, I had to create a very beautiful and wonderful settlement with a prayer or worship hall. No matter how long I worked on it, there was no time left for me. I stopped thinking in earthly terms and then really gave myself completely to this creative work. I visited the vastness of the cities and looked at the individual buildings in great detail. I had connected what I particularly liked, put it together into a whole and drawn up the plan for it. It took a long time. How long, I can not say. On my mothers instructions, I then presented the plans to my older siblings. They took it and told me they would let me know about it, and they kept me waiting. They just left with my plans, and then I went here and there to these settlements and started getting interested in creating from there. I thought to myself: They will probably come back and explain to me whether my work is good.If not, then I would start again. I now had an idea of what is required of art in the kingdom of heaven. I did not know how long it took until I was called; I no longer knew time. But I experienced it. We went together to the temple hall that belongs to the settlement where I live. It is suggested that the main thing to do in order to praise is to go to the hall of your settlement. And you will also be informed when you are free to go to halls in other settlements. Because every hall, every settlement is completely different and worthy of admiration in its own right. So I went to my hall with my mother, unsuspecting, and here they were all there as usual, supporting us in the praise, singing and cheering with us, giving us explanations and telling stories. Then, when all this was over, I would almost say that the personal concerns of the brother and sister who had achieved something special came up and corresponding explanations were given. These services are discussed here. Others are asked to support this brother or sister in their achievements in the community or to participate in their new work. So I was astonished when I was called in and given the plans and explained that the new settlement had been approved and that it could be built at a certain distance from this city. I was delighted about that. Well, I have changed my thinking a bit. I was very interested and learned a lot, for example how it is possible to build a house. They then provided me with appropriate siblings and explained: You see, everyone who supports you is an artist in his or her own way. They will help you with this new settlement.I was pleased, and so were my siblings, that we were able to participate in the expansion and beautification of this city, that we were able to create a new settlement and that only a few changes were necessary, so to speak, which my older siblings had made for me. I fully agreed to this and even asked if someone from higher ups could give me further inspiration, I would be grateful. But they let me do what they wanted, and so I was allowed to start building this new settlement with my siblings. It was also explained to me that so many were already ready and destined to move into these houses. So I am working on this new settlement with my spiritual brothers and sisters and I keep getting visits from higher,ranking builders who want to do something here and there contribute to improvement. I am happy to be able to do this work, and my mother is even happier. She says: You see, David, through your will and through your diligent work you have been given the opportunity to give many, many beings a beautiful house. They will arrive here and contact you. You will be introduced to them as the builder of this settlement. Yes, and I am still working on this. I can not say how long it will take until this settlement is finished, because for me there is no time like there is for you humans. I feel sorry for them because they are in such a hurry. They pass by in the most beautiful way and have no love, no time. It is a shame about that. But it has to be that way, because that is earthly, earthly action, switching and governing according to earthly laws. I hope that people do not forget what happens after they die and that they try to change their thoughts to the heavenly in the earthly realm so that it does not find it as difficult for them as it did for me at the beginning. It was not easy for me to move from my earthly thinking to heavenly thinking. But I had a goal that I wanted to achieve and I was allowed to do that. If I am allowed to say this to my friends, I would like to make it clear: Think of the imperishable art and values that humanity has, of which my mother said: This is a touch of immortality in creation of God. So I tried to tell you something about it. Many questions must have arisen in your mind. But It is not my responsibility to answer them. I just want to tell you one thing: Back to Earth, no, I do not want that. Staying there, in the kingdom of heaven, and being a builder is much nicer. We have no trouble about money and bread. However, you also have to search; The materials you need for building, for example, are not always immediately available. But it is not associated with a life by the sweat of the brow as is the case with humans. The Building in the kingdom of heaven is easy. It is something beautiful because youre not just doing it for yourself. You know that you also have your part in this kingdom of heaven and youre interested in all the beauty. And that is what It is all about. I only want to create beautiful things in the kingdom of heaven to please my brothers and sisters who come to me. It is my job to bring joy to others with my work. And people can do the same in their own kingdom. Even if they are not able to bring joy to others in their daily work, they still have enough time, in addition to their duties, to do this, be it with the words they speak or with their feelings. Cultivating love is an art; she is too a touch of immortality in God’s creation, cares for her. Well, I return to my siblings and turn to my work. Who knows, maybe I will be allowed to tell you something again about how far I have come. Maybe I will receive a message that a brother or sister of yours is registered in my settlement. That would make me happy. Who knows, we hope. God bless you. God bless you. [End of audio recording. Addition from the first publication in the magazine Geistige Welt”.] Josef: Dear friends, we have given you the opportunity to once again hear a special kind of spirit who told you about his work. You can see from this that a being who has lived well and righteously is allowed to do wonderful work in the Kingdom of Heaven. It is as it has always been explained to you: In such a case, the abilities of the individual find their further development in the Kingdom of Heaven. Well, I imagine that various questions have arisen in your mind, and I am happy to answer them as best I can. Was this soul allowed to have a period of rest and sleep after its passage into the spiritual world? Josef: Of course, that too. You know, dear friends, these are events that are not always highlighted. This wonderful sleep, which sometimes lasts shorter, sometimes longer, is granted to every good soul. Dear Joseph, is it possible for you to explain to us the material from which heavenly buildings are made? Josef: I think It is difficult for me to make this clear and understandable to you. You were told that the material also needed to be collected. This is what I meant, as I was already able to teach you, that a huge stream of Gods power flows through all spheres in which all building blocks or basic materials are present. The composition of these must be chosen accordingly in order to get what you need. Instead of your solid material, there is in the spiritual realms, everything is light and subtle. I can not describe it to you in more detail. But you must imagine that the materials of a heavenly dwelling, a house, consist of threads or rays of light. In order for it to last, the specific colors of those light threads must be used for all individual parts. So this has to be understood, and it does not work the way uncalled spirits sometimes try and then it does not last and dissolves again. Everything must be put together according to spiritual laws, otherwise it will not have the necessary strength or stability. Was David allowed to begin such an important and beautiful work so soon after his entry into Gods world? Josef: A certain amount of time has already passed, which he neglected to specifically mention. Since he had already been involved in building houses as a human being, he continued to feel drawn to his favorite activity and was only interested in it, so to speak. And since he was a good person, he was lucky enough to enter a sphere where he found these beautiful, diverse settlements. But you do not have to imagine all heavenly cities like that. This spirit only spoke about his city, what he had experienced and seen. There are also huge gardens between the settlements; Entities from other parts of the city can meet there. You do not have to imagine a city like this as densely populated like yours, where house after house is lined up. In the kingdom of heaven everything is much more extensive, there is much more space. In such a city, all residents are at the same level of development, but not everyone has the same intelligence. Care is taken to ensure that they feel that they harmonize together and are therefore able to support each other in their actions. They have their, he called them prayer halls or worship halls. I would like to add to this: These are halls where the beings of Gods angels are taught the plan of salvation and order, and it goes without saying that they sing to the glory of God and that God is honored and praised. The meetings take place mainly in these halls, and only in special cases do the angels of God go to another house. So everyone in whom the angels of God are particularly interested are called together and led into these temple halls. Here their activities are also discussed, as you were told, and the individuals are encouraged. It is agreed and discussed what new things could be created for their further spiritual advancement. When such a spirit is reincarnated, it then, if there are no serious burdens, transfers its knowledge and skills into the earthly realm if possible. It is often allowed that one can continually improve ones abilities even through different lifetimes. But you do not have to imagine that progress only exists in your world, but that it also occurs on the same level in the spiritual world, where the same interests exist. This also applies to technology, for example, everything on earth is adapted to the material world. Certainly the interests of the mother soul and her son diverged; but in terms of development they are, so to speak, at the same spiritual level, and that is why they were allowed to do this together, Stay in the city. Well, the mother soul was definitely not interested in building houses; A female is better suited to other tasks. As a result of his great contributions to human life, he was allowed to enter this beautiful sphere and pursue his favorite pastime. But he also had various things to make up for; he also had to go through purification. He did not talk about that, just about his interesting work, which he was completely absorbed by. You can see from this that such a spirit likes to express what is close to it. Although someone has been in the spirit realm for several decades, like this spirit, his knowledge is only limited to his activity as long as he concentrates on it. But since he is able to do valuable work and gets along with the other beings with whom he works and there is no reason for any complaints, he is allowed to do this work. Because the higher spiritual beings know exactly who they have to lead where. It does happen that a ghost is removed from its surroundings because it causes trouble. But he is not banished from the sphere; he remains there. But it is so big and offers so many opportunities to bring him to his senses in a quiet place. To a further question as to the extent to which this artistic creation could perhaps be attributed to the inspiration of higher spiritual beings, a Joseph replied: He had this talent in human life, and it remained with him in the spiritual realm. Here he was able to encounter again what he had learned and known in human life, what he had promoted and nurtured, only in this city he was confronted with spiritual forms. Now, this valuable and beautiful thing that a being sees awakens ideas within itself and causes it to create further. This is nothing other than a confluence of these wonderful spiritual forces that support these beings to achieve such great achievements. It is the wonderful gifts of God that enable individuals to create artistic creations. It has to come from him, come yourself. There are spheres in these high heavenly realms where the angels of God compete with one another in the arts. The highest demands are placed on them and their achievements, as with humans, are repeatedly subjected to criticism so that they continue to achieve higher and more brilliant achievements. But this is where they differ from people who only seek to be celebrated and recognized. In the kingdom of heaven one works only for God and the enrichment of the beauties of the kingdom of heaven. You do not do it out of personal ambition, but for the glory of God and the joy of all brothers and sisters who complement each other in this work. You should not believe that everything remains in these higher heavens forever, as it was once created. That would be boring. There is always a joyful tension when these higher beings go about their creative work. There is a joyful curiosity about what new things will be created, and all siblings always enjoy the new beauties that make the kingdom of heaven so diverse and interesting. There are always new surprises coming up that bring great joy. You can not even imagine it. When asked again about the spiritual brothers and sisters of this settlement, Joseph replied: You should not imagine that, as I have already explained, because they live in the same settlement, they would all be equally intelligent. What is crucial is that they harmonize together and are spiritually equal so that they can support each other. Intelligence does not play a dominant role here. It is certainly encouraged, but Gods creation also includes good beings who are not capable of grasping higher things and who are happier with simpler work. It has to be like this. You should not think that they are disadvantaged because of this. They clearly recognize that not everyone can be in a leadership position and that they are not capable of doing so. But what applies to everyone in the Kingdom of God is the appreciation of personality. So even those who do less work enjoy this appreciation. Many people have no preference for extraordinary achievements because they simply feel a certain weakness that prevents them from achieving them. Because anyone who stands at an advanced post in the kingdom of heaven must be a conscientious, precise expert. So other minds will never come forward and say, I can do that too.They are all carefully tested for their abilities. And no one is assigned to such a community and sphere in which feelings of envy could become noticeable. If I understand correctly, a new style has been created here. Can it be assumed that this also applies in the earthly realm? Josef: That something similar arises in the earthly realm over time, yes. This means that the spirits involved in the afterlife will be so imbued with it that they will bring the new thing into the earthly world when they are reborn. However, it may still take a few hundred years until what is in the process of being created is carried into the earthly realm. Experience report of the ascending spiritual being David and answering questions from spirit teacher Josef by mediator Beatrice Brunner in the hall on Münchhaldenstrasse, Zurich Template: Tape recording and first publication in the magazine Geistige Welt”. next headline, September 2, 1959, Stasia, assessment of todays times, from the perspective of a former midwife. Peoples mistakes and vices are judged according to their level of development. Control spirit: God bless you. Dear brothers and sisters, a spirit will speak here again for the first time, and it will happen in its natural way, to give you proof of how the spirits initially behave in the world beyond, what they feel like and at the same time how we have to teach them. If you listen carefully, you can glean a lot from it. If this spirit perhaps speaks to you in a somewhat humorous way, I would like to emphasize again: Try despite what is said t will preserve the consecration and dignity of this hour. We are ready and standing, and we will ensure that everything takes its proper course, as we have ordered and wished. So we hope that the teachings of this hour will give you new insight into what is happening in the spiritual world and that it will serve to inform you. So may Gods blessing be upon you all. God bless you. Stasia: God bless you. My name is Stasia. My name is no longer Stasia, but Elenora; but I will tell you about my life as a Gstasi, that is what they called me. My siblings who are above me have given me the order to tell about my previous life and to express my opinion about the current conditions of people. Of course It is not the first time I have made my way to Earth, but I have not had the opportunity to talk like this before; Here they paved the way for this and made it possible for it to happen. Over time, I have always been interested in progress, everywhere, about everything, and I see how nice people have it today, in contrast to the time where I lived. It was immediately explained to me that I should not be of the opinion that these lights that burn here and the beauty that is here were provided for my honor. No, I should not believe that. Let no candles be lit to honor the Spirit who speaks, but let the lights shine to honor Him in whose name the people are gathered. So they wanted to make sure that I did not get a special opinion of myself and think: "Oh, they decorated everything like that for my honor and lit the candles and..." No. So I know: it Was not done in my honor, but the candles light up in honor of the one in whose name you are together. Yes, I admire the beauty, and I am amazed at how people have it today, when I think back to my job, how you had to work there and did not get any wages, so to speak, yes, no wages. I had probably also done my job to the best of my ability: I was a child helper [midwife], I was the Gstasi. I had learned my craft or task from my mother. I had not attended any schools; that did not exist. As a child worker, I had the opportunity to meet many people; In fact, in my time there were only poor people, so to speak, very poor people. Oh, some of them had maybe a few more critters and then they were already rich. And the houses, if you can talk about housescompared to today, were just stables. People did not have beds like they do today; they slept on straw and leaves, and, alas!, there was no mention of this beautiful white material that people lie on today. It looked different in my time, but people also lived and were content, in contrast to today, when we see how often people have to have everything and are dissatisfied and unhappy because they do not have this or that and because they do not like that get as much vacation as you wish. In my time there were no holidays. You were happy when your stomach was full, and you were still satisfied. But now I would like to tell you something about my tasks and my life. I said that I had the opportunity to look everywhere and that I only had to deal with poor people, so to speak. I always had to appear when the time came again and a mother was due to give birth to her child. I then had to gather everything possible beforehand so that I could at least put the child somewhere. And the mothers, they hardly had anything to eat. You had turnip porridge, which was common back then. But the people always knew: When the Gstasi comes, they always bring something good with them for the mothers. But where did I get it from? Yes, where from? If a little creature was missing here and there, you knew who had taken it: it was the Gstasi. But I did not need it for myself, I needed it for these mothers and then also for the children who were there and who had nothing to bite anyway. Through my work I had gained a certain respect in the surrounding area, and so I knew where I could go to get a critter. I also had a very specific house where people were better off. There were distinguished people there and I knew my way around well. Those servants had always left the gate open for me at the gate, and then I could go and help myself here and there. So I had the opportunity to cook soup from these little creatures and bring it back to the poor women. I never ate it myself, I always gave it away. And that is what I want to say, my attitude at the time was as follows: I knew that you could not take these little creatures, they were stolen; But when I set out to take this step, I always said to myself: Well, dear God, I ask you, close your eyes, do not look, I have to do it.And then I did it and took the critters. I also had a little gate like that at home and I put them in there. I then knew when it was time that I had to go here or there. So Christmas time was approaching, and it was precisely at this time that four or five women in the area had a child should get it. It was Christmas and I knew they had nothing. I had already taken precautions early on and put a few critters in my cage. But then a bad trick was played on me... I still know that so well, because when I came to the afterlife, to this other world, it came up. Yes, that was a welcome! Then they came from all sides and shouted: Well, the Gstasi is coming, the Gstasi is coming, greet the Gstasi!And then someone came up to me, we called him Zacherl, and said: Well, Gstasi, I ask you, forgive me. You know, it was me, I got the critters back for you, that time at Christmas when you could not give anything. It was me. But can you forgive me?And I said, Yeah, I still remember. But I had long since forgotten that; because so many new things had already happened about it. But apparently it must have bothered him somehow or made an impression on him, because he confessed it to me. He told me that he had been scolded by the higher beings because he had brought these creatures back. He then told them: The Gstasi stole it, they stole it from me, I had to give an account to my master, and because of them I had far too little. I couldn’t always tell my master: ‘The fox has come.’ We knew exactly that it was the Gstasi. Then Zacherl told me that he had just been scolded for it and that it had been explained to him that he should not have done that because the Gstasi had not gotten it for themselves personally. The many women and children would have had nothing to eat at Christmas, and those to whom these little creatures belonged would have had enough to eat and lived in luxury. So he did not have to get involved. So he was punished because he took away from me what I had actually acquired unjustly. He was punished for this and had to ask me for forgiveness. Then I said, Yeah, it’s not my place to forgive you. You just have to ask the good Lord to forgive you. I also know that I shouldn’t have done that, but I didn’t do it for myself.He was then pleased when I told him I had forgiven him. But I remembered that time back: It was Christmas and I could only come empty,handed. I had to bring turnip porridge to these mothers and children, otherwise I had nothing. I had to confess that I had had a supply, but that it had been taken away from me. People then scolded me about this act of a person who had done something like that, while everyone around me knew that I never did this for myself, but for others. When I came to the other world, I was of course a little, I do not want to say intimidated, but I was also a little afraid. Now everything was very clear to me, that is, everything was there in front of my eyes, there were whole heaps, mountains, of what I had just taken with me here and there. And I knew I had to be accountable for it. Then they also came, these angels, and said: Yes, Gstasi, we knew that you did not take this for yourself. You know the commandment: One should not steal. You took it, although not from the poor. Out of pity you helped yourself and gave it to the poor. We do not want to punish you for that. But you have other things to make up for, where you also went wrong, where you could have been expected to have done better; We want to judge you more severely for this. But in the other case we will be lenient with you.But this is not intended to be an excuse or an encouragement for humanity today, because today the judgment is completely different. The angels words were of course a relief to me. Admittedly, I also had a lot to do. In my life I had often spoken a little too harshly and had not given the right comfort where it was due. Because in my time many children died, and I, I did not make many stories about it. I always said, Oh, thank God. If it is his will, you will have one again. you have ten or fifteen anyway. See that they prosper; What you have is enough.For my part, I had done what was possible, but it was not like today, when so many children who are born are allowed to live and thrive. In my time they even had no possibility of achieving this. The conditions were so primitive in every way and the mothers were malnourished. It Was not that difficult if you could not support a child. But here and there a mother cried a lot when her child was taken away from her. And the divine world did not really agree with me that I had not used or found the right words; I should have appreciated life more. For my part, I thought quite sensibly, and it Was not viewed as a burden to me, but I was blamed; I should have spoken differently, cared more about these people. I can understand that better now when I see how people live today. But at the time I did not understand it; You just took everything as it came and quickly came to terms with it. Today, however, so many people are depressed. In my day there were not that many of these diseases. I have the feeling that people today have far too much around them and can not come to terms with the facts; they brood too much. Back then, people had to come to terms with things. Of course, it was also the case that one person had a happier disposition and the other less so. But the fact that you can make stories about things like people do today, no, that did not exist. I believe, from my point of view, that this is a modern disease. We were just a bit rough in our way. In each case we have shaken up the individual, yes, spoken to him with forceful words and explained to him that he should be content and so on. Yes, I would almost have to say: they put him back together again with harsh words and made his point clear to him. Then he picked himself up again and continued again. If we have the opportunity to observe people today, we see what kind of stories they can tell about ridiculous things. They can not cope with it, talk about it for hours, even days, and talk about the same stuff over and over again for years. That did not exist in my time; You had to come to terms with things, and you were happy if you had something to hold on to under your head. There was also a trust in God; you looked up and were humble and satisfied. Yes, it would often be good if todays dissatisfied people could have this hindsight, then perhaps they would go back to their work with a little more trust and confidence and also have a more grateful heart. Yes, I just wanted to explain this in passing. I was then taught in the spiritual world that I did not always do everything right in my life and, as I emphasize, that my nature was perhaps often too rough. But when I now look at this period of time and look back, I realize how extremely slowly one actually came to an understanding, how long it took before one even understood what the higher spiritual world wanted to tell you. We were put into schools and had to stay there for a long time in the same class; we had to repeat again and again. Today I can hardly believe that it took me so long to familiarize myself with this knowledge. But then they enlightened me again and said that at the time when I was alive, development must have been terribly slow; it was just in the circumstances of that development. Today the spirits who, like me, lived in the earthly realm at that time have the opportunity to look at humanity and observe their thinking and their work in general. And so we are amazed at what these people can achieve in one day. They accomplish something that took us weeks to do in one day. Then they explain to us again: Look, this is the development, their work is happening much more quickly. In general, all of these achievements only came about through intensive work and zeal; As a result, people have now reached such a level of development. So we are confronted with people, and then of course we also ask: Yes, is it actually good for these people to live in this hustle and bustle? Doesn’t that also have its disadvantages?” They explain this to us and say: Of course, for many people surrender, Disadvantages of it, exactly what strikes me so much: You are not satisfied with anything, nothing is nice enough, they always have too few of their free hours. I do not want to neglect to say: If you used these free hours wisely, then it would be right; But the majority of humanity only strives for pleasure. He wants a lot of free time for relaxation and pleasure, and that is harmful to the mind and body. Everything has to be applied correctly. The spiritually oriented person can be given more free time because he knows how to make sense of this free time. But you can not give the airbuses so much free time; They have to be integrated into the work process so that they are guided along the same path and do not go astray. But teaching this to todays humanity is difficult because people today generalize it and say to themselves: "Everyone has the right to have so much, or even more, free time." Everyone is required to work hard, to work energetically; and if someone does not have the physical strength, they are pushed aside. He is seen as backward and is overlooked. This is humanity today; these are the disadvantages of todays rapid development. We are then explained: Yes, of course you shouldn’t just look at the negative, you should also see and affirm the positive. In every relationship, in every area, something good is always created. Humanity should now be supported and guided along this path of good.Because it is clear that among the many people who are concerned with all these new achievements there are also those who are actually not internally ready for it. So, from our point of view, there are people living in this age who are not able or not mature to experience and take part in all of this, who are still backwards in their intellectual development. With these, development should proceed more slowly, then much harm could be prevented; for this progress made by humanity is an obstacle for many. Then it is explained to us: See, again and again, depending on the wheel of development, A person is given his task and is judged depending on how things develop.It was explained to me and all my friends: See, back when you lived, you stole; you stole a lot, but you were not punished for it in the way that a person is punished today when he practices the same evil or vice. He is punished much more; he has a different training, lives in a different development, has a different outlook. Consequently, he will be judged differently. So you can see from this that much of the injustice that happened or was done in earlier times was judged much more leniently, and that the punishment was not necessarily so harsh. So things had been looked at in every detail. Of course, there was no quarter for torturing people, for murder and such misdeeds; they were condemned then just as they are condemned today. But there are so many, I would like to say, little things, and yet they are of great importance. Back then you were not punished like that for it, but you are today. We spirits, and I too, now have the opportunity to learn this; we have to go among the people now. We always have our companions and they tell us: Look, these people now have this level of development. There are transgressions of this kind here, and the punishment is of this kind. let us turn the wheel back: the same transgressions would not have been brought to this extent in your time; they would have been excusable, and accordingly the punishment was not of that magnitude. There were other misconducts.The punishment was repeatedly adjusted according to developments. I am only telling you this because today you live in a time where something is expected of you. You are commanded much in all areas, and the more you are commanded, the more you are asked to do. It is not pleasure that is required, but rather intellectual creativity. Because everything we do comes from a spiritual drive. A spiritual force is mobilized, creates, and balance must be maintained. After all, it is Gods power; he gives his word that this knowledge can reach people today. But that is what these people have to carry out corresponding services on their part. They want to have a nice and comfortable life, I mean the people in those countries where there are not so many worries and hardships, exactly where people cry out for so much free time, for comfort and to have this and that. Yes,they say, they shall have it; They should have as much as they want, but the more you demand, the more is demanded of you. When such people come to us, and we experience this again and again, they are confronted with us. We are there when the spirits of God come from the heavenly heights and accuse these returnees of their misdeeds, their rudeness, their unfaithfulness, their falsehoods, their lies, their dishonesty, and so on. Then you judge them severely because you say to them: And what did you ask for? did not you demand utmost honesty for yourself? did not you claim the best for yourself? We will measure your measurements using exactly the same measurement that you used. What you humans are not so aware of is that when you are over there and stand in front of these judging angels of God, you become very small. You do not dare to talk like that; you become very quiet because they standing there are so powerful. You feel their power and you feel afraid and know that you have been missing. You become small because they accuse you of all your mistakes, even the ones that you have long since forgotten, that you are no longer aware of, and you ask yourself: Yes, is that true, did I do that?And then they come and, Whoosh: you experience it again, you are transported back to that time, and the people you traded with are there. You experience everything and there is no denying it. that is the way it is. It is not that easy for everyone when they enter the other side. Those who have lived a good life need not fear; they will have a nice time. We have already experienced many beautiful greetings, just as I experienced when they came to me from all sides and greeted me: The Gstasi is coming, the Gstasi is coming!It is the same with those people who have lived well, who also have demands on life, but who have balance who also gave. Even then people will come from all sides and greet those who have returned home. There is a joy and you celebrate smaller parties, you invite them there and invite them there. There are so many wonderful ways to entertain yourself in these spiritual worlds; depending on where you are, the sky can be beautiful. So I actually just wanted to give you a hint about my time, how simply people lived back then and how many mistakes were not so seriously blamed, but there are other things that people today pay less attention to. So, It is always a matter of development. You should also see how the spirits are assigned to the tasks. One of them always has to attend the same class, I do not know how long, because he still does not know anything. Another can be called upon to do a certain job more quickly and can carry it out conscientiously. Then, when a certain amount of time has passed, you are called together, in whole groups, and then go with these crowds to the people, as has happened at this hour, when I was given the opportunity to speak here and to tell you. We walk along this earth to people and look at each individual, be it in the shop, be it at a concert, be it wherever it may be; we find them everywhere. We simply place ourselves with a person and say: Look, the book is open, here is the plus, and here is the minus, this is the debit, and this is credited to him,and so on. Then you turn the wheel back and say: In your time, the transgressions would have been punished like this.This way we can learn. This is how we draw towards people and slowly, slowly we are able to give our own independent judgment. That is our work then. But when we judge a person, that is not the last word. We ourselves have to learn justice from this, and we gain a completely different view, a completely different insight into the development of humanity. Our companions come to us and check what we say is correct and correct us. Often we are right decided and often not. We are simply committed to this task until it works seamlessly. There can no longer be any other assessment than the one that is correct; you have to have recognized what is right. And you can achieve that. With a lot of patience, the world of God supports you and you get to know the new era and its people. Of course, there are also those who lived in my time and were already at a certain intellectual level, so they did not need as long as we did to come to these insights. So you should not generalize. There were always certain exceptions, those who understood more quickly, who were also spiritually higher and who received special guidance and instruction. But I want to talk about the mass, the mass that needs to develop. She was taught in this way and it took a long time for the light to penetrate her. So, my dear brothers and sisters, I told you something about my work and that I also received my reward for the good that I had done, but that I was also reprimanded. I would particularly like to point out the following: peoples mistakes are not judged the same at all times; But the higher and faster the development goes, the more energetic the judgment is on it, I do not want to have forgotten to say that. That is why there are so many spirits who emphasize the importance of the higher life. Yes, it is, and many people do not understand it. But It is not my job to talk about it, and I cant. I was happy to be among you and to look at you like that. My last word is just: be happy with your life, exactly as it is. And if you have to endure a lot of unpleasant things, I think I could tell you: It is no longer as unpleasant as what you probably once wore. Be happy and think back to those times when people did not lie in those nice, well,kept beds, where they maybe even just slept on the floor, on some straw, as was common back then. When you go home today, sit up, thank you, and be happy and joyful. And if youre sick, theyll be there to help you. In my time, it came down to this: they gave you a little drink; if it was useful, it was good, Otherwise... what the hell, there were still so many, enough others available. That was the thinking back then. And today, how people make stories, stories! We do not understand it. But it must be because of this development... So I am told I have spoken enough and I need it about not philosophizing. I do not want that either. I say goodbye and I am watching you. So may the blessing of God be upon you. God bless you. Joseph: God bless you. Dear brothers and sisters, I am ready to answer your questions as best as I can. Dear spiritual friend Josef, the Gstasi spoke of people who cannot cope with todays developments and are instead harmed. Could you say something about why these people were incarnated now and not before, when everything was slower? Josef: Oh, they certainly lived on earth at that time when this development was taking place slowly, but the time, if one can speak of time, for a new life on earth has just come for them again, and so they have to familiarize yourself with this new thing and settle in here. If this spirit has claimed that this new time would not be good for many, then perhaps you should look at it this way: There really are people who are not suitable to have been born into this time; but that is just a test for them. When I say that they are perhaps not suitable, that means: They would also like to have possession of everything that this development brings today. And that is why they often fail. It is the splendor or power of money, it is possession, that often brings difficulties to people; his desire for possession causes him to stumble. He cannot find his way into this time because his demands are too great. He should not put his demands on this track. Nevertheless, it is Gods will that he be born into this time. He can learn from his siblings; it will be so much for him. And if someone affirms God, he also knows the laws. For many people, this time is nothing but a difficult test, and it is much more difficult for them to get through life than for others, and accordingly the judgment in the spiritual world will also be different. So life today may be a difficult test for many people. But in those earlier times, when people lived in greater poverty and prosperity was not as balanced as today, this poverty was shared. That may also have played a big role. But wherever and at whatever time a spirit is born, it has the possibility of adapting. In this way he can also somewhat empathize with this new time and can, above all, gain for himself through this progress. Thank you, dear Joseph. I noticed that this Gstasi, even though she has been in the world beyond for a long time, still had the way she used to express herself when she spoke. Joseph: Yes, this was done to show you in a natural way how different the spirits who return to this other world are in their thinking and speaking. So this sisters speech may certainly be different today, but it became simple. the wheel turned back like this; she talked about her former life. And when she also looked at life today, her personal idiosyncrasies also came to expression here. This is intended to prove to you the diversity and diversity among spirits. Thanks. Dear friend Josef, what kind of work is Gstasi carrying out in the plan of salvation, where does it fit in? Josef: She is included as she indicated: she visits people and, together with angelic beings, makes her assessment of those whose life is complete or is approaching completion. By doing this, a spirit, like this sister, comes to higher knowledge. This will be the case, the spiritual world bears its benefit, and it will assign this spirit to other tasks at a later point in time if a new life on earth is not already intended for him. This entire teaching from the angelic world not only serves his advancement in the spiritual world, but also strengthens him for the new life on earth; for this knowledge, which a mind receives in this way, will remain with it; it will slowly be given back to him as he grows up as a human being, and he will then also reap his profits in human life. By observing people, spirits learn the will of God. It is a necessity in human life to recognize the will of God. Because this will of God is everywhere, in everything. Thanks dear friend. Is this a pleasant work or task for these spirit beings? Josef: Yes, of course. But you must be clear: Before such entities are led to these tasks, they must show themselves willing to do so. Because there are some in this regard who initially accept the task that is given to them, but then they soon direct their interest elsewhere. So the spiritual world that watches over them then has to correct them again. You do not have to believe that these spiritual beings will immediately stick exactly to the words that were given to them; it is just like humans who need to be educated. If you ask people to do a job and tell them: It has to follow exactly this pattern, you have to do it exactly this way,there may be people who say to themselves: No, I will do it this way, I like it better, and I think that will be right.that is human nature, and maybe it works for you, but it certainly does not work everywhere. Something like that does not work in the spiritual realm; Everything is under strict order. When a mind is put in its place and told, You have to stay here, and now you have to make your observation in this way,it cannot simply turn away and say, That is of interest. I am less interested, I am much more interested in art,or: I am interested in what progress people have made, and I want to look at what they had in earlier times,and so on. There is no way that someone can completely turn away from the instructions. He must follow the instructions in order to complete his tasks. And that is not so self,evident, because these spirits are all in the process of purification; they must be shown the way. So the higher beings stand there and observe everything very closely and reprimand one or the other. So the person who tries to rebel does not move forward as quickly. You do not have to imagine that all spirits rise at the same rate in their development. That in turn depends on the individuals personal views and his will. Those who make an effort move forward more quickly, just like in your human life. And the one who is simply indifferent and says to himself: Yes, it will come,and so on, yes, for him it will take longer. Then there are certain gradations among these entities, that is, there are those with whom one no longer deals with in the same way. The main focus is on those who are ambitious. They are given ever higher tasks, and they then reach the point more quickly where a new stage of development, a new world, begins for them, while those who always backslide and do not obey simply do not keep up with the others. Nevertheless, they can belong to one and the same plan. Some are able to progress faster in their development than others. You have already been informed about this. Dear Joseph, how does the spiritual world view todays times with their haste and haste? Josef: The spiritual world always adapts to human development, including this haste. The spirits of God have their special regulations and instructions for humanity, according to todays development. Then you would have to suppose, you realize that todays haste and haste in the way we work is also caused by todays development? Josef: This haste or this rapid rise of this development can also contain good things. Thank you Dear Josef, it was interesting for us to hear that the spiritual world actually demands much more from modern people than it did from people a few hundred years ago. Progress has come very quickly, but I see that there is still a lot of backwardness in religious matters, for example, and that in this respect there is actually no progress or only very, very little progress. But the leaders of the religions are also responsible for progress; They certainly know that changes should take place here too, but they still do nothing. I assume they will be blamed if they impede progress. Josef: Every person has his own special judgment, and the greater his influence on his fellow human beings, the stricter the judgment will be on him. Dear friend Josef, you could see that child mortality was much higher back then. Was that also part of the plan? Does this also have to do with mental development? Josef: Yes, everything is recorded and recorded in this development. Dear Joseph, when people are rushed into this rush, the longing for peace comes. I suspect that in later ages or years, this calm will give rise to drawing closer to God and searching for religion. Josef: Yes, we hope that it will be that way. This haste causes people to wear themselves out; So they suddenly become accessible again to nature, to the divine, to the beauty of the earth. I think that is the point of this rush. Josef: That might be saying a bit too much. This is all just a matter of development, and many people are tested very harshly; because this development also brings with it its great tests, perhaps increased tests. Because remember, if you did not have this comfort in the past and did not know it, then envy or the urge for possession could not have been present to this extent either; So you did not have the desire to live in this wealth, and therefore, let us say, perhaps some of the vices were not there. There are new vices today; Nowadays people face completely different tests than before. If someone used to live in a simple, modest house, he knew that his neighbor was no better off; This one did not have it any other way, so they did not think about it. If you look at people today and see what they have, when one sees what the other has, he wants it too. He might force it; he can force it in an unfair way and thereby perhaps cause distress, misery and dissatisfaction and so on, it is like a chain. You know that yourself. Dear Josef, how far back does Gstasis life lie? Josef: Yes, can you roughly estimate it? I think about three hundred years. Joseph: Yes. Report of the experience of the ascending spirit being Stasia and answering questions from spirit teacher Josef by mediator Beatrice Brunner in the hall on Münchhaldenstrasse, Zurich. Template: tape transcript. next headline, October 7, 1959. Waldimir, leisure activities in the world beyond. Exhilarating creation in intellectual workshops. [Greetings from the Control Spirit]. Waldimir: God bless you. My dear brothers and sisters, I have the task of telling you about my impressions and experiences. And so I have to briefly describe my last life and then return to the previous life. In my last life I tried to live as a right man. I had a wife and children, and I tried to the best of my ability to fulfill my duties and also to obey the Lords commandments. I do not want to explain anything further about this life itself, because nothing special happened; That would mean that I had not acquired any great merits in this last life. I would like to give an insight into my return to the other world. Of course, I was amazed to hear that life was not over but continued. My mother spoke these words to me: You are alive, and you also have to work here. You also have to follow the Lord’s commandments here, even more strictly than in your human life. The environment in which I now lived was beautiful. Since I compared it too much with everything I had had and seen in the earthly realm, I was satisfied with it. But those who dealt with me, they were Gods representatives, made it clear to me that I should actually have achieved greater merit. The way I lived would have been completely Christian, but prayer alone would not have been possible fruit without the actions, I should have made greater efforts. So in a sense, as I was told, I was back on the same, returned to the place from which I had previously started. Dated before?I asked, what does that mean?They answered me: Yes, do you think you were only human once?Yes, I could not have known that. Then they explained to me: You have been in the earthly realm many, many times and have gone through all sorts of stages.I was very interested in that, and at least I wanted to know: What was I before, in the previous life?I would have loved to have heard that I was a prince or some other influential man. But they remained silent and said: That is not the main thing for you at the moment, to know who you were and what you were; You should believe our words when we tell you that you have often been in the realm of the earth.I believed that my opinion of wanting to know what one had been was correct. You could then adjust accordingly and perhaps improve. No,they replied, not yet. If you complete all tasks here to our satisfaction, we can try to have a review with you. Of course I had a lot to learn. I was introduced to a work process. We had to work and learn at the same time. We knew so little, or I knew so little. As a human being, I had never thought about it, at least never seriously and particularly, what it might look like after death, what the laws and conditions would be like there. I did not particularly concern myself with that, but I believed in God, I prayed, I tried hard to be a good person. And now they were not very satisfied with my opinion and my views. It was made clear to me that if I wanted to rise, I would have to work diligently in the service of God. I was given some pictures or insights into the heavens, how it would be so beautiful there and that I should not be content with what I was experiencing now. I should strive diligently for merit. If I showed this zeal, then I could be given so,called free time where I could choose what blissful activity I wanted to indulge in. This, I had been told, could expand my zeal, and This would enable me to fulfill my tasks better; I would do my tasks with greater joy. These tasks primarily consisted of visiting the various schools that one had to go through. Even if you did not like it, you were always drawn back. In addition to these schools, one had to go to work with the higher angelic beings. There was a lot to do, not just in relation to people. Yes, there was really a lot to be done in all areas. If you pushed your interest to the fore in an area, the angels took note of it and explained that if you particularly enjoyed it and had talent for it, you could be placed in a very specific area to work with the greatest energy and strength. Actually, it was that I, superficially speaking, interested in everything, because it was very interesting to hear so much about what there is, which as a human being you have no idea about and believe that it is an impossibility and about which you assume: So something only exists between people; only men work with their hands and with all their strength, and only they accomplish such things. I then went to work with others and visited schools. Then we agreed together that we wanted to put more energy into everything so that we could achieve something more pleasant for ourselves later. Because, I almost want to say, there was a rumor going around about who had such a pleasant and beautiful life in this other world and what there was. So we presented ourselves primarily out of pure curiosity about what was actually offered to us for our hard work, we set to work with a little more zeal. Because you have to imagine that in this new world in which you arrive, the main thing that you have actually been preoccupied with throughout your life does not play a major role: money. There is no money; So you have to work for a different wage. But it is precisely in the early days, when you are not yet penetrated by such great insights, that you want to feel the reward. You want to see it and, I almost want to say, you have too great demands on this reward. We have now set to work with greater zeal. We were a whole group, because I lived in community with others. I did not have my own house, but I lived in a house with many others. We got along well, we got used to it. We met relatives and acquaintances now and then; but in the house where I lived there were neither relatives nor acquaintances nor friends of mine. And it was good and nice to me that way; because we have come to the realization that we have to understand each other and walk together and adapt to these new laws. But initially we were not so keen or so conscientious about working. But then we worked hard because, as I mentioned, we wanted to see the reward. But we were then told: Anyone who works out of an inner need and desire to please God and who strives for higher goals would be rewarded differently than with an approach like the one we had in our work. But if we had carried out this work well, we would also enjoy it. It was explained to us: You can now gain an insight into what it means to receive reward for your work. If you carry out the work that is assigned to you diligently and accurately, you will be allowed to choose an activity or work that pleases you in your free time. Of course, we immediately realized that we had been won over to work diligently. Well, we were taken to another world. Other worldis perhaps saying too much; it was just a different path that we took, and there were different gates that were opened for us to enter. And here we saw: There were spirits together who were making wonderful carpets, others were weaving; others have devoted themselves to singing, music, others to painting, others to poetry, others even, do not be surprised!, practiced like in a theater and they sang along. So we had insight into a wide variety of activities. he explains: See, you can occupy yourself very intensively with all these brothers and sisters and their activities; you are now free to stay here for a certain amount of time and then choose whatever you like; You can then devote yourself to this free creation in your free time, when you are not busy with your work.So I, I would like to talk about myself, particularly liked braiding. There was braiding, even entire walls. I would also like to mention that there were wonderful pictures, mosaics made of colored, precious stones of all kinds. There was also a weaving or knotting or inlaying, I do not know how to put it, of flowers; Entire carpets were made from the smallest, most delicate flowers, leaves and berries, all sorts of things, wonderful. And strangely enough, it was not like in the earthly realm where flowers and leaves wither, but they remained just as fresh as the moment you took the flower in your hand; everything remained fresh and alive. This work was mainly done by women. I was interested in braiding and the material that was used for it. Of course, they were these spiritual, delicate products that are actually difficult to explain in your terms: They are fine, narrow ribbons, fine, flexible metal strips, they are something like, I would like to say, wires in a wide variety of colors. Skilled hands had made wonderful pictures, weaving whole pictures into them in a wonderful way. You first sketched it out for yourself, made a sketch like that. Then I must not omit to say that teachers are there everywhere in such a workshop and give their instructions. They let the students create largely based on their own ideas. But very often the students do not make any progress, and then these teachers are there who take the work out of their hands and do some of it themselves or give further explanations or carry out their sketches and so on. When we had to go back, we discussed what we had experienced together and we thought that it would be very interesting if you could now dedicate yourself to this kind of work, which was as free and which you could choose as you like. Our interests were different: while I loved to weave, another wanted to weave, another wanted to sing, another wanted to play music; everyone had their own special hobby. There was no discord because too many people wanted to devote themselves to the same thing, because there were too many options, too much variety, and it was too interesting. There were also those who were interested in two or three works at once and wanted to try it one time there and the other time there; They did not yet know where their special abilities were. They said too, they should watch the other students first. Then you are slowly brought in and asked: How do you think you would do that?and: Would you like to join in?and they give you something in your hand. At first you only participate modestly, and then you appear more and more and you become more familiar with the others; you already have your safe place. that is how it works wonderfully. Thats what happened to me too. We all agreed that we would now make greater efforts to complete the work that we did not particularly like. We wanted to make an effort so that we could then devote ourselves to joyful work in our free time. We wished that we could not just stay here temporarily, but that we could take our place there permanently; we found it much more interesting here. I decided to weave and worked on these large walls. I liked it, it was really nice. Yes, I had a fondness and a great love for it; I Was not interested in singing or painting, I just liked braiding. We had to move away from this job to the other, but of course, as mentioned, we only had one desire: to be able to stay where we liked best. But we were told: Take it easy! that is not how it works, that is not how you move forward; you must accomplish greater feats, and then the heavens will open even more, and you will be amazed even more. Then, when I was already well acquainted with my companion and my teachers, they were all so friendly, so loving and considerate, I simply wanted to know: Yes, what was I in the earthly realm before, in my penultimate life ?There they said again: Well, now you do your work conscientiously and put all your strength into it, then you should have this hindsight. But you shouldn’t be disappointed., Well, I am unlikely to be disappointed,I said, because they’re all so loving towards me, and this relationship wouldn’t change if I knew what I’d been. Well, I put all my energy into my tasks. Then I was told: Well, we’re going to give you a look back at your penultimate life; We’ll have some of this unrolled for you.It was explained to me that the veil would only be removed from you when you were spiritually fully mature for everything; then one could look through these different gates and recognize these different lives. It is always assessed on a case,by,case basis; but on the whole it would not be good to look into the past, but rather one should concern oneself with the present and put all ones interests and all ones strength into it where one stands; The task that is closest to you must be fulfilled and you must not allow yourself to be distracted or distracted, disappointed or what not, in order to fulfill your task correctly. Of course they saw in me that I was willing to accept it; I did not want to feel disappointed, no matter how I should have lived. Then this previous life was opened to me. I would like to tell you something about that. I am doing this to give you an insight into the rise of man and the progress he can make. It is intended to show that one should not become too overconfident when things are going well in ones life, but that if one has the faith and knowledge that one has already been to the earthly realm several times, one should also be aware that that one comes up from below and the strength of each soul is different: one is always oriented towards nobleness, while another can be oriented towards malice. So this is also something that always accompanies you, throughout all your lives. Now I would like to lift the curtain for you. Yes, as a young person I saw myself wandering, hiking, with only a bag on my back a staff in his hand, shoes, if you say shoes, good, and clothes more than poor. So as a young person I moved from village to village. What did I live on? Where I slept? Yes, I went to a house and asked about work. Yes,I was told, such a tramp. Well, you’re not safe and you never know what will happen to you if someone like that was in the house.And yet then again they had a compassionate heart and said: Well, here you can mend something, here you can weave something out, here you can do something.Then I did it; I had learned it from my father, mending and braiding. But I never felt the need to stay anywhere. I was always invited to stay, I could do some permanent work, and they would give me something, something!, pay or pay for clothes and so on. Oh no, I did not want that. Then when the colder season came, I moved south. I slept, when I did not have a job somewhere that gave me a roof, in a stable and, when the weather was nice, in Mother Nature. That was the most beautiful thing: once by a stream, once under a flowering tree. Then I sang and whistled, and I found life so beautiful. Then I hiked again. If I did not have anything left in my bag, I just had to look for work somewhere again. My reward was some food, some meat, bacon, turnips, bread or anything else that happened to be in the house. That was the reward, and that was enough for me. In between I took care of myself and got through well. I hiked. I also saw myself as an older man. So I never had solid ground; I was like a kind of tramp. Now, of course, I have to add: There were already opportunities to be dishonest. But I never was. I believed in God and I also prayed. When I had nothing left in my sack, I prayed particularly hard and asked that the good Lord would give me my daily bread again. So I found a job somewhere again and I could braid; That suited me to some extent. Then once I came to a house to a carpenter or a sawyer, I think that is how you say it. I also had once again nothing left in the bag. Then they said to me: Yes, come here, come here, we have work for you; that is nothing, such a tramp, but tell me, are you honest?", Yes, of course I am honest.But I told them up front: I am only staying for a few days. I just want to secure some bread for the next few days, then move on, so I continued.But I was given work and I did it. And just as it was in my mind, what I had to do Was not indoors, I had to work with wood and other things, I naturally looked out into the open more than did any work. There was a pond near the house and children were playing there; they were the children of my bread,giver. They were walking closer and closer to this pond, and I thought: Well, suddenly one of them falls in.And it was already done. The other children had already run away. I was the first to see it and, without further ado, I jumped and threw myself, I do not know how, into this pond. I took the child by the head and pulled him out. Of course I triumphantly went to my breadwinner and told him: I saved your child.Yes, of course there was great excitement and at the same time there was joy that I had just seen the accident first and had actually saved the child from death. It would have been forbidden for the children to go near the pond, but, well, as children are... Then I decided to move on again, in the pleasant hope that something more would come out of my action. And so it was; I was given more and I was soon satisfied. So I moved on again, moved on. This is how this image was unrolled for me and this is how I saw this life. Of course I thought: What kind of person were you, you didn’t even want to work!I was naturally disappointed with myself; But that is just how it was, they had told me in advance. Then I understood why It is better that you do not know what You have been. But they showed me another picture: I was already walking a bit hunched over. On the street, it was already getting dark, lay a wounded child. I saw that he was bleeding from his mouth and nose, and his hands were injured. I picked it up and carried it to the next house, which Was not that far away. Then I shouted: Is the child yours?The people here were amazed; They had not even noticed that the child Was not home yet. It was explained to me that this child had been in a remote house with others and had been playing and injured himself, that he had fallen down somewhere and then made his way home and fainted. And just like that, in this condition, I found the child and carried him into the house. Of course people looked at me a bit askance, as a tramp. that is just how it was; It was actually common at that time to work around like that and only work occasionally. It was only the very conscientious people who settled down and lived for a family. Well, I got my reward there too, of course as always in food or in a piece of clothing or a new sack or something like that; I was very modest and soon satisfied. I had also been offered the opportunity to stay there; I should not move away again straight away. But I could not stand it, I had to leave, leave, leave, leave. I was only happy when I could hike and live in the great outdoors, so I only worked occasionally. Then they showed me the picture of my farewell, of my death. I had become ill and then moved near a house. They did not let me into the house, but they explained to me that there was a shed or something next door and that I could lie down there. I did that and breathed my soul out there. When I opened my other eyes, they showed me this too, I marveled at this beautiful, magnificent world. The first person I met was my mother, and she said to me: Christoph, yes, you are alive, you no longer have to wander, you no longer have to worry about bread; but you have to get used to a different life. Of course I was amazed: I am alive, I am alive,and I felt so good. I looked at myself; I no longer had the sack next to me or on my back, I no longer had my tattered clothes, and I no longer had any bugs on me either. I felt so comfortable, I felt so happy. Yes,my mother then said, You know, your body now lies in the earthly realm. Now you are in the spiritual world, you have been resurrected, and now you are free.All I could do was marvel at how beautiful it was. Then my mother said to me: Yes, you know, even if you were a bit dissolute, two deeds that you did in your life were given high, high credit.I studied and asked, Two acts? What have I already done? Yes, I prayed, but I didn’t do anything else., Yes,said my mother, you have the child taken out of the pond; This took courage for you, and you did it, you saved the childs life. That brought you a reward because you were not too lazy or too comfortable to run away, as would otherwise have been your style. You have now completed a work and you will be rewarded for it., Yes, that is worthy of a heavenly reward,I asked, is that possible? That was my duty and I didn’t even think about it. I was suddenly in the pond and could swim, and I dont know how that happened.Of course I was happy that it was a great achievement and I was so happy: Ah, then my life had meaning after all, then I lived a valuable life after all. The mother continued: Christoph, you are now in heaven, rejoice. The other great work,the mother continued, that you have accomplished and that has been credited to you, is the child you took in your arms and carried home.I asked: Yes, is that also an act that will be rewarded in heaven?What big thing had I done? I could not see it. The mother said: Yes, for you it was an act. Worse things could have happened, but you prevented worse misfortunes. It was credited to you as a great deed. You carried the child carefully; you will be rewarded for that.I was amazed, and then I started to study: Is that actually all the great works I have accomplished in my life?And my mother replied: Yes, you were pretty lazy. that is what you have for no reward. But you will receive instruction and a job; you have to learn to work. Since you were never bad in your heart and you had never particularly violated the divine laws, you were allowed to enter this paradise. And she said: Christoph, your heart is my heart; Could it have been any other way than for us to meet here?We were happy together, mother and son, and I asked: But what should happen next?, dont let that be your worry,my mother replied to me, heaven is so beautiful and it is so merciful. You know, we were poor people, and people particularly sympathized with us because, despite everything, we always had a good heart, a good disposition, and never deliberately or knowingly did anything bad to anyone. That’s why we were allowed to come to this heaven.I then asked: Can I always stay there now?And she told me: Temporarily this will be your new home. I told you, you have to learn to work. Yes, I had to learn to work. They came to me, these angels of heaven, and spoke to me as to a child. They had to teach me a lot. I had never attended any schools in my life. Reading, calculating, no, I could not do that; I could not do anything. They treated me like a child. And then they said to me: So now that period is over, a new life begins, but you have to learn, learn, nothing like learning. Whatever you miss in your life, you have to make up for it here. But we promise you, we are full of consideration and we have great patience with you.And they explained to me: You have to start writing first. Even in the kingdom of heaven you have to be able to read and write, you have to be able to count, and you have to learn languages., Oh,I thought, that’s a lot!Well, they wanted to exercise patience and just explained one thing to me at a time, like a child. So I was first taught to write, read and count. Then I also got other lessons, which were the most important ones. But I should be able to do the other things first so that I can make progress in this important work; So I had to be able to read and count, and I was told: It is necessary for further lessons. Then, with the support of my mother, I got behind the work and we visited schools together. She also had to learn to read and count. She was already in that paradise long before me, but she had not gotten much further. Now we brought the schools together. that is how it went. How many years? It must have been many years, in human terms, for all of this to sink into me. All these images from my life before last were presented to me and I had to say: Is this possible? In my last life I actually attended schools; I can read and count, and I can do a little more than that.And I wanted to know: Yes, and what happened before, before this last life?, No,I was told, you dont need to know what happened before; the most important thing you needed to know was shown to you. But you did not go to school either. You have now gained an insight into how necessary it is to deal with whole anzer uses his strength for his advancement, and how many beings there are in the entire earthly realm who come to the afterlife in such a state that they have to be received and treated like small children. God does not ask much of them. A kind word once spoken can open a wonderful gate of heaven to them. An act that would no longer be counted as an act to people today has already given those in these circumstances great intellectual wealth. Yes, that is how I saw it, and actually I should had enough, I did not want to see any more. At first it felt like depression. But I was again shaken up and comforted by my divine companions. It was explained to me that I would then have further opportunities to open different doors in this afterlife and see different things, which would then make me content and happy again. Because what one pays attention to in the spiritual realm is the striving of the individual soul for the divine. The desires of the individual would be examined in great detail; and if one were, in a certain sense, free from such addictions and desires, that would be a great achievement. This would pave the way to the wonderful, beautiful skies. So I had the task of telling you about my life. When I was a tramp my name was Christoph, in the following life my name was Waldimir. Now I return to my blessed work, braiding. That was something I had already practiced in that life before last, even if not in an artistic sense; That was rough patchwork, but there was something inside me that was a talent that lay dormant and was now opened and freed. When I saw this wonderful work in the world beyond, I was drawn to it and I felt and suspected: This is something I must be able to do.This is how I practice it. I cannot say how this will have an impact in the next life. But I was given the hint that it would run like a common thread through everyones lives. If I do not get into any special debt, this talent would remain somewhat free. But the true artistic sense, the right talent, can only develop when one is free from the human body, when one is in the spiritual world and has the support of the higher, divine beings. This is how I live happily in my world, and I hope that you all can do the same. I just want to say one thing to you: Look forward to this other world, it is a thousand times more beautiful than the earthly realm. And those beings you deal with are much more affectionate, much more considerate, more loving; you do not know egoism like it is with humans, It is much nicer. Therefore rejoice and do not be afraid of this other, beautiful world. I say goodbye and I wish you Gods blessings in your life. God bless you. Joseph: God bless you. My dear brothers and sisters. I am prepared to answer, first and foremost, the questions that arose from the brothers story. Dear friend Josef, it seems to me that this Waldimir, who led a righteous life, reached a higher level of purification, but did not receive any special reward for his life. Josef: Yes, you should not forget that the reward depends on the development of a being. The moment more performance can be demanded of a person, the divine world no longer rewards so generously; One no longer rewards the smallest things, but one demands something from him as a result of his knowledge, his training, and his position in general. Accordingly, the brothers achievements in his last life, where he certainly also had his worries and problems as well as his sacrifices, were not credited to the same extent as his actions in his previous life were credited to him. He had learned a lot in the meantime, and that places higher demands on the individual, and the reward is accordingly. Dear friend Josef, what still interests me is the following: In the past, people in the church always talked about living on after death. People also prayed for the dead. Then why was Waldimir so surprised when he woke up in the afterlife? Josef: It was the same for him as it is for a believer today who is told that he will live on. He has some idea of an afterlife, he has a fantasy, but he does not know what it actually is like. He has no deep belief in survival. Thank you, dear Josef It seems to me that Waldimir remained in his inclinations, even though he had already had the inclination to braid before and felt drawn to it again in the afterlife. Is that his spiritual task too, when he has ascended, or does he get another one? Josef: I can not say that, I can not judge it in advance. It may be possible that he will always like this, but it may also be possible that he will train in another area. I can not say that. Dear Joseph, is it an advantage for your spiritual life in the afterlife if you can speak several languages? Joseph: In the afterlife the soul will be judged according to its works and deeds. So I do not want to say that you have an advantage for advancement if you speak different languages. There are spirits in the lower spheres who can also speak different languages; So this is not a prerequisite for climbing higher. But when you have reached that point in your development, your talents are used in this regard in the higher spiritual world and are used in the plan of salvation and order. One will accordingly be placed in a place where this ability can be expressed, which will be beneficial to the plan of salvation and redemption. If you go to school as a spirit in the other world, you learn languages more easily; But here too it depends on zeal; the zealous person will learn it more quickly. Dear Joseph, what language do you speak in the higher spheres? Josef: I can not answer that now, that means I could, but it does not help your progress. What is the point of different languages existing in the afterlife? Josef: Yes, the meaning, the diversity! It makes the sky beautiful and interesting. God is not one,sided. You must imagine that these infinite beings of heaven are grouped into families in which these different languages are spoken. Experience report of the ascending spirit being Waldimir and answering questions from spirit teacher Josef by mediator Beatrice Brunner in the hall on Münchhaldenstrasse, Zurich. Template: tape recording. next headline, November 4, 1959 Agnes, It is worth being patient in life and accepting your fate. How a mother of fifteen children becomes the manager of heavenly goods after a difficult life on earth. Control spirit: [The beginning of the sound recording is missing.] This hour too we let a spirit speak to you, which speaks to you for the first time in this way through a human being. In this way you will once again realize how wonderful the divine laws are, how everything finds its reward and that it is worth being patient in life and affirming your fate. I do not need to give you any further explanation for now; this spirit will tell you everything itself. May God bless you this hour. God bless you. Agnes: God bless you. Dear brothers and sisters, I will try to tell you something about the life I lived on earth and what awaited me as a result of such a difficult life. Yes, it Was not easy for me, it was very difficult for me. I had fifteen children and my husband drank and was very rough, violent; I had a terrible life. But I had endured; I had prayed to God to give me the strength to endure for the sake of the children. The bread was very sparse, and I had acquired many banknotes through additional work as best I could. There was certainly no mention of a beautiful household like you are used to today; you only had the items you needed. Two or three children were put in one bed, and they only slept on leaf bags. In between, I was able to keep vigil for the sick at night, as well as other nursing care during the day or cleaning work as I could, a little more, I had to, earn extra. But even that Was not always enough for me and I always went to the priest and complained to him about my suffering. He knew me and I did not really have to complain to him any more, he already knew about it. Whenever I went to confession and told him about the difficult life and how I had to work in addition to having many children because I did not have enough bread, he almost always pushed a bank note through the gate for me. I accepted it, I had to. He was so good to me and explained that I could always tell him and he would always help me to the best of his ability. My husband Was not allowed to know anything about it because he did not want to know anything about the priest, nothing about religion, nothing. But he did not ask where the children got their food from either; that did not matter to him. So I lived the hard life and I endured. The last years of my life were not made easier for me because the children had to look after themselves. I tried to get by as best as I could. Prosperity was unknown, Poverty was widespread everywhere. But I had a strong belief in God and I was pious. I knew that God would help me and that my endurance would surely find its reward in some way; but I did not expect it. So I was allowed to leave this earthly valley and was welcomed by beautiful angels. I almost could not believe it was true. I also have to say that life hasnt been easy for me with other people. I was laughed at a lot; People mocked me and the whole family because of the mans rudeness, his drunkenness, and what he did to our misfortune and shame. So there was no shine on the family either. In each case people tended to turn away from us, except for those people who could need us or at least me in some way; and these were only the poor people with whom one could keep a vigil or otherwise care for; There Was not much to earn there either. When I opened my eyes in the afterlife and looked around, I was amazed the beauty that shone on me from all sides, about the attention that was given to me. I have never known anything like this in human life. There they had turned away from me, and here they all seemed to be coming towards me in droves, calling out to me and laughing and singing. They took me by the hands and immediately began to dance with me. I had no idea what was happening here. But my guardian angel stood by my side; so he said that he had accompanied me throughout my life, and he actually carried me along with him. I felt so weak and powerless and I did not even know what was happening. However, I was simply dragged along. So I could only admire. But now I felt very tired and I only had one wish: to get some rest. This was granted to me too; I was then left alone for a while and was allowed to rest. Only the guardian spirit stayed with me and he told me strange things about the life that was about to begin. Yes, my thoughts naturally went back to earth and my children. They themselves had their children again, so I was worried about them too. But then I was informed that they too should find their way in the earthly realm and that I would now be given special tasks and honors. When I had recovered, they came to me again and asked me to come with them. You now have various things to tell me and actually give me an insight into the heavens. There was also a spirit, not my guardian angel, who, it seemed to me, played an important role. He called the others to him by name, gave instructions, and they obeyed him as quickly as possible. Then I was led into a beautiful house and told that this would now be my home for the time being. I Was not alone, there were many there; I should therefore live in community with them. That did not worry me; I wanted to be with the others. But then they said that I was now supposed to take on a special position and that I would soon be given the administration of various spiritual spheres or districts. I had a feeling of insecurity and explained: Yes, me 236 I can’t do that, I hardly believe I am capable of taking on and achieving something so special.It was explained to me that I would have my advisors; they would support me and immediately explain the conditions that I needed to know, and in general: they would teach me everything, it would come about by itself; So I do not have to be afraid at all, but should rather happily accept what is offered to me. But I just had an insecure feeling. At first I was a nobody in human life on earth; Yes, people had turned their backs on me and not exactly spoken well about our family and me, and now I was suddenly going to be given so much honor. I just could not believe it yet. I was told: You relied on God. You had a close relationship with Christ; you always had the cross and his time of suffering in front of your eyes. You just held on, so to speak, to this cross and to the hardship that the Savior had to experience. And now you will find your reward for your endurance. As we wandered around through these beautiful forests, through these magnificent gardens, through these avenues, I actually met many people I knew from life. They came up to me and were happy to see me, apparently as if they took it for granted that I would receive such things. Yes, I show also my joy and was pleasantly surprised to see them here too. It seemed to me as if all these souls had been led directly into my path, so that they had to come past me to pay me respect or greet me in a certain sense, because it was striking. I thought to myself: The sky is so infinitely big; Is it possible that I will suddenly meet everyone in the village where I come from?So I thought to myself that there was something more to it, that these souls had just been led my way. My opinion was also confirmed. Then I was told: These forests through which we are now walking are now under your care; you will be her steward. And there, these big and huge fields, flower gardens and everything you you can see, is also under your care. You shall be her steward.I then asked again, because I knew nothing about these customs of the world beyond: I believe that the good Lord himself is the steward. Why should I be the manager here?, Yes,they said, you shouldn’t assume that this is your property; Everything is the property of the good Lord, but it is managed and everything is kept in order, and you are responsible for this order. We will now make known to you everyone who has anything to do with you or who comes into contact with these spheres, and we will make it known to them that if they have any claims, you must be asked first.Then I said: Oh, I can’t know what’s right, what to do and what not to do.Then they said to me again: We told you, you will have your advisors.It immediately occurred to me that it was more of an honor that had been bestowed on me; so I should be honored in a sense. That’s right,I thought, because it’s neither my property nor do I have any knowledge of all these things and how they have to happen.Yes, I guessed about right. Then they stood next to me, these advisors, and walked proudly through these magnificent forests. I would like to explain something to you, because you now imagine that a forest in the spirit realm is exactly the same as a forest here on earth. Of course you find all kinds of trees in these forests and, I would like to say, not only the trees that you have, but we also have trees from the southern countries or from the jungle; everything is available. It is not a mess in such a forest, but rather something very beautiful. There are wonderfully well,kept paths and you walk along them as if on a green, soft carpet. On the trees you can find the most magnificent mushrooms, huge mushrooms, and they can be seen in all colors. Then there are also stones that are also in their infinite splendor of colors, from the smallest to the largest stones, yes, I would like to say, almost as big as a human being. So there were these stones lying around and there was a sparkle and a glitter. I asked: What kind of stones are these?And they answered me: Yes, this is the precious thing that is recommended to you, to which you should direct your attention.Then I was told: You see, you are now walking with us through this forest, and if you look around, you will also see other beings walking through this forest and admiring it. There are souls among them who have not been in the spirit realm for very long, who are led through this forest to relax and calm down. But then there are so,called free spirits who are called into the order of the Lord, but who have great freedom and can do a wide variety of things in their work. So you have the opportunity to carry away pieces of these stones; They can also take away mushrooms, they can take away trees and transplant them elsewhere. Anyone who wants to do this must obtain precise permission beforehand. If every spirit were to act as he pleases, there would be confusion. In the spiritual realm, even in the higher spheres, where a certain amount of wealth is available that one can dispose of, one must have permission to do so if one wants to take something away or transplant it.And this permission should be obtained from me. But I still could not know who I could give permission to and who I couldnt, and what was allowed to be taken and what wasnt. But my advisors were with me in large numbers and they knew those who wanted to develop in these forests and also knew whether they were allowed to allow them to do so or not or whether permission could only be given in a limited sense. It is not that some people were denied it simply because they did not deserve to live in that world, but that they had to, had to get used to the order, that is what I was told. Even among these souls, even if they had lived as good, dear people and earned the beautiful heaven, there were those who did not yet know exactly what was permitted, how much of this wealth one was allowed to transplant and take away, and so on further. Because It is just like with people: some are very thrifty, others are perhaps stingy, others are very generous, all of this is still within us, in her soul. So the generous person then wants to carry things away in heaps, and he finds it quite natural that one takes some of it, while the other person is very thrifty or has other thoughts about things and enters into conversation with the other souls. This could lead to discord. Because this is something that represents the greatest danger for those souls who have not yet reached the highest level of purity and purification: through this possession they could soon come into a certain urge and a great desire, things like that to have and to carry into your house in order to beautify it, and actually only for yourself. So, this should only be said to you as a side note, so that you are aware of how strict this order actually is in the divine worlds where a being has great freedom. You have probably already heard that you can be artistic and that you can create the objects yourself or have others create them for you; so there are different options. So I had to keep my watchful eye over this forest and these fields and gardens that were given to me, so that everything went on in order, so that these beings got used to an order. My advisors had always told me what to do. I myself enjoyed this wonderful forest with its splendor of colors. There is not only a soft or dull green here, as it is in the human kingdom, but everything is so magnificent in its colors, wonderful, exactly what I mentioned: these additions of mushrooms, special stones and special objects, which actually grow in this forest; I can not explain this exactly in your terms. Well, I would also like to talk a bit about the garden or about these many gardens. They were all already laid out with the most wonderful flowers. Here too I saw a few souls; they busied themselves with the flowers. I was immediately given the explanation that they would take away these flowers and transplant them elsewhere, and that they would then have to collect the flowers for others. In the spiritual realm there are many uses for these flowers, and souls always come back to them, and Work added. Carpets would be woven for the higher spheres, for the festivals, which would consist of nothing but flowers, from the smallest flowers to the large flowers and the most wonderfully colored leaves. But all of this should be carefully selected and put together. One probably believes that in human terms, in the kingdom of heaven it would be like this: one could think and everything would be finished. If you just think about it once, you must come to the realization that soon there would be strife in the kingdom of heaven if you could just say or think something and it would be there, ready and waiting for you. It is not like that, everything has to be worked out, in the same sense as with humans, so to speak. Only we do not work in the spirit realm with the sweat of our brow and to have bread and live, but our work is something liberating, something redeeming, something glorious. We are aware that what we do must not be done for ourselves, but really for heaven, really for God. And in this work, be it of this kind or that, be it that someone is always looking for exactly the same pieces of paper that will definitely be used again for a special task, the spirit in question must show obedience and its zeal for work. Once he has done this, he is immediately pulled out again and led higher. Some people have to do work that they do not like; he believes that he would be more intelligent and could do much more important work; but here too he sometimes has to be humiliated. He must do such work, perhaps only for a short time to purify himself, then he can return to better work. Now these fields were there too, and gathering was done on them. Strange things came from the spiritual soil of these fields; Everything possible was collected and carried away here, but everything should be checked. The entities that came into these gardens, into these particular fields or into the forests were precisely counted. Everything happened according to a strict order. Then it also gave me a river to manage. A river, I could not understand that either: What am I supposed to manage this river?I could not understand it. And, but they said to me: You see, if you now open your eyes carefully, you will see these bridges that go over these rivers. You shall see how skillfully and beautifully they are constructed, what wood they are made of, and how strange they look.I had not paid any attention to it at all, because it Was not particularly human,related to me; I did not have the sense to appreciate something or to recognize the value, whether something was valuable or not, what kind of wood it was, and so on. All this had to be told to me first; I had to learn to recognize what was artistic, what was worked by skilled and artistic hands and what was by beginners. So they showed me these bridges and explained: There will be others who also want to build their bridges over the river. They want to build bridges and they want to go to the other side of the river. They are not allowed to do this without your consent.What do you mean: from me? I had my supervisors and advisors; they gave their consent to this. But I saw how these souls came, I experienced it, they came to me and asked where they could build this bridge over the river. You should practice this activity. Others wanted to pave the way for other souls to cross over. Yes, all of this was closely observed and controlled. My advisors turned to these petitioners and explained to them roughly how it would have to be done and what type of construction it should be. Then these souls came, got to work and did their work in such a way that, on the one hand, it was a joy for them to do it, and secondly, all this work, seen from the spiritual world, had a special meaning. So you do not have to assume that you can fold your hands in the spirit realm; no, you have to work. Now, when these bridges are built by different people, others who are on the other side of the river have the opportunity to cross over to us and admire our beautiful world; because they, who were perhaps banned on the other side of the river, are only allowed to cross to us if they are given the opportunity and a bridge is built for them. So everything has a meaning. One must work and carry out such work first. Afterwards, you will be carefully examined as to your ability to determine where you could fulfill your task in the future in order to ensure that the plan of salvation is fulfilled more quickly. So you can also see how the higher spiritual world tries very hard to give these beings their work in the afterlife; Because only through this work can they find their way better and find their way up. They have to be made submissive for work. It is not the case that you have to work at these levels like the person who is told: "You have to achieve this today, otherwise you will lose your job." No, time does not play that much of a role. You build something, you break it down again, and you come up with new ideas and continue building again. We do not know a time like people have. Rather, emphasis is placed on what is beautiful and artistic, and this is how these beings find their occupations. Depending on their dispositions and their talents, they are called upon to do a job, one a harder one, the other an easier one. Yes, that is how I saw how work was being done in the spiritual world. Then I asked these advisors who are on my side: Yes, how did I actually deserve this? Am I not one of those people who have to work? Why should I take on this administration when I dont understand anything about it?” And they said, Glory must be given to you. They must come to you, they must get to know you, and they will all speak of you with reverence. It is also explained to them how hard you had to go through life and that you have now only achieved this high position in the afterlife through your difficult life.Then I once again met a soul who knew me. She was happy for me and she saw the attention I was being paid. She came to me, took both of my hands, kissed them and said: Yes, you have not only carried one cross in your life, but you have carried seven crosses at once. That’s your merit, that’s why you’ve come to this prestigious position.I did not like hearing compliments like that. Yes I had, I had a difficult life, and it made me feel good to now be so free, not to have to be afraid of hunger and not to have to worry about myself to think about whether there would be enough bread or soup for the next day, and also to no longer endure the beatings I received and the insults and so on. Now I was free. What I still had to do: I asked and prayed for my husband. I had come to the spirit realm before him, he was still behind. But it did not take long for him to be fetched and I was called to fetch him and accompany him. It was a miserable figure that I saw in my mind; yes, he was exactly what he had been as a person. I had to accompany him into that darkness with these other angelic beings. He was banned for a long time, banished and banned to a very specific place. He should be in this darkness in order to first come to the realization of what a terrible life he had lived and how much pain he had caused the others. Yes, I would have loved to allow him to experience the heavenly world like I did. I often prayed silently to God: Have mercy on him.And every time I said the prayer, one of my companions, who saw me, just nodded silently at me and smiled a little, as if he wanted to say: I already know it, good soul, but it does not help him, for now he has to stay there.But I still did it again and again, and later I felt that the angelic beings were smiling sympathetically. I did not want to forget him, I wanted to pray for him. But I also had to be made aware that, despite my requests, his path would not be cleared until his soul had truly been purified and he himself had gained insight; I could go to him later and bring consolation, it should happen later. Well, I enjoyed my tasks, and it did not take too long before I was made aware of the death of one of my children. I went again with the angelic beings and got it. First a child came, then a second, then a third, and of course there was great joy. They admired me because they thought I was dressed so strangely and had a very special look. Yes, I was really very happy. and the dresses; The angels had given me special clothes so that everyone who lived in the same sphere as me could see that I had a special position. I did not have to tell anyone this, but my appearance told them. Well, my children also wanted to reach these heights, and the angels had to tell them: Your mother has endured so much and borne so much; you cannot yet come to this homeland, it is still closed to you. But if you complete your tasks, the path is open to you too. But for now your mother will visit you.And I was allowed to visit my children now and then. This was a great joy for me because I was able to bring them real comfort and show them the path they had to take. That is, I taught them what to do, I made them aware of the zeal that they must have and the good will to do whatever is asked of them, that they really give themselves to God, to God pray, ask him, praise him and praise him and that the way to the higher worlds would then be illuminated. Thats how I am in my position, and I can almost say that I have gotten somewhat used to it. Over time I also became aware of it myself, and my advisors slowly handed over their responsibility, so to speak, to me. But I am not yet without advisors, but they are no longer as numerous as at the beginning; because I can now really decide for myself what can be done here, what can be taken away and what not. I would also like to say: If you take something away in the spiritual world, be it such a large, wonderful stone, it is strange: there is a new growth, and after a certain time there is a stone there again, no longer the same one same in the same shape and color, it is a completely different stone again. The position does not remain vacant; In this spiritual earth is the root that was laid, and there is simply a new growth and a new development. Under no circumstances can one plunder the heavenly worlds and carry away the beautiful things or destroy them in any way. No. The spirits that are allowed to go there and get some of those things, they process that in any way. They can build a house, they form statues, they form bridges, they build temples, oh so many things! It is processed again and again, and you should not think: Yeah, where does all this stuff fit?Oh, dear brothers and sisters, you cannot imagine the vastness of the kingdom of heaven. I actually have to say: It can still be. that also gave me a river to manage. A river, I could not understand that either: What am I supposed to manage this river?I could not understand it. And, but they said to me: You see, if you now open your eyes carefully, you will see these bridges that go over these rivers. You shall see how skillfully and beautifully they are constructed, what wood they are made of, and how strange they look.I had not paid any attention to it at all, because it Was not particularly human,related to me; I did not have the sense to appreciate something or to recognize the value, whether something was valuable or not, what kind of wood it was, and so on. All this had to be told to me first; I had to learn to recognize what was artistic, what was worked by skilled and artistic hands and what was by beginners. So they showed me these bridges and explained: There will be others who also want to build their bridges over the river. They want to build bridges and they want to go to the other side of the river. They are not allowed to do this without your consent.What do you mean: from me? I had my supervisors and advisors; they gave their consent to this. But I saw how these souls came, I experienced it, they came to me and asked where they could build this bridge over the river. You should practice this activity. Others wanted to pave the way for other souls to cross over. Yes, all of this was closely observed and controlled. My advisors turned to these petitioners and explained to them roughly how it would have to be done and what type of construction it should be. Then these souls came, got to work and did their work in such a way that, on the one hand, it was a joy for them to do it, and secondly, all this work, seen from the spiritual world, had a special meaning. So you do not have to assume that you can fold your hands in the spirit realm; no, you have to work. Now, when these bridges are built by different people, others who are on the other side of the river have the opportunity to cross over to us and admire our beautiful world; because they, who were perhaps banned on the other side of the river, are only allowed to cross to us if they are given the opportunity and a bridge is built for them. So everything has a meaning. One must work and carry out such work first. Afterwards, you will be carefully examined as to your ability to determine where you could fulfill your task in the future in order to ensure that the plan of salvation is fulfilled more quickly. So you can also see how the higher spiritual world tries very hard to give these beings their work in the afterlife; Because only through this work can they find their way better and find their way up. They have to be made submissive for work. It is not the case that you have to work at these levels like the person who is told: "You have to achieve this today, otherwise you will lose your job." No, time does not play that much of a role. You build something, you break it down again, and you come up with new ideas and continue building again. We do not know a time like people have. Rather, emphasis is placed on what is beautiful and artistic, and this is how these beings find their occupations. Depending on their dispositions and their talents, they are called upon to do a job, one a harder one, the other an easier one. Yes, that is how I saw how work was being done in the spiritual world. Then I asked these advisors who are on my side: Yes, how did I actually deserve this? Am I not one of those people who have to work? Why should I take on this administration when I dont understand anything about it?” And they said, Glory must be given to you. They must come to you, they must get to know you, and they will all speak of you with reverence. It is also explained to them how hard you had to go through life and that you have now only achieved this high position in the afterlife through your difficult life.Then I once again met a soul who knew me. She was happy for me and she saw the attention I was being paid. She came to me, took both of my hands, kissed them and said: Yes, you have not only carried one cross in your life, but you have carried seven crosses at once. That’s your merit, that’s why you’ve come to this prestigious position.I did not like hearing compliments like that. Yes I had I had a difficult life, and it made me feel good to now be so free, not to have to be afraid of hunger and not to have to worry about myself more about hunger, to think about whether there would be enough bread or soup for the next day, and also to no longer endure the beatings I received and the insults and so on. Now I was free. What I still had to do: I asked and prayed for my husband. I had come to the spirit realm before him, he was still behind. But it did not take long for him to be fetched and I was called to fetch him and accompany him. It was a miserable figure that I saw in my mind; yes, he was exactly what he had been as a person. I had to accompany him into that darkness with these other angelic beings. He was banned for a long time, banished and banned to a very specific place. He should be in this darkness in order to first come to the realization of what a terrible life he had lived and how much pain he had caused the others. Yes, I would have loved to allow him to experience the heavenly world like I did. I often prayed silently to God: Have mercy on him.And every time I said the prayer, one of my companions, who saw me, just nodded silently at me and smiled a little, as if he wanted to say: I already know it, good soul, but it does not help him, for now he has to stay there.But I still did it again and again, and later I felt that the angelic beings were smiling sympathetically. I did not want to forget him, I wanted to pray for him. But I also had to be made aware that, despite my requests, his path would not be cleared until his soul had truly been purified and he himself had gained insight; I could go to him later and bring consolation, it should happen later. Well, I enjoyed my tasks, and it did not take too long before I was made aware of the death of one of my children. I went again with the angelic beings and got it. First a first child came, then a second, then a third, and of course there was great joy. They admired me because they thought I was dressed so strangely and had a very special look. Yes, I was really very happy. dresses; The angels had given me special clothes so that everyone who lived in the same sphere as me could see that I had a special position. I did not have to tell anyone this, but my appearance told them. Well, my children also wanted to reach these heights, and the angels had to tell them: Your mother has endured so much and borne so much; you cannot yet come to this homeland, it is still closed to you. But if you complete your tasks, the path is open to you too. But for now your mother will visit you.And I was allowed to visit my children now and then. This was a great joy for me because I was able to bring them real comfort and show them the path they had to take. That is, I taught them what to do, I made them aware of the zeal that they must have and the good will to do whatever is asked of them, that they really give themselves to God, to God pray, ask him, praise him and praise him and that the way to the higher worlds would then be illuminated. Thats how I am in my position, and I can almost say that I have gotten somewhat used to it. Over time I also became aware of it myself, and my advisors slowly handed over their responsibility, so to speak, to me. But I am not yet without advisors, but they are no longer as numerous as at the beginning; because I can now really decide for myself what can be done here, what can be taken away and what not. I would also like to say: If you take something away in the spiritual world, be it such a large, wonderful stone, it is strange: there is a new growth, and after a certain time there is a stone there again, no longer the same one same in the same shape and color, it is a completely different stone again. The position does not remain vacant; In this spiritual earth is the root that was laid, and there is simply a new growth and a new development. Under no circumstances can one plunder the heavenly worlds and carry away the beautiful things or destroy them in any way. No. The spirits that are allowed to go there and get some of those things, they process that in any way. They can build a house, they form statues, they form bridges, they build temples, oh so many things! It is processed again and again, and you should not think: Yeah, where does all this stuff fit?Oh, dear brothers and sisters, you cannot imagine the vastness of the kingdom of heaven. I actually have to say: It can still be very many Finally a lot of things can grow, there is still so much space! I hardly believe that one could ever speak of overcrowding or overcrowding. Just by the way, something I was also informed about: creating in these spheres is something uplifting. The beings who are willing to create new things do so so that heaven finds its diversity, so that everything does not always remain the same. It is also the case that various gaps can be filled in. So one cannot speak of work that would be pointless or that would disfigure the spheres. All of this is under strict observation. But what I actually want to say is: In the spheres that are further down, where similar, I say: similar, work is done, it happens that entire spheres can be changed. But this is only done, how should I put it?, when the higher angels of heaven come and carry out the transformation of these spheres by, let us say, dissolving all the formation and growth of a sphere and making it level, so that this sphere can then be formed anew and made more beautiful. But a spirit cannot do this on its own, because remember here too: some people would destroy the place in which they live or design it in a way that suits them, and you really could not do more from a harmonious place heaven talk; for it takes a lot to reach perfection in all things and also to become united in taste, so that heaven preserves its beauty and harmony. This will show you how necessary order is and how everything has to be monitored. Perhaps you have already heard that certain spheres find their solution and others are created for them. Usually it is the case that the lower is dissolved, the unpleasant finds its solution, and something better is then created over it. But an infinite number of angelic beings come and work on this sphere, dissolve it and then give others the opportunity to cultivate the sphere. that is why there is always enough work in the spiritual realm, because development is moving upwards in all things. What is no longer populated is designed differently and is put to the service of something higher, and so the possibilities for creation are given. It is the case, as the angelic world informs me, that when the unity of all beings is achieved, the whole heaven should be in one unity and in one splendor, so that there are no longer these differences from level to level, or from sphere to a sphere, as you call it, but that everything is flat, everything in one unity. And in order to strive for this unity, the active cooperation of every person and every spirit is required. Everyone must do the utmost to bring this heaven into this unity. This is explained to us. But we also see how infinitely long it takes for this unity of heavenly splendor to exist; because there are still only a few levels that have been dissolved and transformed into higher levels. Now those stages that we say are not yet beautiful must arise in the same splendor and splendor as the highest stages where God lives. Everything must come to unity and splendor. Do you have any idea how much work has to be done, how much needs to be changed and redesigned? It is difficult for us spirits to explain this to people because they simply do not want to understand that we work in this other world. But if you believe that there must be peace in this other world, then it is necessary that everything, everything, works. Because you remember the wonderful coexistence of the spirits: They did not have to work [like you], they had it nice, nice, and this has become the downfall of many. If you think about it a bit, you can better understand what I have now explained to you. I am so happy in the afterlife, so infinitely happy. And when I imagine the life I lived, how difficult it was, I realize it was so short, so short! Life in the world beyond is called eternity. Well, they say I have told you enough. So that you know my name: my name is Agnes. So I withdraw again and I would like to accept that I will also be able to welcome you in this heavenly world. I want to be happy to see you when you walk across the bridge or when you build a bridge yourself over the river. Or I would be happy if one or two of you came to me and said: I once heard your story; Now I can work in your garden too. Or do you have something to offer me?Yes, I have many things to offer you from heaven, where I live; I could transfer a lot of things to you. So I go back to my work. May God, May his blessings protect you, may he always be with you. God bless you. Joseph: God bless you. Dear brothers and sisters, I am ready to answer your questions to the best of my ability. Dear friend Joseph, can one assume that this soul, who had to go through such a difficult life, for once did not have to go through any purification in the afterlife? Joseph: For a person who has had such a difficult life and who has also stumbled, as happens with every human being, God forgives a certain amount of guilt right from the start. In the activity that this soul then carries out, it has the opportunity, I would like to say, to make up for what has been passed over or neglected; Through her zeal she will make up for it. Can you understand this? Yes, through good will, through perseverance in good, there is spiritual growth. Joseph: Yes. Can this also be understood to mean that for this Agnes the difficult life was synonymous with purification? Josef: That too, yes. Because that is how she earned heaven. Thank you, dear Joseph. Can one assume that this Agnes already had a certain spiritual height in her previous life, otherwise she would not have been able to fulfill this task? Joseph: Oh yes. And you should not forget: If a mother has so many children and she does everything she can, then she also has her merits. Think about it: if you had so many children at home? Dear friend Josef, has this Agnes been on earth for the last time, or will she have to become human again? Josef: that is not within my knowledge, I can not say that. Agnes spoke of carpets made from flowers for higher spheres. Wont they get damaged when you walk in? If we walked over flower carpets, they would be damaged. Josef: Yes, of course this is not this matter that you have. Furthermore, these flowers are woven so close together that there can be no question of damage either way. It is such a tight clump of these flowers, and there is a spiritual power in it, a spiritual color that has and maintains its vibrancy. Experience report of the ascending spirit being Agnes and answering questions from spirit teacher Josef by mediator Beatrice Brunner in the hall on Münchhaldenstrasse, Zurich. Template: tape recording. next headline, December 2, 1959. Stephan, atonement for the oppression and mistreatment of subjects. Change of attitude through ones own suffering. Control spirit: God bless you. Dear brothers and sisters, a spirit is once again speaking through the mouth of a human being for the first time. We ask you not to ask him any questions and to listen carefully to what he has to say to you. We select entities that have experienced a special fate and have previously been burdened. In this way you will always gain insight into the divine laws, and you can interpret much of what you encounter here on earth through this knowledge. So may Gods blessings be upon you all. God bless you. Stephan: God bless you. Dear brothers and sisters, perhaps I would like to tell you where I come from and what I have been busy with. I had long since been given instructions to come to you. The images from the past were clearly brought back to my mind, and especially the essentials. So I took everything in anew, because I am supposed to tell you about it. Before I came to you, I was involved in a beautiful work with dear brothers and sisters. Of course, I have already been here in this room for about two or three hours, according to your time calculation. What I did before? We have decorated our houses and our gardens just for the same festival as you. We also have lights that we light and we have flowers, much more beautiful than those on earth, with which we make wreaths. This is how we decorate our gardens, our paths on both sides, and our houses inside and out. After a certain time, when the festival is over, we remove these decorations. But everyone should on these days of remembrance, remember the birth of the Savior. We invite each other and are proud to have decorated our house so festively. Of course we also apply an artistic sense, because flowers are not just tied together, but it is done artfully; we put them together to form whole figures. So we strive, so to speak, to see who owns the most beautiful house, not for ourselves, but we do this in honor of the one we are celebrating. So we go here and there as guests, singing songs and praying together. But we must not only do this, we also have another task. We must take some of these lights and bring some of them to our suffering brothers and sisters, the so,called unfortunate ones, in other spheres. We go to them, yes, we do so,called processions. Some move through these spheres silently, others sing, others perhaps pray; we are instructed exactly what to do. So we pull down from above like a step ladder. But it is not the case that we are allowed to visit all the unfortunate siblings in the afterlife, no, there are only certain stages. So we go to them and do that. The climax of the festival has not yet come for us. When this climax arrives, we all stand in front of our houses and wait for higher guests. They then come to us in large numbers from the beautiful heavens and celebrate with us. They give us many stories; They talk about everything they experience in their world, about their encounters, and that is very often big news for us. So I just wanted to say that as an introduction so that you also know where I am coming from and what I have done. When I leave you, I will return to my work and finish what I have been doing lately. I should tell you about my last life. Yes, I have to go back even further and report on my penultimate life on earth, the one in which I was most stressed in my entire ascension or in my development. I was born into a wealthy family, wealthy, I would even say rich, and my life was accordingly. The People around us who were not of the same class were subject to us, and we tried to benefit from them as much as possible. It Was not always so easy; We were often resisted, and this resistance could only be broken with violence. For us it was natural; we used violence, with the whip, with the shoes, no matter what. This is how we gained respect, and we believed that this was our right. So I hit some people right in the face with the whip because they did not quickly comply with my demands and because I sensed resistance here and there. Only by force could you gain that respect and keep what you had, only by force. Yes, pray... We also turned to God, but we thought we were a better kind of people, and we imagined that God was even closer to us and that we were allowed to do so. But it was not so. So I had no material worries throughout my entire life at that time. But you also had to constantly defend the property you owned; Perhaps it Was not the kind of struggle that humanity has today in its struggle for daily bread, there were so many people at our side who were happy to have just a piece of bread or a soup. I had to leave this world, and then, then came the hard times. I have never had it in my entire life I thought about the fact that God might not be happy with my life. Now I was faced with: These higher beings accused me and led me to all those who were already in the afterlife at the time, who had not been treated gently by me, and had actually been mistreated. They all stood in front of me and looked at me reproachfully. One of the Blessed Ones standing there simply said, You will be accused.This is what it said again and again: I am accusing you of mistreatment, of your violent acts.And every time such a being with whom I had lived was brought before my eyes, I experienced what I had done to him as a human being; I experienced it myself, hitting him with the whip. But it Was not that the other person felt pain, but that I felt it with the blow the pain in my own body. And when I realized this, I closed my eyes; I did not want to see anything because I did not want to feel the pain, I wanted to avoid it. Because now it was very clear to me: Now you are facing the judges, and now the measurement will take place.Well, closing my eyes did not help. Like lightning, it flashed before my eyes and they opened and I felt the pain. The others who stood before me, yes, some looked up at me with compassion, even folded their hands and asked that I be forgiven; They even knelt before these higher beings and asked for me that they would have mercy on me and forgive me this pain. But it was as if these exalted ones heard nothing. I had to experience everything; Everyone, down to the last child, was brought before me, and I felt the pain everywhere. It takes a long time. One should not believe that this only lasted days, but according to your time calculation, years passed. More beings kept coming back to the spirit realm, and they were also presented to me, everyone, everyone with whom I had come into contact in earthly life. It was said again and again: You are accused, you are accused.I knew it, I knew the words. Whenever I was given some peace and quiet, I was immediately brought back; My joy at being granted peace only lasted for a short time. It went on like this for a very, very long time; I had to endure this for the rest of my life. But I have to express one thing: During this difficult time of pain, other siblings came to me during the time when I was allowed a short rest. They were those who were in the same valley and who were burdened in the same way as me, but who were punished and purified in some other way. Those who had been there for so long were always able to find the courage to comfort the poorest and tell them that the unfortunate time would definitely not last forever, but would come to an end; They would know it for sure, they would have been told it too. You just have to endure now, and you have to make amends here for what you committed in life. There would be no point in doubting anything rather, one should try to turn ones eyes upwards and ask God for forgiveness. So I was able to experience this too. Beings who were themselves in the process of purification and had to experience a painful time always brought up this energy and courage to comfort others. And it had to be the case that it was precisely by consoling others that they gave themselves the best consolation and thus found relief in their suffering and distress. When this long time was over, they came again, these mighty ones, and stood in front of you and said: Now a period is over, you can come out of this sphere and prepare yourself for a new life on earth.I had observed that others were also being led away. But it does not happen in such a way that one simply comes to you and says: Come!, but long, long beforehand you are made aware that the period of suffering will soon be over and a new phase will then begin. Because of these words you gain confidence and courage and then pass this on to those who have recently arrived. They are told the same thing, that the time of distress is not an eternity, that, now, as in my case, I have already received the message that I will be freed, and that the same will happen to him and her. But how long the time of distress lasts varies from one person to the next. For me it took exactly one human life; For exactly as many years as I had lived, for exactly how long I was there in this sphere of need, distress and suffering. When the time came and I was freed, it Was not as if a gate opened for me and I was led into a pleasant environment full of splendor and splendor, no, you hardly deserve that, and it Nor is it the case that this happens so suddenly; but very slowly you experience this spiritual daylight. Maybe others will have different stories to tell, but what happened to me personally was that I was accompanied by these spiritual beings; I went on a long hike with various angelic beings. It went over hills, even over mountains, we had to move over rivers wherever we could because a ship was available. I felt like we had gone infinitely far. But we were not silent on this hike; there was a lot to talk about. This was a so,called lesson on the way to this hike. So it slowly became clearer to me. The world from which I was able to escape was gloomy and unpleasant, and now it was slowly, slowly becoming more and more daylight; it became very pleasant. Once when we had climbed down from a mountain and reached a valley, someone said to me: Look over on that side, there is a big house there; there you enter. Then you are put into a sleep, and in the time of this sleep the transformation takes place.Beforehand, on the way to this house, a lot was told and explained to me. It was precisely in this class that I was told that I had now paid off a large part of the debt in the spiritual realm, but that it was not enough that the last farthing had not yet been paid. This could now only be settled in a new life on earth, which would be a great test for me; because it could not happen so easily that I would now have to live in the earthly realm and everything could go as desired. So they explained it to me and then they took me into this big house. It Was not just me who went in there, I thought the gates were so huge, they were infinite many who entered through this gate. I saw many halls and was led past some of them. Then they looked for a place for me, so to speak. Many angelic beings were busy there, and so I was invited to sit down and sleep. Well, I was a little scared because I was told that this sleep was a farewell, actually just like dying for you humans. I have to try to sleep peacefully now. I resisted, I did not want to sleep, I wanted to stay. It scared me because I did not know exactly what shape I would be in or where I would be and all the circumstances; I believed it would be painful and I did not want to go back into the unknown. I tried to cling to this world as best I could; I tried I tried to keep my eyes open, but it did not work. It passed over my face like a sweet smell and enveloped me in sleep. So I fell asleep. During the time of sleep, the spiritual body was transformed into the size it has as a newborn human being. It also took some time until all the preparations were made precisely and until these angelic beings guided everything into the right paths and lines, so that you are, so to speak, born under the star that marks you throughout your entire human life. Thats how it happened, and now I can tell you about that life. Here again I had something to do; It had been told to me in the afterlife, but as a human being I could not have become aware of it; I was never taught about it. I was born physically disabled and lost my parents early. I was born in poverty and then, as you say, I was sent to an asylum or an orphanage and was educated there. Life was not pleasant because I was marked by my physical weakness. I was laughed at and it caused me pain. Nobody knew anything about love, from either side. And yet I grew up and was able to attend schools. I was always diligent at school because no one wanted to have any closer contact with me; So at least I devoted myself to my tasks and studied diligently. When the time had advanced so far that I could be released from this orphanage, that was what was supposed to happen. But where should I go? I could not do any hard work because I was physically weak. But I had shown my zeal in arithmetic, reading, writing; So I was quite adept at these things. There was a person who took some care of me and again referred me to an institution; However, I Was not supposed to do any physical work or manual work there, but rather I was hired as an assistant in the estate administration. There I had a lot to calculate, write down, calculate and so on. I could do that well, and I was happy that I had at least some intelligence. Despite my physical suffering and my deformity, at least I could do something in this relationship. I always carried out my duties conscientiously; This also gave me a certain amount of respect, because many others who could speak well could not do what I did. So I stayed in this institution all my life. It was a monotonous life. I had always dreamed of having a family of my own, of having children, and that could never be an option for me. So I was always tied to this house. Here I saw many things that tormented me, for it reminded me of my boyhood and I knew how painful it was. There were also many older people in this house who also had disabilities and were unable to work, and I saw how they were treated. Whenever I met them somewhere, I always tried to give them a good word. On Sunday, some people tried to get close to me and get some consolation from me, because they knew or saw me in my form. But they still had respect for me because I had a very special job to do, a prestigious task. It gave me a lot of joy and satisfaction when I was able to give these poor people a word of comfort. And I even managed to make someones fate a little easier here and there by speaking up and trying to put in a good word here and there. My words were always obeyed, because I had really fought for this position, but only through my hard work, through my clean work and through my precision in all things. So I had to die in this house too. When I became ill there, I had a certain longing to go over there. I also have to mention that I was very religious throughout my entire life. I was very pious and prayed a lot. I was brought up in a similar environment and was introduced to it later. But I just had a certain longing to pray. I also had the feeling that after human life things had to be different. It Was not entirely clear to me how one continues to live despite praying to God to all the saints, to the deceased and so on, no one had any idea of an afterlife. And yet I had a certain longing within me, and so I was glad to realize that my time to die was near, because I had nothing to lose. So I left this world happily and then opened my eyes in the afterlife. There they stood before me; They were again the same figures who had accused me after my previous life. Now they said, You have atoned, and now you will do another task here. In your last human life you atoned for the rest of what you had previously committed and what was still weighing on you. Now you have to do a job in the spiritual world for a certain amount of time, and when you have proven yourself in this job and have fulfilled it to the best of your ability, then heaven will open to you and you will be given freedom, which will also be given to you heard. Now you’re being tested. I did not know what they had in store for me. They said that I had atoned, but they explained to me that I was assigned to a job, and this work as a spirit I had to do in the earthly realm among people, with people. In my human life I had not had to do any physical, heavy work, nor would I have been able to do it. Now I was called to go to those people who do the hardest work on earth. I had to support these people with the spiritual strength I had at my disposal. I had to try, so to speak, to relieve them of their tiredness, I had to give them strength. And it was a struggle for me too. These angelic beings had come with me, they had demonstrated it to me, they showed it to me. I asked why this was necessary at all and was told: Everywhere there are people, there are spirits, and nowhere are people able to do their work without the help of the spirits. So you have to do your own thing. They wanted to test me in obedience and endurance, because I thought I could do something other than make my strength available to others. I would much rather have anything calculate something or something. No, I should not do that; I should try to transfer my spiritual powers to the human body and lighten its burden. that is just what I did. I saw that it was a necessity, because the angels had commanded it, and these beings, who rise from the most beautiful heavens, are still fulfilling Gods mission. So, I thought, I just have to do my own thing. It Was not like I was always with the same person. Once I was called to this one, once to another. Once a person repelled me because of his personality; I did not like him; another time I really liked it with a person. When I expressed such dislike, I was reprimanded, and it was only later that I realized why I had to do that. So I should do the work that was assigned to me with benevolence and love. So I was sent here and there to do a variety of jobs; and this consisted precisely in this transfer of forces. I had to do this for a long time. Then I had overcome my dislike for certain people and I did my work because it was my duty and because I saw it as a higher task. Then I was also led to the sick, to those seriously suffering people. Here, too, I was told how I should approach them, that I should try to strengthen their faith in God, and that I should give them comfort and give them courage to live. This happened again through very special influences. I had to try to grasp a part of human thinking and then switch my powers or my thinking there. But as a spirit you cannot simply switch off peoples thinking everywhere and easily, because they have their own consciousness, their strong will, and their will can then suppress the spiritual influence. So I never did it alone, I always had my spiritual teachers around me and they explained to me: You see, you’re up against such a strong,willed person above; there is no point here, If you want to gain entry to him, because he is such an independent person and has such a strong will of his own, you have to refrain from doing so. But you have to try to influence him in a different way. You have to approach and influence those around you who are dealing with him so that they can have an influence on him by coming up with the same explanations over and over again. So I had to do my work here in a wide variety of areas. I did it because I realized it was a necessity for my development and advancement. Of course I would have much preferred to see myself in the most beautiful sky, but I did not deserve this beautiful sky so quickly. So I was led step by step from one job to the other, and I had to stay with each job until I really carried it out with love and even with a certain desire, I was left with this task until I found it became a need and I enjoyed what I was doing, that I chose the people and was happy that it came to fruition. Then they were happy with me because I was convinced of it and because it had sunk into me. This has happened in a variety of areas. Then I was brought back into the spiritual realm; That means that I had already been able to come here again before, I lived with others and our surroundings were very beautiful; but all who were with me were diligent in their work, just as I was. You only talked about your tasks, you were only together for a short time, and you knew what it was all about: you had to work hard and rigorously in order to then enter this free, beautiful sky. So we knew: You have to earn this heaven with your work. When the time came, a large gate was opened for me and magnificent gardens stood before me. Then we started hiking again. On these hikes we met many, many siblings. They all seemed happy and liberated; They felt the same way as I did. I was happy to have overcome it, to have survived it. I felt like I had recovered from a serious illness and was so happy that everything was over, so well. So people met and cheered for each other. You went to the other person, hugged him, were happy, and you went on again until you reached this house, where they said: This is now your new home, this is where you should live. Then you are introduced to these higher beings: This is your teacher, this is your advisor.So I moved into this house and stay there and am so happy. I came from this house and we have decorated this beautiful house for the great festival that we also celebrate in memory of the Savior. We have also decorated the gardens as best we can; our paths and everything shines. We are full of joy and waiting for the big visit. This is how I told you about my life. My name is Stephan. Now I would like to withdraw again and carry the little lights to those souls who are suffering. I would also like to bring a little light into the house of everyone who is here. I want to try and see if I can find my way to everyone. I would be happy. So I say to you all: God protect you, and may Gods blessing remain with you. God bless you. Joseph: God bless you. Dear brothers and sisters, I am ready to answer your questions, which may have arisen from what has been presented, as best I can. Dear friend, Stephan said that in that life in which he had burdened himself so much, he had never thought about the fact that he was doing so much wrong. But the spiritual world can have an influence on a person through his conscience; it wants to guide him through his feelings. Josef: Yes, but people can suppress their conscience. Just as feelings can be refined, they can also be transformed into the opposite; they can be brutalized. Thanks dear friend. Then Stephan told me how he had to fall asleep and how he noticed a sweet smell. Was this some kind of mental anesthesia? Josef: Yes, of course. This is applied to those entities that simply refuse. If a mind guided to these preparations is devoted, it can close its eyes and thus fall asleep. But you can imagine that there are entities that very much refuse. There are also spirits of unhappiness who are not ready to enter a new life on earth and for whom there is absolutely no reason that one would treat them with particular love and invite them to sit down or lie here and their to close your eyes. You can do something like that, You can not do anything with these wretched people because they are often violent. In such cases the spiritual world must also use other means. Here she has her means with which she can bring these violent people to rest. All it takes is a wave of one hand from such a sublime being and the person concerned falls asleep, so resistance is of no use to him, but he can defend himself at first. Dear friend Joseph, is it possible that certain spiritual beings, at a certain level, can in some way oversee or foresee the life they are about to enter that will be shown to them? Josef: Yes, there are exceptions. Dear friend Josef, we saw in this report that this soul was actually reincarnated very soon. Joseph: Yes. It is very often the case, not always, but very often, that those who have put a lot of strain on themselves are quickly given the opportunity to move up; Because in the spiritual realm one wants so little time, when I speak of time, lose as much as possible. You want to give everyone the opportunity to move forward quickly. This is how it happens that the spiritual world can shorten a persons life because it recognizes that the whole life is meaningless and does not bring any spiritual achievements and that it is better for the person concerned if he is called away earlier; But it can also be the case that you extend a persons life. Dear spirit friend Josef, what about free will in the spiritual world, many are reincarnated against their will? So we see that free will is relative. Josef: I would like to explain it with an example from your world: Someone has a serious illness and the doctor tells him: The only way your life will be saved is through an operation.If the patient replies: I wont have the operation, I do not want to,that is his free will; he says, I dont want to.When it finally gets to the point where he is writhing in pain and no longer knows what to do with it and then lets everything happen to him, he is simply taken to the hospital and he is operated on. So the others had done what they thought was right for him, for his salvation. It is the same in the spiritual realm. One will not restrict ones will if it is for his good, but one will influence him to do what is necessary and good for him; because the spiritual world has no interest in looking at things for a long time that are meaningless. Then It is just like this example; Such an intervention is attempted to cure it. Dear Josef Stephan said that he supported the people who had to work so hard. He himself had not had to do any physical work in his life when he was disabled. Does his job have anything to do with it? Josef: Yes, this should be an addition. Thank you, dear friend Joseph. Stephan very graciously agreed to bring a candle, a little light, to our home. Of course we were all happy about it. Maybe hell still listen and hear that we still want to thank him. Joseph: Yes. But he wont find the way to you alone. He has already asked many of us to accompany him to you. For you should never think that when I come here I am alone. There are always a few hundred with me. Several hundred? Joseph: A few hundred. In our opinion, there would be no place for all of them here... But you already explained to us that the walls do not exist for them. Joseph: No. Dear Joseph, is there no danger that lower spiritual beings will sneak in? Josef: We have control for that. I would like to take this opportunity to tell you something. The name of the controlling spirit has not been mentioned for some time; But that does not mean that I would be unfaithful to you. But as a controlling spirit, we take one of these hundreds in turns. You have to listen to it very carefully, even on Saturdays. In the past, the controlling spirit Felix always spoke a short introduction. This hasnt happened for a long time. Josef: We have been using these spirits to greet people for about one and a half to two years. You have to help and be happy to be allowed to take on this task; it is a great joy for them. But none of you have noticed this yet. Is this an honor for these friends? Josef: Yes, of course, and they do it out of great joy. I have noticed that on Saturdays the controlling spirit usually speaks much more quietly than you do when you speak later. Why is this, has the state of trance not yet been properly achieved, or is there no exercise or force field? Josef: It is just that a spirit that speaks for the first time always has some difficulty. But is our brother Felix still there? Joseph: he is still there. What order do these spiritual beings fall under, and do they also have powers to transfer to us? Josef: You know that Linus is the leading spirit of this community and I have to obey him and that he has so many students and guests. When we are in the spirit realm and talk to each other, then primarily our tasks to you are discussed, and everyone in particular wants to do something, and if they are only allowed to make this greeting, that is a great joy for a spirit. Because it does not just stop there. All of these that I speak of also have their work to do for you. They come home with you, they also have to advise you. In the evening they pray with you, so you do not forget. They accompany you on your way to the shop and wherever you are, and they always try to protect you and point out dangers. Then It is the case that they do too have a lot of newcomers with them who, as Stephan told us this hour, have to give of their strength. Have you not already felt that you have received strength, or have you not been amazed that you have accomplished a work that you did not know how you did? It is not possible for man alone; it is always connected with spiritual guidance, with spiritual strength. The spirits also have to learn to give up their spiritual powers and give them to people. In addition to the cases where it is about giving a person relief, there are also other important matters where a person needs strength, and here spirits are called in who have experience in power transmission. There are very important moments in a persons life where you have to support them. And then It is always good when a spirit who knows what he is doing can do it. Dear spirit friend Josef, what is the cooperation like between the guiding spirits of our community and our personal protective spirit and these other spirits that accompany us? Joseph: Yes, they bring the news to us from you. And people consult just like you; If you come together with other people or have to carry out work with another person, then you also have to talk to each other. that is how it happens with us, we talk to each other. Then it is often the case that one leaves his task to the other person, and so he can, in a certain sense, decide and act freely, and when it becomes necessary, we step in again and give him the necessary instructions again or say what he is doing wrong has made. almost end. those were Experience reports of ascending spirits beings, and answering questions from spirit teacher Josef by or via spiritual medium Beatrice Brunner in the hall on Münchhaldenstrasse, Zurich. Template: tape recordings. ending Notice, Beatrice Brunner, (1910,1983) gave over 2,000 teaching lectures in deep trance during her 35 years of work. The lectures, which have been available on tape since 1957 and also on videotape from 1977, each lasting around an hour, are now reproduced by Pro Beatrice in a teaching facility specially created for this purpose, a hall with 500 seats, in Zurich. If you, dear reader, are interested in attending such an event, we kindly invite you to contact our secretariat. Further information and books about the media announcements of the medium Beatrice Brunner can be found on the following website: Scanned by Rimad Sua Tilps. the end.