Audiobook of Personal Accounts from the Beyond 1964-1965, via Swiss medium Beatrice Brunner. 5th March 1958 is the beginning of a lecture series given by ascending spirit beings - that is, deceased human beings who report on their experiences in the beyond after earthly death. By 1970, 91 such firsthand testimonies have been conveyed thru Swiss medium Beatrice Brunner. In 1962, a selection of these personal accounts is published for the first time in the book What Awaits Us - Personal Accounts from the Spiritual World. Experience reports 1964-1965. from past life, reported from the other side, recounted spiritual experiences, when they just entered the afterlife. here then google translated from German to English: remark this has been found in German language online, and translated here via Google into English, for personal use, and mistakes can certainly be found here, both in the translations, and in Googles perception, interpretation of the language otherwise. At some point in time, these messages will surely be translated and "approved" by the group, * these were originally only made to increase my personal understanding of the afterlife and how life there might unfold. But eventually I thought that this was so important also for others to understand, so therefore I post it in the unprofessional form, which can still be useful for the searching soul - who cannot understand the German language at all, so here google translated to English. So even if this translation is not perfect, it can raise understanding for the searching soul, who can thus prepare for the afterlife. link audio-mp3's of this: Foreword. The more than 2000 lectures that were mediated by the deep trance medium Beatrice Brunner (1910-1983) also include 91 experience reports from ascending spirit beings. These are stories from deceased people who report on their earthly life and their first experiences in the world beyond. These accounts are very personal. The reporters show in many different ways what effects their human thoughts and actions had and how individually they were judged and treated after their death. The accounts give a vivid insight into various levels of the world beyond and into the laws of cause and effect. They show how justice is done to everyone who returns home and how much God's spirit world strives to support everyone in their spiritual development. The reports date from 1958 to 1970. This book is the fourth volume in the "Reports" series and contains the 18 lectures from 1964 and 1965. The new edition of the reports - they are being published chronologically in book form for the first time - stays as close as possible to the original text or the original wording. Editorial changes were generally only made where they were necessary when translating the spoken language into written form. The characteristic expression of the spirit beings who make themselves known here has been left as far as possible in its original form so that the reader can empathize with their individual nature. GL Zurich. content. Hermann - a soul's retreat into bliss. Adelheid, the crown farmer - reconciliation between two feuding neighbors. The missionary Katharina - spiritual support in an earthly prison camp. Xaver - courage to change after dissatisfaction with oneself and God. Hanna - there is no idleness in heaven. The nurse, caregiver Anton - return of a deserving soul. Katharina - a mistress during her lifetime. Adelheid, the flower queen - as a spiritual mother in a children's paradise. The shoemaker Anton - memories of his first Christmas in heaven. Elisabeth - preparation for the new life on earth. Henry - his path to recognizing the rule of God. Cathys - in the service of the tormented. Amalia - "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." Peter - died in adolescence. Jacob - when you don't want to accept that you have died and think you are in a dream. Regula - heavenly bliss of a helpful sister. Maria and Arnold - common development path of two feudal systems. Ida - turning away from false piety. Introduction. The world beyond that awaits us humans after death is a diverse world. It is divided into stages of ascension and accommodates the returnees according to their level of development, according to the spiritual merits and burdens that they have placed in their souls during their earthly existence. The spirit beings who speak in this book, live in different stages of ascension. They were specially selected by the community's otherworldly leaders and teachers to report on their return home and their personal path of ascension in order to provide insight into the conditions of the spiritual world and the laws of God. Before each report of their experiences, the controlling spirit spoke, who was responsible for the spiritual supervision of the event. After the lecture, the listeners had the opportunity - if time permitted - to ask their trusted spirit teacher Josef questions about what they had heard after a trance change. For all of those reporting, the last earthly life was already a considerable time ago. For their revelation through mediator Beatrice Brunner, they needed the help of God's world, which enabled them to bring the past back into consciousness. Some stories - such as that of Adelheid, the crown farmer - extend over a long period of time, two lives on earth and the subsequent experiences in the world beyond: "I was asked to explain all of this to you in this detailed way. I was strengthened by a spirit of God so that I could have these memories again; they were given back to me, because the past fades over time. The spirit world of God, however, has the ability to uncover the past again and again - no matter how far back it is. But it only does this when it serves a higher purpose. That is why I have been given the opportunity to tell it in this way." (Adelheid) The narrators lived on earth in different circumstances and shaped their existence according to their personal possibilities, their strengths and weaknesses. Accordingly, is different their paths in the world beyond. While some were able to return to a happy sphere after a self-sacrificing earthly existence, others initially experienced a time of distress. A recurring theme in this volume is the initial disorientation of many of the deceased, or rather their desire to leave the place assigned to them in the world beyond and return to the world of humans. Xaver, for example, reports on the reasons for not submitting to God's order: "After I woke up [from the adjustment sleep], I made my way to the people. I wanted to look at them for once, because I liked being among people, for the following reasons: You could move anywhere, and I could go through anywhere without obstacles - I was still full of human feelings. At the beginning I even enjoyed it, I found it entertaining. The earthly objects, the earthly houses were no obstacle for me, you could walk through everywhere, you could go into all the houses, watch people, how they lived. I had done that at the beginning, but then my interest began to wane. I thought I should strive upwards, but the words that had been said to me, that I could live in freedom for a while, had stayed with me. And I wanted to enjoy this freedom. So I could have returned, that is, to my spiritual sphere, where I could only have talked to step-siblings. But I didn't want to do that yet, I still felt too tied to people, to the earth. I thought I could do something for my higher development on earth too. On the one hand, I didn't want to stay in the spiritual sphere - to be honest, out of fear of the future, of what would happen to me; because I had some reservations about the wrong I had done in life. So I didn't want to face the future yet, I wanted to enjoy freedom. I had no idea that I was holding back my development by doing so. But I liked it, and so I stayed with both people, thinking that I could do something for them too, which might be credited to me." (Xaver) By the time they were passed on, however, all the spirit beings reporting had found their way into God's order and had submitted to the leadership of their higher brothers and sisters. "During the time of my purification and instruction, I accepted many things and realized many things that I had done wrong. And I have only one wish: that what I learn in God's world stays with me and is never lost. Because I know that I must return to earth and enter human life; and I know that much of what I have learned and of my resolutions can disappear. I know about the temptations and the weaknesses in human life. And so I make an effort to live in God's world according to the will of the Father. I am always attentive. When higher spirits come to us or approach me, I observe them and ask them specifically for a special instruction that could be beneficial for me. This wish of mine is always granted. So I live in peace and with great zeal to be able to achieve great happiness and great bliss. And so I would like to admonish people and remind them of God's commandments, of charity, of the life that pleases God - so that they can find the life that takes them up to the heights. This is my wish and the wish of all the spirit beings who accompany me." January 8, 1964. Hermann - A soul's retreat into bliss. Insight into the work of the princes of heaven. Control spirit: Greetings from God. I am the control. Dear brothers and sisters, I have a very big request for you, and this request comes not only from me, but from all brothers and sisters who have the opportunity to speak to you. And if you are wondering why this request has not been made long ago, we would like to tell you that we have always tried to accept it, as you say; but we now think that a remedy could be found. It is this: We would like to ask you that those friends who are very close to me or to us - no matter whether it is Brother Josef, Sister Lene or whoever it is - who are sitting very close here, do not make any noise; that you do not make any noise with your shoes, nor constantly stroke your clothes with your hands, or perhaps always start to yawn at certain intervals. We would like to ask those who make such noises to sit a little further back; then it will certainly not disturb us. Because the noises caused in this way are like pinpricks for us. So we decided to make this request to you. And it is surely the case that one can pay attention and spot these friends who are making these noises, and then politely ask them to sit at the back. Because it could happen that the trance is broken off and cannot be continued, and that would certainly be a shame. So we ask you to make sure of this. I have now said this here in this hour so that you have all heard about it from us personally and so that not one friend has to pass it on. It does not happen every time - I would of course like to express that - we will not call them friends, you know that too. But, as we observe, it is always the same people; it is the same people who yawn, it is the same people who make noises. So we ask them to sit at the back if possible. That is our request to you for the new year. We wish you all God's blessing for this hour. We have tried to choose a good spirit with his beautiful experiences as a start, and you will be able to learn from them. May God give you the strength to understand it and absorb everything. Greetings. Hermann: Greetings. My name is Hermann. I would like to tell you about my retreat and my life in the spiritual world. I had tried to lead a life pleasing to God; but I was also aware that I had not always lived according to God's wishes. I was ill for a relatively short time. When the time came and God had appointed the hour for me, I accepted everything; I was ready to say goodbye to this world, and I also tried to put everything in order beforehand. When I opened my spiritual eyes, everything seemed a little strange to me. As a human being I had led a religious life, but had no real idea of ​​what would happen after death. I believed in God, put all my trust in him and thought that it would be right, as he had determined for us, however it might happen. I had no idea that it would happen in this form, in this way, and I hadn't given it any thought. So I was now ready to face the new; but at first I had some difficulty understanding and accepting the new. When I suddenly saw with my spiritual eye, there was a group of divine, glorious beings around me. At first I had the feeling that they were only whispering, but later I heard clearly how they were speaking to each other. So it was my own fault that I couldn't hear so clearly. I was still too connected to the earthly world, and my thinking fell back into human thinking. I had sorted out a number of things, had spoken to my family about how I wanted it to happen, and so my thoughts were still going back to that. On the other hand, I tried to open my eyes to see the new things. At the same time, I felt very tired and just wanted to get some sleep for now. The new things that were coming at me made a great impression, but I felt strange. I saw many faces. From a distance, I thought I could recognize my parents, as well as acquaintances and relatives; but I only saw them blurred, so I had not yet fully opened my spiritual eye. Again and again I had the desire for rest, for sleep. But then I clearly heard the words of one of these beautifully dressed beings: "First we will let him rest a little, we will let him sleep." So I closed my spiritual eye and did not want to see what was going on around me. On the one hand, I was actually afraid of this future, but on the other hand, I could think very quickly and thought: "You are in the other world, you are with God - and that is what it looks like." But then I didn't want to look anymore and I didn't want to see, I just wanted to sleep. I was then led to a place of peace where I could sleep, and later heard a lot about it and saw that it was not just me who felt this way, but many who came there. I didn't know how long I had slept, and I didn't care. But when I opened my eyes again, I suddenly felt strengthened, all my tiredness had left me. They also brought me something to drink; I wasn't at all surprised that I had been offered a drink - I took for granted. Suddenly I had the feeling that this world, which was actually new to me, wasn't new to me at all. I began to wonder whether I had been there before. But now there was no longer the same hustle and bustle around me as in the first moments when I had opened my mind's eye. There were only three of the gloriously dressed beings around me. They spoke to me, and one said: "Yes, you have died from the world, but you live on, you are now in the kingdom of heaven." And another said: "You have now entered the imperishable world, into eternal life." And the third said to me: "Yes, what is still in disarray must also be put in order - we will take care of that." I listened to them, but now they were no longer such strangers to me. They helped me to stand up and I walked part of the way with them. Then I spoke up and said to them: "Yes, I know that I have said goodbye to the world, but I had no idea that the other world was so beautiful. Do I really deserve it?" And the three smiled at each other as if they wanted to say: "Yes, we are happy with you; but you could have done some things better." Now they explained to me that I would live in a beautiful house in the new world. This would be my home for the future, and here I would also be able to live in a beautiful house; I would not live there alone, but I would certainly have great joy in it. They walked with me on and on. I looked around and everything seemed so bright, so light, so colorful, and I felt everything as a great joy and bliss. Many other beings also came towards us. They greeted and waved to us; they greeted me as if they had seen me, met me, many times before. So I suddenly no longer felt so strange and had the feeling as if I had been there before. So I let myself be led away. The path went up a slope and there stood a magnificent, large building. They told me that I should be allowed to live in this building. It was on a slope and there was a wonderful view, you could see far and wide. But in this vastness you couldn't make out the details, everything just flowed together into one light. But it was an extremely blissful feeling that arose in me, which I cannot describe, cannot express as I felt it at the time. I felt so infinitely rich. And I couldn't help thinking back again and again to my human time, to the house I had lived in, which was actually so simple. And here, this opulence, this splendor of color in everything and this friendliness from all sides, no matter who you met. And so they led me into the house. Now it seemed to me as if the news had gone ahead that a new guest was now arriving. For from all sides they came hurrying out of the doors to greet me. I did not know them, but they all called me by name; I must have been known to them. I also asked: "Why do they know me, why do they call me by name?" My companions said: "Yes, we told them that you were coming, and we also explained what your human name is. Now your name is still Hermann, as it was on earth. We will let you keep this name for a while; later you will choose another name, one that is related to your work. But for the time being they will call you that." I was happy about this greeting, about the joy they expressed. I was just as amazed when I entered this large hall, which was decorated and beautifully adorned with flowers. But one of my companions immediately said: "These halls are always decorated; we are lucky to always be able to receive such guests here, we always have festivals to celebrate here, so to speak." I was amazed and thought to myself: "You can live here, there are always parties here - so what am I going to do here?" Because even though they all rushed to meet me and greeted me, they went away again, and I had the impression that they all had a job and had to do that job. Then I was led through the hall into a large room, also magnificently decorated, where a table was set. They led me to this table and asked me to sit down. And then, at a signal - the sound of music rang out - they all came back, all of them who had rushed to meet me and greeted me. They came into the room and went to this table. I was just amazed and thought: "Do you have to eat in the kingdom of heaven too?" The angels who were at my side explained to me: "This is to welcome you. But you must not think that we in the Kingdom of Heaven would forego these wonderful foods; we too will eat them in due time. We have organized this feast for your joy, and so we are now celebrating a small celebration with you." Now they were all gathered around the table, and many lights were set up. Everyone present was introduced to me, everyone with his name and with his task that he fulfilled in this house or in the immediate vicinity. So I thought: "Everyone has something to do, and so there will be work for me too." When the introductions were over, one of these angels said that we would now say a prayer together and then we would sing and play music. Afterwards we could eat some of these delicious foods and they could say what they meant to me. They explained to me that I could go up to each one of them individually and talk to them, and if I was particularly interested in one person, I could talk to him. However, I could not talk to everyone, because there were a good number of them and that would have been a bit too much for me. So I preferred to talk to the three angels of God who accompanied me; they should give me information. I didn't even dare to start a conversation with the others, because I had the feeling that they were very important, exalted spirits of God. So I didn't want to just talk to them, and I didn't know what to ask first, because so much had come my way. I also had the feeling that I would embarrass myself by asking stupid questions and that they would laugh at me if I asked them. That's why I didn't want to start a conversation with them. That's what I thought, but my three companions recognized my thoughts right away and explained that they would be able to answer my questions, but that there was no pressure, that I didn't necessarily have to talk to everyone. And so they didn't do that. I can't say how long we were together according to human calculations, but I had the feeling that it was definitely longer than a day and a night. We celebrated together for so long, we sang, there was music, and poems were recited - it was simply beautiful. Then they all had to go back to their tasks, and I then asked the three angels to tell me more about those who had been there, what their work was. And I just had to listen and be amazed. One explained, the other added, and then the third spoke, who had something new to add. So one of them said to me: "All of those who were at the table with you are high spirits. But they are all serving spirits, they are serving angels. They in turn serve even higher beings, who are the princes of heaven. The serving angels are always in close contact with these princes of heaven, and they have a lot of tasks." Then another said: "You know, our main work is for people on earth and everything that is connected with them. We must not only concern ourselves with people, but with everything that is good for people, everything that is necessary for their lives, and in general with everything that has a connection with this earth." Then they explained to me: "You will be able to hear how people are trying to solve these problems here, you just have to be patient. You can now experience the kingdom of heaven, you can stay here in the house for a longer period of time, and you will not be given any further task than to let yourself be taught. You should start to take an interest in these angels, what their tasks are. Then you should try to learn something from that, and you can come back to us and ask us, and we will give you an answer and teach you further." The first thing I wanted to know was whether everyone who says goodbye to the world and goes to the afterlife ends up in such an environment. "No," they said, "not that. You see, your parents are also here in the world beyond; but you have only seen them from afar, they are not in this beautiful sphere. And you also have a son who is also in the spiritual world, but far away from you." Yes, I was also interested in this son. I wanted to stand up for him, but I didn't dare to talk about him first of all, because I was a little ashamed. I didn't want to talk about him, but now the angel had started. I had already planned to stand up for him here, but I wanted to choose the most suitable time to help him. But I wasn't only interested in my son, my parents and relatives, but also in my ancestors, my forefathers, because I would have liked to know how the ascension in our family had taken place. But now I was told again that this had to be put on hold for a while, that the situation could not be changed. The angel wanted to say that the relationship between me and my son could not be changed for the time being. So it was about my personal life first and foremost. The three angels of God then explained to me again that they assumed that it would not be too long before another great invitation. High angels would come to this house, and indeed to the same room where I had been led to the table. I can hardly describe the size of this room; in human terms it is perhaps ten times as large as this room here [the Münchhalden Hall]. Picture below. I was then told that all those who had greeted me would come and that they were now particularly busy making preparations for the arrival of their high brothers; but they would also establish their connection with other brothers and sisters. So I then experienced that such wonderful preparations were being made: the house was wonderfully decorated inside and out and the gardens were made even more beautiful. Brothers and sisters came with flowering trees, which they planted in a row so that it created a special picture. I can hardly describe how this was so wonderfully arranged. Brothers and sisters came with baskets full of small flowers - I would almost say they only brought the 'heads' of the flowers. They then laid these fine, small flowers like carpets in front of the house. In the room itself they scattered these flowers very close together, one after the other. They also put certain words in them using flowers of different colors. It was a splendor that cannot be described. The walls were also decorated with flowers, one next to the other. You cannot imagine with your concepts how one can decorate the bare walls with flowers and that the spiritual house also has walls. Even though the material of the walls was made of the most wonderful material, a feast for the eyes even without the flowers, these flowers were nevertheless used in part in this large room. Perhaps you can picture in your mind how the ceiling was covered with flowers, one after the other. Not just in one color, but in such a way that it created a wonderful play of colors. I was told that this room in particular was decorated because it was known that these high princes of heaven descended into this very house. There was great industriousness; other spirit brothers and sisters came from other spheres to express their artistic ability and help to decorate and glorify the whole. When everything was ready, the house was covered with the most beautiful flowers and the gardens were also decorated, those who had been introduced to me, who carried out their work in the house, talked about the clothes they would wear. The three angels who were at my side had promised me to give me my first and most beautiful dress for the occasion of this celebration, which I was to wear to this celebration. It was of course not in the style of human fashion as at the time of my earthly life, but it was a cloak such as is usually worn by the spirits of God. They wear long, flowing cloaks, sometimes also tight-fitting dresses made of very precious fabrics, spiritual material. One can dress in a variety of ways. I saw this in my surroundings and found that everyone made a wonderful show in their clothes. But, I was told, it would be even more beautiful. I was curious to see what kind of dress I would be given, because I immediately saw that the highest spirits who have an important position also have a corresponding appearance. But the serving brothers and sisters were also very expensively dressed. But there was a big difference between this preciousness and that of the very high spirits, because their garments were adorned all over with precious stones, while the garments of the serving spirits were also adorned with precious stones, but not in this splendor of color and variety. I should also mention that this is not a humiliation for the serving spirit; he knows that in God's world there is just such an order and that one spirit of God stands above the other and rules over them. Now they were all to come. We were all prepared for this, as I emphasized, the house was decorated, and I was now given the first magnificent spiritual garment. I would like to add something: When I opened my eyes in the spiritual world, I was wearing a very fine, soft, white garment. There were no special features or markings on this garment. It was very simple, but I had the feeling that this spiritual material that was placed around my spiritual body was the most precious material I had ever seen. And yet I then had to realize that what the high spirits were wearing was the most wonderful thing - but in my eyes I was wearing something precious too. Now I was to receive something even more beautiful. And so I also received such a colorful cheerful cloak, which was also decorated with some precious stones. They also gave me a silver ring around my head, and I was to wear three silver rings around my left arm. So I was of course full of joy. Of course I also accepted these garments with some pride and went over to the others. There was another angel there who explained what was to happen, because everything happened in a wonderful order. So these angels came from the heights, and when I say "from the heights", you should not imagine that they all came from just one direction - from everywhere, from all directions, they came down from the heights. Wherever you looked, a wonderful glow of light suddenly appeared, coming closer and closer, and suddenly they were there. The princes who came were not alone, but they brought a large number of servants with them. This servant hood was necessary because they now had to make contact with the others who were already in this house and who had previously made contact with them. I was instructed and it was explained to me: "Now look at the prince who is coming with his large following. You will see how his servants make contact with those who also fulfill their task in this house." I then realized that those who were in our house also had another connection that went as far as the people. Now one of the princes of heaven was interested in exactly how many people would return from earthly realms in a certain time. At first I could not really understand what he meant by that because time is not calculated in days or months as it is with people; it is calculated in a different way in the spiritual realm - I later realized this. So this prince is told exactly: "In this period of time" - and now I have to use the word "time" - "so many people will die, and so many will enter the earthly realm in the same period of time." That is the task of a prince of heaven. Because there are many problems that arise from this, and an infinite number of them must be solved. So a high prince of heaven is only concerned with this. He has to exercise control over how many are born into a new earthly life and how many leave the earthly realm in the same period of time and enter the spiritual realm again. And then this prince wants to know how many of them take their place in a very specific higher level, which also has its name in the spiritual realm. Then he wants to know how many of them can take that height directly from the earthly realm, and how many take this or that lower level in this period of time, which also has its name, its name. And so it goes down to the lowest stages of development. The prince wants to know all of this. Now, another spirit of God, also such a prince, who has come here, wants to know about the animal world. He must also be told exactly how many animals, how many species live in the earthly realm, how many in this species, how many in that species and so on. He only wants to know about this. In this way, this high spirit fulfills his task and will then give his instructions accordingly. All these princes who have descended from the heights go back to their houses. And there on that level they have their meetings again, where they discuss things under the leadership of the king of the spirit world, the king of all spirits. So the plan is thought through in detail, it is considered, and new plans are drawn up. One should not believe that the heavenly world takes no part in the political affairs of mankind. It is very interested in what people do and also in what is going on in their politics - I have to use this word. The world of God can determine what is likely to happen through what is happening among people, which is an expression of human will. It recognizes whether what is outlined in its plans still requires a longer wait or whether the time can be shortened. That is, whether development can be accelerated through the activity of people on earth or through their orders and actions in their areas, whether it is possible to accelerate development towards progress. This too is again the responsibility of a prince of heaven. Another prince of heaven, who also has his plans in front of him, explains that in these and these periods of time, due to - I am now saying - catastrophes that will be triggered on earth, so many people will have to leave this world in an accelerated manner. This high spirit of God has knowledge many years in advance of very specific things that will definitely happen. He will then again, ensure Each person, that his brothers and sisters can fulfill their task for the salvation of these people, that the emission spirits are then ready at that time to lead them from the earthly world into the spiritual realm and to care for them there. Such emission spirits are informed, so to speak, immediately before such a catastrophe occurs and receive the advice from those levels to be there in time: "So, it is time for you to be ready." Decades in advance, certain - I emphasize: certain - catastrophes are firmly drawn into the plan, ones that are unchangeable. But then many things also happen that are shaped by the free will of people, so that there can be a faster ascent or rapid progress for the salvation of people through the intervention of one or more people. The spirit world of God will intervene accordingly and guide its brothers and sisters to the place where they have to fulfill their tasks. These spirits of God determine the time - I have to use that word "time" again - who has to be there when and who is concerned with what. There are so many other things that could be listed. I saw them all together, talking to each other, but also expressing themselves together. It is natural that people not only come together to talk, but also to be happy together. People celebrate together, they pray, they sing, and many things are recited for the edification and joy of all those present. But what I would like to say is that there are also angels of mercy, angels of intercession, all of whom are also subordinate to a high prince of heaven. This high prince then accepts requests and supplications that his servants bring him. But these requests and supplications are rarely about a single human person, but rather about - let's say - hundreds of people. It is also about the rescue of a large number of beings from some kind of distress, or it is about the prevention of a misfortune or an illness or epidemics and so on. So this angel of grace also has his tasks, and he can then also do his job by entering into conversation with others and trying to carry out his task according to God's holy will. In this way, grace must penetrate everywhere and also be able to fulfill its task. But grace will only have an effect where one has become worthy of being given it. So I saw these angels, saw how they were together, how they laughed and rejoiced together. And I also saw how they went away again. I tried to approach this angel of grace and wanted to ask him for grace for my son. But the three angels of God, who were my companions, advised me not to take this step; they would then explain to me when it was the right moment to do so. They themselves would try to take me to my son so that I could first make contact with him personally, as well as with everyone else, with my parents and relatives. The three angels of God explained to me: "But you should not believe that these high princes of heaven only meet in this house. This happens at certain intervals, because the princes sometimes come to this sphere, and sometimes they will be in another sphere. So it can take a long time before one can experience such a meeting." Then they explained to me: "Perhaps it will also be possible for you to make the journey to another sphere yourself at another time." I could walk the paths on the same level, but I could not climb up. They also explained this to me. Now things became a little quieter again, the angels of God had gone again. And all of us who lived in this house had only one wish: "Let this floral splendor last as long as possible." We wanted to enjoy it, we could never look at this splendor enough. But we were told that these flowers would be collected and used in another way. And it was true: even without these flowers, the whole thing was a wonderful splendor. So we thought that it had turned out quite beautiful again. There should be a lot of variety in the higher regions of heaven. Later on, I also experienced again and again that there is an immeasurable variety to experience. There are many ways to enjoy and experience beauty. But now I wanted to know whether I would still remain a spectator, so to speak, or whether I would soon be given a task. The angels said: "Good, first of all we want to send you to your people and you should tell them about your experiences. Whether they can understand it, you will soon find out." It took me a long time to understand all this. I had believed that God only had to think, only wanted it to happen, and everything would be fine. I also asked the question: "Why is it necessary for high angels to come together and plan and discuss everything? God is powerful - through his word it can happen that things turn out the way he wants, so that these many, many angels of God would not have such trouble with their brothers and sisters until they have fulfilled their tasks." No. I was later taught better: that in the kingdom of heaven this order must be maintained and that everyone who is in the heavenly world has a job and can do it with joy. In these heavens it is like this: everyone fulfills his task with great joy. And one is somewhat depressed when one has to think that so many brothers and sisters have no idea of ​​this glory and no idea of ​​this careful order over them and how they are treated, ordered and judged - they suspect nothing, they just accept everything as it is. And for those who are on the rise, it is especially important to improve the situation in which they live. So I was interested in improving my son's circumstances. I was allowed to go to him. He lived in a world of trouble. I had had many worries with him all my life and I knew that God could not be happy with him. But I always believed that God would hear my prayer and that he would also be merciful to my son. Now I had to see that my son had to pay for and make amends for all the wrongs he had done himself. And when I met him for the first time, he was very happy, but he was also filled with sadness. I then promised to come to him again and again and bring him comfort. And so I was allowed to stay with him for a long time. I was able to pray with him and talk about what I experienced. My son was amazed and couldn't understand it at first. But he said: "Father, if you tell me this and say that you experienced it, then it is true, because you are not lying." And so I was allowed to go to him again and again from time to time, sometimes for a little longer. In this way I helped him out of this difficult time of distress. I then also went to my parents and to my other relatives, whom I was also able to help in their ascent. I told them too, and they marveled at me and thought I was so holy. But I had to refuse and just tell them again and again: "It was worth living the way I lived. You were sometimes dissatisfied with me, you did not agree with how I lived and worked. But you knew that I did it for God and for Christ. In return I gained a wonderful world for myself, a world that no one can take away from me." So I was able to tell them again and again about the happiness and joys that I experienced. And so I also experienced that I was able to lead my son and some of my relatives and parents up step by step. We all felt happy when it was successful. I had previously turned to these angels of grace and they had given me some advice on how I could help my relatives. But they had also explained to me that everyone whose soul was impure had to be purified when they reached the spiritual world. Only when the person who returned home was purified could they ascend. And the prayer that one had said for them was not lost, and one could then talk to them for longer later. So one had achieved something with them through prayer. And the beautiful thing about this connection, this readiness to help, is that they believe when someone comes who lived with them on earth, whom they knew in life and who they know they can rely on, because they sense that God's favor and pleasure is directed toward him through his life. Then they are prepared to take on some hardships and overcome many things. So I had fulfilled the tasks for my family as best I could. And later I was led into another house on the same level and I was able to help with the processing of the beautiful things that were designed for the high heavens. For the honor of God I was able to use my hands to do this, I was able to lay such wonderful carpets with my hands, for the joy of God and for the glory of all heaven. Well, dear brothers and sisters, I have tried to tell you as well as I can about my experiences in the spiritual world. I have tried to summarize them as briefly as possible. But to tell you all the many little experiences in between, I would have to spend weeks with you, and I cannot do that. So this period of time has been made available to me to tell you in broad terms how one will live if one has lived a life pleasing to God on earth. So I withdraw, and the power and blessing of God rule over you. Greetings from God. Experience report of the ascending spirit being Hermann through mediator Beatrice Brunner in the hall on Münchhaldenstrasse, Zurich. Template: tape recording. Headline, next case. February 5, 1964. Adelheid, the Crown Farmer - path to reconciliation between two feuding neighbors. How all hatred and all disunity can ultimately be overcome through love. Control spirit: Greetings from God. I am the control. Dear brothers and sisters, a sister is speaking to you, she calls herself Adelheid, the Crown Farmer. May God's blessing give you strength and knowledge for this hour. God bless you. Adelheid: God bless you. Dear brothers and sisters, I am trying to tell you something about my previous life and I am trying to explain my entry into the spiritual world. I said: about my previous life. By that I don't mean the last life, but the life before last. But you will be able to hear that for yourself. I lived with my family, we had seven children. Of course there was also discord and arguments in our family. Arguments were mainly with the neighbors, because they didn't like us ; and there were always arguments because of the children. My name is, as our brother has already explained to you, Adelheid, the Crown Farmer - that's what I was called in the whole area. Well, we thought we were pious. But I had a secret feeling at the time that God was definitely not happy with me; because there was too much discord and too much arguing, even outside the family, mainly with the neighbors. There was the neighbor's wife, who was called, or was known at the time, the Holder farmer. We didn't get along well with each other. It was also about field-space: one time she drove her goats and sheep into our meadow, another time it happened the other way round. So we always got into arguments with each other, and the children too. But then I did something that I had to pay for in the spiritual world: I once threw stones at a neighbor's child and injured him. Of course I was accused of it, but I denied it. There were no witnesses, and I didn't own up to this crime - I said it wasn't true. That's why I didn't feel particularly well in the spiritual world. So I had hurt this child so badly that he was damaged for the rest of his life. This only made the argument even bigger, but there was a lack of understanding on both sides. When I then reached the world beyond, I was naturally astonished that life continued. I had half-believed in life after death, but I had not had a real idea of ​​it. The first thing I saw was my mother. She raised her finger warningly, as if to say that not everything had been OK in my life. She also looked very sad, as did my father - there were other relatives nearby, and I had the feeling that they were not very happy about my arrival either. Now a higher spirit had guided me and explained to me that I was not actually allowed to enter heaven, but that I would first have to stay on earth for a long time before I could enter the world beyond, into those spheres where the spirits live - I should just return to the earthly realm. Then I thought to myself: "Yes, it is good that they say that, that I should return." But it seemed difficult to me; I could no longer return to my body, because it had been buried. The world or the environment on earth where I had lived was to become my future home. There was no talk of a heaven as I had hoped to experience it. I was to return to my previous place of residence on earth. No one made much of a fuss about me either. My parents greeted me, and a few acquaintances were there, but I had the feeling that they were all sad about my passing. I did not attach any importance to it, because I thought: "Yes, the people, my relatives on earth, are also crying about the fact that I have died." I did not yet understand at the time that in the other world people are happy when someone returns home and do not look sad. So I did not attach any importance to it. Then I was led back to the place where I had lived; that was where my place was to be. At first I thought that was good and right, because I was drawn back to the house anyway; because my husband was still there and there were children. So I believed I thought that I would be happiest in my own house. The people around me took no notice of me. I chose a place for myself. But I also followed my relatives. But no one felt anything from me or heard anything of the words I spoke to them. Now, of course, I was interested in going further than just staying in my house. And I went to the Holder farmer's house. Because I wanted to hear what was being said there too; I wanted to hear what they had to say about me first. Of course, I heard people talking about me, and they spoke about me in such a language that I preferred to leave. So they were completely indifferent to what happened to me in the other world. They also made their comments about it - I don't want to repeat it, they didn't speak well of me, and I could understand it too. But now I was tied to my house and the immediate surroundings. But I also wanted to explore the surrounding area, because there were still many people there who interested me, and I would have liked to know what was going on there. But I was not allowed to do that; I was told that my house should be my home, and if I wanted, I could also go to the Elder farmer's house. But I did not hear or see much that was beautiful or good there, so I did not go into that house. At least I did not go in if I knew and saw that people lived there. Of course, I was primarily interested in many things that I would have liked to know as a human being. But my curiosity was quickly satisfied, and nobody took any notice of me. I found out what I wanted to know, but I could not tell anyone. So I no longer found it interesting; I could no longer talk about the Elder farmer's wife. So I stayed away. So I stayed in my house. I saw my family coming and going, and strangely enough, I also saw something into the future. I couldn't see far into the future, but I could see events that would happen in the next few days or maybe in the next two or three weeks. The events were already there, people were already talking about them. But how that was possible only bothered me at the very beginning. Afterwards I thought to myself: "Yes, when you die, you are under a higher power; you are away from the world, and everything is open anyway, and then you know everything anyway." So it was not a question for me, but rather a matter of course, that I could see more and know more than people. I then wanted to make my family aware of mishaps. I went to them, tried to stop them from doing anything that could have harmed them. But they didn't feel me, they didn't see me, they didn't hear me. Then I realized that you can make contact when people are asleep. I had also gone from one person to another's bed. I also wanted to know how long my husband would live, and that's what I found out. So I knew that he could live for another year and a few months and that he would then enter the world beyond - so it was completely open. And also as far as the children were concerned, who were also long grown up: I also knew how long they would live - you could just see it. But then I realized that I wasn't the only one who lived in this house as an invisible being; others came too. They came and went again, not taking any special notice. Some came and sat down somewhere that they particularly liked and started to sleep. Then I started a conversation with a being that had already come to the house a few times. I stopped it when it came back and then asked: "Can you tell me anything more? I have the feeling that you know your way around here. At least tell me where you live. Why do you always come to this house? What interests you here? I never knew you in my life." - "Oh no," said the person in question, it was a male, "you certainly didn't know me, I didn't live at the time you did. I go from house to house for my own pleasure, because after all, you have to do something. And you always learn something new, so there's entertainment." Then I said to him: "Yes, I don't think you'll find much entertainment in this house. You can see what life is like here." - "Yes, of course," he said, "I'm not really interested in the people who live in this house, I'm more interested in ours." By this he meant those invisible to humans. There were spirit beings that came and went in this house. There were unranked spirits among them, but also spirits that belong to the order; and there were also higher spirits too. I had seen that they had come into the house, but I had never dared to speak to them. I adopted a defiant attitude, so to speak. I did not want to speak to them at all, because they had banished me here; so I did not find it necessary to talk to them. But the other person who had come said that he was interested in who came and went. Then he also drew my attention and explained to me: "You just have to observe what kind of beings come. People like us cannot offer us anything, they cannot give us anything. But the others" - he then pointed to the luminous figures - "you can learn from them, and they can show you the way." Then I asked him whether he had not yet been taught by them. He said that it was simply not time for him to leave this plane, he just had to hold out; but he was always waiting for a certain spirit or very certain spirits - he called them spirits of grace - who would have mercy on you and take you with them. He had already seen it and often heard that there were some who - as they say - took the poor souls with them, brought them to a better place and showed them the way up. And so he was now looking for such spirits of grace. But apparently no such spirit of grace had yet appeared to him. But I wanted to be attentive now, because after all I didn't want to stay in this environment forever. And so I started to observe who was coming. I noticed that these better, more beautiful spirits came at night, when people were sleeping. They went to their beds and talked to the sleeping person. It wasn't actually the person they were talking to, but rather the person's spirit. One time it was sitting on the edge of the bed, the other time it was floating somewhere in the room - and the beautiful spirit in question was nearby. Because earthly matter is no obstacle for us. We didn't need to walk on the floor, we could float right through the middle of the room - that didn't bother us at all - we didn't need the floor to walk; and we went through the walls. So I saw them talking, sometimes like this, sometimes like that. But every time I tried to get close to them to hear what was being said and whether it might be to my advantage, I was sent away. I wasn't supposed to hear anything, and I wasn't allowed to stay there. And I was sent away very forcefully. So it was clear to me: These weren't spirits of grace. So I had to look out for others. I then went to the Holder farmer's wife and wanted to see what kind of spirits were coming there. I saw that those who came to our house also went to the Elder farmer's wife. But I also saw equally beautiful beings coming and going there. So the residents of that house must have had the same rights as my relatives, so to speak, because these beings also came and went in that house. I didn't know how long I would stay here, although I could see various things about the future. I could see when my husband would die, I could see various misfortunes that would occur. Now I was also interested in when the Elder farmer's wife would die. I could see that too: it would be a few years. I was afraid of the Elder farmer's wife. Because I thought to myself: if she came back to her house, there would definitely be a heated discussion. First of all, everyone would see that I had hurt that child back then. So I could no longer deny it. The Holder farmer's wife would then see what I had denied at the time, and not only her: all her relatives, they could all see what I had done. And I was not comfortable with that. I would have loved to have hatched something to cover up my guilt or make amends as quickly as possible so that they would not see that I had lied at the time. I then followed the other man's advice, I also wanted to go to those spirits of grace. Oh, I saw such a spirit once, he made such a lovely impression on me. I went to him and asked him if he could help me; perhaps he could show me the path I should take that would lead to my faster upward development. Then he said to me very kindly that it was not his job now, he could not be of service to me now, because he had other tasks and instructions that he had to fulfill, he could not serve me. He told me this very kindly, and then he was gone again. Yes, so it was clear to me: I had to get through this. And the time went by so quickly. I always stayed on the farm, in this environment where I had freedom of movement. Then came the time when my husband was taken away. A being came to me and said: "You can greet your husband when he comes; you can also stand there." That was a given for me; I was there and I greeted him. But then I had to deal with the disappointment of him being led away. I called after him: "Jacob, Jacob, stay with me, stay here! I have been here for a long time and have been waiting for you." And I saw Jacob being led away. He looked back sadly, but he said nothing, he was unable to speak. And I didn't see him again for a long, long time. Next it was the Elder farmer's wife's turn. Then I was also told: "The Elder farmer's wife is being taken away and you should be there." But I said: "No, I don't want to be there." They walked away from me and didn't take any special notice of me. But soon others came up to me - there were two of them. They looked very energetic. They didn't say much, took me by the arm, led me into the Elder farmer's wife's house, and I stood there. I saw that her spirit was now leaving her body. I had to watch and I was afraid. I would have loved to get up and leave, but it was simply impossible. I was, so to speak, surrounded by these others; and they had such a stern look, I hardly dared to look to the right or left. I just kept looking straight ahead to cover my face so that she wouldn't see it. Then the moment came when it had happened and the Elder farmer's spirit had left her body. Those who were helping quickly made a few strokes over her with their hands. I even saw how someone wiped her face with a fine cloth and how her eyes suddenly grew big. And she was not as old as she had been - I myself had the feeling that I was not so old anymore. The Elder farmer's wife was (looked as), as I remembered, the same as she had been in her younger years. She stood there and stared at me. And I lowered my eyes, because I thought: "The others will sort it out. Now there is no more denial, now I can no longer deny it; I must now own up to what I have done." I was just ashamed. She saw me and probably also saw my guilt, but strangely she took no notice of me. Perhaps she was a little too dazed at first. She disappeared with the others and I was happy. I went back to my house and stayed there for a while. But what did I have to experience? Suddenly I saw her. The Elder farmer's wife came into my house, towards me and stared at me. There was no one else nearby, and because I felt unobserved, I said: "Hey, this is my house! That is your house - you have no business here!" And she said: "I will stay here as long as I like. And I will tell everyone who comes and goes in and out of this house who you were and what you did." I replied: "But that is not necessary. You do not need to say what I did, because everyone will see it anyway." - "No," she said, "I will say it too." Now I felt uncomfortable. But what could I do? Other spirits came into the house again, and the Elder farmer's wife stopped each one and explained: "Look, she was the Crown farmer's wife, and she had thrown a stone at my boy and injured him so badly that he was damaged for the rest of his life, and she denied it. Now she must pay for it, this crown peasant woman! " Well, she was not doing any better; she was still so full of envy and hatred, and she denounced me to everyone. I didn't care anymore. I tried to avoid her, but she always stood behind me. And then one of these beauties passed by the road again, I stopped him, I held his hand and said: "I beg you," I knelt down and said to him, "I beg you: please forbid the lovely peasant woman from coming into my house. I want my peace now, and I want to pay for what I have done unjustly." Then this being turned to me and said to me: "That is destiny, you will have to make peace with her. You would do better to ask her for forgiveness; and you would do better to ask God for forgiveness." Yes, I should ask for forgiveness. That was difficult for me. I wanted to ask God to forgive me, but I didn't want to do it in front of her. I wasn't capable of that. I had the impression that if God had forgiven me, it would also be forgiven in front of this Holder farmer's wife. So she was always in my way, and that took a long time. But finally I considered whether it wouldn't be a good idea to ask her for forgiveness. Because I had the feeling that she was chained to me - I to her and she to me. And then I asked her once, I said to her: "Don't you think, it would be good if we shook hands in peace?" She replied: "One cannot forget something like that so quickly, even when one has died. You shall not be freed from here so quickly; just stay here a little, I will not open up a path for you to freedom." This was her answer. So I had to wait and wait for the opportunity until another more beautiful being came. Such people kept coming, they were always coming and going. Each time I took the opportunity to speak to one and ask for someone to help me so that this Elder farmer's wife would no longer be angry with me and forgive me; I would be willing to take something upon myself and make amends for what I had done. Finally, a being I had asked agreed to help me; but first it had to have a few conversations with me. If I agreed to this, then my path would be accelerated, and this disagreement could be cleared away in time. Yes, I was ready. I had been in this house for a long time, where so much was happening that I could not enjoy. I wanted to free myself from it. Then came these conversations with this beautiful being. It was an angel, and he judged me, so to speak. He spoke about the life I had lived, he spoke about my future and about the great guilt, the transgression, the spite, the quarrelsomeness and everything that had just happened. I should change my feelings. Because as long as my thoughts were still tied to this deed and to my relatives in general, there was no possibility for me to become free. I should turn to God now, it was high time to do so; because this world in which I was was God's world, and God's power stood over it. God decides, and those who are subordinate to him and carry out his orders must be obeyed; they will keep order. I was ready for anything, because I wanted to finally escape from this environment. But I had to get this farmer's wife to the point where she could forgive me. Then, on the recommendation of this angel, I began to pray. I also begged the farmer's wife to pray with me that God would forgive us both for what we had done to each other. But she could not agree to this. Then I asked the angel: "You go to her and talk to her; because things cannot go on like this." And the angel went to her and talked to her and said: "You will not be free from this environment until you can overcome and forgive in the depths of your soul the injustice that has been done to you. You have to forgive it, and if you can forgive that, then anything else you have done wrong will be forgiven too." Then she said she would make an effort, she would try to forget and forgive. The angel also said he would give her time; and he also recommended that she should take her time. But that wasn't so pleasant for me. But then I learned to pray, to pray properly. And then I could actually see that I suddenly had a completely different group around me. Beings who I had the feeling were spiritually higher came to me. They started a conversation with me, they even offered to help me, to pray with me and to stay with me, to support me. At first I refused, but later, later, I said: "Yes, of course, stay with me, that will definitely make an impression on the Holder farmer's wife." And so we went to her together one day. I begged her again to give me her hand and forgive me. Then she did it: she gave me her hand and promised that she had forgiven me. Then I was allowed to leave this plane. I came to my other spirit brothers and sisters, I met my parents, my husband, many acquaintances, and even my grandparents. There was a reunion, a joyful reunion. They knew that peace had now been made between me and the farmer's wife, and they were happy about it. But the farmer's wife - I still call her that - was also allowed to leave her house. But we had to live next to each other in the world beyond. We were advised not to worry about people anymore, not to be interested in what was happening on earth and what our relatives were doing. We should leave this to the guiding spirits; and if it became necessary, we would always be informed about special events. And if one of our relatives then came into the spirit world, we would also be asked to be there at their reception. Well, we had made peace with each other and our closeness no longer bothered us. We considered each other as sisters. We had forgiven each other, we now lived under the power of God. Everyone was submissive, everyone did their work that was assigned to them by the higher world. And they only strove for the higher life - they wanted to go up. Here they recognized the rule of God, his great power. They experienced the mighty, great princely beings who came down to us now and then - not to speak to each other personally, but rather to speak to us together. Now one day such a high spirit came to both of us and said: "We would like to talk about your future, and we think it would be good for you if we accelerate your path of ascent. We can accelerate it, but we will make you mutually dependent on each other." In a new life I was to become the mother of the Holder farmer's wife, they said to us. I would first return to the earthly realm, and then this former neighbor would become my child. So that was how it had been decided. And they promised to direct everything so that it would come true. It would still take some time until then, but not too long; they wanted to speed up this development. That, they said, was the best way for us to overcome what was still necessary. Because in the depths of the soul of each of us there could still be something that was actually ready to flare up again quickly. And that was to be stopped in one earthly life, by the bond of love, as they called it, binding us together and destroying the rest of this distance, so that we would really come closer together in honest love. That is how it should happen. Yes, we cannot calculate time the way people calculate it, but time passes quickly for us. And so I do not want to describe in detail how it happened, but I just want to give you an insight into the following life. So I came to prepare for this new earthly life and then entered it. When I grew up and married, it so happened that this spirit came into my family and became my natural child. So I lived in contented circumstances, and my husband and I were happy with the child, because it was our only child. As a human being, I had no idea what the connection was between this child and me. But this child was taken from us by death at a very early age; it only lived to be fifteen years old. It was our only child, and our whole love was devoted to this child. And the pain was great when we had to give it away. Well, this child went into a beautiful spiritual world. It was raised and guided there by the angels of God, and it was only waiting to be allowed to receive its parents. Now I must explain that it was only after I entered the other world that the connections that had bound us together were revealed to us. The daughter knew nothing about it, she had no idea about her previous life. It was kept hidden from her until I returned. And none of this was revealed and explained to us immediately after my return, but only after a certain period of purification. Only then were we brought together and talked about our previous life and the connections. But what had happened in that previous life was now completely irrelevant to us, because we were happy that we had found each other again. Because in the first period after my return I still felt like the mother of this child, who was no longer a child, and this daughter also saw me as her former mother on earth. The bond of togetherness developed so much love that we were completely indifferent to what had happened before. For us, the last thing that happened was of the greatest importance: we were attached to each other in love and connected, and only this love should count. This love should now cover everything else. So we didn't want to talk about our past sins, but we only wanted to talk about the future. And so we were both able to overcome so much in our souls; in the new life all hatred and all disunity were overcome by love. The new life gave this strength in love through the bond of togetherness that nothing could separate us. We belonged together. When my husband, my father, returned home, we were all allowed to live together for a while. We were all happy. Now we also had much greater opportunities to look into the future, to talk about the future. We tried to plan for the future - we were allowed to. So people were happy with us, with the life we ​​had lived, as one can say from a spiritual point of view. We had tried to live according to Christian principles, we had not harmed anyone - so we had gone from the previous life to the next one. We have taken a big step forward, we have overcome so much. We were then told that my husband had voluntarily taken on the task of sharing this fate with me because of the early death of our child. Because, as we were told, it was predestined that the loss of this child would cause us so much pain, but that through this pain the bond of love would be strengthened. By voluntarily taking on this task, my husband had also done various things for himself and thereby accelerated his own development. Only after our last passing did we gain a much broader overview of the spiritual laws, of God's order, of God's love and of everything that is done by God's spirit world, by the angels. We were thus able to look into the plans and we were allowed to make a certain contribution to our future, to chart our own paths for the future - of course only with the consent of the higher beings, so that it remains within the framework of what is permitted. So I am now happy in my world. I live happily with my family and with many others too. I have been asked to explain all this to you in this detailed way. I was strengthened by a spirit of God so that I could have these memories again; they were given back to me, because the past fades with time. The spirit world of God, however, has the ability to uncover the past again and again - no matter how far back it is. But it only does so when it serves a higher purpose. That is why I have been given the opportunity to describe it in this way. Because I do not want to be reminded of that time, but I only want to hold on to the beautiful, noble and lofty things that help me and those around me to reach the spiritual heights, that enable us to find the way upwards and to live in a way that pleases God and to be effective helpers and servants in the plan of salvation. Our thinking should only be directed towards this. Our thoughts, our whole strength, our whole concentration should only be directed towards the higher goals for the future. And we want to let the past be the past. I have tried to explain this to you as best as I could. I am now returning, and our brother Joseph will speak. So may God bless you, may he give you the strength to recognize his laws. Greetings. Joseph: Greetings. Well, dear brothers and sisters, questions have certainly arisen in you, and you would like to ask me the same. Dear spirit friend Joseph, it would be interesting for us to hear how a spirit being can perceive the future. Joseph: I have already been able to explain to you that it is possible for us to recognize events that will take place at a certain time or in a certain future. But for us spirits, our view of the future is limited. Not every spirit is able to see - let's say - simply hundreds of years into the future. There are high spirits who have this possibility; but ascending spirits are always limited. But they can have an insight into the future, into what significant things will happen in the next few days, weeks or perhaps even in two or three years. But then it is determined in advance by the spiritual world that it will happen in this way; and then it is guided by the higher beings so that it happens in this way or in a similar way. When an event is predetermined, then the spirits of God work hand in hand and must calculate these times accordingly and put together the necessary elements so that this event can take place. But it does not necessarily have to be the case that it is said in advance that this or that event will definitely take place on this day and at this or that hour. But if something is determined in the spiritual realm with absolute certainty, then it can be calculated precisely, it can be said - let's say - a few hours or a few days in advance, maybe even a week in advance. So it must first be determined in the spiritual realm, i.e. time and place, then it can be calculated. If some catastrophe is imminent, but we don't yet know when it will happen - the higher spirits know about it. For they determine, they have insight into this event; these are the very highest spirits - you know the hierarchy, it is not possible for every level to have this insight. For you people do not know what your high government decided - let's say - yesterday; it also takes time until it has announced it, published what has been decided. It is similar in the spiritual realm. People talk about what is happening, they say: "It will happen, fate has become ripe, and then it can happen that the time and place can be determined days or weeks in advance. Dear Josef, do the greatest events also have to be brought into a certain correlation with the planetary constellation? Joseph: You must understand it like this: There are destinies that are firmly drawn in God's spiritual plan; everyone agrees on that, it is firmly drawn, the plan is fixed, and it will happen. But then there are also destinies that do not necessarily have to come true. These destinies may have been made dependent on other events or deeds or works of man. So you have to differentiate. You have to differentiate between events that are absolutely fixed and unchangeable and events that can be changed or postponed. Thank you, dear spirit Josef. [End of recording. Addition from the first publication in the magazine "Geistige Welt": Spirit teacher Josef indicated in his answer to questions that Adelheid's penultimate life on earth as a Kronenbäuerin was about 300 years ago.] Experience report of the ascending spirit being Adelheid and questions answered by spirit teacher Josef by mediator Beatrice Brunner in the hall on Münchhaldenstrasse, Zurich. Template: tape recording. Headline, next case. March 4, 1964. The missionary Katharina - spiritual support in an earthly prison camp. Blessings of a worthy fiefdom. Control spirit: God bless you. I am the control. Dear brothers and sisters, a spirit sister named Katharina is speaking to you. May God's blessing fill you in this hour. God bless you. Katharina: God bless you. Dear brothers and sisters, today I would like to first make two sisters happy, and I am doing this on behalf of our spiritual brother Linus. I would like to give you a soul picture. Even though I am speaking to you for the first time, I am not a stranger in this community. I have often worked with you, helped you; I have been at your service, in the community with the others. Now I would like to explain the soul picture of this sister here in the front row, the soul picture as it is today: A little basket with stones in it, and these stones are blooming. This is of course related to the future life, and it is advisable to think about what meaning it has - stones that are blooming. It gives you, dear sister, an answer to many things. You may have to meditate on it a little more yourself, and it will become clearer to you. But I would also like to tell you one thing: the name of your guardian spirit: Fanilla. Remember this name well. We are in contact with each other. The basket with the stones and the stones are blooming; beautiful flowers are growing out of these stones. Make sure that they always remain in this splendor, these flowers. This will mark out your whole path in life. That is one thing. Can you understand it, dear sister? Not quite yet, but I will try to understand it, and perhaps Fanilla will help me. Thank you very much. Katharina: Yes. And now to the other sister in the middle: I have a greeting for you. You won't have to ask long where this greeting comes from. I would like to tell you one thing: that your life partner has now played this concert that he had been preparing in the spiritual world with his spiritual friends. Perhaps you still remember that our siblings had already drawn your attention to the brother with the harp. This brother with the harp accompanies him. You are interested in who he met. That was - as I was told - explained to you straight away, already said. But can you imagine what desire he had as a musician? He admired a musician and asked about him. He has not yet met him, but he will meet him. That is his wish and it will come true. Out of gratitude for his devotion to us, this wish will be fulfilled. He will meet this musician and play with him. That is a message for you. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Katharina: You should not be sad. Then I have to say that he tuned the violin, which is precious, differently. He came into the house and realized that it had to be tuned differently and he tuned it. Perhaps later you will find out more from these words and understand better what was said to you in this hour. Thank you. Katharina: And now to my task. Our brother has already announced my name: Katharina is my name. I was a missionary and the spiritual world was happy with my life. I had a nice homecoming, there was a wonderful reunion - not a particularly happy reunion with my closest relatives, but a reunion with the heavenly messengers. They held a celebration in my honor, and I was happy that God was pleased with me. But it also became clear to me that my work in the spiritual world is not finished, that new tasks await. It was obvious to me that one cannot sit back and do nothing in God's world either. As a missionary, one had to pray a lot for divine protection, as a human being one had the feeling of being accompanied by a spirit of God - one always begged to be protected by the angels. And so it was a joy for me to see all these angels who had accompanied me through life in the world beyond. What joy! They greeted me with the words: "The lovely Catherine is coming." But now, these words were also heard by others, and it soon seemed to me as if people remembered it when the higher spiritual world was happy about the return of one of its brothers and sisters. Because very soon the news spreads to the various heavens that someone called so-and-so has come. And those who are less fortunate then try to approach the lucky ones, that is, they ask for someone to visit them. They pass this request on to their spiritual leaders, they are always interested in who has returned from earth and whether people were satisfied with them. Because they know that heaven pays high rewards if it is satisfied with a person's life, and that they can make many things come true and that the angels of God are much more lenient when they ask for something. That is why they also turned to me. The request came from everywhere that I would like to visit this person, that person, and of course there were also people among them that I had had dealings with in life. I was supposed to visit them too, and I did so. I went to them and promised to help them as best I could. But I also wanted to find out about my family and relatives. My parents had been there to greet me, but they had soon said goodbye again, and I had seen that they were not particularly happy. But I also saw that they were counting on me, that I should help them in their ascent. But this also took time. And so I wanted to devote myself first to those who needed it most. I had a brother who was also in the spiritual world and who was not doing well at all. I wanted to support him, he had once been my biological brother, he was very close to me. I wanted to do something for him, I wanted to at least try. And so I found my way to him, because the news had reached him that I was coming, and he had asked me to visit him. I didn't find him in a particularly pleasant state. I felt sorry for him. He hadn't believed other spirit beings who had also meant well for him. But when he saw me, he hugged me and was full of joy and said: "If you're doing well, Katharina, then I'll do everything I can to get on with it. Now I want to believe you, because you really are so beautiful and because you were a good person too." And he said that they all - and by that he meant himself, as well as his parents and all his relatives - knew what tasks someone who carries out this office [of a missionary] takes on. He let me guide him. Then he said to me: "You know, it's not just me who's unhappy where I am, grandfather isn't doing well either." I remembered that when he was alive, it was said that his brother and grandfather were so similar to each other. Yes, truly, they were similar in all their natures. My brother was a farmer, and so was my grandfather; and my brother was not particularly popular in the area, with his neighbors. He had done a lot of things wrong - I don't want to go into that, because you can tell when people say that he is not well. Now he asked me for help and said: "Can't you do something for grandfather too?" So I asked about him and they showed me the way to him. He was full of joy because he remembered me so well. He was extremely happy because he secretly hoped to get help from me. So when I came to him he said: "Katharina, you must stay with me, you must not leave me, you must show me the way up, you must make the way easier for me. I will do everything you say, but you must stay here." He believed he had every right to demand this, because he claimed that I was, after all, his grandchild and had to obey him. But now I had to explain to him that in heaven one had to obey God - the spirits who stand in the name of God and carry out the tasks there for him - and that I could not do what he asked of me, according to his will. Well, I had to leave them both behind. I wanted to find out first how I could help my brother and grandfather. So I went to my siblings, with whom I was allowed to live, and they advised me. They explained: "First you have to make sure that the two of them find a place in God's order. It is natural that they should lay down some of their burdens." They explained to me that the two of them had to go through a purification process. It would not be enough to approach them with loving and comforting words, but they also had to lay down the difficult things that they had done in life; and so their spiritual life was not easy either - so it would not work without laying down the burden. That seemed clear to me, but I hoped that I could bring some relief to the two of them if I could give them my support and spend more time with them than with any other being. I asked: "May I take special care of these two?" I was allowed to do so, I was allowed to! But I was also asked by other people, I should come to others too. So my whole activity consisted of offering consolation, giving some love to those who were so poor in love. But first of all it was my job to make things easier for these two, to pave the way. So I managed to bring grandfather and brother together. The two were already thrilled that they could be together. And the brother really had to admire grandfather; he still remembered him as an old man with a beard, and now grandfather no longer had a beard. He wasn't old either. My brother and grandfather were, so to speak, equally young, they both looked young. Now I had to show the two of them the way, and they both agreed to do what I said - they wanted to do everything just because I told them to, because they loved and valued me. Well, that's how the task began. It wasn't me who had thought up what had to be done, but my higher brothers and sisters had explained to me that these spirits had to fulfill a task for people and that in fulfilling this task they could pay off some of their debts; but their help should also bring relief to people. Before I went to fetch the two of them, I was shown the place where they had to go. It was a coal mine. There were men there who had to do hard work. And they were no longer the youngest who worked there - they were old men, and there were political prisoners there, and they were mistreated. They were given very little food and still had to do this hard work. So they took me, first without my brother and without my grandfather, to this pit, to these people, and they explained everything to me. I was supposed to learn from these explanations and then tell my brother and grandfather what to do. So I then fetched my brother and grandfather and brought them to this pit and explained everything to them as it had been explained to me: "These are people - look how hard they have to work. They have to work beyond their strength. They are old men who still have to do such hard work. Their food is far too little in relation to their work. They are too weak and on top of that they are tortured. So you must now lend a hand to these people." You could see very clearly which men it was difficult to work, and you could see how they had been tormented and beaten by the others. And you could see the meager meal they were given - you could see the hunger and thirst they had to suffer. I had shown this to my brother and grandfather. The two of them were amazed and felt sad that people could be exploited like this. And of course they were now ready to help. But they looked at me questioningly and said: "What can we do for them?" And so I pointed out to them: "You can make the manual work, which is so difficult for them, easier. You can lift their tools with your mental strength and thus reduce gravity." And I showed them how to do it - exactly as I had been shown. Then they believed that this help was not enough, because it was just the two of them among so many men. And I had to say to them: "You have to do a lot more so that these people can survive this difficult situation." They had to work hard, they had to go from one to the other. But the meager food these men had also had to be increased. I had learned something from my siblings: I carried with me a jug of spiritual water and a bag of spiritual bread, and I put this spiritual bread with the earthly bread, and I emptied my spiritual Water there into the earthly water. Then I gave the bag and jug to my grandfather and said to him: "Distribute it so that no one misses out. Give it to everyone, whether they are young or old. You don't need much of it, because it is a precious thing, both the spiritual water and the bread. These people will be strengthened in their body and soul through it." So I watched. Grandfather took the vessel with joy. Then he gave the bag to my brother, he was to share the bread - when the time came, he distributed the bread among these poorest people. Now both of them began to take an interest in it - they wanted to see the effect. And so they could actually see that these people were strengthened by this addition. The people themselves had no idea about it. They asked each other: "How is it possible that we can do our work with this meager meal and not perish completely?" They knew nothing about the spiritual help that was being given to them. And so grandfather and brother carried out their help and their tasks for these poorest people; they were no longer tired, they just wanted to help them. Now and then I had to leave my place again, because I had to look after others too. But the two of them were happy to carry out their tasks in this way and were happy to accept that they could take some of their burden off. This activity not only aroused compassion in them, but also a kindness came over them. They had understanding and love; they only wanted to ease the arduous suffering of these people, and they were prepared to do difficult things to do so. Much was asked of them, but they found joy in it and could not do enough. But I still had to teach them. It was not just about feeding these people, guiding their hands, lifting their tools. No. They were also given hours of sleep - there weren't too many, but when they were able to sleep and the spirit left their body, they had to talk to it. This wasn't primarily done by my brother or my grandfather, but when I was there, it was me and other siblings who talked to these human spirits. We spoke to them in a comforting way and explained to them how long their suffering would last. One or the other could be told that they would be freed, that they would soon return to our world, and they weren't sad about it - at least the spirit wasn't. But those who had to continue to do their work still had to be helped. I was taught this and passed it on - grandfather and brother had to do this work. I also had a bowl of oil. I gave this oil back to my grandfather and showed him what to do with this oil: "Look at these bodies lying there and look at the wounds they have. We have to make sure that they are not in too much pain. If you make a real effort," I had to tell them both, "the pain will go away completely and the wounds on the earthly body will heal." So I showed them how they had shown me. They dipped their hands into the bowl of oil and then rubbed the body with this oil - and the bodies of these poor people were strengthened by this wonderful oil. They both did it with enthusiasm and were able to see the results again. They were able to see that these people were much fresher, even if they had slept little. Even if they couldn't sleep because they were too tired, they had still rested. There are those who cannot sleep because they are so sad about the fate they have to endure, because they think back to their loved ones at home and cannot find peace. If this goes on for too long, you take special care of them too; and they need more than this healing oil that is rubbed in. A much stronger remedy is used on them to give them the sleep they need. But this remedy is not in a large bowl. It is also an oil, and you rub it into your face, and it helps wonderfully. But it is a very precious oil, and so I had to point out to grandfather and brother that it should only be used in rare cases - precisely when the need is greatest, then you have to help. And so they learned it over time. They knew exactly who to give what to. So they had done their work, and I still believed that they had done it right. They were so happy that I was always there - I was always allowed to give explanations when they were unsure. And so they fulfilled their tasks. But then the news came to me that it was time for the brother and grandfather to leave this job; now they continue to serve in the realm of spirits. I told them this. But they were sad about it, they always said: "We cannot leave these poor people behind. If we do not look after them, there will be no one to look after them." I had to tell them and promise them that I would continue to look after them - I would also find brothers and sisters who were willing to do this task, it would not be difficult for me to find such brothers and sisters. They then asked to be allowed to carry out this task for a little longer. They liked it, they enjoyed supporting these poor people in this way. They were also able to observe the human aspects that they all had to experience and endure. And so everyone could then compare their life and say: "What an easy life I have had, and what a terrible person I was. I have not pleased God with my will. How I have violated God's laws!" And so they came to their senses. For they saw the poorest of these people giving up their last strength; and they were happy to contribute their strength to making the work of the others easier. They considered this a miracle and said: "Why don't we tell people that it is possible for something like this to happen?" Then they had to be enlightened again: If people are not prepared to accept and believe the simplest things, how can we explain the complicated things to them? First they must believe the simple things: They must believe that life continues after death and they must believe that everything must be made good. That is the simplest thing to believe. And that God is the Lord of all is also very simple - and yet the hardest thing. It is simple for those who are religious and have faith. He submits to the power of God and he wants to accept that God's power is so powerful and so great that it extends even beyond his death. Now the hour came when I had to lead them away from this task. But to their great joy I made sure that others took over this work - so that these poorest people were not orphaned and without help. men came along, some were rescued, others died; but the misery was always there, too much was always demanded, and there were always people involved whose strength was barely sufficient to carry out this work. And so it became necessary to give them support from the spiritual world. So both grandfather and brother were happy that others had taken on the task, so that those suffering people were not abandoned. They did come to me with many questions - what I am reporting is only a small part of what is happening in the wider world, it only concerns a small number of people who have been given support in this way; and how many distressed people are there in prisons and elsewhere! So I was able to tell them that they also receive spiritual support. They receive it when they have a relative in the spiritual world who is interested in them; they receive support when people suspect that their loved ones are in trouble and pray for them. Through prayer, this support can also be brought to them, so that they can better endure their anxious lives, that they can be helped in this way. Yes, people have no idea of ​​this, and many, many of you have already received spiritual support in a similar way. So grandfather and my brother left these depths with me, relieved. Now they were to go to the realm of the spirits, and there they were to be taught. Through their good will, through the obedience they had shown, they had quickly made up for a lot. But they said they had me to thank for everything. That may be so, but I told them: "Thank God that he has allowed me to come to you." And so they did not want to be without my support in this sphere of spirits. There they were to be taught about God's laws, there they were to learn. But they also had to work. In the spiritual spheres you can even do hard work - they were not spared that, they had to keep themselves busy in that way, as their spiritual hands, their strength, their commitment were required. But they did it, because they saw the way upwards open. So they knew that they had a lot to make up for, but they were ready. They obeyed, they worked, they learned - and so they were allowed to have their relief and no longer felt this time of purification particularly. Other spirits also came to them and pointed out to them how good it was to have someone in the spirit world who would take care of them. And in their spirit sphere they told the others to whom they had given their step (up): They always talked about me. And those who listened then asked me to help them too. But I couldn't do everything and wasn't allowed to - I also had to find out what I was allowed to do, what my task was. So I was allowed to fulfill my task for my relatives. I was allowed to help them, that was a great joy for me. Because we experienced that father, mother, brother and other relatives came together and were allowed to live together. So they were happy. And my task never ends. I am called again and again. Then a higher spirit asks me: "Turn to them and give them your full attention", and then I am allowed to meet them again with the 'bag and the bowl'. Sometimes I do it alone, sometimes I have my helpers - depending on the task that lies ahead of me. So I am happy in the spiritual world. It was worth it - because you know the words: "What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?" (Luke 9:25). It is far better to lose this world, in your sense, and gain in the spiritual, to gain merit for the soul, to work for the other life. Every person is given the opportunity to work for the other life. You don't necessarily have to be a missionary; there are so many opportunities for each individual in daily life. And the spiritual world will value it highly if you really fulfill the tasks, if you really do it, if you see what needs to be done. And so, dear brothers and sisters, I am also at your service. You will ask yourselves: "We have never heard of you." I have to give you the answer: There are so many people who are at your service that you have not heard of yet. So, dear brothers and sisters, when one of you is in need, ask God for help. You should not call on me, you should not beg me; you must beg God to give you the help that is good for you. Then a spirit will come that is attuned to you. You know, dear brothers and sisters, sometimes we do not achieve much with kindness and indulgence in people, and we must - I do not like to say it - bring suffering to them, be it temporary illness or disappointment. We want to shake them up, to make them think. But we are also ready to reward you richly for the beautiful and good things that you do to God - you have certainly already noticed that. If you have done something good or even just cultivated a noble intention, then the thought and your surroundings have already been blessed. You have already been rewarded for it, and then we support you in carrying it out. But remember that we do not agree with everything that you believe is right - you must not think that. We are trying to make it clear to you which is the right way. It must be in your sensitivity to understand what pleases God, what we affirm. This is how you should refine your feeling. It is possible. Try it. Perhaps I will come and speak to you again. Now I am leaving you. May God's blessing strengthen you and heal you in your soul, in your heart, in your body. Greetings from God. Experience report of the ascending spirit being Katharina by mediator Beatrice Brunner in the hall on Münchhaldenstrasse, Zurich. Template: tape recording. Headline, next case. April 1, 1964. Xaver - courage to change after dissatisfaction with oneself and God. Dangerous acquaintances on an initial wrong path outside of God's order. Control spirit: Greetings from God. I am the control, dear brothers and sisters. A spirit brother will come by the name of Xaver. We want you to be able to understand what he explains to you. We want you to receive instruction through these explanations, and so we select such brothers and sisters. We hope that the spiritual laws can be explained to you better and that you gain insight into them and that you compare your life with them. We select these spirit brothers and sisters accordingly and try to give answers to problems that you have and also to questions that you have been asking yourself for a long time. In this way we find enough opportunities to give you the right thing. But first I would like to give my two siblings in this series - the brother and the sister - a short spiritual image. I would like to say to the brother: A blossoming twig, a twig with apple blossoms, adorns your soul. The sister has three oak leaves put in her hair. These are spiritual images; they have arisen from the changes that have been made, from this way of thinking. Due to the harmonious connection, this picture has been presented to you. Everyone can think about it for themselves, why you acquired it, how you did it. On the other hand, you should see it as a greeting from us and thereby recognize that we see your thoughts, your will and are there with you. So, dear brothers and sisters, may God's blessing strengthen you for this hour. God bless you. Xaver: God bless you. Dear brothers and sisters, you have already been told my name; my name in and of itself does not play a significant role. I will try to give you these explanations as best I can. The experience is quite a long time ago. I was helped to find these memories again; I was taken back, so to speak, to the beginning of the experience. The memory of it was awakened in me again. So I have to think about the last life I lived and talk about it. I was small in stature and had a hunchback. I was not popular with my friends and everyone around me because I was probably an oddball. I believed in God, I prayed a lot. I could not understand why I had such a figure in my life; it annoyed me, and sometimes I thought that God was being unjust in it. While others were tall and could walk around in good health, I was short and had a hunchback. Well, I was not particularly kind to my fellow human beings either, because I always had the feeling that they were laughing at me. So I had separated myself from them and was not friendly either. But I always tried to pray and ask God to make my fellow human beings understand. Why I had to have this figure was only explained to me later in the spiritual world. I was then able to look into the law myself and see that everything happens in God's justice, whatever it may be, how a person has to live, and that much is part of his fate. That was how it was with me. But it took a long time before I came to this realization. So I will now try to tell you about this important time. When I entered the spiritual world, I experienced the same thing as everyone else. Some people are allowed a larger reception, others a smaller one; some have high spirits, and others have more modest beings or, let's say, spirits who do not have such a high rank. Well, in my case, my friends were there, and those who had lived with me also came. And when I say "friends," I actually mean acquaintances, not friends in the sense that you consider friendship. They came to greet me, but they had no further interest in me. When I then looked at myself, I realized: "I have left my earthly body behind, life goes on," but I realized that I no longer had the same figure. I was tall and slim and looked just as good on the outside as the others. All of this made me happy, because now I no longer had to be ashamed, and I no longer had the feeling that others were laughing at me. But I could not shake off the feeling of injustice, because I had the impression that I had been neglected by the love of God. Because why did I, as a human being, have to live in such a form and bear the contempt? I could not understand that. When I came to retreat, they explained to me straight away that I could join the order in this world, in this environment where I was being led; but I would be free for a longer period of time and could thus make something of my freedom; this meant that I could go here or there. The paths that were open to me were clearly shown to me. It was like this: I could move around in the world beyond [in my sphere] as I wanted, but I always felt drawn to the people who lived on earth. I was not happy with myself and not happy with God that he had allowed me to live as a human being in such a way that I believed I had no opportunity to work for the other world. I had felt constantly oppressed, despised by others, and this made me constantly restless, angry and spiteful. All of this had burdened me, and I realized that it was of no use to me. Well, I was not happy about this and did not want to settle down in this spiritual world straight away. But as I also felt tired at first, I stayed there - I do not remember how long. But after I woke up, I made my way to people. I wanted to look at them for once, because I liked being among people, for the following reasons: You could move anywhere, and I could go through anywhere without any obstacles - I was still full of human feelings. At the beginning I even enjoyed it, I found it entertaining. The earthly objects, the earthly Houses were no obstacle for me, you could walk through everywhere, you could stop into all the houses, watch people and how they lived. I had done that at the beginning, but then my interest began to wane. I thought I should strive upwards, but the words that had been said to me, that I could live in freedom for a while, had stayed with me. And I wanted to enjoy that freedom. So I could have returned, that is, to my spiritual sphere, where I could only have talked to my spiritual brothers and sisters. But I didn't want to do that yet, I still felt too tied to people, to the earth. I thought I could do something for my higher development on earth too. On the one hand, I didn't want to stay in the spiritual sphere - to be honest, out of fear of the future, of what would happen to me; because I had some reservations about the wrong I had done in life. So I didn't want to move on to the future yet, I wanted to enjoy freedom. I had no idea that I was holding back my development. But I liked it, and so I stayed with the people, thinking that I could do something for them that might be credited to me. When I visited people here and there where I had lived, I also walked through the church. I saw people who went to church to pray. But I also saw the spiritual brothers and sisters who came to take up the prayers. I got the impression that there was 'nothing left' of these prayers for me; there were already so many there. So I left the church. Near the church was a small hill. On this hill there was a cross that could be seen from afar. So I went to the cross, sat down under it and held the cross in my arms. Now and then I tried to pray. But in addition to praying, I had also made my observations. I saw the many spirit brothers and sisters - I had not returned to earth alone. And as I sat there thinking to myself, sometimes one came to me and wanted to keep me company, asked if he could sit down too. And I answered: "Yes, if you like." So they had talked to each other, that they had not been away from earth for very long and that they were now free, somewhat escaped from the strict law, and that they were now making the most of this freedom. Usually it was like that for everyone, everyone simply enjoyed their freedom, at least those with whom I got into conversation. But then they left again, and I didn't feel like always being under the cross. I hoped that if I were under this cross, I could live under a special blessing. Because I had observed the following at this cross: A radiation came from this simple, large wooden cross. So I had the impression that I was not only seeing the earthly wooden cross, but also a spiritual form, the spiritual cross, extending perhaps seven to ten centimeters beyond the earthly wood. Perhaps I can explain it to you like this: something like a fine mist was emanating from this wooden cross. For my spiritual eye, this fine mist was much clearer than the earthly cross itself. I saw it and could penetrate the earthly matter with my hands, I could stretch my hands through it, but I could not get my hands through the spiritual form, I could only follow this form with my hands. That had made a special impression on me at the beginning, but very soon I saw it in general. For example, with the flowers, the bushes, the trees, with everything: they could not only be perceived in their earthly shape and form, but the spiritual form made a clearer, more distinct impression, we could see it better. If, for example, a bush was thirty centimeters high, then with its spiritual body it was perhaps fifty centimeters, just a little bigger. In this way we could stretch our hands through the earthly, while we could only stroke the spiritual. That made an impression on me and I admired it at first. Even over all the little grasses, over everything, everywhere, you could see this spiritual form like a cloak or another spiritual body over the earthly one. So I set out to go down an avenue, into a park far from my village. For me, as for all spiritual beings, it was no obstacle to cover great distances in a short time; you were simply quickly drawn there. Well, I was once delighted by the splendor of the colors in this park. Then I made my observations of people and I also wanted to see which spiritual beings who were there, and what all there was to experience. I sat down on an earthly bench on which people were sitting. They had no idea that now that Spirit beings were very close to them. Yes, I was sitting on this earthly bench, over which there was also a fine breath like a spiritual cloak, and so I could sit down quite comfortably. I listened to the conversations. They were old people; they were sunbathing and were happy not to have to work. They then left again quite soon and others came. And so I stayed and made my observations. In addition to everything else that was going on - there was a lot of life, a lot of movement, not only among the people but also among the spirits - I saw very beautifully dressed beings hurrying through the park, as if they had to go somewhere in a hurry. If you were lucky enough to be near them, a fine scent would waft past you. But they didn't really pay any attention to anyone; you could see that they were in a hurry, but they were still walking through this park. I had also observed that these beautiful beings sometimes took on a spirit being, that is, a deceased person; but they were not the ones who were in such a hurry, because there were also some who walked along very leisurely, as if they were looking for someone. They also walked past me and looked at me; but I did not want to talk to them, at least I did not want to speak to them, and so they did not speak to me either and then went their own way. I then thought that the moment would come for me to have such a conversation. But at the beginning I simply did not have the desire to do so; I was too curious about this earth, about everything that was happening here, about everything that could be seen. I had the feeling that the moment I was taken by such a being, everything that I still wanted to see would be over. "Then you will definitely be taken away, and then you will no longer be free in the sense that you are allowed to enjoy freedom now," I thought to myself, and did not even look for a connection to higher beings. Of course I also saw these various nature spirits. They came and went. I saw gnomes and flower spirits and so on. I saw how they prepared their homes, I saw how they received visitors; I saw their conversations, their joy and much more. I also occupied myself with that and watched them. But they did not concern themselves with me, because, as I saw, they already had their tasks and their friends, and I did not think they were interested in talking to me. So I kept going into this park. Then, of course, I was drawn back to the spiritual realm again. There I met my spirit brothers and sisters. They pointed out to me that it would be better not to always go to people, but to stay in the spiritual world for once, that is, in the sphere to which one was assigned, and to look for higher goals there. That is what my siblings advised me to do. And I said: "The moment will definitely come when I will stay, when I have had enough. But first I want to have had enough of it, I want to go through everything. And then, when I have had enough of it, I will stay in the spiritual world and devote myself to other tasks." There was no pressure, they let me do everything, and I went back to that park. There I sat down on a bench again. And then two spirit beings, who were very well dressed, came and sat next to me. They took me in the middle, sat down on either side of me and started a conversation with me. They asked me what my goals actually were, and I told them clearly. They were not offended by the fact that I wanted to look at the world first, now from a spiritual perspective, and see everything as a spiritual being. They found nothing strange about that, but agreed with me: it was my right, I could certainly look around and I would certainly learn from it. I said: "Yes, definitely." Then they asked me if I was often here in the park. And I answered that yes, I enjoyed spending time here and I would certainly come back. Then the two of them said that they didn't have much time, but that they would be very happy if they could meet me here again very soon; I should just stay nearby again, they would find me. Well, they had started talking to me and it had made me feel a little more free. I then asked where they were going; because they acted as if they had a very important task to complete and were in a hurry, but they wanted to give me some of their precious time. They said they had to go to an old person who was very ill, they had to support him and try to give him some strength. I asked how they could do that. They explained: yes, that was no problem for them; but they couldn't take me with them now if I wanted to - that wouldn't work. But they would be happy to take me with them later and show me how they fulfilled their divine tasks. - Yes, maybe I would come with them then, I said, but for now I would be happy. But they made it clear to me that now was not the time, they couldn't take me with them under any circumstances, as they had so many tasks; it would also not be possible to deal with me any more closely now. Then they said a friendly goodbye to me and left. I didn't think any more about it. I didn't stay on this bench all the time, I wandered around again, now here, now there, and observed all sorts of things among the people. I have seen people living in peace and others arguing, being dissatisfied, cheating each other, lying to each other and the like. But then I was drawn back to that park, to that bench. And I thought: "Oh, maybe this way there is an opportunity to get on a bit faster. Maybe the two of them can support me and help me to ease the burdens on my soul a bit, if they are as friendly as they were." So I hoped for something from them. But I saw that it was not possible for the time being to have a closer conversation with them or to have them take me with them. Well, I went back and then made the happy discovery that they were coming back. They greeted me and said they were so pleased to see me again, but again they did not have much time, but they would like to make me happy and support me. I was curious and asked what their next step was, what they had to do. They said they had to go to children, they had to look after them and protect them - children were in danger, they had to go. They explained to me: "There are children everywhere, in so many places, and they have to be looked after," and I understood that too. They also said: "We don't just have to look after children, sometimes adults too." By that they meant that they had to protect them from misfortune, they had to support them. OK, I said, I didn't want to stop them. But they always acted as if they were in a hurry, and so I couldn't hold them back. So we met a few times, and when we were together again, they asked me: "Wouldn't you like, dear brother, if we could pray for the salvation of your soul now?" And I said: "Oh, your prayer will certainly have a great effect on me," and of course I agreed. They prayed with me and then quickly said goodbye, but promised to come back. It went on like this for a long time, and they always had an explanation: one time they said they had to protect someone from misfortune, another time they had to support a dying person, give him strength and pray with him. Another time it was a mother who was worried and in despair, whom they had to support. It went on like this for a long time. Then suddenly they asked me to come with them. I had enough evidence of their beautiful work, and so I went with them. After we had walked a little way together, I suddenly had the impression that their clothing was changing color. While I had previously considered it beautiful and thought it was noble, I was suddenly frightened. I opened my spiritual eyes wide and said: "Is that possible? Before, your clothes were such a fresh color, and now I find them so dark and your whole appearance rather repulsive." I said: "How is that possible, can you change like that, is it necessary?" - "Yes, of course," they agreed; you always have to adapt, wherever you go, you have to adapt to the surroundings. I shouldn't let that stop me, I should just come with them, because I wouldn't be wearing the most elegant clothing myself. But I began to become suspicious. On the other hand, I asked myself: "How is that possible? They always talked about their beautiful work; they prayed with me, they prayed properly. How can it be possible that someone can pray properly and now suddenly look like that?" Okay, we went and came into a house where the evening meal was just being eaten. As we stood there, the two of them said to me that I just had to wait a little. After the people had eaten dinner, they prayed. And the two of them and I prayed with them. Suddenly the two people got into an argument. After the meal was over and the prayer was forgotten, then One of them started to tell us something and we started arguing. I stood a little to the side and thought that I would like to leave it to these two higher beings to intervene with their spiritual power and bring peace and quiet to these people, because they had prayed beforehand and we with them. And what did I see? Suddenly the two of them entered into these people and argued with them. I was frightened and said: "Ugh, you are devils!" and left. That was a disappointment for me! Then I returned to the spiritual realm. I was depressed in my spirit, because in the spiritual realm, where my real home was, there were no such beings. You saw very few elegantly dressed beings. They came too and were in such a hurry; they went to one or the other to speak to him and give him instructions and then left again. But here, people knew that they were angels of God. So I asked a brother in my spiritual home: "Hey, can you give me some information? I had an experience with people." And he answered: "Experiences with people are rarely uplifting. You'd better stay here, you'll make faster progress. That's the thing, you always hear everyone being told: 'Why do you always go to people, what can they give you?' Don't always go to people! You have found your new home, stay true to this home, and only go to people when you have a task." I asked him to explain it to me in more detail. "What should I explain to you in more detail?" he said, "you have had your experience. You see how these spirits who come from the kingdom of the devil have their right among people. You have experienced it yourself, as you told us, how they can change. They look so noble and beautiful, and when you come into closer contact with them, their true self comes to light. That's how they are, they deceive! You saw how they went to people, prayed with them, and you saw how they entered into them and argued with them." Yes, I had seen that, and that had depressed me. Because I believed that people had peace from such spirits, that they could also be led into temptation, but in the way that had been shown to me, I found that abhorrent. But this lesson was good for me. I said to myself: "No, then I don't want to have anything to do there anymore. Then I'll seek my salvation here in the soul world, where I am sure that I will no longer be ensnared by these lower powers." In this world there were brothers and sisters who had already had significantly greater experience than I, because I had to have this experience first. My experiences then benefited others. I reported what had happened to those who had returned home and who also had the desire to return to people, to live and dwell with them. I was lucky to be listened to by one, but not by another. From then on I stayed in the spiritual sphere assigned to me and let myself be taught by people like me who had greater experience. They said to me: "You see, we are now at a lower stage of ascent, we have to go through this, we have to stand here on this threshold and have our experiences. But when we have had these experiences, we will be seized by a higher longing. We want to be free, and you too will soon feel the desire within you to be free - to be free from this sphere to which you are assigned. You enter the order with great joy because you only feel safe and elevated in God's order, because a life in order is a more pleasant life. Even if this life in the order brings hardship to some [to purify], one is still under divine guidance." Yes, it became clearer and clearer to me that it would be better for me to give up the freedom I had spoken of and to integrate myself into the spiritual order. Because even in the spiritual order one has freedom, but it is subject to divine guidance. So I was ready to seek the path of this order. I then had to do what I had not wanted to do before: I had to turn to an angel, I had to ask him: "Accept me into your order. You have allowed me to live in freedom; I have had enough of this freedom, I want to be under divine guidance." The angel was happy, but he said: "For now, being here is a purification for you. You will be guided by us if you request it; and of course we will be happy to tell you what you must do and what you must not do. We will observe you to see if you fulfill that." Well, I agreed. The first thing they told me was: "You shall not return to the people. Leave the people alone and all the spirits that are with them, and only go to them when you have an assignment." - "Yes," I answered, "only when I have an assignment; but please don't give me this assignment too soon." - "No," they said, "you still have a lot to learn first, much is to be revealed to you before you return to the people to visit them." Then they asked me: "Aren't you interested in why you had to put such an earthly life behind you? You have thought about it; you doubted the justice of God because you couldn't stand up straight like the others, because you hadn't grown like the others." - "Yes," I said, "I would like to know how and wherefore." Then they took me back and let me look back; they showed me a previous life that had preceded the last one. I didn't want to see it through to the end. It became clear to me that there was a retribution and that I deserved it. But it also became clear to me that I still had a long way to go before I reached a pleasant sphere. They explained to me: "The more you work within this order, the faster you will rise. But you will also have to return to a new life on earth and difficult trials will await you again, because you had not fulfilled your trials: you doubted God's justice and were not what you thought you were to your fellow human beings. We saw your prayer" - because I insisted on how much I had prayed. But they said that didn't count for anything, it was the action that mattered. And they explained to me: "You saw who prayed with those people who prayed so much. Where there is no peace, no harmony, those others come and pray with them; and they also penetrate the bodies of those concerned. So order must be created." I understood it and now knew that I had not fulfilled the tasks in my previous earthly life. So I now wanted to fulfill a task in the spiritual realm. They explained to me: "That is all well and good, but in your next life you will have the same fate again; you will have to live in this form again until you no longer doubt the justice of God. But now in the spiritual world you have the opportunity to strengthen yourself internally so that everything that is explained to you takes root in your soul and can no longer be lost when you are clothed in a human body I saw that this was a long way for me, but I was of good will. The angels then explained to me that they would give me long enough or enough opportunity to build up my inner spiritual strength in order to be strengthened for my future earthly life. The more time passes in the spiritual world - if one can speak of time - or, perhaps better said, the more one forgets the life one has lived and all one has done, the less difficult it is to take on a difficult task. One then has the feeling that it is as if the memories of the hardships are being erased, so that one can strengthen one's soul in the spiritual world and is not plagued by the thought that one could stumble again. That is how it was and is with me: God's angels give me the opportunity to forget it. I was allowed to explain it to you in this hour, but I will not enter the new earthly life tomorrow or the day after. I will fulfill many tasks in the spiritual world first. And now I can also fulfill my tasks with people, but I was given the task - only then can one be sure that one is doing the right thing; because I am not alone here, I have come accompanied by my spiritual friends. I was taken from my world and accompanied here. Before I was here at this hour, I was already among people. I assisted them as a helping spirit; but I have the task to do so and have a good companion at my side. I would never again be tempted to sit down somewhere [in the earthly world] and wait to see what would happen, because I had to experience this myself. It was explained to me that especially those beings who had not yet made a firm decision then became the tools of lower spirits. And those who are still full of desires are not offended by what such spirits show, and so they are led to those people so that they do what the lower spirit world wants. Lower spirits therefore find a tool in spirit beings who are not in the same league. This is what I was taught and had to see. Some people want to come out of their own free will, as I did and then went back into the spiritual world; others, however, enjoy living out their lives and find together, 'Society', among the lower spirits. I have now told you what is important for you. But perhaps you would still be interested to hear, as I am told, that I am happy today - I have risen so far. And I fulfill my task, but I am guided, I stand in the order of God. I have my freedom, but I do not use this freedom, because I place it in the hands of those who are able to do high and noble things out of this freedom. I have therefore fully dedicated myself to the rule of God. So I have the task and the opportunity to strengthen myself in my soul so that I am strengthened so that when the time comes, I can return and fulfill my task as a human being and gain the respect of my fellow human beings despite my deformity. But I can only achieve this respect through justice and goodness, through an exemplary life. That is what I am told: The shell no longer plays a role - it is only important for those who strive for earthly things, who do not ask about spiritual goals, who do not strive to be a light for the world, who become more of a shadow. Now, dear brothers and sisters, I am leaving you. I will come near you again, I will be here in this room again, if I am taken along. Because it is not just - I can tell you - the friends here who you know by name, there are so many others. But there are also those spirits nearby who are waiting to dissuade you from these thoughts, who may - figuratively speaking for you - be standing outside when you leave the room and say to you: "Don't believe that, none of that is true!" They do exactly that and exactly as I had to experience it myself. They do everything they are capable of to the detriment of people, especially when they listen to them fully. Well, I am returning home with my family. May God give you blessings and strength to understand God's order and to remain faithful to it. Greetings from God. Report of the ascending spirit being Xaver by mediator Beatrice Brunner in the hall on Münchhaldenstrasse, Zurich. Original: tape recording. Headline, next case. May 6, 1964. Hanna - in heaven there is no inactivity. Wrong expectations of the world beyond. Control spirit: Greetings from God. I am the control. Well, I can also give a soul picture. And I would like to give it to my sister, who is sitting in front of me right now, with the fur around her neck. The picture is drawn by the content of your life, by your problems. It is a small cart that you push in front of you. With all your strength and effort you push this cart in front of you, and you feel as if it were infinitely heavy - you have to use all your strength. But this is wrong, because this cart is not that heavy. You should make it a toy. You should get rid of the heavy weight, which only becomes so heavy because of your thoughts. Now try to make this cart into a piece of jewelry; decorate it with the things you love and hold it in front of your eyes. Put it somewhere in the house, in your mind of course, and look at all the things you love that are in this cart. And you should do that every day, see this picture and say to yourself: "Oh, that's not so heavy after all," and enjoy what is in it. Let's hope that you can do it. So we can say something about the life of man - it is formed by his thoughts and desires, by his worries and problems. Well, dear brothers and sisters, tomorrow is another day of remembrance: Christianity is reminded of the ascension of Jesus Christ. For people who are spiritually oriented and believe in the spirit, it is always something wonderful to celebrate such a holiday. In this holiday, they find confirmation that their thinking is correct; on such holidays, they feel that they are in the right place. The whole of Christianity should truly be able to be reminded of this. And if you now think about this truth and draw comparisons with what you always hear from us, you will be strengthened in your faith. We try to give all kinds of explanations and insight into the spiritual world. We try to explain the laws, and we also want to strengthen your faith. We also want to reward you when the time comes by accompanying you back from this earth to your true home, by showing you the home that we have prepared for you; and so it will become a celebration. Now, dear brothers and sisters, an ascending spirit being is coming and will tell you about its experiences. We have chosen it and believe that it can give an answer to one or the other. We always try to choose these beings in such a way that they always contain something that will appeal to you, and give New instructions. So you can also imagine what the return of the spirit beings is like. And perhaps you can imagine it even better if you empathize with all these beings. Because they are not at all convinced of the other world, of those laws, of that rule; they must first familiarize themselves with this new world. And this is so diverse, and everyone experiences it as they deserve. And so you will hear something again this hour. May God give you the strength and the knowledge for it. God bless you. God bless you. Hanna: God bless you. My name is Hanna. I would like to give a brief overview of my earthly life. I had a son and a daughter. I lived with my husband, well and truly. We had no need for our daily bread, because we ran our own business. We believed we were pious. My daughter became a nun, my son, or rather our son, became a priest. During my lifetime I believed that God would be particularly pleased with me, since I had managed to send my daughter to the convent and ensure that my son became a priest. I also expected to receive a reward for this in the other world; and I had the feeling that God would forgive me for many injustices and many offenses, precisely because my two children had dedicated themselves to him. So I often elevated myself somewhat above my fellow human beings, looked down on others - on the one hand I was a little arrogant. In the spiritual world, however, I was also told that I had told people far too much and had thereby caused discord, that I had interfered in many things and thus caused discord. My belief that I would find a special reward because of my children did not come true. That was my first disappointment when I entered the world beyond. I was greeted by my parents. But they told me that they could not stay with me and there was no further conversation. Then these angels of God stood before me and said: "Hanna, hurry up, we are now leading you into your world; you must live with others, you must fulfill your tasks with others." As I said, I was disappointed that I was not rewarded for having done everything I could to dedicate my children to God. I explained to the angels that my daughter was in a monastery and my son was a priest - had I not earned merit by doing so? They said: "No, we will not talk about that, but you will go towards the retribution that you deserve. You must first realize what you have done wrong." Then I said to them: "The two of them are praying for me as much as they can, and I would like to benefit from their prayers." They answered me that the prayer would benefit me when the time came; but now it was a matter of proving for myself what I was capable of doing in the spiritual world. Well, the world I was led into did not seem particularly beautiful to me. I found it much more pleasant on earth. I thought I was in a village. There were large and small houses, among them buildings that I had the feeling could be a factory. And I was led into just such a large building. But it was not a factory, but the residence of an infinite number of beings - I could not count them. They did not have to work here, their work was outside the house. I was given a room that I had to share with others - I counted them, there were fifteen of us. It bothered me that I had to live with all of them. They were all restless, each of them talked about their life, about their work, and I wanted to talk about my life too. But they didn't seem to be listening to me and at first took no notice of me at all. Instead, those who had been in the room the longest spoke and the others listened to them. So I tried to speak up and talk. But they still didn't pay any attention to me. I was also told that I should go with the others and work in the fields. Then I thought about it and thought: "No, you definitely don't have to work in the kingdom of heaven." I didn't want to go to the fields to work, I could go anywhere else. And that's what I did. Meanwhile, the others went about their work regularly, came back, rested and told each other what they had experienced and what had been said. But I didn't have the impression that it was necessary for me to go to the fields and work. I couldn't understand why I should do that. So I just went my own way. Nobody cared about me any more. When the others came back from work and I went back to the room with them, but nobody asked me where I had been or why I hadn't turned up for work. So I didn't think it was necessary to work. I was more interested in knowing who was there in this spiritual world, because I wanted to look for friends and relatives. I did that and saw them. I met them outside the house and I met them in the house too. I knew that they had also left the earth long ago and of course I tried to talk to them because I wanted to know if they had to do work too. Some said yes, they had a job and were doing it, others were just as addicted to idleness as I was. They also felt that it was unfair that now, after a hard life of work on earth, one had to work in the spiritual world too. So we had taken this freedom for ourselves and just didn't do this work. But then, while I was looking for acquaintances from earthly life, I saw two people who had lived very close to us. It was Franziska von der Mühle and her husband - they were both there too. So I greeted them and said that they had apparently not got any further than I had. Because they had also wanted to be very pious people in earthly life, just as I had wanted to be. Well, Franziska and her husband had jobs and they asked me to do the same. They said that in the spirit world, where you are closer to God than on earth, you have to obey even more and if I didn't do this work, I would never be able to leave this place. They also scolded me and said that the way I looked was shameful. I didn't feel that way. I hadn't really looked at myself yet, because I didn't attach any importance to my own appearance. This Franziska and her husband were good-looking - that was to be said. They had been pious people in their earthly lives, and they were now working, as they said. They then asked me to join them, to come and work with them. God demanded it, and I should not impose my will. But I did not go with them. I told them that I would pray while they were working, and that my prayer would be just as pleasing to God as their work. They replied that they would not neglect to pray either - they too had to pray, but they also had to work. Franziska then said to me: "Make sure you look better; after all, we also acquired our current appearance through our work." They had certainly arrived in the world beyond a good while before me, and had therefore already had opportunities to earn something. I wanted to know how one could achieve this better appearance, and they explained: "Only through work" - work in the sense that it had been explained to one, and then one should put oneself at the service of one's neighbor. They would now put themselves at my service too, by explaining to me that I had to act differently in this new world and make sure that I looked better. Franziska drew my attention to my shoes and said to me: "Look at your shoes, Hanna; I have never seen you in your life in shoes like the ones you are wearing here. Aren't you ashamed, aren't you embarrassed to walk around in shoes like that?" I answered: "God gave me this clothing - what can I do about it?" They both replied: "You can make sure that you look better. You have to acquire things bit by bit if you come here in the condition you are." Then they told me to look at my shoes. Yes, I really hadn't noticed that before: I was wearing high heels, but I didn't have any shoelaces, I was just standing in these shoes. Of course, I couldn't walk gracefully in these shoes, which hadn't even been laced up. But what did it matter to me, I had been given these shoes as they were. I believed that if you were in heaven, you would also be given what pleased heaven. Then Franziska said: "Try working so that you can at least get a pair of shoelaces." - "How am I supposed to get that?" - "With work," they replied, and I should do it together with them, then I would definitely get some. But I couldn't yet decide to take on this work. I must stress that I wasn't used to working in my earthly life. I didn't have to work like that, because other people worked for the family, and so I just didn't feel like I could work, and I just took a step back. I also thought that if other people did the work, it would be enough, right? they would then offer me a job that I would enjoy. But nothing of the sort happened, they didn't give me any work that I liked. I was supposed to go to the fields, and I didn't want to go there. Soon after, Franziska came to me again and said she had news for me: Barbara had visited her! Barbara, who I knew well, who had peddled and was a very poor woman - I knew this Barbara well, she had often come to me, but I hadn't bought anything from her. Yes, Barbara, I remembered her well. Then Franziska continued: "Barbara is here, and she wants to visit you too. She is so beautiful and so distinguished, and she doesn't live in the same world as us." Then I asked: "Barbara, the peddler, doesn't she live there? Where does she live? Well, what does she earn, why is she better off than us? We were pious people!" Franciska replied: "You know, I found out: God was more pleased with her than with us, she did more to please God than you and I." - "Well, what? She was just a peddler." And Franziska said: "You have forgotten, she gave birth to twenty-two children. Don't you think that with so many children she deserved heaven? And she had to peddle, she had no bread and no milk for her children. She had to go, her husband didn't earn enough - they all had to peddle." Oh yes, she had to peddle, that was clear to me. And she was doing so well here because she had so many children - is that the only reason she deserved heaven? Then I said to Franziska: "After all, I have two children too, and I dedicated both of them to God. Doesn't it count that I have a daughter who is a nun and a son who is a priest - doesn't that count?" - "Oh, apparently not," she replied, "apparently she has more merit than you and I." But then she encouraged me again, saying that I should start working, because when Barbara came to visit me, I would be ashamed of my appearance. Because I should see what she would look like and how I would look in comparison. I said: "Fine, I'll see. Perhaps Barbara can help me too, after all, I have bought something from her now and then in my life." And Barbara came to visit me and I was speechless. I couldn't find any words for this Barbara. But then I managed to say it and said to her: "You, you were only a peddler." - "Yes," she said, "I was a peddler. God has rewarded me for my hard work, my sacrifice, my love for the children and my bravery. God has given me the reward for it. I have always lived honestly, despite having twenty-two children." Yes, that could be true; but I couldn't understand that someone is so beautiful just because they have had so many children. Well, Barbara didn't bother to talk to me any longer, but gave me a pair of shoelaces and said: "Here, tie your shoes together so you can walk better." She promised that she would come again to see how I was doing. So I tied my shoes together with these shoelaces and then went to visit my former neighbor Franziska again. When I saw her now, I noticed that she was wearing a beautiful shawl around her shoulders. She took off the scarf in front of me, tied it into a belt and showed herself to me as if she wanted to say: "You see, I look better than you." I wanted to know who she had gotten the piece from and she answered: "Barbara brought it to me; you know, I have given her something too on occasion." "And you got this piece for it, while I only got a pair of shoelaces from her?" Then she consoled me by saying: "Perhaps you will get something later." I had to be satisfied with this answer again and was again asked to come to work. But I simply could not bring myself to do it. As I was once again looking around the village for new acquaintances, someone - I saw him from a distance - who was very elegantly dressed, came towards me with long strides. He asked me and wanted to know my name and where I came from. I was a little shocked, but it was clear to me: he was not one of our people, but an angel. So I had to answer, and he asked: "Why aren't you at work?" I was baffled and said: "Yes, after all, nobody took me to work." So he took me by the hand and led me with quick steps through all these paths to that field. And then I saw all of them, who lived in this big house, working in this field. There was Flowers, bushes, trees, there were stones. They dug up and moved things. People seemed to disagree with a lot of things, how things were done. They were taught what belonged where, they had to dig up this spiritual earth again and plant these flowers fresh. Now this angel said to me: "This is your work too; you have to work here too." That was a new world for me. But I didn't dare contradict him and ask why we had to work here with these plants, bushes and flowers, why we needed our hands for that, when I believed that all of that would grow on its own in the kingdom of heaven. Yes, he saw what I was thinking, but he answered me: "You will find the instruction for that when you have done your work for a while." So they showed me how I should work. Now I noticed that more and more brothers and sisters were coming and bringing plants and all kinds of things. Everything seemed to be in precise order, everything had to be planted properly, had to be used according to a pre-determined plan. Then I was taught: "Go back to the earthly realm, go out into the field, go into a garden, watch how the flowers are bent, how the bushes are pruned, look at how the trees are felled." Yes, I didn't think that was anything special. Then I was told: "There is life in that, spiritual life; there is life in these flowers, in these bushes, in all these things, and by human hands its life is broken, the plants wither. But spiritual life cannot be broken. The spiritual life [of this earthly plant world] moves here into this sphere. It is the parallel stage to growth and prosperity on earth. And what humans have to look after and organize, the otherworldly beings have to look after and organize too, they have to support and help the lower life. Later, much later, you will experience and learn how it is transformed. But for the time being, this returned life is planted as a spiritual plant in the spiritual earth among its kind." So these brothers and sisters had to work - I couldn't understand it for a long time. And I had to work too. Then I met with Franziska again and she seemed pleased that I had finally decided to work. She said to me: "You will soon have a different outfit if you work as hard as you have been." I replied: "I don't mind the way I look. I don't want to change my outfit at all, I would rather have something different than a new outfit. "What?" she wanted to know. I answered: "Do you really think I could enjoy this life in this communal house that looks like a factory, and with all those who express so many bad habits? I don't like that. I'm going to work now, but I'm working so that I can buy my own house." Franziska answered me: "It will probably take a long time before you get that far." And I said: "I will do it, I'm going to work now, I want my own house." Now there was a party and we were invited to it. It was a large hall a little way away from the village. But only those who had worked hard, who had been awarded for their work, were allowed to take part in the party. But I hadn't received any awards. While the others streamed to the hall with joy, cheers and singing, I stayed behind - I had no access to the party. Nevertheless, I wanted to try to go because I thought it might be possible to get in after all. But it wasn't possible. They put me aside and told me that I hadn't worked that much and didn't deserve an award. It would be necessary to work a little more in order to get an award soon. They also made a somewhat disparaging remark about my appearance. I then went back and had to wait until the others came back from the party. I asked them to tell me what they had experienced. They were all in such a happy mood and they came back with presents. I saw that they had actually received nothing other than new clothes, a jacket, another dress or other objects, and I didn't think it was all that important. At the time I couldn't see that this was supposed to be a special reward. But then the stern one came to me again, this angel, and he told me to do my work diligently from now on. First and foremost I had to make sure I got a different coat. Then he stood in front of me and said: "Look how neglected you are, how your clothes look. You look very shabby. In your lifetime you would not have given a hand to someone who looked like that." Yes, was it really like that? I looked at myself. Yes, I really didn't look particularly beautiful. The angel continued: "If you want to get out of this village, you can only do it if you look better than a beggar." "A beggar? I'm not a beggar!" And he repeated: "You are a beggar, you look like a beggar." Then I said: "I have a daughter and a son, you know that." - "Yes, we know that. Nevertheless, you remain a beggar, because you want to point out their merits; but that's not possible, you have to work yourself. As long as you look like a beggar, you can't leave this village and least of all the house you're in." I replied that the others were just like me, we lived together, so the others were beggars too. No, I was the poorest of all, he said, the others had already made a step forward, but I had not. Now another angel of God came to me and he seemed to be very strict with me. He said that from now on he would always stand there in front of the house, receive me and reprimand me if I had done too little and talked about unimportant things. And so it was: he not only stood in front of the entrance to my room, I always saw him very close to me. It was as if he was only looking at me. Now I had to work, be obedient and worry less about the others and only about myself. And so I got involved; I had no other choice, because I was afraid of this strict angel. Because Franziska came to me and said: "If you don't work anymore, you will be taken out and you will be in a very bad way." She warned me, she knew it, Barbara had told her. Of course I didn't want things to go badly for me, so I got involved, worked and prayed with the others. I started to think about my life, why I had to work so hard in the spiritual world, while others had it much easier, didn't have to work as hard and didn't pay as much attention to them as I did. Now it became clear to me: I had to catch up on something; I had to work in the spiritual world now because I hadn't done it in my earthly life and didn't want to do it because I had no understanding for those who had worked hard. Now I had to do it myself. I then did my work with the best of my strength and will, as was required of me. In return I was given a different skirt. So I could take off my shabby skirt, and with this new skirt I felt like I looked like an angel. Suddenly I got it. Because I could see that the others had much more respect for me and now behaved completely differently towards me. Outward appearance could make a difference, that was now clear to me. It was not for nothing that God's angels looked so elegant and wore such expensive garments. They then explained to me that they too had to earn it piece by piece. The hems of their garments were set with precious stones, and they said that they had to acquire each stone and in return had to give understanding, love and sacrifice and everything that is required of an angel. The angels were also rewarded for their loyalty, for their willingness to help, for their patience; they would each time receive more beautiful garments. And I saw it: when someone came with rustling garments, in their splendor of color, in their brilliance, everyone bowed their heads to the spiritual earth and hardly dared to look up out of sheer awe, because they said: "He comes from far away, he is very close to God. Just look at his splendor!" We were told that we had to fight for these things and for much, much more, because we were to be allowed to take possession of the Kingdom of God again. But this was not possible without work. In some area you had to give your full commitment and work with all your strength, then you would be rewarded. That was what happened to me - it was a bad time for me. Today I cannot understand why I did not see that I had lived wrongly as a person, that I was so selfish and believed that I would please God if I had pious, righteous children. I did not think about my mistakes, I did not think about the fact that I had put my life far too little into the service of my neighbor. So I had to go through a hard purification before I was allowed to leave this village. I was encouraged to work by Franziska and Barbara, who warned me again and again. When Franziska had long since left the village,the two of them kept coming to me to remind me that I must not slack off. So I had earned some merit, first of all a better appearance. Then I had to visit the schools and was taught and instructed about many things that were new to me. Later I was allowed to put myself in the service of my neighbor. I no longer had to do the same work, but I was only supposed to be concerned about bringing spiritual well-being to other brothers and sisters. I was supposed to take them away from earthly, burdensome thoughts, I was supposed to be concerned about their spiritual well-being and work for it. It was hard for me: if someone wanted to bring someone spiritual well-being, they wouldn't accept it, they didn't want to - just as I hadn't wanted to work. And so I had to go looking and stay with those who were willing to have their souls healed. I climbed slowly step by step. I was then allowed to work in the divine workshops, where only artists work. I could help as a servant to gain insight into the work of the divine world. So I was transferred from one level to another, I looked after the people where I was placed, and I looked after the brothers and sisters in the afterlife where I was asked to. In this way I found a connection with the obedient, blessed spirits. And so I carry out my work with them in the great community of Jesus Christ and am under the rule of God. Dear brothers and sisters, I have tried to tell you about my early days in the spiritual world. The higher brothers and sisters have made it possible for me to find my way back to that time. They have brought my past back to life for me bit by bit, and so I should explain this to you. And it should be a lesson for you. You should realize: What is done wrong in earthly life must definitely be made right in the other, afterlife - and that the greatest offenses of people are lovelessness and hardness of heart. For that woman, of whom I said she was only a peddler: she had to make so many sacrifices for her children; she had to go through many worries and yet was a loving mother. I, on the other hand, had a pleasant life, I had no worries about my daily bread. But I had exposed too much to others, had seen too much of what they did wrong, while I did not see my own mistakes. So I had to go this way. Dear brothers and sisters, this should be a reminder to you of the high and great law: "Love God above all else and your neighbor as yourself" (Matthew 22:37-39). Do much good to your neighbor, make his life pleasant and do not burden him with any of your words - make his life pleasant. So, dear brothers and sisters, I withdraw. In the course of the story I have sometimes chosen the wrong word and I ask you to excuse it. May God's blessing be upon you. God's greetings. Joseph: Greetings. Dear brothers and sisters, I am prepared to answer questions as best as I can, which are primarily related to what has been said. Dear spiritual friend, did Hannah dedicate her children to God against their will? Joseph: You cannot say that she did it against the children's will. But the great intention was that she would then have special merits in the kingdom of heaven. Hannah said nothing about seeing her children again. Did she not see them again in the world beyond? Joseph: Yes, yes, they saw each other again later. The explanations she gave today are simply an excerpt from her first time in the beyond. Does Hannah's life lie about a hundred years ago? Joseph: Yes. Dear Joseph, Hannah reported how she met various acquaintances from her earthly home again in her spiritual village. Was this how it was done? Because this meeting of billions of deceased people should be considered a miracle, if not a coincidence, in our eyes. Josef: In the first few decades - let's say in earthly time - those who were related to each other or knew each other in this way in life are connected by a bond. This bond will then dissolve later or depending on their development. But you must not imagine that people are brought together like this in all cases. A being can also be led into a sphere where there are deceased people who lived as humans in India, Japan or China and who still look the same in the world beyond as they did in their earthly life; they then continue to develop there. That also happens. Members of other religions are also brought together with Christians according to their development. In the spiritual world, everyone will pursue the same goal, they will all be enlightened about the real truth, and there will only be one path that they will take together. But before that, there is a lot to overcome; There are many preliminary stages that are necessary and beneficial for these beings. Report of the ascending spirit being Hanna and answers to questions from spirit teacher Josef by mediator Beatrice Brunner in the hall on Münchhaldenstrasse, Zurich. Original: tape recording. Headline, next case. June 3, 1964. The nurse, caregiver Anton - Return of a deserving soul. How Anton was enabled in the afterlife to facilitate the purification of poor souls. Control spirit: God bless you. I am the control. Dear brothers and sisters, a spirit being is speaking to you with the name Anton. May God's blessing strengthen you, may God's blessing accompany you. God bless you. Anton: God bless you. My name is Anton. Dear brothers and sisters, I am trying to tell you about my impressions in the spirit world. When I entered the soul world, I was greeted by my parents. They hugged me and explained the following to me: Before I had passed over, the news had gone through the sphere I was to enter that a spirit being would be entering, and that they should be happy about it. The name was also mentioned straight away; it was explained very clearly to these brothers and sisters that a male being named Anton would now arrive and that his parents were also in this sphere. This Anton had merits to show, and so they would then enter a larger area of ​​grace with this soul. So in a certain sense I was to bring grace to the unfortunate and the seekers after my passage into the world beyond. When I was greeted, not only my parents were there, but so many beings - but I didn't even know half of them. There were some there who had lived with me on earth; some of them had sad faces, others called out and cheered me on. So, at the first moment when I opened my eyes, there were actually many people I knew there. But then I realized that they were being led away again. I was supported by both arms, even though I was feeling quite well. I had been ill for a long time and had been in pain, my body had made me uncomfortable before I died. But now that I had left this body, I felt quite well, and yet I was supported on both sides. The spiritual friends who guided me took me to a hall in a magnificent garden and laid me on a couch. First I was supposed to rest. I was already feeling a little tired, but I heard everything that was going on around me, I heard the words of various spirit beings. Some asked: "Is that Anton? Has he come now? How long will he sleep? When can we talk to him? How long will it take for him to be in there?" and so on. I could still hear all of this clearly, but I couldn't give them an answer - first of all, I felt like a stranger, and secondly, I was tired. Then I noticed that the angels on either side of me were turning away the people who asked questions and saying that they would tell me when the time came for them to talk to me. So I slept - I didn't know for how long. When I opened my eyes, I had the impression that I was somewhere completely different from where I had been led. Later, I was told that it was the same place, but I hadn't been able to make that determination yet, because I was in a certain state of stupor. I wasn't quite awake yet, but I heard what was going on around me; but I couldn't say how long I had been sleeping, that didn't interest me. First of all, I just wanted to look at the surroundings, I found them so beautiful. I then realized that I was in the middle of a village. But later I realized that this village was in a valley, because there were forests and mountains all around, and water cascaded down from the mountains. Everything was in such a beautiful light - I would like to call it the rainbow light, everything around me glittered so much. The forests, the mountains, the water, everything had these rainbow colors. I thought I couldn't see properly, and I kept trying to stroke my eyes with my hands to wake myself up properly, so that I could see properly. But I couldn't see anything other than this variety of colors, this strange light. Then I saw that a stream flowed through the middle of this valley, and this stream made its way down into the depths. I was also led to the top of such a mountain. From this mountain I had a wonderful view. Of course, I was accompanied to this height and explained to me that there were different spheres there and everything was populated by souls. I looked far and wide and had the impression that everything was so wonderful, so colorful and beautiful. But someone corrected me and said: "You are now looking down from the heights; but you must not believe that all the villages you see are as beautiful as ours - it is not true. "All the same splendor of colors as ours," they explained to me. Of course, I soon understood that it was a heavenly sphere in which I now lived. They also accompanied me back down into the valley. I admired everything in this valley. The houses were built in such different ways: there was a whole row of houses that were in the same style; but then, a little further away and - you could say - isolated again, you noticed other buildings that were also so strange and beautiful. I often walked along the stream that flowed through the middle of this valley and enjoyed all this beauty. My parents lived with me or I lived with my parents, also in a house like this, which was so strangely beautiful. My parents were good, decent people, and so we had an apartment together in this house. But we did not live alone. The house had many floors and different families lived in it. So I considered myself extremely lucky that I was able to live with my parents. At the beginning, when I was in the world beyond and lived with my parents, we always received a lot of visitors. They were friends from the same sphere who paid us a visit. They introduced themselves, said that they lived nearby and that they were doing the same task together and were happy to give each other advice - they wanted to be a family. So I didn't worry about my task yet, because my parents said that I should just enjoy this heaven; and the visitors who came advised me the same thing: first I should look at the heaven in which I lived and then I could start on my tasks. That was what they had recommended. I also noticed that various beings who wanted to come near the house were denied entry. I wanted to know: "Why are they not allowed to come into my house, to be my guests, like the others?" And I was told that it would come to that. But first they - and by that they meant the angels of God - wanted to talk to me, and then there would be enough time to receive those other beings. But I wanted to know who they were, what it sounded like when they called my name. Then these angels of God said to me: "Yes, you know, they are all from this sphere, and they would like to have contact, a connection with you, because you are supposed to do them a favor. But there is still time for that." - "Isn't it neglect on my part," I asked them, "if I don't receive them, if I don't help them?" - "Oh no," they said, "it won't be too long, and then you will meet them." Because first they still had so much to tell me. I had also noticed that those who were allowed to come to me all looked particularly well-groomed and beautiful. I therefore knew immediately that they were either siblings who had already earned great merit or that they were the angels of God, who are always beautiful. But I had asked to be allowed to receive some of those who tried to come to my house - some of them. I was then allowed to do so. And ten of their siblings came to me and brought me small gifts. One brought me a beautiful ring that I could put around my head; another brought me a piece of fabric that was embroidered all over; yet another brought me a beautiful - I would almost say - fiery stone, it was really beautiful. Everything was so beautiful in this world. They brought me gifts, but I did not want to accept them; but I was asked to accept these gifts and to keep them for myself. But I asked them: "What do you want from me?" At first they didn't want to give me the answer, but said: "You know, there are still many out there who would like to greet you; they also have smaller and larger gifts, they would also like to give you joy." Then I had to say: "Yes, if my higher brothers and sisters don't allow it, then I can't say yes to it." And these angels of God said that later everyone would be allowed, but now I should be satisfied with those who had greeted me. So I asked them to say what was going on, what they wanted from me. Then one of them had the courage to explain: "You know, your parents have known for a long time that you would be coming very soon. And we knew that you would bring great merits from your life on earth; we also knew that we could count on your help, and we only want one thing: that you go with us. You know, there are so many poor souls; we are always begged to help the poor souls. We do what we can; what we are allowed to do - but we cannot help all souls. If someone comes to us who has special merits, then he has a greater right, he can accomplish more. And because we know that you have such merits, we would like to implore you to come with us." "You know," said one, "I have a brother and I always go there to comfort him; but if you come, then I know that you can ease his situation - you will manage to free him from the greatest distress." Then another interrupted him and said: "You know, I have a friend who is not well either. I always go to him, I pray with him, I comfort him; but I cannot do anything else for him. But if you come, then I know for sure that you can also ease his situation - perhaps you can even take him out of distress." And then another one came and said something similar. So I was supposed to go with them to these suffering brothers and sisters and then I should be able to improve their situation a little. Yes, I had to be amazed at myself and I asked myself whether that was really true, because these brothers and sisters who came to me all looked so beautiful and I had the impression that they had the same right as me and the same strength and ability to work. Then I was taught: "That's it: everyone who comes has the opportunity to help the poor souls. But depending on the merits you bring with you, you have a greater right and more opportunities to help the poor souls. If you come with spiritual wealth, that counts with the high angels of God and you have a greater right even though you are in the same sphere." So they all wanted me to come with them. Because that's how my mother had told me: "You know, we told them that you would come. We watched you in life, we were just waiting for you to come. Word spreads so quickly from mouth to mouth about who is coming - yes, people even take care to keep an eye out for who is coming home next and whether he brings real merit, whether he is one of the chosen ones, who the angel world is particularly happy about. And so this news went from one house to another." But it didn't just seem to be like that here in this sphere that I had come to. My mother told me that on her last visit to the souls she was comforting, she had heard them ask: "When is he coming, when will he be ready?" And when my mother asked, she found out that they meant me. Well, I wanted so much to help everyone. One of those who had asked me to help had lived with me in the same village on earth. He said to me: "You know, we should really try to help Franz together." - "Franz?" I asked him, "is it the blacksmith?" - "Yes," he answered, "he has been asking about you for a long time, when you are coming, and asked that you should visit him." I remembered him well. He had not lived to please God. And I could understand that this soul was suffering. We had known each other well, we had been neighbors on earth. Now he had asked about me and asked when I would come. My mother always visited him, she had comforted him and others too. And then he cried out in his distress: "I am just waiting for Anton; when he comes, he will free me - he was a good man on earth. God will make it possible for me to be taken out of trouble - for his sake, for the sake of his works." He is said to have exclaimed this, and others heard it - my mother told me - because they asked Franz: "What kind of person is that that you are expecting? Send him to us too, we want him with us too. What do you call him, where does he come from?" And Franz had nothing else to do than to talk about his life on earth and the impressions that remained with him and about those people who people had only laughed at and not understood because they were pious and had faith in God. But now he had time to remember them and to call them. So he did it with me. My mother confirmed this and said: "You must go to him, to Franz, he is a very poor soul; go to him and comfort him." Then I said: "I am ready, if the higher spiritual world agrees, to send me there; I will only do what I am told." And an angel who was visiting me explained to me: "Your mother and father will show you the way; your father will also accompany you." Then he added: "See, your parents had to wait so long until you joined them. After a short time you will leave this valley with your parents and go over to another paradise." So I should not wait too long, long in this valley. I thought: "Now so many have come to me and they have begged me to help, and I am not supposed to be here much longer - I wanted to help everyone." But then the angel said to me: "You can stay here until you have done all the brothers and sisters here a favor and accompanied them to the poor souls - you can stay here for that long. When you feel that you have now done everyone a favor and fulfilled your task on this level, then we will lead you and your parents up to a higher level." The parents were happy, of course; but they both agreed with me to help first and then take the nicer path. There were still so many requests to be fulfilled, and so I wanted to fulfill every request first - that was now up to my own discretion, and my parents were my companions. So I went to these unfortunate brothers and sisters for the first time; I went to pray with them, I also comforted them. But they expected something more than just prayer: I was not only to pray with them, but they wanted to see success from praying together with me and my parents. They welcomed us all with joy, and so they said: "Now you will help me, now it will be easier for me." But I had to say: "I don't know whether it will be easier for you now; I have only been commissioned to pray with you, to comfort you." So I did it a few times. And when I visited these unfortunate people again, an angel of God accompanied me there. This angel of God then explained to everyone I was with, with whom I prayed: "Yes, you have called for this good soul, and you expect that you will feel better. It shall be so, you shall no longer live in these feelings of distress, you shall feel easier; and all this because of the merits of the brother," said the angel, referring to me. Then this angel had a lot to say to them: about the advantages of people who believe in God and respect and fulfill God's works and his laws; and they were shown excerpts from my life. In this way it was made clear to the unfortunate that they would be relieved because God was happy when a righteous soul returned home; out of great joy this grace would be poured out on others. I had the feeling that they were not really listening. They did not really want to hear this, but simply wanted to see and feel the result: things would become easier for them. And I could see for myself that they were getting better. Some of the unfortunate were led out of their hardship, up a level where things were easier for them; others were freed from their discomforts. I was happy that they were doing better and wanted to be grateful to God and Christ that they were so full of grace, because it was all about the Word of God - through the Word of God they were freed from their distress, or their distress was made easier for them. So I had made this observation. Of course they wanted to demand that I should always visit them. They had now recognized their mistakes and were actually striving for a better life; but they did not understand that a better life also comes with tasks, that one must achieve a better life. Now they had lost some of their unease, one could not yet speak of a better life; they had to achieve the better life themselves. I was informed of all this by angels of God - they were my companions on these visits and they were happy that I had taken on this task. Then I was allowed to free Franz, who was banished, lived in severe distress and was not allowed to visit the earthly realm. That is, he was not completely free, but he was freer. The angel of God had recommended to me: "Now accompany him to the village" - that is, to where we had lived on earth - "there near the church he should have his place; but he must not go into the church." There was a well near the church, and that was where he should have his place. The men always gathered at this well after the service, and there was a lot of conversation. Now he could listen to what these men were saying; but he was not allowed into the church. He could listen to what the men were saying, but that didn't really interest him anymore. He only had one desire: to go into the church. But he was not allowed to do that, or not yet. So he saw all the people who went to church. Most of them walked past this well, and that was how he was able to determine which of them were truly pious people. He hoped for help from these pious people - he could not go to church with them, he could not but notice who had merit with them, and he could go to meet these people. He should remember this, and he did. Then he asked me whether he could accompany a person home - his place of residence was strictly limited as to how far he could go. Now he asked whether he could perhaps go to the house of a righteous person. And that was now to be up to me, I was to take care of this soul. I also observed the people, and I knew what the goal was: he should come close to a righteous person and see his way of life, in order to recognize that he himself had a lot to change in his thinking. Now I recommended that he accompany this person, then that person, and stay with these pious people; I observed him while doing so. These pious people also prayed at home. He now saw that they did good works; and so I was able to explain to him that he still had a lot to make up for and that he just had to be very ambitious. It went on like that for a while. But he always had the desire to go to church. He wanted to kneel down there and pray, because there were so many pious people who went to church to pray, and with these praying people one would also find relief again, he hoped. So I had to ask an angel of God for this, because he was spellbound; in the earthly world he was in a spell and he was not allowed to leave it. | Through my pleas he was then allowed; the spell was lifted - so he was no longer bound to this particular environment. I asked that he be released so that he could move freely in the village where he had lived as a human being. After all, he had already gone through a lot in purification, so one could expect him not to do anything useless. Well, he was now allowed to move freely around the village and to go to church. So he went to church. He prayed there as people prayed. I stayed with him and pointed this out to him every time he was no longer praying. That is, he soon began to look at people and forgot why he was actually in church - he had followed people's thoughts, thoughts that were not of a pious nature. Even when these people were in church, not all of them had prayed piously and devoutly. So I always had to point this out to him: "Turn away from this way of thinking. Focus on prayer and repentance, that is important." And then he asked me if he could look around the village; after all, a lot of time had passed and he wanted to see what had changed. We went together - I didn't want to leave him alone - and so I had to realize again that he soon began to take an interest in people and their daily lives and no longer thought about God. That was proof to me that this soul was not yet capable of going its own way. So it always had to be guided. Now the question was: Was I always allowed to be around this brother? I also had other brothers and sisters to look after, I didn't stay with him all the time, and so I explained to him: "You do this for so long and you don't leave until I come back. You observe this person and you try to direct your thoughts towards God, towards the higher life." That way I could control him. When I came back, I saw how far he had gone and so I had to reprimand him again. He put up with that. Over time I got him to that point, but only by pointing it out to him again and again: "Turn away from such thinking, it will bring you no benefit. You must now be interested in your spiritual advancement and leave everything else aside. Don't worry about the prosperity of people now, but worry about your own, higher life, how you can get to the higher life." In this way I was able to guide and teach him. He saw how people were exposed to temptations and I could see how he was inclined to think, whether he himself would be able to overcome this temptation or whether he would fall prey to it. So I tried again and again to take him out of it, to show him the way again and again and thus to strengthen him. And then, when I believed I had fulfilled my task with him, I wanted to let him go. I explained to him: "You are now ready to go your own way, to seek God's order and to be faithful to this order of God." I still had so many tasks of a similar nature. So I left him to his own decision: he had to join the order and act on his own. I was then able to make the happy observation that he was trying to make progress. It was slow, but he was ambitious, he made an effort, and so he climbed up. Well, I was then allowed to leave this sphere with my parents. We were led into a city, and we were accompanied by a large group of God's angels. The transition from one sphere to the other was like a small celebration. My parents had received new, nicer clothes, and I had also been given nicer clothes - so we then went over to this other sphere, into another, nicer city, as if in a procession. In this city we were greeted with jubilation; people were happy that we had come and had also prepared the apartment. But now I was no longer to be with my parents - it was understandable to me that the bond of kinship was to be severed, so I took another apartment and father one for himself and mother one for herself. The apartment was not empty, however, but siblings already lived there; but there was enough space - if you can speak of space. We were all happy that we could now move to an even more beautiful place, and we knew that we could always see each other. So we wanted to fulfill our tasks again and rejoice with the angels of God. This city was so wonderful, it had even more vivid colors than the valley I had first gone to. It was so wonderful with its gardens and its small forests. You had the impression of living in the middle of a big city, and yet you were soon surrounded by many trees. In these small forests the birds sang; there were so many different kinds, big and small birds. They flew to you, sat on your shoulders or perhaps on your head. It was a wonderful paradise. But there were not only these birds. I noticed that the animals lived in a very precise order in these small forests that could be found in the middle of the city. If you went a little further away from these forests, you saw other kinds of animals, animals that people also live with and that they take special pleasure in, animals of all kinds. But the same kinds were usually together, in a precise order. So you could go here and there as you pleased, when you had time. But it was not a life of doing nothing, even if the world was now even more beautiful; the tasks actually became ever greater. You wanted to live to please God, you wanted to fulfill your tasks in this plan of salvation and order. There was a lot to do. You had to leave this beautiful city again and again and descend into other spheres. You had to be a companion to some people, you had to check on those you had once been friends with. You were asked again and again to take on protection. You also had to go to the earthly realm now and then. People accompanied people, they held their protective and blessing hands over an entire village, over a town or over a specific person, over animals, over nature. There was so much to do, they had to ensure order. A wonderful order prevails everywhere in God's plan of salvation. There was no lack of tasks, and people had a really beautiful life. In this beautiful town there was a hill; there was a large open space, and people would gather there. There they sang and prayed in honor of God. There they experienced performances by angels; there these angels performed their games. The ascended spirit beings could also give a performance of their own accord, as there were artists in various fields among these ascended spirit beings. There was a very special level designated where you could experience such performances. So you had constant joy. Friends were invited to these performances, but not everyone could attend. People went to those they had the most to do with and made them aware of it. And then the news spread from one to the other. And just as it is with people, one loves singing, another prefers painting. So everyone was offered something that was a very special joy to them. At certain festivals the high, the highest spirits of heaven also came to us. They sang with us and prayed with us; together with us they gave glory to God and Christ. So I experienced this wonderful time, I still experience it and am also surrounded by many, many tasks. As I said, I go to one person at a time, another time to a troubled soul - there is a lot of work involved. Dear brothers and sisters, this is my life. My life is bliss. God bless you. Joseph: God bless you. Dear brothers and sisters, if there are questions, I would like to answer them. Dear spirit friend Josef, I was surprised that there were still sad souls in that heavenly sphere where Anton had entered. Was that directly after his entry, or how is it to understand? Josef: No, you didn't understand that correctly. This reception took place on an intermediate level, one was not yet on a high heavenly level. When Anton was received, there were spirit beings who made a sad face because they were only allowed to be there to greet him and were then quickly taken away again. Dear spirit friend Josef, Anton said that among the people who went to church he saw those who were pious and who also did good deeds. How did he recognize that?Can you explain that to us? Josef: Yes. A spirit on this level can see the way a person thinks, and he sees the thoughts in the picture of his life that he carries with him. He also sees what the person has already achieved, he sees his nature and can thus recognize his decisions. Yes, I can understand that with Anton, but not with Franz, the blacksmith, who was not yet advanced enough to be able to interpret a life picture. Josef: Yes, Franz did that with his friend Anton, it happened together in a conversation. Thank you, dear Josef. Can you perhaps now briefly say what Anton's life on earth was like that he earned so much? Josef: Yes, he was a nurse - he omitted to say that. He devoted his whole life to serving his neighbor, he gave everything: everything he earned he gave to the sick; he cared for the sick, he worked for the sick, he lived for them. He was a pious person in the true sense of the word. Thank you, dear spirit friend Josef Can such an elevated being as Anton, who lives in his beautiful heaven and carries out this loving activity in the world beyond, retain this happiness if he has to descend again and again to the distressed souls? It is not always the case that people have a feeling of happiness when they have to leave their beautiful surroundings to help others. Josef: You cannot judge with your human feelings what it is like in the world beyond. When a being has entered the divine world, it knows that it is now under the rule of God. This rule is different, and one wants to remain loyal to it, and that means service to one's neighbor. There is only service to one's neighbor that brings merit and that triggers this happiness. And the other, the recipient, is happy when a spirit being comes to him from the heights, because he feels elevated by his presence. It is also the case that a wholesome, healing power comes from these good spirits. For example, feelings of unease that unhappy souls sometimes still carry with them because they live with the feeling that they still have the same ailments and pains as on earth can be taken away by a visit from a higher spirit. Thank you. Josef: Now, dear brothers and sisters, I am withdrawing. God's blessings accompany you all. May you be protected and protected from all distress and affliction. Greetings from God. Report of the ascending spirit being Anton and answers to questions from spirit teacher Josef by mediator Beatrice Brunner in the hall on Münchhaldenstrasse, Zurich. Template: tape recording. Headline, next case. July 1, 1964. Katharina - a mistress during her lifetime. Instruction of the sleeping human spirit. Control spirit: Greetings from God. I am your control. Dear brothers and sisters, there are spirits everywhere and you will hear about them from a sister this hour. May God bless your hour. Greetings. Katharina: Greetings. My name is Katharina. That is what I was called during my life on earth. Now, I would like to tell you about my first impressions in the spiritual world because I was asked to do so because it was important for you. So I was given the strength to experience everything again as it once was. When I came to the soul world, I was greeted by my mother and father. They took care of me and led me to my place; they accompanied me to a village. The houses were scattered there and I had the feeling that everything looked so poor. So I asked my parents: "But I surely don't have to live there?" And they replied: "Yes, you have to live here and do your work there." They showed me a house and led me inside. I then asked them if they, my father and mother, would be with me. My father answered: "No, my mother lives somewhere else and I am somewhere else too. We cannot be together, but we can visit you." I then told them that it would be impossible for me to live here, where they had brought me. No, I could never be satisfied with this. Because I had the impression that I would get sick here, that I could not live here - it was all so modest. My parents spoke to me and said that I probably would not be able to live here. I had no choice but to make do with what was offered to me. Here I must mention: It was not just my parents who accompanied me there. There also seemed to be angels of God there. However, they had only had brief conversations with me and I assumed that more confidential conversations would follow. But that did not seem to be the case. They said goodbye to me and my parents and some of my relatives and friends stayed behind. They all talked to me and said: "Katharina, you have to get through it and it will pass. You have to be clear that you are now in the Kingdom of Heaven and that God rules in the Kingdom of Heaven and that different laws apply here in the spiritual world." I could not agree with that and said: "No, I cannot possibly stay here." Then my parents said: "If you really think it is impossible for you to be there, then you have another option: if there is really no other way, you can return to your previous house." I accepted that and said: "Fine, I would rather go back to my house than stay here." But they pointed out to me that in that case I would not be able to complete my tasks so quickly and that that was not good; but if it was my will, then I could do what I wanted. It was not difficult for me to find the way back to my house because I could clearly see the illuminated street or path in front of me and could follow it. For me it was as if I were seeing my own footprints again that I had left from the earthly world to the world beyond. So it was a path and I knew: "I have walked this path and I have had my companions. Everything was clear to me, I couldn't be wrong. So I went back, alone. Without any difficulty I found the house where I had lived; it attracted me, so to speak. I just wanted to at least go into my house - it was comfortable and nice there, I had at least something to look at that I liked. So I found my way into the house and wandered through all the rooms. When I got into the house, it was day for people. I found everything mostly as I had left it. Then I experienced the first evening as people experience it, as I had experienced it as a human being. I had three sons who were married and I had another daughter. My husband was still alive, and so my main concern was to get close to my husband. During the day I followed him. I patted him on the shoulders a few times, touched his head, but he didn't notice. Then I withdrew to the bedroom; I wanted to wait there until my husband came and went to bed. That way I could see how it was gradually getting darker and darker. On this occasion I realized that there were other beings in the house with me. At first I didn't care, because I had the impression that they were coming and going. I also realized straight away that you could no longer bind yourself to the room like people do, because you could go through the walls, through everything. I also realized straight away that there were no more secrets. People could lock themselves in, they could do things that others were not allowed to see and should not see - but for the spirit there were no longer any barriers in this respect, so you could see everything. So I went into the bedroom and waited for my husband there. When I entered - I'll say it like that anyway - the room, I found it very disordered; There had never been such disorder in the house during my lifetime. There were clothes lying around, and I wanted to put them down in an orderly manner. I couldn't do it, I couldn't pick them up. I could touch them, but my hands went through them. I couldn't pick up these heavy clothes, because I had the impression that everything lying there, everything earthly that you could touch, was heavy. I also tried to arrange various objects better, but I didn't succeed, I couldn't move them or arrange them better - my hands went through them. So I was just waiting for my husband. When he came, I greeted him and shouted at him, but he didn't hear me; he had no idea. didn't sense that I was there. I had thought that my husband would definitely think of me when he went to rest, and I had also expected that he would pray for me - but nothing like that. He seemed to be completely absorbed in his busy work. He lay down in bed and had no thoughts about me. I was sad that he didn't think about me, that he didn't care for me. Well, I sat down on the edge of the bed and tried to straighten the blanket with my hands. Then I went to his side and stroked his face - he didn't notice anything. But I thought: "Well, it doesn't matter, I'll stay here for a while." Well, I had hardly had this thought and was a little annoyed about the mess, about my husband's behavior, when two people came in. And it happened quickly, the two of them quickly sat down by the wardrobe. It seemed to me as if they were two young people, because they acted as if they were in love. They were sitting there by the wardrobe. So I asked them what they were doing here. They mocked me and said they should ask me what I was doing here. So I told them that I had the right to be here, because he was my husband. Then they interrupted me: "We already know you. Oh, we have heard so much about you. We know your chatter." - "What are you thinking, talking like that?" And they replied: "Do you think this is the first time we have been here? We know this place well and we occupied it when you were still" - and they pointed with their hand to the bed next to it - "when you were still lying in it. We can even tell you what you and your husband always talked about." I replied that the way they were behaving was inappropriate. Then one of the beings said: "Well, I will tell you something: you have always complained to your husband about how angry you are with the maid, and you have always had something to complain about with your servant. You have constantly tormented your husband with these things. What did you always have to tell him, what had happened in the kitchen, in the stable, everywhere in the apartment and how and where you had got annoyed and so on." That's what they told me. Well, I thought it was simply not appropriate to sit on a box, there was still enough room in the house. But they replied that it didn't bother them, because the box was a place to sit for them just like any other, and they liked it. And besides, if I wanted to stay here, I could still experience all sorts of things myself. It wasn't long before new visitors arrived. Two more came, who seemed to have known the others for a long time, because they greeted each other accordingly. They looked at me a little surprised, but said nothing. But I did find it a little outrageous, because the two of them immediately sat down on the edge of the bed, one at the foot end, the other at the head. And they started talking and telling me everything that had happened to them, started laughing and talking so much that I was amazed - and all of this in my room! Then I asked them politely, very politely, to leave me here alone. But they said: "No, as a human being you can give that order to another person; but now that you no longer have your body and are a spirit like us, you can no longer give orders here. And besides, we have the right to be here, just like you. If you claim that this is your room, then we say that this room belongs to us too. You no longer have the right to claim that something is yours, because it belongs to all of us - to everyone who goes in and out of the house. We don't need to ask you if we can stay here, we are simply here." Well, I realized that neither kind words nor stern words would do anything - they didn't leave. But these four alone weren't enough. The bedroom was large by human standards. So there was room for many people, or many assumed the right to be in this bedroom of all places. They came in twos, threes, fours, and soon I had the feeling that the room was completely full. They came in, went out, sat down on objects here and there, and some even sat next to me on the edge of the bed, very close to my husband. Some came and stood in front of my sleeping husband, looked at him very clearly to see if he was really asleep, and then went away again without showing any interest. There was a lot of fuss, everything was full. So I couldn't expect anything special on my part, and I got up and left. I left this room to them and went into another room. I thought I would find something better, something more pleasant there, and that I could be alone. But I was wrong - there too they were everywhere. They discussed things with each other, they had lively conversations, and I even noticed that they were singing. Some were quite content and happy, others had some kind of disagreement, they were constantly contradicting each other. But I didn't want to deal with them. I would like to stress that I had noticed that at night you could see your neighbors well; in daylight you could feel that someone was there and you could see them very quickly, could see things up close, but not as clearly, as it was dark. So I went from room to room and thought I would find a place where I could be alone. But they were everywhere, everywhere, they were coming and going. I went into the pantry and wanted to check whether the supplies were still there or whether they had been stolen. But I was not alone there either. I made a disappointing discovery: there I saw brothers and sisters - I must say that they are now my brothers and sisters in this world - who could carry heavy sacks and objects around. They put them in this corner, then in another and rummaged around in them. They could take this material in their hands and carry it from one place to another. I asked them what they were doing in my house. They did not receive me very warmly and said: "This is no longer your house. That time is over." - "But what do you want with that stuff, where do you want to take it? You can't take this grain and this food away." Oh, said one of them, he didn't want to either, he wouldn't take it out of the house. But if it had to be done, it wouldn't cause him any problems. I also wanted to try to pick something up, but I didn't succeed. And then those who were there laughed and said to me: "You just have to be more earthbound, you have to be more firmly bound to the old world," and they thought they could boast about it; "only when you are so firmly bound and even as a spirit are almost like a human being, can you carry it around." Yes, I found that out. But I left them pretty soon. I saw that I actually had no right in my house anymore. Whoever wanted to rule ruled, invisible to humans. And I thought to myself: "If I had had any idea, as a human, of the disorder in this house, I think I would have left it." As a human, I had not had disorder in the house, but I kept strict order, even with the maids and servants; because I had only loved order. And so it seemed as if these beings were now delighted to create disorder in front of my eyes, as if to say: "What have you already gained from your order? You have only angered your fellow human beings, you have only angered them, and you have burdened yourself with it. What have you gained?" I had this feeling, and I saw how they thought something similar about me. And so I left again, the pantry no longer interested me. But I went through other rooms and tried to pick up objects, because I wanted to take them to another place. But I still didn't succeed. On the one hand, it was also a satisfaction for me, because I thought to myself: "At least I'm not so earthbound anymore; I'm not a human anymore." That was clear to me. I had died, and I didn't want to be such a wandering spirit; I didn't want to frighten people by carrying things around - I didn't want to make any noise. I imagined that there would be a way up for me and that something had to happen, because I had to be free from my house. But I couldn't be free yet, I kept going back. Again and again I went into this room and that room to see if the things were still there. Because I had a vague suspicion that my sons and their wives might have carried things away. I wanted to be sure of that; I then went into their houses. But first I occupied myself in my own house. Once, as I was sitting in a room feeling a little sad, a very good-looking person came hurrying up to me and said: "You really have to make an effort if you really want to make progress. Perhaps it would be a good idea to go back to your husband's bedroom, you can experience something there." So I got up, went back there and waited until my husband came and went to bed again. I didn't want to be disturbed by the many others who were there. I simply secured a place for myself in this room. Now I watched as brothers and sisters came again, walked up and down next to my husband and checked whether he was really asleep - that seemed so strange to me, because they went away again. But the first time I was there, I didn't wait to see what would happen, I went away. In the meantime I had experienced and seen all sorts of things, how one can penetrate everything as a spirit being, how one can even influence a person and how the spirits take control of people - I had been able to see all of that. So I wanted to stay with my husband and wait. I did not leave my place, I wanted to stay there for a night. Then the following happened: A spirit came, which I had never seen before and who was a stranger to me. He stopped in front of my sleeping husband, but looked at me closely, as if he had something to complain about. He made a somewhat dismissive gesture, but called me by name and said: "Katharina." I asked him: "Do you know me?" And he said: "Yes, I know you, I know you very well." Now I noticed that a misty mass suddenly rose from my sleeping husband. This misty mass condensed more and more into a shape - and there stood my husband in front of me. I was already used to surprises, but this was the first time I had experienced such a thing - no one had explained it to me. Now it immediately occurred to me that someone had said to me: "Go into the bedroom, you will experience something there." Then I heard those who were still sitting on the wardrobe giggling, as if to say: "Finally, she noticed." I then greeted my husband. Now I could talk to him, and he smiled. But there was something so uncertain about him. I always had the feeling that he would dissolve again as quickly as possible or disappear or return to the body. The brother, who had said that he knew me, explained: "Yes, now I will make sure that you can talk to him; and not only you, but I too will talk to him. And now you must listen." Now he ran his hands up and down this misty figure as if he wanted to solidify something. Then my husband greeted him and said to him: "Grandfather, it is good that you are here," and at that moment he greeted me too and said: "Katharina, finally I see you, finally I can talk to you. That is my grandfather, you have already heard of him, I have already told you about him." And I remembered: Yes, I had heard of his grandfather. Now the grandfather said to me: "Katharina, you could receive a lot of teaching here, and everyone here is listening." He said that quite forcefully, and he continued with emphasis on sternness: "Very often we only stay in this room, and everyone here," and he pointed to each individual, "they all, everyone, everyone has something to learn. They are listening to what we have to say." Now the grandfather started to talk to me too and said: "Katharina, if you really want to enter a better world, then you must change a number of things in your thinking, you must do many things differently. Your malice must end, and you must try to live in peace with yourself and your loved ones. You should reject the feeling of greed and try to keep the memory of your loved ones in good spirit." I was truly ashamed - this is how my grandfather had put me down and with much more. Yes, I really felt like a great sinner. And my grandfather continued: "When you were alive you were the mistress, but today you are no longer. Look at yourself, how you look." And only now did my eyes open, only now did I see how beautiful this grandfather was. "What do you want here?" I asked him, "what do you do with my husband when you start talking to him?" He replied: "I tell him what to do and what not to do. Sometimes I succeed and sometimes I don't. I'm going to tell him now that he must not do that business the way he intends. Because he burdens himself when he does the business and is dishonest, when he blackmails the other person. He burdens himself when he makes claims even though he knows full well that they are false. I warn him beforehand, I warn him. But I also try to put him on the right path." And my husband - that is, the spiritual double or the spiritual being, the living being of my husband - agreed; he gave his consent and asked the grandfather to teach him very precisely, to be strict with him, so that all of this would penetrate him. And as he did so, he pointed to his sleeping body and said to me: "That is just it: when you are freed from this body, you see whether things are right or wrong; and when you are clothed in this body again, this knowledge has vanished again. Only when the will is strong and what was said to you was very impressive can it come into consciousness." And my husband continued to say that with him it was like this: if he was obedient to his grandfather, he could summon up more strength to bring what was said to his consciousness. So I asked my grandfather: "Is it always like this, is it like this for everyone? Was it like this for me too? Were you with me when I was lying next door? Did you also speak to me when I had left the hospital?" And my grandfather said: "Yes, I spoke to you very often, but it was of no use." And he continued: "I did not greet you at your home, because your parents were there. I will take care of you later, and you will be glad about that." That seemed to me too. And this grandfather, he didn't look like a grandfather at all, he was young and handsome. But he had aroused something like awe in me, I had respect for this grandfather. Then I asked: "Can you tell me what I have to do?" - "Yes," he said, "I will tell you what you have to do. Now try to speak kindly to everyone who comes and goes in this house. Tell them that you were the mistress here, and tell them all the things you had done wrong." I couldn't immediately get used to what he told me, but I wanted to try. Then the grandfather left us, because my husband was disturbed by a noise from outside, and the figure quickly disappeared. He opened his eyes, turned to the other side and went back to sleep. I waited a little longer. Grandfather was gone and the others didn't interest me. That is, I was ashamed because so much had been said about me in front of everyone else. But they consoled me and called out to me: "You know, there are no secrets, not even for us. You haven't heard what has already been said about us." But this was little consolation for me. Then I left the room. But I couldn't bring myself to justify myself in front of everyone and say that I had once been the mistress and that I hadn't been particularly popular among my family - no, I still couldn't do that despite grandfather's recommendation. So I left the house. I then decided to avoid the house for a while and went alternately to the daughter's house and then to her son's and then to another son's. I looked around there too, and it was the same again: when you came into these rooms, they were everywhere, these spirit brothers and sisters, and I had the feeling that you were meeting good and bad people there. Finally, it became too much for me. I saw that I couldn't find my way around, neither in my house nor in the house of one of my children. There was too much that bothered me, that I couldn't deal with. And so I looked for another place. I went into a nearby, beautifully tended garden. I wanted to linger there and think about what to do, and I also wanted to observe whether there were as many beings there. I then seriously considered returning to the poor village where I had been taken. But I still didn't have the courage to do it, and I hoped that I would get some kind of help. So I went into this garden. During the day, you couldn't make any precise observations; During the day, you couldn't find the same approach as you did when it was dark. I saw all sorts of things in this garden. I saw good brothers and sisters who looked good, who came to this garden with a brother or a sister. You had the impression that they were having a conversation, that they were comforting each other, that problems were being solved. There were many beautiful brothers and sisters who, in my opinion, were spending time with people like me. So I thought: "Good, if they take care of them, they will definitely take care of me too." So I could wait in this garden. But then I also saw many other spirit beings who were much smaller than us, and I then had to realize that they were a development in their own right. Small beings came who looked very delicate and pretty. They were what people mockingly call dwarves. They had chosen bushes as their place of residence, and they were playing games in this garden. But then I saw even smaller beings on the branches; there were little elves who were also playing together. There was a lot of activity in the garden and there was a lot of interesting things to see. So I had my place here. But suddenly I was disturbed. Then someone came up to me and said that he recommended that I leave this place and return to the soul world from which I had come; after all, I had been led to my new home and that I should stay there. I replied that the others were all here too and that they had the right to live here. Then this being said: "But we would recommend that you pray a little. Go to a church where people go and pray. There you can see good thoughts like people have, and you can also find good spirits there who influence people - and perhaps one of them will take care of you." I took this advice and went to the church. I had already thought about going to church to pray. But until now I had not felt compelled to do so, because I had believed that prayer would not be of any use to me now. My house had been assigned to me, my place had been determined. So what was I going to do? But I followed this advice and actually went to church. There I saw an old woman. She looked very modest and she was praying very devoutly. Behind her stood a beautiful spirit figure. It was clear to me: it was an angel of God, this woman was being protected by an angel of God. I could also see that this angel of God left the church with her. So I thought: "I'm sure others will come and maybe I can start a conversation then." So I waited and stayed in this church. And here I experienced all sorts of things. I saw that very dark figures had also found their way into this church. And when people wanted to say a prayer, these dark figures moved back and forth in front of their eyes. In this way they created anything but a devout atmosphere. They distracted people, led their thoughts to their business and to things that one shouldn't think about in church. These dark figures seemed to be pleased and content about it, they went in and out laughing. This was a disappointment for me, because I had assumed that only spirits of God would come and go in a church. But now I realized that people were not free from the temptation, even in the church, that these dark figures also came to the church. One day one of these dark figures came up to me. He was badly dressed and smelled so bad. He took me by the arm and said: "Come with me." I replied: "No, you are too bad and too smelly for me. So I will not go with you, what do you actually think?" Then he said: "You could be a good tool for me, and I could speed up your ascent." But it was clear to me that I could not get involved with him, because to me he was truly a devilish figure. And I pushed him away, and he left and never approached me again. That was proof to me that one could also be a servant of such a dark figure. Then I thought about whether it wouldn't really be better to return to the village that had been assigned to me. But first I wanted to go into my husband's bedroom again. I didn't have another opportunity to talk to Grandfather - I'll just call him Grandfather now. So I was there again when my husband was sleeping and waited for Grandfather. When he came, he spoke to me again and said to me: "If you really want to move into a better world, then you have to go back to where you came from. You will find the way. You can go it alone, you came here alone." My husband also talked to me. So I went. I had the feeling that with this resolution to leave everything, to cast something aside, to free myself of all the guilt that I was carrying. So I mustered the will to return, and I went back that way. I found it easy and came back to my village, the poor village with the poor houses. I had the feeling that I was standing there as a beggar. But now I knew: "You won't achieve anything on earth like that, and certainly not by taking the quick route. So I want to stay here and be where I've been put." When I entered the poor house, there were other people there too, I wasn't alone. But they were just as poor as I was. And they greeted me, welcomed me warmly and said: "You know, Katharina, it's probably best for you if you stay here and wait until someone takes care of you. You should ask, like us, that we be taken care of, and you should try to make up in your thoughts for what you have missed." And a sister added: "Then we will experience what the others who were in this house, in this poor village, before us, have experienced." And as we were talking together - because I was telling them about my return to my family in the earthly kingdom - a beautiful being, an angel of God, came. He offered to take care of me. This offer was not just for me, however, but for everyone who was in the same house. This angel then gave us instructions. We should try to direct our thinking differently, because we still had so much human thinking in us. We had to promise not to return to the earthly world again unless we received the order to do so or someone accompanied us there to fulfill a task. We had to promise to stay in the house and follow the instructions. Later we would be somewhat isolated and would have to go through an unpleasant time, a time of distress. This was precisely - he explained to us - the purification that the soul needed. Before we went into this purification, however, it would be beneficial to try to get rid of human, earth-bound thinking. We should not longer concern ourselves with matter, with people and all that goes with it; instead, our thoughts should now only focus on building up the spiritual world, our work - then things would be easier and better for us. This path was therefore intended for me, and so I had to take it. And I took it. At first I resisted, as many others do - out of fear. In the beginning you cannot yet cast off human thinking and human feelings. You still feel like the respected person you once were. You cannot accept that you are suddenly seen as a beggar, that you are no longer valued and that others can mock you. It is bad in the beginning, and the mockery you have to endure hits all the more sensitively the more you are connected to the earthly world, the more you feel like someone. Only when you have the impression that you are a very modest and insignificant personality do you pave the way for your own ascent. So this path was a little difficult for me at first, but I struggled through. If you have returned from purification, have become zealous and have - as I did - worked for God and his world, then you can ascend more quickly. You can do pleasant work, even if you have not yet reached the beautiful spiritual heights - but you are always in active contact with the higher spirits. And that is a joy, it brings peace, even if you have not yet progressed so far in your development. This friendship, which is shown to you by the higher, the blessed spirits, this connection with them brings a feeling of happiness to all those who are willing to enter into the order and to affirm it. So I gave you, dear brothers and sisters, a description of what I experienced in the early days. It was not only me who had this experience, as I later realized when I met many others in the same or similar situation. And if you manage to stay where you were led, if you manage to enjoy this environment, then you will have already made a big step forward. Then you will not have the desire to return to earth and go among the others. Then you will receive better and higher teachings and will not have to teach yourself. For through such a life in the earthly world one does find a certain contact with the laws, a certain insight into how everything happens - one must learn from one's own experience. But if one carries a burden on oneself, it is better if one is taught from above; then things improve much more quickly. So, dear brothers and sisters, I am returning again. God's blessing should be with you, now and always, until the last hour of your life. Greetings from God. [End of the recording. Addition from the first publication in the magazine "Geistige Welt".] Dear Josef, it is striking how Katharina's earthly house was occupied by so many unclassified spirits of the deceased. Was this perhaps because of the teachings of this grandfather? Josef: Yes, that is also the reason. But it is the same with spirits as with people. If they like something, they stay where they like it. Even a beautiful earthly home or other surroundings can impress these otherworldly people and exert an attraction on them. So someone can settle there for this reason alone. But in the main it is the case, as here, that these unclassified otherworldly people are given teachings in such places, which then serve their progress. Why could Katharina see better at night than during the day? Is that the case with all otherworldly people? Josef: That is the case with all spirits of these levels. Because daylight destroys or extinguishes vision for such a spirit. For them it is simply the opposite of what it is for humans. Humans cannot see in the dark, or not well. They can sense or feel when someone is near them, or they can perceive a shade. But with these spirits it is the other way round in daylight. But the higher spirits can acquire this ability to see by day and by night. We must assume that many otherworldly beings sometimes stay in our living spaces. So it is best if we have a peaceful, friendly attitude towards them and pray for them? Josef: Yes, because they can learn from humans in that way. On the other hand, humans can also learn from the admonitions given to them. However, it is like this: When the human spirit detaches itself from the body during sleep, a different vibration is decisive, and so the human being cannot [usually] take anything from such discussions in the mind into his conscious existence. Answering to another question, Josef also explained that Katharina was a domineering and wealthy woman who lived about 150 years ago. Report of the ascending spirit being Katharina and questionnaires answered by spirit teacher Josef through mediator Beatrice Brunner in the hall on Münchhaldenstrasse, Zurich. Original: tape recording and first publication in the magazine "Geistige Welt". Headline, next case. October 7, 1964. Adelheid, the flower queen - as a spiritual mother in a children's paradise. Big developmental step from life to life through service to others. Control spirit: God bless you. I am the control. Dear brothers and sisters, a spirit sister by the name of Adelheid will speak to you. We hope that you can expand your knowledge a little through these explanations. May God give you the strength and blessing for this hour. God bless you. Adelheid: Greetings. Dear brothers and sisters, I have the task of telling you something about my last and second-to-last life and then explaining my passing after my last life on earth. First I must speak about my second-to-last life. I was born in poverty, lived in poverty and died in poverty. I was the mother of many children. I had sent the children to beg and steal. At that time, others did the same as I did; we had no other choice - that was my opinion. A higher meaning of life, as you know it today, was not known at that time and in the place where I lived. I lived in great poverty with the children. But God was not satisfied with me because I did not fulfill my duties; God had asked something different of me, despite my poverty. My husband had died early and so I had to make my way through life alone with the children. So I thought I had no choice but to send the children to steal. Later I did realize the mistakes I had made, but not at that time, in that life. Later, from a higher perspective, my past life seemed to me to be imperfect, my actions to be wrong; I could not understand why I had lived in that way. But I was enlightened about it and other situations were explained to me where things had gone similarly. Well, I will not say anything more about that than that I had made the mistake of getting the children to steal. Begging was common at the time, but as a Christian you should not have done so, but anything else. So I came into the spiritual world, was guided by the angels, and it was made clear to me that not much had been expected of me. But now in the spiritual realm I had the opportunity to work on improving myself again; I was now supposed to strive for spiritual advancement. Then I was given a job. I was not particularly punished for my misdeeds, for what I had done wrong in life - I did not lead a pleasant or happy life in the world beyond. But I was very surprised at the time that life went on and I found it to be a paradise in this plane/level that I had entered. Because you no longer had to be hungry and so many things were very different from the earthly world - so I immediately accepted this new world. But I was not happy with idleness. It took a lot of effort for me to fit into this order. Because these angelic beings were very concerned about me and everyone who lived with me. They explained to us again and again what we had to do. They seemed to have a great deal of patience with us. My home was in the community with others, and in this community life we ​​had to care for other, more distressed beings. We lived in a very large house, and in this house there were brothers and sisters who had been called away from the world by sudden death - and in large part because of crimes that had been committed against them. When these brothers and sisters woke up in the world beyond, they were outraged. Because they could still see the events before their eyes. They defended themselves and accused the criminal in question; they were very unhappy, they screamed, cried and raged. Our task now was to calm these brothers and sisters down. There were angels with us, who explained to us exactly how we should deal with these poor people, how we should comfort them and teach them that they now live on in another world, that life continues after earthly death and that, in the Christian sense, they should even forgive the person who had cut their life short. Now we were accused of having prayed far too little as people and of not having a deep faith in God; we should have cultivated more charity and cared more for our fellow human beings. So the mistakes we had made in life, were explained to us. And now in this new world we should try to pray and combine our prayer with work, with action, and thus offer comfort to others, these suffering people. Of course I now saw the great mistakes I had made and so I thought I would make amends much more quickly if I now prayed diligently. At first I did not feel comfortable comforting these brothers and sisters. I did not feel comfortable comforting them; so I turned away from them and prayed. I believed that through my prayer, which I prayed very loudly, I would be heard by the higher spirit beings and accepted accordingly; they would look upon me with favor and then be able to lead me up a level, precisely because I had prayed so much. Now what I was doing was not right, and people kept coming to me and saying: "It is not just about prayer, it is very important that you support these poor people and give them your help, because they need the support of their brothers and sisters. No one will listen to your prayers as long as you do not give these poor people their support. Only when you comfort them and ask God to help you and these poor people will your prayers be appreciated." Well, now and then I went to one of these poor, distressed souls and tried to cheer them up and pray with them. But usually they did not want to hear anything about prayer, instead they moaned and complained about the crime that had been committed against them. Then I soon got fed up with it again and I went back to a quiet corner to pray there. I did this again and again and experienced the same thing over and over again:I was rebuked again and again in the same way. I was told that they would not enjoy my prayer if I did not also do the work. At the same time I was told that it was the same as with people: people's prayers would not be carried on if they did not do deeds alongside the prayer; without the works, prayer is without any power and meaningless. This was impressed upon me - I should finally do my work. It took a very long time and a lot of effort before I truly understood that I should help these poor souls. But after a long time I finally got to the point where I understood how to comfort these poor brothers and sisters and to ask God to forgive these returned home and those who had taken on the great guilt; and so may he forgive me too, so that we can all take a step forward. So I did it, and they now seemed to be satisfied with my work. For these angels of God came and said: "Now you have turned away somewhat from the old way of thinking and are now ready to turn to God. You ask for forgiveness for yourself and for others." And so they found it time to take me out of this sphere, that is, I remained on this level, but I was able to leave that environment and enter another house. In this house there were spiritual teachers who taught us. Here, too, I was not alone. Brothers and sisters who had completed their ascent to the point where they could also be taught came again. So we were together in larger numbers again, and we were taught. We were also questioned again about what we had been taught; we were tested to see whether we could retain it. And so we were eager. For we now saw that this heaven is infinitely large, for the angels spoke a great deal about heaven. They spoke so many beautiful things about the heights, the glory, being with Christ, and the festivals, that they encouraged us with these words and we were given courage and joy. So we began to study diligently, because we also wanted to gain this beautiful heaven. The angels then explained to us that this could only be achieved through another life on earth. We would have the opportunity to ascend much more quickly in a new life on earth; because on earth other problems and other tests would come our way, and we would gain greater merit if we could pass these tests, and the ascent would take place more quickly. So we were separated from one another, and depending on our zeal we were also put in special ranks. The great zeal was to benefit us. So I too was prepared for this new life. I had no idea how it would turn out, but they promised to help me. They gave me hope that I would probably be a few steps higher and would no longer have to live in the terrible poverty that I had in my previous life. I would also have a different view of life - the progress that had been made in the meantime on earth and everything new that people achieve would also benefit me. So I was sent into this new earthly life. And before I left, I had also made some friends with those spirits who had made a special effort for me, who had tried to teach me this readiness to help, this understanding and this benevolent love. So I was taught about the plan of salvation and redemption like everyone else. But we were told that not much of these teachings would penetrate our consciousness when we were in human life; we would then no longer know much about them. But we would still benefit from these teachings, because something of them would slumber in the soul and more readiness and more faith would take root in the soul. So they sent us into the new life and gave each of us many blessings. We had the impression that these spirits who sent us knew how our future life would go on the whole, but they didn't tell us or me anything. And so I came into this new life, into a family with many children. Our parents were just, pious people. They made an effort to give us children a proper upbringing and to deepen our faith. But then our mother became ill and died, and father was left with twelve children. I was the eldest. Now I had to lend a hand and take mother's place, so to speak. I loved my siblings because we had a strong bond in the family - father loved all the children too. And so I tried to fulfill my task for my siblings. I didn't get married for this reason, so that I could always be a support to my younger siblings and also to support father. We were able to get through life well; we didn't have to go hungry, but we didn't live in abundance either. Life was very modest, but we were content. And so I had fulfilled my task as a mother - I had remained single for this reason, so that I could take over the role of mother for my siblings. So I had to work from early in the morning until late at night. I had to work just as a mother would have done for her children, from early in the morning until late at night; and so we were able to get through life honestly and honestly. All my siblings were very attached to me; they considered me a mother, so to speak, and they loved me. And so was this close bond that lasted until the end of my life. When my father went into the spiritual world, I continued to run our house with another sibling; and so we contributed together to ensuring that the younger siblings earned a living and could grow up to be honest, fair people. Well, that was my life. It consisted only of sacrifice and love for my siblings. I also had the opportunity to make my service available to my neighbors. So I not only sacrificed myself for my family, but I also looked after the well-being of other families in need and suffering, because I could understand it best. People appreciated me, and we also led a pious life. I had great reverence for Christ. I was pious, as I believed was right. Now the time came when I had to leave this world. I had not given any thought at all - to the future world, to life after death. My astonishment was all the greater when I woke up in this new world - it was so magnificent and beautiful. Now my parents were standing there. My mother was the first to come up to me and hug me, and she told me so much: she had always been behind me; whenever she was allowed to leave her world, she had supported me, me and the other children. So she thanked me, but she explained to me that I would now receive thanks for my sacrifice in the heavenly world. She had repeatedly gone to the angels and said to them: "Reward me my child for what she has done." And the angels had explained to her: "We will welcome your daughter with joy," and they themselves, would be looking forward to this reception. Now there were angels there and there were children, whole groups of children; they were carrying bouquets of flowers. Now I was told that I would have to stay in the same heaven as my parents for a while. I liked that, I loved being with my parents so much and they had so much to tell me. I was also happy about these children who had come to greet me. They gave me these bouquets of flowers and said goodbye again. There was a leading, high spirit being there who explained that the children would come again when it was time for me to leave this paradise, that is, the world of my parents. So I listened to what my father and mother had to tell me. We also had visitors very often. Our relatives, acquaintances and friends came and everyone was happy. And everyone spoke so strangely about my future - I had no idea and did not know what would happen, but they always talked about how I would have a particularly nice welcome and enter a beautiful world. Since I was with my parents, I did not think about it any further. I liked staying with my parents; I was interested in all the news of this new world of mine. But now I was not supposed to be with my parents for very long; and I would like to emphasize that my parents did not have to work during the time I was visiting them. I did not have to work either. Now and then we were brought food and drink, fruit, and then it was always a little celebration when these other siblings came and offered us these things. But now suddenly crowds of children came again. Some of them were about four and five years old, the others about seven, eight to ten. They came pulling a cart; it only had two wheels, but two big wheels. I would like to describe how these children pulled this cart, because it made a big impression on me. The children were harnessed to the cart with colored ribbons that went around their shoulders and waists. They were, so to speak, the horses on this cart - the smallest were at the front and the bigger and stronger ones at the back; so they pulled this cart, and it was fully decorated with flowers. Now the children asked me to get into the cart, they would pull me away. I was astonished by this; but my parents, my friends and relatives had already told me various things. I had become very curious and excited to see what would happen, but I had no idea that such a thing could happen. My relatives had not known how my reception would be organized either, but the angels had probably revealed something about it. So I was led into this carriage, and there I stood in this decorated, beautiful carriage like a victor. Ribbons were given to me; these ribbons went to the children, around their hands and around their bodies. So I could go off, I did not know where. But there were other beings in front of us; they were spirits of God, beautifully dressed. They were on horseback and rode ahead of us. They showed the children the way, which means they already knew it. And now it happened so quickly! I would have loved to look in all directions and experience and see something of what was passing me by in a flash. But when I made preparations to ask them to go more slowly, I was told: "Later, later, later." And so we flew over many hills - for these little ones, this was no obstacle to walking at this pace. Suddenly we came to a large, shining gate. It was opened, and I stood there with these little ones and with the angels of God in this new paradise, in this new world, where I was to fulfill my task. And then, as I drove through this gate, many children came towards us all, cheering - not just for me alone, but also for these little 'horses' and these angels of God; the little ones stormed them all. Then I was taken out of the carriage, and other little brothers and sisters were standing there. They called out: "Now our rose queen is coming!" and with these words they pulled me to my knees and placed a small wreath of roses on my head. And these little ones sang, cheered and shouted: "Now the Rose Queen is here!" Then they began to decorate my dress too. In an instant I had a beautiful dress on - I didn't know what was happening to me, it had happened so quickly. I felt as if I was truly a queen. Then I was pulled a few steps forward and other children came towards me. They also took me by the hands and I had to kneel down again. They took the rosary from my head, put a wreath of tulips on my head and said: "Now our Tulip Queen is coming!" And so it went on for a long time: I had hardly taken a few steps when children came towards me again, took me by the hands, took the flower wreath from my head again and put another one on. So I went from being the tulip queen to being the violet queen, the lily of the valley queen, the flying queen and so on and so forth. I was just amazed, I didn't know what was going on. On the one hand I had the feeling that I was experiencing a huge dream - I couldn't understand it. But it wasn't a dream, I was soon reminded of reality. An angel of God came to me and took the flower wreath from me. He gave me the children, and they were led away by the other angelic beings. So I stood there alone with a group of angels. The mounted angelic beings had given up their horses and stayed with me for a while. Then it was explained to me that I now had my future task in the children's paradise. The world of God was so pleased that I had taken on the role of mother to my siblings, that I had sacrificed so much and that my life had been spent in love for my siblings. So they would take this as an opportunity to make me a spiritual mother in the children's paradise, I was now to be a spiritual mother here. So the work was immediately given to me. The carriage was led away, the children had gone, and I was led to another part of this paradise, to a beautiful house with a wonderful garden. In this house there were nothing but small, small children, spirit children, who had not lived on earth for more than three days - the whole house was full of such spirit children. I was to be their mother; I was to look after them all, look after them and care for them, I was to be a mother to them. Of course I couldn't manage the house alone. I had many siblings who were helpful and helped - but I became the mother of this house. I was able to devote myself to these children, and they grew up in this house, and I was allowed to stay with them. I went with them into the garden and could play with them, and I could tell them a lot about the angels of God - because I was able to experience a lot myself. So I could tell them about the Savior, about the King of the divine world. These children were devoted to me, they accepted me as their mother, and I remained their mother. All the others who helped me were also the children's favorites. But if there was something to settle, to arrange, I had to do it, because I was the mother. The children were very devoted and loved me. They came to me when they had something to complain about - that happened too - and they came when they wanted something. There was so much they had to talk about with me. And I, I could do it with great motherly love and intimacy. I was allowed to be with these children until they were seven years old, as far as humanly possible. Then the children were to leave the house and go to school, to a community school. There these little ones were looked after and taught by teachers. But I remained their spiritual mother. They could always come to me and tell me about their concerns. And these siblings who grew up together in this house remained each other's spiritual brothers and sisters. This bond of togetherness also lasted for a long time. They were to be taught in this community school. They had to learn languages, writing, arithmetic, the things that people also need for education - something similar is also needed in God's world, because God's world is, as you know, a world of order, and there too, arithmetic must be done. So these children grew up and stayed in this community house for a while. Then, after another seven to ten years according to your calculations, they were to attend another school. But now they are separated, because there are also many different schools in the children's paradise. These growing siblings will now move up a level in this children's paradise, and they will be taught and instructed by angels of God. They will be prepared for a new task in their spiritual life, or they will be prepared for a task that will have an impact in a later human life. So each of these siblings will be tested for their talents. Because even in the spiritual world, not everyone has great talents. Talents are more obvious here than in humans, but they are not expressed to the same extent in every being. One can have special talents, for example in the arts; and a young person can also receive special training in this respect. It is not my task to go into this in more detail and explain it to you in detail, but I only have to tell you that my children were taken away from me and then attended a community school, from which they were later taken out again and distributed to different schools, depending on their talents, according to the abilities they possessed in the innermost parts of their souls. My task continued. I was now to look after other siblings, but this time not the very young ones. After that period with the youngest, I was entrusted with older children who also needed a spiritual mother. They were brought to me from other houses in the children's paradise. I would like to emphasize that the children's paradise also has different levels of ascension. There is also a level where there are children who are not yet so advanced in their spiritual development and their merits that they are allowed to take up a higher level. The children's paradise also has a section or a limited sphere where there are spirit brothers and sisters who are making their ascent from the very bottom. I was now supposed to go to such children. These were more difficult to look after. So they were no longer the very little ones. They were children who were already expressing their personality, their own will, their resistance - I was supposed to look after them. But there were not so many of them, it was a smaller group. So I could give my full attention to each individual. But it took a lot more effort, because these children were on a different level in their development than the children I had looked after before. But I tried to be a loving, good spirit mother to them too. They had already been in the care of a spirit mother, but now they were to be placed in other hands and in another school. In this way, every spirit being who has this task can look after these children with his own strength and his special love. I fulfilled my task with these children to the best of my ability. God's angels came to me from time to time, taught me a little more about this and that of the children and explained to me how I should treat them, how I should respond to them, and sometimes something about their future was revealed to me. Accordingly, I was able to exert all my influence on such a child so that it would only be beneficial. In this way, I fulfilled and continue to fulfill my task in the children's paradise. My task is therefore not to always look after toddlers and children on one and the same elevated level until they are seven or from seven to ten years old. No, it was always changed. The siblings who looked after them also had to go to those who were a little more difficult to lead, who often caused a spiritual mother to worry because of their stubbornness and obstinacy. This gave them the opportunity to perform motherly duties in a variety of spheres. In doing this, they were also repeatedly checked by the higher spiritual beings to see whether everything was being done fairly. No child was allowed to be given preference over another, each one had to be given full attention. No child was ever allowed to feel that it was not being looked after as carefully as the others. I tried to fulfill this because I was used to it - even during my lifetime I had been able to give all my children, that is, my younger siblings, the same love. So I had also given this love and care to these children in the children's paradise. In between, I experienced many beautiful things, many beautiful celebrations. Important visitors keep coming. Children must be adorned and prepared for the reception of a special brother or sister, at whose greeting these children are also there, who lead them to the children's paradise or to a beautiful sphere for deserving returnees - these children do this too. So there is a lot to experience. High-ranking guests also come again and again, that is, very often people come to us from the high heavens and look after these children and discuss them. Many of them are marked for an important task, be it in the spiritual world, so that they do not have to return to human existence, or be it that they have to fulfill an important task in human life one day. This is what we experienced: these high spirits of heaven came and calculated and calculated the time when this or that little spirit child would have to be sent so that it would be born in that period of time, so that what was outlined in God's plan would be fulfilled. We experienced many celebrations with many beautiful, magnificent angels who were our guests and were served by the little ones and the smallest ones, as long as they could walk. This is how I stay in this heavenly world, and I try to fulfill my task as well as I can. But it was revealed to me that my existence would not be in this children's paradise for all time, but that I would have to go to incarnation again. In my new life on earth I would then have to prove that I had been strengthened and taught in God's world and that I would therefore be able to lead a better, higher life, so that when I returned to the divine world I could take up a corresponding position. Now and then I was also allowed to visit my parents, who were very happy about it. I also had contact with other spirits who explained things to me, that through the merits I have acquired in life I have accelerated my ascent and gained this wonderful spiritual life; I have now earned a life of happiness and bliss and am allowed to live it because I have given up so much and sacrificed so much on earth. Of course I am happy to continue to fulfill my task in this heavenly paradise for as long as possible. It gives me joy to fulfill my task for those who are already on a higher spiritual level; but I am equally happy to support with all my strength those who need to be guided with great love and attention so that they too can one day reach these heights. So, dear brothers and sisters, I have told you about my life and about my task as a spiritual mother. Now I am returning to my world to my tasks, to my little children. And so I would like to pass on God's blessing to you. I would like to call on you: Do everything, sacrifice yourselves, put yourselves at the service of your neighbour - it is worth it. If you do not find a reward here for your work, the greater and the more beautiful it will be in the other world. Greetings from God. Joseph: Greetings from God. Dear brothers and sisters, do you have any questions about what you have been offered? What about the language or the way of communicating with these little children? Do you have to imagine what it is like on earth? Joseph: Yes. And does the growth correspond to the earthly growth? Joseph: Yes, you could say that. Thank you. I noticed that Adelheid said that in the afterlife she could hardly understand her behaviour in earthly life; on the other hand, one no longer knows anything about spiritual life when one is here on earth. What can be said about this from a spiritual perspective, from a higher point of view? Josef: Yes, that's just how it is. You are placed back into a human life and have to assert yourself from there. People are expected to have faith in God and to live according to the laws. And that's exactly how it is: here, in human life, many people are unable to believe because they claim that they lack proof. Yet, because of this distance from God, these people have to muster the strength from within themselves and express their faith. If a person claims that they lack proof to be able to believe, then they will not occupy a significant position in the spiritual realm. On the one hand, they may have a higher level of development, but if they lack faith on the other, they cannot reach the heights they could have if they also had faith. In the world beyond, it is clear that one blames oneself - one says: "We have always talked about Christ, we have always explained God's plan of salvation," and in the world beyond, one really cannot understand how, as a human being, one has not thought about many things. For example, about the development of a human being - this development is a miracle. People should think about that more (deep), and not only about that, but also about decay, about human death and death in nature in general. If people made more effort and thought more, then they would have to come to the divine. People should believe, even if they live at such a distance from God. When one has then returned to the divine world, one is disappointed if, despite all these many and beautiful proofs and miracles, one could not believe because one did not want to accept it, because it was not proof for one. [End of recording. Addition from the first publication in the magazine "Geistige Welt".] Dear Josef, it is admirable that this sister made such great progress from one earthly life to the next. How can this be explained in this particular case? Josef: Yes, dear brothers and sisters, if you want to make great spiritual progress, I can give you this advice: Then you must sacrifice yourselves, you must do without, you must live for others and put your ego aside. Then you will also fare so well. Report of the experience of the ascending spirit being Adelheid and answers to questions from spirit teacher Josef by mediator Beatrice Brunner in the hall on Münchhaldenstrasse, Zurich, October 7, 1964. Original: tape recording and first publication in the magazine "Geistige Welt". Headline, next case. December 2nd, 1964. The shoemaker Anton - memories of his first Christmas in heaven. "Clothes make the man" - well-intentioned help for a friend. Control spirit: Greetings from God. I am the control. Dear brothers and sisters, this evening an ascending spirit being is speaking to you. We have chosen this spirit being so that it can tell you about its impressions of the first time after its entry into the spiritual world. So may God bless you and give you strength and blessings. God bless you. Anton: God bless you. My name is Anton. In my life on earth I was a shoemaker. I was also called in when it came to washing the deceased and laying them in the coffin. I had also done many a kind service for my neighbors. In general, when it came to helping, I was always there - I was known for it. I was called in when something had happened somewhere that required a hand. In my life I liked everyone, I only saw the beautiful things in them. I also had a friend, his name was Ferdinand; he was a carpenter by trade. But he was different from me: he was not willing to help, he loved the pub and alcohol. But I liked him a lot nonetheless, and we did many a kind service for each other. Well, I don't want to say much more about life as it was in my time. You had to work hard for the little money you earned; but you also lived modestly, you were happy to be healthy. And, as I said, I loved everyone, understood them well, got on well with everyone. I also went to church regularly. I believed in God and in Christ - I worshipped them. But I had no particular idea of ​​life after death; I thought to myself that as God had decreed it, it would be right and everything would turn out as it should. And so one day I suddenly opened my eyes to a completely new world. Beautiful beings came towards me, greeted me and said: "We are happy that you are here, Anton. Because now you have said goodbye to the earthly world, and you no longer need to mend shoes, and you no longer need to wash the dead and put them in the coffin - here you can do other things." They were very happy about my arrival and they accompanied me to a beautiful place and to a very beautiful house. My parents, who had gone home, had already arrived there, and friends were also there, and they had all expressed their great joy. My relatives and friends said that I would have it much better and nicer now than on earth - especially since I would definitely not have to work so much anymore, and I could only be happy. Yes, I was happy that I was now in the other, spiritual world, that I had been accepted. But new beings kept coming to me and greeting me and showing their special joy at my return home. But it soon became too much for me - I had the impression that I had had enough of the greetings and wanted to do some kind of work. But I had found out right from the start whether I might have to do the same trade as on earth. Because those who had come to fetch me and spoke to me were all so elegantly dressed, and of course I had looked at the kind of shoes they were wearing and imagined whether I would be able to do something like that - maybe they could hire me as a shoemaker again or give me the job of doing that. I was a little worried because I wouldn't have been able to do such fine work. So I said right from the start: "Well, I don't want to do the same trade that I did on earth in the future. I would rather do something else - just not making shoes, not repairing shoes, I don't want that." At first I was just afraid that I wouldn't be able to do it, because these shoes were completely different from the shoes I had had in my hands as a human - I couldn't make such fine stuff. Now they told me that I could now visit my acquaintances and that they would accompany me. I did so, because this gave me the opportunity to familiarize myself with the new world. I wanted to know how everything was going on here, what there was in this new world. My guardian spirit accompanied me; he told me that he had guided me through life and that he would now also guide me around the spiritual world where I was now. So he first went with me to the acquaintances who lived very close to me. There was great joy everywhere. But then I also remembered Ferdinand - he had died long before me - and so I wanted to go to him. My guide, who had been my guardian spirit in life, said: "If it makes you happy to see this former friend of yours, nothing stands in the way; we will visit him sometime." So we walked together through wide plains. I had the feeling that these expanses into which we were now entering were no longer so beautiful; but I didn't think any more about it. Suddenly we arrived in a village, and my guardian spirit led me to a house. He said: "Just now, has your friend has returned from work; he lives in this house." So I went in. And I found that there was a big difference between my friend's house and the house that I was allowed to live in. Mine was in the middle of a garden, surrounded by beautiful trees and beautiful flowers, it was a riot of color and bright, beautiful light, and here I found everything a bit gloomy, a bit modest. "But now," I thought, "we didn't have it any better on earth, so why should things suddenly be so hectic now? So we have to be happy with something else." Ferdinand came up to me full of joy and we hugged. He said: "You know, Anton, you have done a lot more good, you are definitely better off than me; because I have to work hard and you can see that I don't look particularly good." He showed me the shoes he was wearing and I said: "What! They are the same shoes that you wore in life and that I mended for you so often." Then I looked at my shoes: Yes, they did look a little neater. "But how come," I asked, "that you are here with the same shoes, while we are wearing completely different clothes here? Why did you bring your shoes with you?" My guardian spirit then gave me the answer: "He will only get better shoes later, now they are still the same; but he will get different shoes when he has changed a lot, then he will look better. But for the time being he must still wear these shoes, because in these shoes there is a part of the burden of his past earthly life. And his clothes," my guardian spirit pointed out to me, "are also the same as they were then; even in the clothes he is wearing now there is still a part of the burden from his previous life. But in time he will take these off and get better ones." Now they made me aware that I could not stay with Ferdinand for long and that I had to go back with my spiritual friend or guardian spirit. We said goodbye and I promised to come back to see him very soon. So I went back to my place, to the house. When we came back, a messenger had already been there and had brought me a new outfit, consisting of a beautiful coat and a cloak. Then they said to me: "You know, there is a festival coming up soon and you are invited to this festival, and when there are festivals you have to wear the most beautiful thing you have. And that" - they pointed to these garments - "you have earned in your earthly life through your kindness, through your understanding, through your helpfulness, through your goodness. All of this is the reward for what you have done." Then they asked me to put on the coat. I did it and noticed that it looked very elegant, but I had the feeling: "That doesn't suit me at all." Then they put the cloak or coat around me and explained: "You must wear this too when we go to the festival." I admired the whole thing and then said to my spirit friend: "I would rather not do that; I have the impression that it doesn't suit me, because I was only a simple shoemaker. How am I supposed to walk around in such a garment - that is too majestic, I can't wear it. Let me go to the festival in what I have now; I can't mess around in this stuff. Let me keep what I have." My spirit friend replied: "If you don't wear it, then you can't come to the festival." Then I said that I would have to familiarize myself with it first. "That's why I've brought it to you now," said my spiritual friend, "you should wear it in turns so that you don't feel so strange in it anymore." Then I put the jacket back on, took it off again, put the coat back on, took it off again - I couldn't really get used to it. On the other hand, I was naturally very interested in this festival. Now I put these garments aside. In between I had to go to school because my spiritual friend thought I had so much to catch up on. Because on this level where I have now returned, one must have a little more knowledge. But that's beside the point, I would be able to acquire this knowledge over time, people would have to be patient with me. I had to learn a lot, I had to be taught about the usual things and about additional things. People just had to be patient with me now; There is no such thing as haste, there is enough time - haste is a human thing, in the spiritual world there is no hurry. Well, I went to school and it was very difficult for me. When I thought back to my school days in human life, how modest it was, and now suddenly I was given so many and different tasks. I was supposed to be taught about the necessary things, and that concerned teaching about the plan of salvation and redemption, and then came the extras, and that was difficult for me. Well, I tried hard, because I remembered that I had been told: "Time is not important." OK, they give me time - I was happy with that. So I always returned to my house from school. I had made good friends, and they all looked good and were well dressed, but I always had the impression that I didn't fit in with them, because I still saw myself as a humble shoemaker. And now I was suddenly supposed to be so distinguished - that was difficult for me. I couldn't help myself, I didn't know how to behave. I always had my spiritual friend with me, who had to explain everything to me all the time, while I saw how clever and skilled others were. But I consoled myself and thought: "I'm sure I'll learn it too." Then a liberating thought came to me: Ferdinand! - Ferdinand was still wearing his shabby clothes. And I thought I could give him my coat, it would be enough if I had my coat. And Ferdinand would certainly be happy and glad to get a nicer coat. Nobody cared about my nice clothes anymore, and I had promised Ferdinand that I would visit him again. I asked my spiritual friend: "May I visit Ferdinand? You don't have to come with me, I can find the way to him myself now." - "Yes," he said, "if it pleases you, then you can visit Ferdinand. So I went to Ferdinand. I waited near his house until he came back from work. He came with many others, and then I went up to him and said: "Here I am again, Ferdinand; I want to bring you something. You know, your clothes are so shabby; but someone has brought me a new coat and I will give you this coat." Ferdinand asked: "Are you allowed to give me the coat at all?" - "Yes, I don't know why I shouldn't give it to you, I gave you a lot of things on earth too - didn't I already give you a coat? And why shouldn't I be allowed to do it here now? After all, I didn't just give you clothes, food, and objects, I gave them to others too. Should they forbid me from doing that in heaven now? I'll be able to do what I want with what's mine. But Ferdinand wasn't really comfortable with that, and he said: "Yes, you know, first I'd like to see this coat. If it's a little nicer than mine, then I can wear it, and I'll wear it on special occasions; when we don't have to work, when we go to the temple to pray, then I can wear this beautiful coat. You must bring it to me one day, then we can see. When you come back, you should wait near the house, where the three oaks are. There is a bench there, you can sit down on it, quite inconspicuously, and you can wait for me there. Then I will put on my coat there." OK, I went to that bench, I wanted to see them, and also those three trees. "OK, I will wait there then." We said goodbye and I left again. My spiritual friend was with me a lot, and he spoke of the future festival that we would celebrate together. He said: "You know, Anton, according to human time, the people down there will soon be celebrating." When we spoke of the people on earth, we said 'those down there', just as people from 'above' speak when they mean heaven. "Those down there will soon be celebrating Christmas in honor of the Savior; they will be reminded of the birth of the Savior. But I don't need to say much about Christmas," said my spiritual friend to me, "people celebrate, and we want to celebrate with them, we want to be among them. We want to bring some of the heavenly joy and the heavenly harmony to people when they are gathered together and sing their songs, when they pray and think that Christ was born and brought salvation. When they think and talk like that, pray and sing, we want to be with them too. We want to encourage them in these thoughts, we want to sing with them, and we want to make their hearts glad when they exchange their gifts - we want to be there when they are in their joy." Yes, I liked that - I was interested anyway in what my relatives were doing and also what my relatives' relatives were doing. And then my spiritual friend said: "You know, when we go to them, you have to put on your beautiful clothes, and they will all be amazed." - "Yes, they will certainly be amazed; but my relatives on earth don't see me." "That doesn't matter," said my spiritual friend. "But the relatives who live in the spiritual world" - and by that he meant those deceased who also come to this festival, and their earthly relatives -, "they see you." So I would also see and get to know my other relatives. And my spiritual friend said: "You have to be very beautiful for that, that's why you have to wear the skirt and coat." I thought the coat would definitely be enough. Now I had already promised the skirt; but I wanted to wait. Perhaps the skirt could simply be borrowed, perhaps Ferdinand would not need it at the same time as me. Well, I was happy about the news that I could go to my relatives and be happy with them and meet other relatives there who I didn't even know but who were my relatives, as my spiritual friend had said. He would tell me when the time came for me to put on the skirt and coat. Because not only would people celebrate and dress up, but they would also celebrate a festival in the heavenly world, a festival in honor of the king, and they would also celebrate this festival in honor of people - because people celebrate, they do the same in the spiritual world. There you have such a good opportunity to go from the festival to people, to climb up and down and to be happy with them. You can tell them what the people down there, the relatives, are doing. You discuss their problems, but also their joys, and you look at the gifts they exchanged and how they were happy or disappointed - you can talk about all of that, talk about it in a completely human way. During this time you can be happy with people. I liked that - I hadn't been in this new world for very long, so I was able to be happy with my family, to be happy in a really human way again. But I would have loved to take Ferdinand with me. I then asked my spiritual friend: "Is it not possible at all for Ferdinand to come up to me? Why can't we be together?" He answered: "You know, I told you that there is still so much burden from his life on earth in his clothing, in his appearance. That must be put aside first. He is still too strongly connected to humanity, he still thinks too humanly, and he still has too many human desires. All of that doesn't fit into this world in which you live. It takes time with him." Then I asked: "Isn't it possible to at least give Ferdinand a nicer robe for the celebration?" My spiritual friend answered: "No, that's not possible at all, he can't wear it, and who would bring him a nice robe anyway?" I thought to myself: "What do I need 2 coats for? The coat is enough, and Ferdinand should have the coat now. " And when I was alone again... and as I could calculate and hear from others, there was still time left. So I could still visit my friend Ferdinand. So I took my coat, rolled it up, put it under my arm and went to that bench, sat down and waited and waited for my friend. And he came - he was coming back from work and was looking for the agreed bench. He came to me and we greeted each other full of joy as always and I said: "Hey, I've got your coat." So we went behind the three oaks, he took off his shabby coat and put on mine, which I had rolled up. It was a bit wrinkled, but that didn't matter, it was much nicer than his shabby coat. But then I had to realize: "There is a big difference: this coat and the other thing you're wearing and the shoes - they don't go together at all! But you don't need to show off so that your whole figure is visible; you can blend in with the others so that only the top part is visible." We had discussed it like this, and Ferdinand said: "I don't think I can wear the coat, I'm so uncomfortable in your coat." I replied: "At least try it, keep it for the time being and find out for yourself how you can make it possible. You don't need to put the coat on straight away; but if you're invited to the party, you can at least wear something decent." And so I forced Ferdinand to accept the coat. Then he rolled it up and went into his house with it. I was overjoyed - I had at least been able to give him something, since he had nothing decent to wear. When I returned to my house, my spirit came to me and said: "Now you only have to go to school three more times, where you will be taught about the plan of salvation and order, and you have to go to school five more times for the additional material, then we will go to the festival together." Now I wanted to know which festival was celebrated first: the one among people or whether Christmas was celebrated first in the kingdom of heaven. Then he said: "Of course we are celebrating the first festival in heaven, and you must dress nicely for it. You must put on your coat and your coat, because I want to be happy, Anton," he said. "You know, it all depends on how you look. You can look around you once and you see how everyone looks good - and that is because of your merits. Because someone who is shabbily dressed doesn't fit in with us here. How could you pay homage to the high spirits of God if you were dressed so shabbily? No, you would be sent away immediately." And I thought: "Yes, now I've given away my coat." I thought about it and went back to Ferdinand. I waited for him again. I had counted it exactly: three times and then five more times, and then you should go to the festival. When the time came, Ferdinand should lend me the coat again so that I would have my coat back for the festival in heaven. So I went to Ferdinand and we met at the agreed place as always. I asked him: "You have to give me the coat because there is a festival up here and I don't dare go without the coat because my spiritual friend said I had to come with the coat. You could lend it to me and I'll bring it back to you." Ferdinand of course fetched the coat and gave it back to me. So I rolled it up again and went back to my house, looked after the coat and waited until the festival took place. My spiritual friend then came to me and explained: "Now you've done it, school is over, we're going to the festival." - "Yes, fine, I'll do what's necessary: ​​I'll dress nicely." My spirit friend said: "I would like to see you in your coat and your coat - maybe I need to add something, maybe something is missing. Put on the coat." I now had a clear conscience; now I could put on the coat and the coat and introduce myself like that. Then my friend said: "Yes, you still need a ribbon around your head, I will get you a silver ribbon - you must have that." Good, so he brought me this ribbon and I introduced myself again in the coat - as he had said. I should also familiarize myself with these clothes. At first I didn't really feel comfortable, actually never really comfortable. Me, the shoemaker, and now suddenly dressed so majestically. But they wanted it that way, and so I wore it, but with reluctance. When the time came, my spirit friend came. He was beautifully dressed, in completely different colors, I almost didn't recognize him, he was so beautiful. And then he went with me, arm in arm we walked to the festival. We then heard beautiful music - it was the signal to set off - and so we went up a hill together. There was a temple in a park and this festival was to take place there. It was, as we were told, only the prelude to the festival; one festival after another was now being held. People would visit each other, they would go into the different heavens, because they would be invited by other brothers and sisters. People also invite each other in the spiritual world, just as people on earth do. That is what I was taught. So I went to the festival with my spiritual friend. For me there was only admiration. They came from all sides. They came with trains, they were wonderfully dressed, so that I suddenly had the feeling that I was poorly dressed compared to the splendor that was suddenly on display. My spiritual friend had observed my thoughts and said: "Yes, Anton, you don't need to worry about it now, you look very good. You know, those with their trains, with their expensive garments, they have come down from above, they have achieved much more than you," by which he meant that they had had more merit than I.