Audio of, Two Years in Heaven, BY ROSE THE SUNLIGHT. published 1911, by CARSON, KANSAS CITY. some page numbers are read here. Remark mistakes in this text, found online - and from that reading mistakes, may be here. intro. WHAT HAPPENS to us when we die? Is there really a heaven, where God has “prepared a place for us,” or does life for us begin and end on planet Earth? Are all those orbs in the seemingly infinite universe just put there for us to admire as we gaze up into the night sky, or is there life on those other worlds? When we die our bodies remain behind, but where does the real us soul, spirit, consciousness go? Can something so vital one minute disappear into nothingness the next? Some say we cannot know, that nobody has ever come back to tell us. Is this true? Information channeled to us from those on the other side, as well as through near-death and out-of-body experiences, reveals that the universe is teeming with life and that life goes on. If you believe in the validity of psychic phenomena, then this little book will give you a glimpse of the places we are destined to inhabit when our lives on earth are over. For two years before she passed on in 1908, Rose Carson recorded her out-of-body travels in the celestial worlds. Known as “Rose the Sunlight,” she was the Recording Secretary and Treasurer at the Temple of Health in Kansas City, Missouri, which she founded together with her husband, Dr. C. Hiram Carson, who published this book after her death. Rose wrote: The consciousness that I have attained tells me this great truth: The soul aspiring for progress never retrogrades; it goes on and on, throughout all eternity, toward greater achievements and higher realizations. Progressive beings of the spiritual, heavenly, and celestial worlds are always on the lookout for receptive minds, to whom they may be able to impart the knowledge they have gained. more INTRODUCTION. Rose the Sunlight recorded her experience of journeys through the celestial world, God's Kingdom, and the Region of the Blessed for a period of two years, the purpose being that her friends in the material world might have an outline of her wonderful celestial travels. These heavenly experiences are made so plain and can be so easily comprehended by mortal beings that we resolved when we first read the story, Two Years in Heaven, written by Rose the Sunlight, to publish it in book form, so that all who might wish to know something about the heavenly worlds could find the desired information in this little volume. Rose the Sunlight passed to the higher life January 2 ,1908. Many beautiful psychic portraits of her have been given since then, three of them being in the Psychic Art Gallery in the Temple of Health in Kansas City. Thousands of people still remember Mrs. Carson, who met and greeted them when they first came to the Temple of Health to receive treatment. She was the Recording Secretary and Treasurer. Her constant and faithful services for more than thirty years aided her husband, Dr. C. H, Carson, in founding the Temple of Health and the Carson College of Psychic Sareology, a philanthropic educational institution, the basic foundation for the great Temple of Light which is to be built in Kansas City in the near future. It can be truthfully said, What mighty things she hath wrought! It is our wish that every man, woman, and child in all our land may become familiar with the contents of this sacred little volume. It will bring consolation and hope to thousands now in despair. The barriers between heaven and earth have been removed, and angels dwell with children of the earth when they can read and understand Two Years in Heaven, by Rose the Sunlight. Two Years in Heaven. CHAPTER 1. IN THE SPIRITUAL AND CELESTIAL WORLDS, Two years among the angels. Beloved, I have been two years in the blest country that knows not doubt or sin. Oh, strange and wonderful life of the spirit that I have learned to know so well during a period of over two years! It seems to me, as I look back over my life that, in an unconscious way, perhaps, I was undergoing a preparation that in the course of time would take me into a realm, of wonderful possibilities, greater than I, even in my period of exalted vision, could ever picture. When the great change came to me, I was so weary and tired of earthly conditions that it seemed good to relax, to loosen my hold upon material things, and drift out into the new country where there was awaiting me just the sort of a life and conditions that my imprisoned spirit had been clamoring for in its house of clay. I had not been willing to go before, however, as it seemed to me my work was incomplete in a material sense; but the spirit, which said, Take up your bed and walk,was stronger than the will, which said, Tarry a little longer; there is an unfinished work for you to complete. But the Great Power which rules and guides the universe said, Come up higher; there is a larger work for you to do; come up and join the ranks of the immortal. I yielded to the call, the great curtain of death rolled upward, and I took my place upon the stage of eternity. A strange and wonderful stage that is, extending so far out into space that I shall never expect to join the players ahead of me, who must go on, even as I go on, to the end of the play, which must always be the prelude to another act in which each shall be given the opportunity to display to a greater advantage his capabilities. From the first I reveled in the glories and beauties of my new life, but the main incentive which seemed to spur me on toward the greatest effort of my life was this prayer: Q Mighty Powers, give me the strength and the ability to impart to those who need it the good that I myself derive from my pilgrimage to the Summer Land. No longer burdened with the weakness of the flesh, I was young and vigorous and in the bloom of young womanhood. Those associated with me said, Never before was the name Rose' so appropriate to you as it is now, for you are indeed like a rose in full bloom/ I was glad indeed, for I wanted to be helpful to all with whom I came in contact, whether they were of the flesh or of the spirit. I found myself outlining in my mind a set of maxims or rules to guide me in my new and wonderful life. I learned in the beginning that one entering that life could choose his own way of living. He would not be permitted, of course, to do wrong or degenerate in a spiritual sense, but, if he cared simply for the pleasures of higher life, he need not expect to progress or pass up to the higher realms of being as time went on. To one who found pleasure in the beautiful things of life, as I had always done heretofore, I knew the temptation would be strong to linger with the throng of beauty and pleasure-loving beings who were to be found everywhere in that grand and wonderful life. After studying the possibilities of my new life, I came to this conclusion: I would enter the different avenues open to me, and with my experience I would gain something that I could make use of in my higher development and involvement something that I could impart to those receptive to me, either in the spirit or the flesh. CHAPTER 2. IN THE SPIRITUAL AND CELESTIAL WORLDS. I liked the perfect system I found on that other side of life. I made up my mind to study the conditions from the lowest to the highest, At first it was delightful to visit with my friends and to go about to the places of interest I found in that other world, but with every experience the thought was uppermost in my mind that I must be about the work for which I had been called to the higher life. I must go daily to the dear husband I had left with a double burden to carry. ' I must reach him with my love and my encouragement, and, by the influence I was able to exert over him, I must help him to overcome the lonely feeling occasioned by the absence of my material presence. Although the life was new and wonderful to me, I felt perfectly at home, my mind was clearer than it had ever been before, and I found it easy and interesting to plan out the details for my future. I had been assigned to a beautiful home, with spiritual furnishings rich and elaborate, but I realized from the beginning that only a small part of my time would be spent in that home. My entire being vibrated with actively. I was fond of my friends and the dear ones I found on that other side, and it was delightful to be with them, but I was eager to take up my work. I felt so strong and well that it seemed to me I was filled with a new and wonderful form of vitality, I was thankful for every past experience of my life, but it seemed to me I had just begun to live. No time was wasted in unnecessary work, no hours spent in sleep, and the days were so long and delightful, with no darkness to intervene. When night had settled upon the earth, it was bright and beautiful in the celestial spheres, and both out of doors and within the homes the inhabitants of the higher life were passing the time in the pursuit of instruction or of pleasure. I was rarely alone, except in my journey in gs to and from the earth, and even then I was frequently accompanied by my husband's first wedded companion and her two dear children, or by some of the numerous guides or helpers of my husband, far away upon the earth, in whom we were all so interested, and from whose side I had so recently departed . Only a few of my own immediate family were left upon the earth, and each day as it passed found me spending some time in their presence but there were only two with whom I could come in touch: a husband and a sister. And it was a wonderful privilege to me to be told that I would be permitted to communicate with them and tell them that all was well with me, and that the greatest change of my life had found me prepared to accept what the higher powers had outlined for me. The inspiring presence and the loving counsel of the One whom I had learned to love and revere as the true Son of God was worth more to me than ever before. Standing in His presence and looking into His wonderful far-reaching eyes, I was conscious of an awakened strength in my own being that I had never known before. I do not know that others have experienced the same feeling that I did when standing first in the spiritual presence of the beloved Jose. To me it was not only wonderful, but peculiar the vibrations emanating from Him were so wonderful that they seemed to permeate every part of my being, and I stood forth cleansed and purified, as though I had been touched with immortal fire. I stood within the presence Of God's immortal Son, I felt the mighty power Of that pure and holy One. The eyes were deep and tender, The brow was broad and fair, Framed in a haloed glory And a wealth of chestnut hair. And the form was tall and stately, With such a kingly air, And the presence, pure and holy, Filled the soul with thoughts of prayer. And I thought of the ancient story Of the people of Bible times, Who came in throngs to the Saviors side, To be strengthened and purified. How grand to stand in His presence, Far up in the realms of light, To behold in a circle about Him That wonderful halo so bright! To depart from His royal presence All strengthened and purified. And to feel, through that Mighty Power, That the soul has been glorified! CHAPTER 3. IN THE SPIRITUAL AND CELESTIAL WORLDS. In reviewing my life and experiences during the two years I have spent in the heavenly land, I find that I have unfolded more in a spiritual sense than daring my entire life upon the material plane. In the first place, the true meaning and purpose of my existence have been made clear to me, I realize that material life was for me a preparation for a larger sphere of influence in spiritual realms. I know that I shall go on and on, throughout all eternity, growing and expanding in knowledge and attaining a more nearly perfect realization. The consciousness that I have attained tells me this great truth: The soul aspiring for progress never retrogrades; it goes on and on, throughout all eternity, toward greater achievements and higher realizations I shall always recall with the greatest interest a gathering of gifted beings who have been inhabitants of the higher regions for millions and millions of years. They were magnificent in appearance, but they possessed the stature of men and women. They were wise beyond my powers of understanding, and the spiritual power that vibrated from them was marvelous. From my observation of them I realized more than ever before that man was the Creator's masterpiece; for he retains the higher part of his individuality and the same general appearance, though he may pass through ages of time. My first great plan, after I had settled into my new method of life, was to systematize the line of work I had been given to carry out. I had been given privilege to impart certain knowledge gained by me to those of earth who knew and loved me and who wished to know of the life beyond the grave. The knowledge I gained and the efforts I made to apply it to a good and true purpose pertained to my progress, and as I unfolded and developed in greater knowledge I would be given work that would take me far up into higher realms of space. The knowledge I would gain there could not help but prove invaluable to me and to those with whom I would be associated, both on the earth and in heaven. It was interesting to me, the thought of my great work; I was enthusiastic over the prospect before me, and determined to put the best energy of my being into the work. The indications pointed to a busy life for me. In a comparatively short time I had learned to fit into my new T life as though I had always been a part of it. The first meetings with friends and loved ones were delightful and interesting, and conversation flowed as freely as when carried on between material beings. We talked of those left upon the earth, and commented on the wonderful change for the better that spiritual life had brought to each of us. There were new loved ones to meet, and friends I had never known in earthly life with whom to be brought in contact. There were wonderful lessons for me to learn, and the teachers were glorious beings. I treasure highly the knowledge gained from the hours spent with them and trust it will serve me a good purpose as I progress in higher life. It seemed necessary that I should learn of many things if I would be a teacher of others. I remember I had been in spirit life but a few weeks when, in company with several scientific teachers ? I took a trip through space. Such a wonderful panorama of light and color as greeted my vision! The magnitude of creation almost appalled me. The power of my vision was wonderful indeed. I could see far away, many miles into space, and as far as I could see the system of suns, stars, moons, and planets continued its movements. I knew that beyond the picture presented to my vision there were other starry systems through space. There was not one sun, but from each central sun the one nearest it derived its heat, light, and power. It would take weeks to describe the wonderful solar system as I saw it. The earth seemed but a dot compared to the countless bodies suspended in space. Floating far up through the starry ether I moved until I was in the very heart of the starry systems. Such a blaze of light and color had never before been flashed upon my vision, but, being a spiritual person, I was able to endure it without injury. The gases and the heat thrown off from celestial bodies would annihilate a physical being, did he possess the power to attain that great height in space. No words that I could frame in my mind were sufficiently strong to express the wonder of the creations that I saw about me. The thought came to me that perhaps, as time went on and I grew in spiritual power, that which seemed of such magnitude now would be superseded by visions of still greater magnitude, still higher in space. The idea of the plan of creation, as it appealed to me then, was that the Supreme Cause of all created things came from so many degrees above that it would be impossible to trace it; but the one great cause that produced visible formation must have been a nucleus of positive and negative force united together, from which more force was generated, until, by the law of cohesion and attraction, the universe continued to expand and grow into multitudinous forms and creations. A very learned teacher who accompanied me must have divined my thoughts, for he said: You have the correct idea on a small scale. Some time, when you are ready for it, I will give you a lesson on the science of creative law that it would be impossible for your understanding to grasp at the present time. You are now taking your first lesson in the higher science of the spirit, These expressions of creative law, which seem now of such magnitude to you, will, after you have had a few lessons, resolve themselves into something that fits into your understanding. They will not grow any larger or smaller in size, but your understanding comprehension will grow; consequently the time will come when you will not be satisfied with what you see about you now. You will realize that all this great exhibition of mighty creative law is simply an emanation from a still greater degree of power, and as you continue to move higher in space you understanding will grow stronger. Even now you can ascend so high in space that it seems to you that you can almost touch Creative Cause; but, with this great possibility, you are limited; for there are reams so high in space that if you cou!d enter them now, you would pass into a condition where, for a time, you would seem to lose yourself. Your comprehension would be so inadequate to grasp the situation that it would be like going into the quintessence, or the Universal, a the Brahmin believe. Those great Hindu teachers do not understand the idea perfectly. Their teachings imply that the greatest blessing or reward that can tome to the immortal soul of man is to become absorbed in the Universal and there find perfect rest. We have a higher understanding of the plan than that. We know that the God principle of the immortal soul can never lose its identity or its power for higher unfoldment as the time goes on. For instance, if you should continue to move on higher and higher into space without a guide in your present degree of unfoldment, you, no doubt, would find yourself in a rea]m where the power was so great that your spiritual vision, your spiritual sight and understanding, would not be powerful enough to realize anything at first. If you remained in such a realm of space, you would have to dissolve and unfold for some little time before you would be able to see or hear anything at all; 20 but gradually your powers would unfold and, by a peculiar law of the highly developed and unfolded soul, you would take your place there and find your life-work in those higher realms I may say to you, in all truth, that not one spiritual being in a thousand could take the trip that you have into these higher realms after being in spirit life for the short length of time that you have. We do not advise spiritual beings to take these trips into space unless we know that they possess unusual spiritual power. As I have said before, the elements of space ca hot harm the spirit, but he must be able to comprehend his experiences to a certain extent, or he becomes as I tell you that you would be in still higher realms than these. You do not realize it, but the composition of your spiritual body has been changed since you passed up into the eight hundred and fifty-third degree in space. According to our estimate, two million miles constitute one degree, so you see you are far from earth; although, if you wished to return there now, you could make the trip in less than ten minutes. And, in the course of time, as you grow in power, you will be able to reach the earth plane in less time than that. The vibration of your body is not so rapid as it is in your spiritual home. Upon this trip you will not be able to behold the beings who guard these realms, although they are all about you now and of greater number than you can estimate. They are spiritual in their composition and of the same form as you, but more powerful, as they never lived in physical form. One may consider this very strange conversation for two spiritual beings on a trip through space. Strange as it may seem, it was exceedingly interesting to me, and I returned to my home in the heavenly realms more enlightened than before on abstruse subjects. This was the first of many trips through space that were always filled with absorbing interest to me. Since that first trip I have gone up over one million degrees, and have gained such knowledge that I can never expect to impart to material minds, but I have a class in spiritual research, the members of which meet in my home and are fitting themselves to explore the realms of space. 22 Some people will ask, Of what value can it be to a spiritual being to learn of the wonders of space ? I say it is of inestimable value in many ways, not only to the inhabitants of the eternal world, but to the people of earth as well. Progressive beings of the spiritual, heavenly, and celestial worlds are always on the lookout for receptive minds, to whom they may be able to impart the knowledge they have gained . Every great achievement worked out upon the earth has been impressed on some material mind that has been prepared to rece ve it by higher powers. This great truth is not known by the majority of people, but it is none the less a fact that if it were not for the information vibrated to material minds by spiritual beings, the earth plane would be much slower in its progress than it has been and is to-day. Questions of vital interest to the people of the material and spiritual planes interested me exceedingly. I wanted to live in such a way that I could be helpful to others less fortunate than myself. Particularly was I desirous of reaching one on the earth plane whom I had been selected to assist in a certain great work. This thought was In my mind constantly in the midst of my work and the many different experiences that meant so much to me in many different ways. My friends told me they never realized before that I was so ambitious. I did not call it ambition; it was simply the desire in my soul to make the best of the wonderful privileges that had been given to me in my new and glorious life. I did not need to be told that great honors awaited me if I would perform a certain great work. The pleasure that I derived from gaining knowledge and in realizing that I could be helpful to others was an incentive sufficient to make me continually desire to accomplish more and more as time went on. How happy I was when the way opened up for me to communicate with the one of earth who had journeyed by my side for many years and who felt keenly the absence of my material presence day by day. Every moment of the time I spent in spirit life was occupied with something helpful and instructive. I cared not to spend the time in mere pleasure, or even to enjoy something particularly beautiful, unless I knew that the good I was to derive from it would aid rne in my progress, or furnish me with some helpful idea that I could impart to others to aid them in their progress toward higher, grander, and better things. I did not make undue mention of my plans in this direction, although I found much satisfaction in the reflection of it in my deeper consciousness, I enjoyed the companionship of my friends and loved ones very much, and I came in contact with wonderfully interesting people people who had accomplished something in the heavenly life, and who would accomplish still more as they moved onward toward higher progression. It was interesting to me to meet the gifted men and women of the heavenly life who had figured in the intellectual life of the material world. Later on, in describing my experiences, I shall devote a chapter to interviews with distinguished people. As I recall the experiences of two years, it seems as though I had been an inhabitant of the better country at least fifteen years. Such wonderful and varied experiences as I have had in the different realms of space from spiritual travels about the earth to realms above the earth, the spiritual and angelic worlds surrounding the sphere of earth, and the mighty realms above the celestial, known in spirit life as God's Kingdom/ The Kingdom of the Blessed,The Realm of Peace and Bliss,and The God Center of Creation/' Truly, I have been blessed in the privileges given unto me. CHAPTER 4. IN THE SPIRITUAL AND CELESTIAL WORLDS. Two years in heaven! The memory and experience seem sweet to me, and, even though I pass through new experiences daily, I like to recall the joys and the surprises that have come to me from time to time since I joined the angel band above. When I first passed to the Summer Land the idea occurred to me that it might be interesting to keep a record from time to time of the experiences and events that took place in my life, and, to my surprise, I learned that for every soul who passed the spiritual life there was One appointed to keep a record of that life. It seemed to me that, if I carried out all that I planned to do, it would keep someone pretty busy making a record of it. I soon learned that I could transfer my thoughts to pages that I could prepare myself from the leaves of spiritual plants. I was glad of this, for I knew my experiences would certainly be very interesting, (Since that time I have spent many pleasant hours reading the thoughts that first came to me as a spiritual being. On the cover of the journal of my experiences I made this inscription: Rose Leaves. By a Rose that bloomed and faded on earth to be regenerated and quickened to a fuller and more beautiful bloom in a garden of the Summer Land. The following are some of my thoughts as I read them now: I have been told that it has been five days since I closed my eyes upon earthly things to open them in heaven. I have not learned, as yet, to distinguish the passage of time in this new and wonderful life, where the darkness of night never fails and the atmosphere is always bathed in a soft and beautiful glow sometimes of delicate rose, then again of blue, pale green, bright gold, or brilliant purple. My mind is filled with plans of what I hope to do. How glorious it will be to enter into active work and to realize that whatever I set out to do I shall be able to accomplish through the efforts I make! It seems good to be alive; to feel so well and strong that one's whole being vibrates with new and wonderful life. And how glad I feel to know that I can still be in touch with the world I left so recently! not because I am so fond of the gray, shadowy earth, but rather because it has been the scene of many life experiences, and because it holds for me a few persons that I love very dearly- I think they would rejoice if they could see me now, and I believe they would not care to call me back. I know there is one who would not. I believe, however, if he could join me here in this beautiful summer garden, he too would wish to remain and never return to earthly work and duties. It was so wonderful, the journey from the earth to the spirit world. When I looked upon my new body, in the strength and bloom of young womanhood, it seemed as though I must in some way have quaffed of the fount of eternal youth. With my new powers of vision I could see myself from head to foot, externally and internally. My hair was long and abundant, my eyes were bright, my cheeks well rounded, with a delicate flush upon them. The new skin of my body was not flesh; it was spiritual tissue and more wonderful and beautiful than anything I had ever seen in the flesh or skin of the physical body, I thought of the words of St. Paul, where he says, 'There is a natural body and there is a spiritual body/ I think the people of earth speculate a great deal in relation to whether the new spiritual body shall be formed of flesh, blood, bones, and physical organs, or of some new and wonderful material which differs from the earthly bodies as the unfolded lily differs from the brown bulb whence it sprung. I am glad that my new spiritual body resembles the old one, although on an improved scale. If the change were so marked as St. Paul seems to infer, how would we recognize each other her ;? It would seem as though we had lost our individuality if we bore no resemblance to our former selves. It seems to me that all persons like to feel that they will retain their former identity sufficiently to be recognized by those who have known and loved them in material life. Although I have been but so short a time in spirit life, it seems a long time to me; perhaps it is because so much had been crowded into my five days in heaven. Here I am among friends and loved ones, who are with me often and are so delighted to have me where they can be with me. This home is grander than anything I ever knew before. I marvel continually about the wonder of its furnishings and the wonderful discoveries I am continually making in relation to the rooms. Every room is furnished and decorated in a different color. Some are in colors I never saw before, I particularly like the circular room, which is like a conservatory with its flowering plants and vines and the fountain in the center in the form of an angel, bearing aloft a basket of flowers from which sprays of rainbow-colored water are sent up. I am glad for the beauty of this life but I am thankful that for those who desire it it is a life of service and usefulness. I do not think I could be satisfied to realize that throughout all eternity my time would be simply spent in enjoying the life of the spirit, yet there are many bright and beautiful beings in this life who spend the time in going from place to place, meeting with friends, enjoying the music, the art, and many other interesting and fascinating expressions of this wonderful life. There is no sadness here, no regret. If inhabitants of this life have such feelings when they visit their friends on the earth, they must lay them aside when they pass through the heavenly gate. I have been to the earth and have viewed the cold and silent form that formerly enclosed my spiritual body. I will say that I had feelings akin to sadness not for myself, but for those who could not understand the perfect meaning of that which the world calls 'death.' To me a new meaning had come with the mystic secret of death, and that is life. I never knew before the perfect fullness and abundance of life as I know it now. I am a woman in years, but my spirit is young and joyous, and the realization shines forth through my tyes in such an unmistakable way that my friends comment upon it and rejoice to think that mine own has come to me. 'Mine own' refers to my lifework, which I am eager to take up. I am not impatient; how could one be impatient or restless in such a life as this r But a short time ago it was winter to me, and I was passing through the great change which men term 'death. It is summer now. I am seated beneath the trees surrounding my home. I catch the fragrance of flowers and the melody of angelic music floating upon the breeze Two dear sisters who passed to the higher life years ago are with me, and one whom I never knew in earth-life, but who calls herself my guardian angel. I like the idea of guardian angels. It is beautiful to think that when we come into life we are given a beautiful being to watch over us and guide us through life. How they must grieve for us at times, when we are wicked and rebellious and hard to influence in the right way! During the short time I have known her I have learned to love the dear one who has watched over me. I know that she must have been sorely tried many times during the years she has watched over me I am sure I shall try to repay her for her kindness to me throughout the years by learning from her all she has to impart in the higher lessons of truth, love, and wisdom. How strange it is that the words appear, as they take shape in my mind., upon the page before me, without the use of my hands to transcribe my thoughts! My spiritual vision is wonderful. It seems I can see for miles and miles buildings, trees, bodies of water, or mountains cut no figure, for I can see right through them. One would naturally think, with such a power as that, it would distract my thoughts and keep my mind from becoming concentrated j but it does not. I on a conversation with the dear ones about me here with my mind and behold what is happening, near and afar, without being confused. Now and then I see a message in the air transcribed to me by the power of mind . Sometimes it is vibrated consciously by the sender, and then again it comes without the sendees being aware of the fact that I have received a message. The unconscious ones usually come from those I have known and loved on the earth, who have no idea that a thought sent by them can reach me. As I revel in the beauty of my surroundings I catch the flash of this message: Rose the Sunlight, we await your coming in the temple of supreme power. Prepare to receive the power of the spirit. 'Jose Illuminia, Olsen, Master of Power. This message means that I must go at once to the place mentioned, I have never been there, but I have no fear but what I shall he able to reach the place, even though I go without a guide. Immediately I catch the flash of another message: Your friends may accompany you. Accept the vibration of Divine Power as it is flashed to you. In less than a minute I am conscious of a wonderful power, which seems to pass through every part of my being until I am aglow with the most wonderful life-force I have ever known. It seems to me I have power enough to do almost anything I make up my mind to carry out. Of course, I do not understand the perfect meaning of this new power. Probably I shall understand it better after I have passed though the wonderful experiences now awaiting me. Everything is so wonderful and new to me that I find myself using the expression c It seems,but I expect that ere long I know it is will take the place of i It seems/ I am happy in the anticipation of what awaits me. My previous meetings with the beloved Jos6 and the kingly Oleson have been of such nature that I know all future meetings with them will be glorious. CHAPTER 5, IN THE SPIRITUAL AND CELESTIAL WORLDS. Gradually the great aim and purpose of my life became apparent to me and I was happy in the realization, for it furnished me with something good and helpful for every second of existence. How exceedingly small and narrow seemed the condition of material life in comparison to the works found in spiritual and celestial life! With this thought in mind, how important It seemed that we of the better life should reach down to humanity and help material life to grow wiser, stronger, broader, and better! What a wonderful satisfaction to the soul to know that it has helped even one child of humanity to find the light that leads to immortality and truth,) I found pleasure and satisfaction in every detail of my new and wonderful existence. The life seemed new and old to me at the same time, I fitted into everything so well that came up before me that it was as though I had in some peculiar way been always a part of the spiritual life; and then it seemed new because there was always being brought up before me something new, wonderful, and fascinating. The soul seemed to be continually preparing itself to assimilate some great truth, some new wonder that could not be comprehended unless the understanding had been prepared to receive it, I compared my soul knowledge to the growth, development, and unfoldment of a rosebud, and when I had grown, unfolded, and developed and blossomed into some sublime and wonderful conception of the higher life, there was a new rosebud forming that would reveal some greater truth in its blossoming. It was wonderful to think of, and yet how perfectly natural that it should be so in a world where the very air was fragrant with the power of progress. Receptive souls breathed in power as they mingled freely in the life of the spirit. The souls in the great life of the beyond were in number as mighty as the sands of the ocean, and comprehended only by the Infinite Powers of Creation. I longed to bring a small part of heaven down to the earth to the loved ones and the friends who had known and loved me when I wore the garments of the flesh, and so I was given the privilege and the power to bear a message to earth a message telling humanity of the wonderful life beyond the grave that God power had prepared for the reception of the soul after its period of probation on the earth plane; and so, as a message- bearer and mediator between those I knew on the earth and the powers of the higher life, I was appointed to carry out a great work between heaven and earth, I was expected to explore all parts of the earth, visit all planetary systems c f space and learn the nature of life and conditions found up< n them. I was to inform myself on all matters pertaining to my own plane of existence, and, as I gained a thorough understanding of spiritual conditions in general, I was informed that I must prepare myself to penetrate those mysterious realms where only gods of power and angelic beings of high degree reigned. The honor was one that no progressive soul could refuse, and the thought was born anew in my heart that I should make myself worthy such an honor by doing much good work and by making myself a higher manifestation of goodness, truth, Love, intelligence, and spirituality than ever before. And so, with this thought in my mind, I entered into every duty brought up before me with great enthusiasm. If ever a person loved his work, I loved mine. I loved to feel that with all the blessings that had come into my life I was to be given the power to help someone to enjoy them with me and to gain wisdom that would be helpful to them in their own progress toward higher things. I spent considerable time on the earth influencing and impressing certain ones that I had been given charge over. I never felt impatient in relation to any plan that I desired to accomplish, for I knew that whatsoever the God -powers had appointed me to carry out would be brought about, sooner or later. I belonged to no less than twenty-five classes for the study and understanding of physical, spiritual, and celestial conditions. Each of these classes was under the supervision of an artist in his particular line. One class was devoted to the study and understanding of the human body One part of each day was devoted to hospital work and reviewing the interior of the physical system in its many peculiar conditions. This was necessary, since I would be at some time in the future a guardian angel, and would be called upon to assist the spiritual form from the body. I found that by exercising one faculty of my being I could look within a physical body and behold the spiritual, mental, and physical system, I could see a great deal which even the dissecting-knife could not reveal to the eye of the physician or the student who viewed the interior remains. I realized how inadequate was the physician's art in discovering many causes of disease or inharmony of the body. I was dismayed when I realized to what extent the physician experiments upon the human body. Mad I been in touch with an earthly physician who prescribes strong drugs and the frequent use of the surgeon's knife, I would have endeavored to point out the fallacy of such a form of treatment in the cure of inharmony of the body. One subject that interested me greatly was the law of union between the sexes and family lite. I always believed there was no marrying or giving in marriage on the other side of life, I found there was a higher expression of the law of union. Every soul in that life found his soul-companion and togethei they would go on throughout all eternity, progressing higher through ages of time. The soul-companionship was beautiful and inspiring and intense in its spirituality. Sometimes ceremonies were held when two soul-mates came together, or when two were united that had been properly mated on the earth. A higher law than the marriage law brought souls intended for each other together the law which made them one in the sight of God. I have attended many grand soul-unions where the beloved Jos1/2 presided and the Divine Ruler of the Spheres, O my earthly friends, think of receiving the spiritual blessing of these grand beings in the presence of the one to whom you have been united in the sight of God! Such an experience would be of sufficient power to inspire two souls with the realization that they had indeed been blessed for all time. I could think of nothing grander than to have either of these great personages present at some future day when the one of earth from whose side I had departed joined me in the Summer Land. Sweet was the companionship that I enjoyed with the first wedded comp anions of the one to whom I had also been a wife. From her and the two dear children, the fruits of the union, I gained many sweet and inspiring lessons, and some of the time we dwelt in a home together. This dear one, whom angels called Emma the Starbeam,had been in the higher life for many years. She had watched her two spiritual blossoms develop and unfold before her very eyes. It was interesting to me to learn of the experiences of her life. CHAPTER 6. IN THE SPIRITUAL AND CELESTIAL WORLDS, I was impressed from the beginning with the social conditions and forms of employment in the spiritual and heavenly worlds. The drudgery and manual labor of the material world were done away with there, although all people passing into that life clung for awhile to the form of employment they had liked while in the physical body. H the form of employment in which they had engaged did not exist in the spiritual world, they sought someone of the earth engaged in their line of work and endeavored to work through them, in some cases by way of impression and in others by taking possession of the physical form. Some work carried on in this way was exceedingly important and greatly benefited the material world and its inhabitants. Those who had been physicians, lawyers, financiers in material life took up the study of their work from a higher viewpoint, in order that they might help those engaged in a similar work upon the physical plane I was delighted with the systematic order and harmony of spiritual existence. From the first sphere up everyone occupied the place for which he was fitted. Many who had been unrecognized upon the earth plane were bright and shining lights in the higher life, and many who had been millionaires or kings on earth were spiritual paupers in the world of higher law and justice. It would seem as though there were great problems to be solved in the lower spheres, where wicked and undeveloped spiritual beings were daily received- Rebellious and wicked these spirits were at first and exceedingly hard to manage, frequently returning to the earth to torment or torture some weak physical body. What a labor of love for God and His unfortunate children was being rendered daily by large-souled men and women who worked and taught in the lower spheres, endeavoring to show the sinful spirits the way of the truth and the light that would lead them up to a higher realization of the duty they owed themselves and their fellow-men. 45 Some spiritual beings were slow in their progress and some moved forward rapidly. Some were thousands of years passing through one sphere, while others progressed through several spheres in ten or twelve months. In endeavoring to reform the criminal in spirit, particular attention is given to the cause that made him a criminal before he passed from his physical body. If he has been born a criminal, it is harder to do anything with him at the start than with the one who has brought criminality upon himself, as it were. In the first place he has committed crime because he could not help it, but in the second place he has sinned to satisfy some demand of his physical or mental nature. In the first place the desire to do wrong has been born in the soul, but in the second place the soul takes no part in the wrong-doing and frequently grieves to realize that its power is unrecognized and unheeded by the prevailing nature of the one who sins for his ambitions or for possessions. There are no helpless cases, however, in spirit life; not even those who must be confined in the dark sphere and surrounded by a circle of fire to keep them from doing wrong are hopeless. 46 All may be led to higher consciousness and realization by the light of Divine Love. The lower spheres are interesting because of the great work that is going on in their midst. They are, perhaps, of greater interest to those who are interested in reform movements and the improvement of the race in a spiritual, moral, and intellectual sense. The lower spheres I found very much like the earth. The inhabitants were not yet spiritualized, consequently their tendencies were still somewhat physical. Some of them were peaceable, others were rebellious at the sudden change that had brought them into a life where every act and the motive that prompted it were known to those who dwelt there. It was poor satisfaction to go to the earth to deceive, steal, or take life, and in tire majority of cases those who had spent their lives in committing sin began to realize ere long that there was more comfort and happiness in living good and noble lives. Eveiy encouragement was given them by those who sought to bring about their reformation. At first they did not care to mingle with the angelic beings who came from the higher spheres to help them. The contrast between spirit and angel was so marked that it created inharmony in the mind of the undeveloped one. But gradually he came to realize that only good was intended, and at last the spirit of kindliness prevailed and the worked one was made tractable to the kindly ministrations of the child of God who had attained a state of angelhood. Angelic beings and spirits could not dwell together in the same sphere, as it would cause inharmony; but the former could come from their beautiful homes in the heavenly land to the spheres where dwelt the wicked and undeveloped of God's children. They could tell the latter of the possibilities they might attain if they would repent and be good, and they could even invite them to their beautiful homes above and thereby give them an incentive to make something out of their Lives that would help them to be stronger, wiser, purer, and better. When I first passed to the higher life and learned of the wonderful possibilities, I felt the desire to know what manner of work those who had figured in the world's progress were performing from time to time. It has been my pleasure many times since 48 to visit famous people in their homes and to mingle freely with them until I have learned to know them very well, I have found them interesting and charming. I have heard them express themselves in relation to all movements affecting the progress of humanity as well as those that retard it. Although they have passed beyond the pale of physical life, they are as much interested as though they were still of the earth. Many of them, in one sense, are still of the earth, for they go daily to the earth plane to seek out those who are endeavoring to take up the work where they themselves left it off. I had a most delightful interview with Frances A, Will art! at her beautiful home in the Seventh Sphere. I found her to be a powerful spirit in reform movements of earth and the spirit world. She was just as earnest and positive in her work as she had ever been when an inhabitant of the earth plane. Still determined to wipe out the curse of the liquor question, she informed me that she visited the earth plane daily, influencing and impressing those who were carrying on the work of Prohibition. At night, upon the astral plane, she lectured to leaders of the temperance movement, whose bodies were in a condition of sleep. The impressions produced on the mind of the spirit by this powerful woman here in many cases worked out for good in the reform movements of the world. Two mighty movements for the world's good that Frances A. Willard has been endeavoring to bring about since she passed to the higher life are the temperance cause and the higber progress of women. The time will come/' she declared emphatically, when the people of the world will be forced to acknowledge that liquor possesses no food value and that its use as a medicine has done more harm than good, and that thousands of helpless beings, who have been cursed from creation and birthjowe the inheritance they possess to a state of intoxication in one or both parents. To those who pass to spirit life with the curse of liquor upon them Frances A. Willard acts as a ministering angel. She watches over them and endeavors to help them overcome the taste which a lifetime in an intemperate body has brought about. She has helped to raise in the first three spheres of 51/2 the spiritual world institutions where intemperate spirits may be helped to overcome their undeveloped condition, due in many cases to the curse of intemperance. Honors that have been bestowed upon this noble woman by the God-powers of the higher world have only served to make stronger her character, and in the present day she is instrumental in bringing about much that is good and helpful to the world. CHAPTER 7. IN THE SPIRITUAL AND CELESTIAL WORLDS. I think this thought always comes to those who have been interested in the world's noted people who have passed on to higher life: I wonder what manner of work they are carrying on in the new sphere of existence It has been my pleasure and privilege, during the two years I have been in higher life, to interview many of the world's noted people of both sexes. I will speak of a few who have impressed me with more than an ordinary interest. The homes of these people I have always found open to the interested. The public receptions held frequently are open to all inhabitants of the Fifth Sphere and up. Those below the Fifth can only come by special invitation and they must always be accompanied by the one who invites them. They must return to their own sphere after the reception, and not be permitted to linger In the realm of the angels, since they are spiritual beings and have not attained the developed state of those dwelling in the higher spheres. Grand receptions and public affairs are not confined solely to those who have figured in the world's higher work, for there are wonderfully gifted souls who have been reared in heavenly life. Among them are poets, artists, sculptors, musicians, inventors, scientists, public speakers, lecturers, singers, and those endowed with peculiar gifts that the world knows not of. One reception that impressed me particularly with its wonderful charm was held at White Villa, the beautiful home of an operatic singer a star performer in Wagner's cast of players in the celestial sphere. This grand being and his charming companion had developed and unfolded from infancy in the celestial life. They had never been to the earth plane, so they knew nothing that was unpleasant or inharmonious. The name of the singer was Carmello and that of his companion Florentine. ' Hiey both wore the long, flowing, white spiritual robes of the celestial ist, and they were both beautiful beyond expression. He was tall and fair, with a wealth of tawny gold hair. She was small, with nut-brown hair and eyes > and had a most engaging personality White Villa was a magnificent estate, several miles in extent, which seemed of transparent crystal. There were hanging gardens of rare flowers, beautiful fountains tossing up rainbow spray, and birds of brilliant plumage, making the air melodious with song. All attending the receptions at White Villa were invariably clothed in whitethe white sparkling raiment, of the celestialist. If they had not yet attained a state of angelhood, they were celcsttaHsts for the timeand as such they wore white raiment, in accordance with the higher law of the spirit. The two charming beings, Carmello and Florentina, received the guests, giving each and every one a personal welcome. There were no formal introductions, but each one made himself acquainted with the others, and, as a result the time passed very pleasantly indeed. There we met such artists as Munkaczy, Rosa Bonheur, Rubens, Da Vinci, Titian, Murillo, Van Dyke, and others. Famous writers were there: Shakespeare, Dickens, Longfellow, Tennyson, Emerson, Thackeray, Holmes, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Kate Field, and others too numerous to mention. The great scientists, Zollner, Faraday, and Thales, were there; and master musicians: Wagner, Beethoven, Mozart, Mendelssohn, Schubert, Liszt, Chopin, and Handel; also magnificent singers: Jenny Lind, Emma Abbott, Parepa-Rosa, and Carrerio. Each of these great people gave freely of their powers. They knew what the people wanted, and, as their time was not limited, they sang, played, recited, and talked again and again. While the entertainment was going on in one part of the great building, in other parts the guests were passing the time in a social way. No small talk or gossip was indulged in; there was no place for it and no desire for it among these gifted people and their friends. What would the people of earth think, I wonder, to know that they could stand face to face, with the gentle Longfellow and hear him recite his latest poem, or listen to Emma Abbott sing some of the old-time favorites as well as the new operatic selections of heaven? I had the pleasure of listening to Wagner upon this occasion. He talked of his latest achievement in grand opera, and wanted all those present to attend the first performance in his grand opera halL His latest work was founded upon a recent order of the higher kingdom and was known as Glenardo, the Knight of the Golden Key.' Carmetlo and Florentina, our host and hostess, were to sing the leading parts. With what an absorbing interest the hours went by! After the gifted people had entertained the vast audience, the host and hostess invited their guests to pass through the many beautiful rooms and the buildings connected with their villa, which were dedicated to a number of the higher arts and sciences. There was a magnificent gallery of art, containing wonderful treasures in the way of sculpture and pictures. There was a fine laboratory, where we were invited to witness some electrical tests by Thales and Faraday. Upon this occasion I met many distinguished people, who invited me to their beautiful homes. Before the time came for the guests to depart, the gifted Carmello presented each one with a beautiful little gift as a souvenir of the occasion. These gifts were miniature reproductions of White Villa, set with splendid jewels. CHAPTER 8. IN THE SPIRITUAL AND CELESTIAL WORLDS. It is pleasant to recall the experiences that have come to me during my two years in the land of the angels. There has been no confusion so far in my life in heaven no disappointed hopes or ambitions, I have had plans for those of earth who were dear to me that have not materialized as I would like to have had them. I know this, however: that all that has been planned for those dear to me by the higher powers must be brought out to the complete satisfaction of all parties concerned And so, as the days go by, I am hopeful and happy, for I know that the near future contains much concerning plans that are of interest to me, I had been but a short time in spirit life when an organization of influential people of the other life was perfected arid called The Temple Society.Many of the most gifted and powerful beings from the different spheres of immortal life were at the head of this organization, I learned that the Society extended far up into kingdoms beyond the celestial sphere, and, while visiting God's Kingdom and the Kingdom of the Blessed, I had the pleasure of attending the conventions of this Society. Each time that I was called to these higher realms of being I was made the honored guest of The Temple Society. The object of the organization was the building of The Temple of Light on the earth Every branch of the Society appointed angelic and spiritual beings to organize Temple Societies on the earth in different communities. The work carried on would be entirely spiritual in its nature until its influence had grown to the extent that material minds were conscious of some great plan at work concerning the building of a mighty temple. It was not so much the question of the world's knowing the plan - the acceptance of the plan by the people of certain communities was the desired point to be gained. And so the development of the idea was noted with interest by the leaders of the organization. The spiritual Temple Societies sent to work in different parts of the world made their annual reports to the organization in the higher world. Progress in a material sense was not rapid, but those appointed to carry out such a work understood the law and they knew that they would, no doubt, be obliged to exercise much patience and persistence before the minds of the people could be made receptive to the building of a Temple of Light on the earth. The progress of the work of Temple representatives on the earth was carefully noted by the organizers above, and it was shown just what parts of the country would be favorable to the idea of erecting a Temple of Light. It was shown that, with the proper material leaders, certain towns and cities of the United States would accept the idea and plan the work of erecting such a structure when the idea was made known in a material sense. Other communities, it was shown, would be very slow in taking up the idea and would never lend their aid in the carrying out of such an enterprise until the others had taken the initiative and had proved it to be a practicable idea. page 60. The idea was that, in the beginnings there should be one organizer or leader upon the earth; then, as the work grew and unfolded, there would be material representatives to carry on the work in the United States and in foreign countries. The plan was perfected in every detail in a spiritual sense. It was expected, however, that it would require time to perfect it in a material sense; but never once did those chosen to represent the spiritual Temple Society abandon the idea of the ultimate success of their work upon the earth plane. Since I was connected with the leader of this great plan, I was given the appointment of spiritual recorder of the work carried on by the spiritual and angelic representatives. This was but one of the many duties of my life. I found the work pleasant and interesting and not at all conflicting with the other lines of duty that, by special appointment, were mint. It seemed that every duty and pleasure of my life had its own particular place and was carried out by a more perfect system than I had ever known in material life. I felt so well, so strong and happy that it was a pleasure to live and partake of the wonderful privileges that the Creator had given to me, I had evidently been created for a busy life, for I wanted to be busy in the midst of pleasure, and found my greatest happiness in helping others to be happy, and in planning out something that would be helpful to the companion by whose side I had journeyed for many years- I liked to feel that for his sake I had gone on to the higher life that I might be able to help him in his great work, so that many, seeking for higher truth, might be led to the light. CHAPTER 9. IN THE SPIRITUAL AND CELESTIAL WORLDS. Great minds of the higher life have paid tribute to the sublime character whom the world knows as The Christ.They have found no subject more beautiful and inspiring for their characters in music, art, song, or story, One may spend weeks in exploring the galleries of art in the heavenly world and he finds the subject of The Christ the favorite of painters and sculptors, Michael Angelo has delighted to picture Him in over a thousand attitudes; every great artist, in fact, has created his most sublime works with The Christ as the leading character, A female artist, bearing the name of Celeste Vincenta, has produced some of the most marvelous conceptions in sculpture and painting of Christ, known in heaven as The Divine Jose/' There are galleries of art containing the conceptions of this gifted artist, and every picture or statue occupying the place as central figure of a group is that of the sublime Son of God. We see this beloved One in the grand review of angels, conferring blessings upon the people, clothed in His robes of purple, gold, and white. Again we see Him giving into the arms of a mother the child she thought she had destroyed, never believing that it would live to confront her on the other side of life. We see this gentle One ascending through the ether to the higher kingdoms, bathed in a wonderful glowing light We see Him blessing the little children and standing before those who were bhnd in material life. No words can depict the wonder that beams upon their faces as they look upon the Divine One in all the glory of His mighty power. Again we see Him depicted counseling with one who has passed into the spirtworld doubting the existence of spiritual life after death. We see Him raising His hands toward the multitude, while vibrations of divine power emanate from Him and find expression in the forms of those present. One sublime conception by Da Vinci is entitled When the Comforter Comes.It shows the beloved One moving through the dark sphere, and wherever He moves the darkness and the shadows flee away and in their place shines a wondrous light. The expressions upon the countenances of those who behold Film can hardly be described. There is something wonderful about it. CHAPTER 10, IN THE SPIRITUAL AND CELESTIAL WORLDS. In the sacred verse of the spiritual and heavenly worlds the character of the Divine Jose stands out in bold relief. The poet Tennyson has taken the life of the inspired One from mortality to immortality and formed from it a sacred and sublime work. It is considered a masterpiece by higher critics. The great music master Wagner has given to heaven a grand conception also portraying the character of the Divine, It is entitled A Master of Power. During my two years oflife in the heavenly world it had been my pleasure and privilege to look upon the masterpieces of sacred art of which I have made mention. I have also listened to and witnessed the musical and dramatic compositions that have for their theme the immortal Jose, More inspiring to me, however, have been my personal experiences with this glorious character, I have gained from Him knowledge of higher spiritual laws that have been helpful to me in my progress to higher consciousness. This Divine Teacher has opened up the way for me to attainments that I have longed for during many, years of my life. I may say that I have sat at the feet of the Master and gathered the jewels of thought and wisdom that have flowed from His divinely inspired soul. That He is the true son of the reigning God of the earth, the spiritual, celestial, and higher worlds, I know to be a fact; that He is a reigning God himself is another great truth of which I have knowledge. My experience has taught me many things that no longer require faith to substantiate them. I know that there are many believers in spiritual truth dwelling in physical bodies who would do away with the belief of the existence of the One the earth calls The Christ, ' From my point of view, to do this would be to take away the foundation upon which religion rests. Many inspired teachers, whose work and mission have been to help humanity to attain a higher standard, have been given to the world. They have passed on to higher fields of action, and by their example many have learned to look heavenward. None other, however, has given to the world such a sublime and wonderful example of inspired life as that of the One who is the subject of my present writing. Tall, stately, and majestic, His glorious figure emitting a halo of light, he moves among the people of the higher life, speaking a helpful word to one, blessing another, and proving in more ways than can be mentioned that He is a master of mighty power in the great world of the spirit. How often have I looked upon Him, floating upward through the celestial ether toward higher realms of being, His majestic figure aglow with brilliant light. I have watched Him after He has attained a height of many thousands of miles and He was as plainly visible as He had been when moving among the people in the celestial world. An artist of the celestial world has depicted this Divine One far up in the celestial atmosphere, descending toward the people with arms outstretched, as in the attitude of blessing. This masterly conception of the Divine in art is entitled The King of Heaven. I make mention of this character because He seems to belong so essentially to all people of the mortal and immortal worlds. His Father, who, at the time of my passing, was the Supreme Divine Ruler of the Spheres, was a being of such magnitude and power that but few could comprehend Him, They could hear Him speak and now and then could see Him, but only those who were very enlightened could put themselves in sufficent touch with Him to overcome the feeling of awe that His personal presence brought forth. ICxperience has taught me that in higher life we must grow toward higher things before we can grasp their meaning or learn to assimilate the lessons they teach. We may be brought before some wonderful character or divine manifestation and be unable to see it and yet have the inner consciousness that it exists before us. The lesson such experiences impart is this: We must unfold the higher consciousness to the degree that puts us in unity with that particular being or manifestation of higher power of which we would have knowledge. One peculiarity of the spiritual vision and understanding is that it is capable of so many degrees of development and unfoldment. It would seem to the material conception that all persons of the higher life, from the spiritual to the celestial worlds, must possess that rate of vision that enables them to see alike whatsoever is hrought before them I hav$ been in the presence of beings of mighty power that mine eyes could not behold, but there were others in my company who have been able to see and describe the appearance of those mighty ones, whom I have afterwards beheld with the power of a higher unfoldment of consciousness. This is one of the mysteries of the spiritual consciousness that is so difficult for the human mind to fathom, I have been far up in God's Kingdom and The Kingdom of the Blessed. I have looked upon marvelous manifestations and magnificent beings, while at the same time I was blind to other beings and demonstrations that were going on all about me. Later on my vision was unfolded sufficiently to behold them. Truly, it is a grand thought to contemplate and reflect upon the unfoldment of the higher consciousness of the immortal mind. It is a subject that can never be exhausted, for there is always more to it than can be grasped at any one time, no matter to what mighty degree the consciousness has found attainment. CHAPTER 11. IN THE SPIRITUAL AND CELESTIAL WORLDS. What constitutes true religion in spiritual Life is a question that comes up continually in the minds of a thinking people who are broad enough in their ideas to realize that not any one religion held by the people of earth can be sufficient to hold the multitude of spiritual beings who are passing to higher life day by day. This question of religious belief was another subject of absorbing interest to me, and so I made it a point to interview people of all spheres, from the lower to the higher. I found some of the most devoutly religious people I have ever known inhabitants of the lower spheres. I found that what the world terms religionwas not always goodness or purity that it was sometimes a cloak for traits of character not at all desirable. I found that many who believed themselves to be God's chosen people, because they had been religious, were spiritual paupers in the Life beyond the grave. They were spiritual paupers for two reasons: In the first place, they had lived a life of mere form, and had not cultivated the broader spirit of progress which must always have a higher motive than that of negative goodness a motive which builds for character and for helpfulness to humanity. In the second place, they were bigoted and refused to accept the true religion as it was imparted to them by refined and educated spiritual teachers. Some will say that it is perfectly natural that a devout, religious person, imbued with his own ideas as to what constitutes true faith, should refuse to accept ideas that are new to him in relation to religious belief. When I state, however, that the spiritual beings sent to teach the truth to these religious bigots were persons of superior power and inspiring personality, it would seem that those who were to receive the instruction ought to be amenable to such high influence. Some do accept the truth, but the majority hold to their own belief and refuse to be influenced by any other ideas. This is very bad for them, of course, and holds them back from the path of progress until such a time when they decide to learn the way of the truth and the light from those sent to instruct them. I found Catholics, Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, and those holding to other forms of belief in the first to the fourth spheres. After the fourth sphere there was but one religious belief held by all beings of the higher life. They had attained the stage of development that gave them knowledge of the truth, and it was not necessary that it be imparted to them by teachers appointed for that especial purpose They had the knowledge of eternal progression and the mighty truth that every being called to the other life must work out his own salvation. By this time they had learned that church form, as it is carried out in the churches of earth, counts for nothing as far as the salvation of the soul is concerned. Religious belief in the higher life is founded upon knowledge and, does not require faith, although faith does figure in relation to the great truths carried out in God's Kingdom and realms beyond. CHAPTER 12. IN THE SPIRITUAL AND CELESTIAL WORLDS. The family life was beautiful in the heavenly world. Some of the most pleasant hours of my life have been spent in the loving companionship of friends and loved ones of that life Had I not been ambitious to perform much good work for the cause of humanity, it would have been almost a temptation to spend the larger part of my time in my own beautiful home and in enjoying the affairs of interest that were taking place continually in different parts of the heavenly kingdom. It seemed that the knowledge I gained in relation to higher things was to be modified and applied to those of my earthly friends who were prepared to receive it. Gradually, as I unfolded and progressed in higher knowledge and understanding, I was brought into a deeper line of study and work. I prepared myself for each step ahead of me in such a way that the knowledge I gained was well grounded in my understanding and I was capable of imparting it to those ready to receive it. My life was divided into three parts: the gaining of spiritual and heavenly knowledge during the hours spent away from the earth; the hours of pleasure spent with those I cared for during what is termed the astral travel; and the hours I spent writing my views and experiences through a scribe selected for such work. It was a pleasant thought to me to realize that I could make my spiritual experience practicable in a material way. The other dear ones, with whom I was associated in a spiritual way, were as interested as myself to tell of the wonderful life and revelations of the great beyond. In a sense> I learned to live in two worlds at the same time. The plan of life, as I beheld it from my new viewpoint, seemed marvelous indeed. The knowledge of eternal progression, the great ocean of space, where worlds existed beyond worlds, and worlds surmounted worlds, until it was impossible to find a beginning or an ending, interested me greatly. I wondered if I would ever progress sufficiently or perform enough good work to enter realms of power existing beyond the celestial world. From those higher realms, it seemed, emanated creative power that gave life and action to the spheres below. What went on in those higher realms was a sealed book to those in the realms below, unless it was especially ordained that certain information would be given. Those who really desired to progress to a point of understanding where they would be able to enter the higher kingdom and gain a knowledge of a higher expression of creative power were given the opportunity to prepare themselves, but they must be passed upon by the powers up to the Three Hundred and Fiftieth Degree. One desiring such attainment must make no mention of it, but the desire in the mind would be known by the god of the Three Hundred and Fiftieth Degree. He would consult with the god of the Three Hundred and Forty-ninth Degree, and each ruling god of the degree below must manifest his approval until it was known and desired by the mighty ones of the higher regions that a certain one was qualified to pass up into those sublime realms where Godpower was so intense in its manifestation, I must confess that I was surprised when it was revealed to me that I had been selected as one to enter God's Kingdom and be brought into communion with the higher powers there. Through a newly awakened power in my owrrsoul, I was asked to set apart a certain time every forty-eight hours, during which I would be brought into spiritual contact with some of the mighty powers far away in infinite space. In order to do this, I must enter the sacred shrine of my celestial home and there bring myself en rapport with those who were to sanctify and prepare me to enter a region where only the grand, the elevated in thought and the pure and unselfish in action were permitted to enter, I must learn some powerful lessons before I would be qualified, and even then I would be obliged to pass through some great ordeals after I had passed up into the higher realms, of which I had no conception. I was told to reflect well upon the great step I proposed to take. Some had taken the step, but had not acted exactly as they had been instructed after returning to the celestial world and they had been recalled to the higher regions to remain there for all time; never again would they be permitted to mingle with their former friends and loved ones of the celestial world. It would have been a mighty trial to have had anything like that happen to me, so I was quite determined to accept the honor and at the same time carry out without faltering the obligations and responsibilities I was supposed to assume. The hours of preparation I spent in my own sacred shrine, with the light of great God-powers illumining and flooding my spirit and quickening it for a larger work, filled me with a new realization that I had not known before. A new sense was unfolding within me, which perhaps would not have been quickened under any other condition. These were my most sacred moments , and> for the time being, I was so uplifted in my realizations that I seemed to enter into a new sphere of being. How vain and unsatisfying seemed the life and conditions of the material world in comparison, and yet I could go from this sublime state of exaltation to my friends of earth and participate in their interests and pleasures with a great deal of enthusiasm. When mingling in the life of the spirit, life was all harmonious and beautiful; but when comming with my friends of earth, I could experience many of the feelings and emotions that I had while an inmate of the physical body. In this way I was enabled to enjoy all conditions that came into my life, and I was happy, very happy indeed; but at times I experienced feelings of indignation at the actions or different people of earth, whose movements hindered the carrying out of plans that would have been helpful to a good cause. After I had undergone for a period the special preparation, the time came for me to pass up into God's Kingdom. I was not permitted to know beforehand what awaited me there. With great anticipation, however, I awaited the summons that would take me up into those mighty realms. PART 2. CHAPTER 1. IN god's kingdom. One day, in company with the Beloved Jose, I was summoned to God's Kingdom. My mind, of course, was filled with the anticipations of what awaited me. The spiritual mind knows not fear, and so I feared not, although I had reason to believe that I would be obliged to pass through an experience an experience similar to the one we call death before I could enter those higher realms of being. I trusted and placed my spirit m care of the divine Son of God. One could not fear w^ith such a being for a guide. In passing through the First Degree of spiritual regeneration the atoms of my spiritual body were disintegrated and only the God-center of my being was apparent; but in a few seconds I stood forth again in a new body of a much higher grade than my spiritual form. I was dazed for a few moments, but realization soon came to me, and then I understood that for each higher degree of being we must pass through an experience which selves to clothe the God-principle of the being with a new regenerated body. I had been a celestial being before but now I was a super-celestial, and I had passed through the spiritual death. My vision previous to this time had enabled me to behold myself in all my parts; but with my new form of vision L could see that I possessed parts that had not been revealed to me before. Of course I had possessed these parts before, but they had not unfolded. I compared myself before to a partly opened flower. Now I was the unfolded blossom; and, no doubt, as I continued, there would still be a higher unfoldment for me, of which I was not conscious at this stage of my unfoldment. And so we traveled on through higher space, the Beloved Jose and I, and the atmosphere through which we passed was filled with vibrations of power. There was no vacuum in that atmosphere, which was in a continual state of vibration. The sensations of power that were sent down from the higher realms toward the celestial regions were modified somewhat before they reached the celestial sphere, I could experience them in the fullness of their power, as my new attainment of understanding and my regenerated body were capable of receiving such emanations of power. As a celestial being, I would not have been capable of entering these regions. Spheres of active life-power, hundreds of times larger than the spheres of the earth, were formed about each other. We moved rapidly , and the vibrations of the atmosphere produced a force that was equal to millions of degrees per second. I beheld a great deal that was so unlike anything I had ever looked upon before in a material, spiritual, or celestial sense that I could find no words to describe them to those who had not passed through the great change which ushers the human body into a state of spirituality and higher understanding. As a rule, we are only able to comprehend that which can be measured by the state of understanding to which we have attained; and so I knew that I passed through many wonderful experiences while sojourning in God's Kingdom that I could never describe to my friends on the earth, for I should be writing a collection of words that would have no meaning in a spiritual or physical sense. Upon arriving at the metropolis of God's Kingdom I was brought into contact with beings the most marvelously grand and beautiful that I had ever looked upon. These beings had never lived in human form, but had been created by Godpower in a perfect form. They were neither flesh, blood, nor spirit; they were a higher degree than spirit, yet they were in the form of men and women, but of such a high degree that they manifested the perfected sex, which needed no other half to complete it. These people had attained such a high degree of perfection and knowledge that it would have been impossible for me to mingle with them with any degree of understanding had I not undergone a special preparation under the Divine Jose. They were called The Immortals of God,' and were of mighty power and understanding. They seemed to know of me and of all matters in connection with my life, for they revealed to me a great deal that had transpired in ny life. CHAPTER 2, IN GOD'S KINGDOM. My close association with the Divine Jose in the journey to the higher realms of space gave me strength and power from the higher sources of being. The experiences through which I passed were equally interesting and far more wonderful to me than those through which I passed in the transition from material to spiritual life. The revelation came to me for the first time that the spiritual man is capable of many regenerations, and when I say regeneration I do not mean reincarnation, for the spiritual ego of the man or the woman never changes or loses its identity. You may say, How about a very wicked person how can he become purified and spiritual and still retain the individuality he field while in the physical body ? How can an apparently stupid person appear like himself after his faculties have been developed and unfolded through higher influence and teaching? I can only say, in answering the foregoing questions, that the wicked and stupid characteristics of the class of people mentioned were not a part of the real individuality. The higher and better part of the nature, that prevails after the person has emerged from his prison-house of clay, constitutes the real personality or individuality of the being. The fact that a stupid man can become an intelligent being and a wicked man become an angel of light is proof in itself that there was good material from the beginning in these apparently undesirable offsprings of humanity. It only required the proper development to bring forth the good, just as the cold and apparently lifeless marble requires the peculiar touch of a hand responsive to a master's bidding to bring forth the imprisoned angel of the stone. We know that fine-toned instruments are discordant and inharmonious when touched by unresponsive hands. I may say that I passed through a spiritual regeneration each time that I passed into a higher sphere of being. It was absolutely necessary that I do this in order to enter these kingdoms, as neither flesh nor blood can enter the kingdoms of heaven. Neither can the celestial body enter God's Kingdom until its ego has emerged and taken on the next higher form of manifestation. After the change has taken place the only difference that is apparent is a more ethereal appearance a more beautiful and powerful aura of light vibrating from the body and a greater degree of power manifested by the personality. A celestial being must resume his former appearance after returning from God's Kingdom to the celestial realms, but there always remain with him certain peculiar signs which enable the observant person to always tell that a certain person has entered the Kingdom of God t>r the Kingdom of the Blessed. If the harmony had been exquisite in the celestial world, it was even more so in God's Kingdom. It was grand to be alive in the celes tial world, but it was glorious to be alive in God's Kingdom. Every moment was filled with rapture, a rapture so exquisite that a celestial, spiritual, or material being would not be able to hold itself together under the intensity of the cosmic vibrations. 87 The highly gifted beings of God's Kingdom received the power sent from The Kingdom of the Blessed and by their own marvelous power manifested it through the cosmic ether to the celestial kingdom. Each kingdom of being received its power from the one next higher and, in turn, manifested power to the inhabitants of the kingdom below I found that one part of God's Kingdom was given over to temples, temples more marvelous in construction than anything of which I had ever dreamed; temples that people in different parts of the universe were constructing day by day, by the acts, motives, and experiences of their lives without being aware of it. I entered temples wherein I beheld the world's work for thousands of years to come. I visited temples dedicated to the different suns, moons, and planets, and I learned in a more perfect way than ever before of the God-principle sent out from these higher regions to the planetary bodies suspended in space. My understanding of creation, as I looked upon it from my new viewpoint, showed me that no 88 form of expression occupying space is ever lost. If it were possible for one atom of cosmic or intercosmic ether to become lost, then would it be possible for the universe, under certain conditions, to be plunged at any time into a chaos of discord and disaster. Since man himself is made up of highly-charged atoms of cosmic power, it would be possible for his spirit to lose its identity and he be plunged into the universal, if the immutable law of creation permitted any expression or life possessing spiritual individuality to change its form and become absorbed into liquid ether or disintegrated into nothing. High up in those Kingdoms of God I found myself, not in the presence of one God, but of many. I realized that the mind that accepts one God or no God at all is limited in its conception. When we come to realize life from a larger view-point and we behold with the spiritual vision the magnitude of the universe, then do we realize the wisdom of the plan that gives to the universe many gods of power, many rulers and many teachers. 89 The power of the ruling gods of the universe combined forms one great Universal Mind that radiates throughout all forms of expression in Nature and is one in harmony and understanding. My first trip to God's Kingdom gave me this revelation, and on each succeeding trip I gained a more comprehensive understanding of the great internal plan> although I realized that it would be impossible for me to grasp the plan in its entirety, even throughout eternity. It was not often that beings from the lower kingdoms came into the higher realms of space, and so I was received with a great deal of ovation, and wherever I went in that great world of being my condition was known and anticipated beforehand. I was upon one occasion the honored guest of twenty-five ruling gods. What my experiences were in the presence of those mighty beings can never be told in words that could be comprehended by the material mind. Special power was exerted over me until I beheld myself as I will be in one hundred years from now. Not many celestial beings would have been pleased with the idea of taking on such high conditions, knowing that they would be obliged to lay them aside on returning to their former condition. It was exceedingly helpful to me, however, to be so privileged. It furnished me with an incentive to more rapid progress. CHAPTER 3. in god's kingdom. In Gad's Kingdom I found myself possessed of a higher expression of the faculties than had been mine while in a celestial state of being. My powers of understanding were capable of higher action and were much more intense. My vision could penetrate and rise above objects within a radius of thousands of miles. I was capable of hearing quite distinctly sounds thousands of miles distant. Everything with which I came in contact seemed to have attained such a supreme state of development that the life and conditions seemed to be the acme of perfection. But it had seemed to be the same in the celestial regions, and by this time I was led to believe that in the still higher realms above there were degrees of perfection not known in God's Kingdom. Never before had I listened to such wisdom as emanated from the person of the ruling God of those higher regions. He spoke, 92 not with his voice, but with his being; and I did not catch the wisdom with my organs of hearing, but with my being, and with this wisdom a strange consciousness came to me. Always before, the spheres of being in which I lived, developed, and unfolded seemed larger than my conception of them, I had been then but one small part of the conception of Creative Law; but now my understanding swept the panorama of material and celestial being, until I was larger myself than the material universe or anything in it; but I was smaller than the state of being into which I had entered, and I would continue to be so until I had attained that degree of unfoldment that lifted me up into a conception of the life and conditions of realms of being still higher above. I realized that the time would come when I should know that there was no such thing as distance. My comprehension would be so acute that the different spheres of being would appear as degrees, leading from one to the other; and I would be able to stand at a given point and with one sweep of my hand I would be able to touch the realms of the material, the spiritual, the celestial, the godly, the blessed, the superlatively spiritual, the superlatively celestial, etc. I realized that as we grow in wisdom we get away from the limited conceptions that make conditions seem what they are not. It was a wonderful thought to me, and I was as one grasping a telescope focused on the earth, the spiritual and the celestial worlds, in which I saw revealed the magnitude of creation, a thousand times larger than any material conception grasps it, and I myself was larger than anything I looked at; not larger in appearance, for that was not necessary in the new light of my understanding. My powers of imagination were not enlarged , for that was not necessary in order that I behold from a broader viewpoint and with a stronger grasp of the understanding relating to life up to my present attainment. My vision was so clear below me and beyond to a certain point that there were no obstacles in my way; but I knew that, in order to penetrate still farther beyond, I must grow toward such a state of being, just as I had grown toward my present state of attainment. 94 As I rehested upon the growth and development of my life from its material conception up to the present time, it was clearly revealed that the purpose and plan of my existence had been most peculiar. Even in this state of my being, my mission seemed to be to enter into different spheres of action. I learned that not many were called during the period of one or two years to these higher regions, and, usually, if they were called, they remained here to carry out a particular work of this region; but here was I (not a great while ago an inhabitant of the physical plane) in these higher regions for the purpose of gaining light upon the marvelous conceptions of creation that I might hand the information down to those who were ready to receive it, either on the earth in the spirit world, or in heaven. Surely, my. mission was a peculiar one. I had been called upon to take on conditions, through the influence of higher powers, that others might have been years in reaching, since it would be the plan that they work out their own higher conditions without any special dispensation from the higher powers. Already I had been regenerated through spiritual death a number of times, and to return to my former condition the particles of my regenerated body would be disintegrated again and readjusted until I was in the proper condition to become an inmate of a celestial body. How absurd!you will say, and the question may arise as to why it should be necessary when one was in such close touch with the higher powers. Why could I not be called up into the higher realms without having to pass through these strange conditions?My reply is, that the immutable law of higher being makes it essential that the process described be gone through with. Before experiencing it, I was filled with wonder, but not fearful, since previous experience had taught me to be fearless. Each time 1/2 passed through the experience of regeneration the conditions were different, but each time they were of absorbing interest to me. I did did not wish to lose my identity nor become absorbed in the universal, and when assured by my befoved teacher and guide that such an idea was simply a conception of man's mind, I was ready and eager for any experience that the higher powers saw fit to send me. While in God's Kingdom and The Kingdom of the Blessed the experiences that came to me were so far-reaching and wonderful that, viewed from a material conception of time, it would have seemed that I had passed through the experiences of thousands of years. During the period which would only mark about two weeks of material time, the wisdom that I gained made me feel as though I were many years older not in appearance, but in the realization of things. I had ideas of God- power and Creative Law that a lifetime of material or even celestial life could not have brought to me, I did not need a brain in that higher state of being, whereby I might convey my realization to my own consciousness and to those with whom I would converse. I possessed the Divine Element, of which my brain had been a manifestation while clothed in the garment of the flesh. My celestial mind had not been brain either, but a higher manifestation of brain element, nearer perfect and capable of greater power. 97 Upon returning to my celestial condition, my mind would take on the peculiar element it had possessed before. I had been regenerated, and some very wonderful and sublime experiences I had known in the kindoms above would pass from my comprehension entirely and I would have no memory of them whatever. After visiting God's Kingdom twice, the process of regeneration would scarcely be perceptible to me, and what I saw and experienced would be ever after retained in my memory; so, after two years and four months in heaven, every experience I have known and every thing I have seen, from the spiritual world to the Supreme Realms of God, is clearly pictured in my mind. Frequently I say to myself, I am a thousand years young; I have had experiences many have not had who have lived a thousand years, and yet I am young and fair in appearance. My soul is alive and vibrant with plans for the future, and I am happy and more glad of life as each day passes, not for myself alone, but for those who are to follow after me and whom my influence is to lead heavenward/' 93 And this is what the experience men call death has brought to me: It has brought to me a higher and deeper conception of life than I ever knew before; it has given back to me my youth, my health, and the realization of greater achievements for the future; it has shown me a picture of the years to come, when I shall have attained the standard of power that will enable me to help others triumph over material obstacles, thereby helping them to attain their ends and their ambitions. Two years and more in heaven have shown me the wonders which God in His love and wisdom has prepared for His earthly children. They have restored me to those who left me for a little while to pass on to the realms of the Summer Land. Surely God is good; His mercy is everlasting and His love endureth forever. 99 PART 3, A PILGRIMAGE TO THE INFINITE LAND, And It Hath Been Decreed, That the angelic being known as Rose the Sunlight I is to be called upon to take up a higher work; That for this purpose she is to be taken up into The Kingdom of the Blessed, there to appear before Ovanon, Supreme Divine Ruler of the Two Hundred and Fifty-third Kingdom of The Infinite, known as The Kingdom of the Blessed; That there shall he sent forth the elect of this kingdom to welcome the daughter of light to the courts of the Most High ; That this shall be an occasion of advancement for all those who perform a noble work in the name God, From the Sacred Books of The Kingdom of the Blessed. CHAPTER 1. There were four of us, and we were bound for the mighty realms of The Infinite. One of our party was the greatest spiritual teacher the world has ever known, and the other three were earnest, sincere souls, who had been especially honored by the higher powers and chosen to make this remarkable pilgrimage to the higher realms of The Infinite. Two of the party were to visit God's Kingdom and the third, who had already been twice to that far region in space, had now been called to a still higher realm of The Infinite, known as The Kingdom of the Blessed. Leaving the celestial sphere and the angelic friends who bade us God speed,we moved far up in spiritual space In attempting to comprehend space, one should consider that it consists of two parts, or strata, the outer being material and the inner spiritual space. It may then be under stood by this that while we were at a distance as far away from the earth as the farthest visible planets, we were still not passing through the regions where the planetary bodies exist. Sometimes we floated or glided through space, and then again we made use of our spiritual limbs and feet and walked through it. We were filled with anticipation of what awaited us in the great realms beyond, I being the third soul of our company, before mentioned, to whom had been given the honor of visiting The Kingdom of the Blessed, Upon my last trip to the region of God's Kingdom my vision had not been opened to all that transpired there, but I had been given to understand that upon my third trip to this kingdom I would be enabled to see and comprehend more than upon the two previous occasions. We moved rapidly through space and seemed to travel over a pathway of our own, as, for a great distance, we beheld no celestial heings traveling in our direction, The beloved Counselor and Guide who accompanied our little party gave forth words of cheer and encouragement as we moved through space. No doubt His spiritually illumined soul turned frequently toward the anticipation of the great honor to be conferred upon Him when He should be crowned Supreme Divine Ruler of the Spheres. It was a wonderful truth to contemplate that we three souls, who had never accomplished any grand work for the cause of humanity, should be moving through space with this being, the being honored and worshiped by gods, saints, spirits, and men as the immortal Son of God. The electricity and magnetic power of the atmosphere through which we were passing was something marvelous; the vibrations per second could not be estimated in numbers. We were conscious of such a mighty power vibrating through our spiritual beings that we felt it was grand, glorious, and wonderful to live, especially when we could behold the evidences of God's mighty wisdom and love in the created expressions of the universe, I beheld many things in the enchanted region through which we were passing that I had not been privileged to behold in my previous trips to God's Kingdom. This was certainly a realm of temples, whose grandeur mere words could never picture. Some of the temples we beheld appeared to move. We could cover quite a distance in space and still buildings that seemed quite near to us in the beginning of our trip were to be reached. We planned to pass through all the temples and other buildings where we would be permitted to enter. There were thousands or them, independent of the individual temples, belonging to the people of the earth plane, who had built them through the acts of their lives and the motives that prompted them. Some of the people appeared as though enveloped in a mist; others were bright and dazzling in appearance. Many were in the course of construction, and I could tell by their appearance whether their creators were making a good or a poor use of the powers the Creator had given them. We did not stop in our flight through these great realms of space until we had reached a point which we learned was termed the circumference of evolution. In a perfectly round stratum of atmosphere, of over a hundred different colors, appeared a temple which must have been over a thousand stories in height. This was the Temple of Evolution, representing the progress of creation throughout ages of time. The building was perfectly round and was formed of electric atoms, whose vibrations increased in rate from the lowest story to the highest. We were ushered into the council-room of this building by our guide and teacher, the Beloved Jose, This room was filled with the most powerful violet light that we had ever seen, and in all directions could be seen spheres of very intense light, resembling miniature suns, In the center of the building was a circle of light more powerful than any of the others, and the rays from the spheres of light all radiated toward the great central light. We did not realize at first that these lights were the immortal God-centers of great beings, whose spiritual parts had been disintegrated for the time being- The great central light, toward which the others vibrated, was the God-center of the Supreme Divine Ruler of the Spheres. This must he the state, I thought, that I had heard the Buddhists term Karma or going into the quintessence. Behold, as I looked I saw the spiritual form of our great Guide and Teacher separate in the at mosphere1/2and as it separated I beheld a great light appear and form a circle about the great central light; and these words seemed to vibrate through the atmosphere: Worship thou my Son, for He is my representative and is the light which emanates from me.Presently this light moved about six inches from the central light and a circle of pale, delicate light appeared between the Beloved Jose and the Great Ruler, The three souls who stood there watching this curious phenomenon received this interpretation in their souls: This One, who has not yet attained human form, shall some day act between two great powers first between material and spiritual power, then between spiritual and celestial power, and so on through different degrees of power, throughout ail eternity. Suddenly, without any apparent warning, the two remaining members of our party and myself were conscious of that Great Central Power vibrating toward us, and the next instant our spiritual forms became disintegrated. I had passed through this experience on previous occasions, so it was not new to me, as it was to the two other dear souls who had wondered not a little regarding this experience, through which, they had been told, they would pass in their trip to God's Kingdom, The experience seemed more wonderful to me, however, than upon previous occasions. My mind attained a consciousness of my own possibilities and powers and of future conditions for the world, which I am unable to realize as clearly since being restored to my normal spiritual condition. While in a state of spiritual disintegration on previous occasions, I was unable to realize but twelve senses, but now I was enabled to realize at least twenty-five I realized no limitations while in this state, and could look forward to my own unfoldment for thousands of years to come. I had previously believed that the condition termed spiritualwas the highest term that could be applied to a man or a woman through the eternal stages of progression throughout ages of time, but upon this occasion I learned there were conditions as far beyond the spiritual as The Kingdom of the Blessed was beyond the earth, While in the condition of disintegration before mentioned, I was able to foresee the possibilities and attainments of others in whom I was interested. This peculiar power of disintegration lasted for only a few moments, and, almost before we realized it, we were restored to our former condition. With the restoration we felt ourselves to be wonderfully invigorated and strengthened. We were now in the presence of mighty rulers and great personages, of whom a number were of such high order and of such great power that they were only partly visible to us. Some were so bright and dazzling in appearance that they seemed to be in a perfect blaze of light. We beheld a number who were, at least, fifteen feet tall. They had very large heads and faces and the most wonderful eyes I had ever beheld. They were as large as silver dollars, very luminous and deep, and not at all out of proportion to their faces, A very imposing-looking personage, whom we afterward learned was King Solomon, came forth through a curtain of light and conducted us into an inner sanctuary, where unnumbered hosts of celestial beings of both sqxcs had assembled. They (were all clothed in light, and I learned that they belonged to the Order of Sun Angels, We three travelers from the Celestial sphere were to be taken into this order. We learned that the number taken in during a year never exceeds four, so it would seem again that we were especially honored, One would naturally suppose that we would be embarrassed in the midst of such company, but we appeared to be perfectly self-possessed. A very bright being, whom we learned was a character of history, and who bore the name of Hypatia, seemed to be at the head of the Order. She spoke to us and hade us welcome. Daughters of the Celestial realm,she said, we welcome you to our courts of light. Kmma the Starbeam, Rose the Sunlight, and Grace the Vestal, you shall henceforth be ready at any time to respond to a call from these regions to take part in our ceremonies twice during a year, and to go forth, whenever bidden to do so, upon errands of mercy to the earth. The names by which you will be known in these higher realms are 'Rose the Counselo, 'Emma the Responder and Grace the Messenger. The ceremony which made us members of the Order of .Sun Angels was very beautiful indeed. Of course, we felt honored, as anyone would upon whom such blessings were bestowed. We were clothed in garments of light, with wreaths of golden roses about our heads. After the close of the ceremony we were made the guests of honor of the order. During this ceremony we met many wonderful beings that time will not permit me to mention now. Our next experience was to be a very interesting one, for we were to pass entirely through the Temple of Evolution. The beloved Guide and Teacher, before mentioned, would accompany us and explain conditions which we might not understand, even though we had recently passethrough experiences that had quickened our powers of understanding. We passed upward from the compartment where we had been taken into the Order of Sun Angels, and, entering a large domeshaped part of the building, we saw an apparently living representation of Creation in the process of evolution. We saw that power came first from above to quicken into life and action the first plane of earth. I say the first plane of earth, because there have been a great many earth planes; as the higher realms of The Infinite have continued to move, so have the lower realms of the finite world moved on. The process has been so gradual that material people have not been able to realize it, but the angel world, from time immemorial, have been watching the process of evolution. They know that what is now the first sphere of the spirit world was once the earth; they know that when the first sphere of the spiritual world moves up to form the second, that which is now the earth will have become the first sphere of the spiritual world. They know that a new earth is gradually being formed within the present earth, and that the time will come when this earth goes on and the earth plane now being formed will take Its place; but the change will be so gradual that only angels and very wise people will be able to tell that such a process has taken place. In the process of evolution we beheld many angelic beings who had been made proficient in chemical law, sent out into the atmosphere beneath the spiritual world to work with other vibrations and their spiritual batteries upon the forces of atoms that were being evolved by certain planets as they moved in their orbits. We saw the earth plane, throughout ages of time, increasing in size and becoming more fit for the habitation of material man. We saw the spiritual process, manifested by angelic beings through the power of God, by which the highest work of the Creator was made manifest. While we were watching the process of evolution on the d liferent parts of the great temple, we for the time being were living in the age represented, so real did the representation appear to be. Of course, it was all very interesting and fascinating. We thought of a dear one on earth, whom we wished might be able to view the different scenes with us. We felt wonderfully buoyant and strong, and no thought of weariness or fatigue was anticipated by our little party, We never did believe that man sprung from animals, but that he was a distinct individual entity, and, after passing through the Temple of Evolution, we were more than ever convinced of man's distinct individuality. The upper part of this wonderful building was devoted to the present age and what is to he accomplished hefore the dawn of an other century. We saw the process by which revelations that pave been developing and unfolding for ages of time in realms far beyond The Kingdom of the Blessed were to be handed down to the earth plane. Pictures oi these higher realms ami of the beings who inhabit them will be given by great artists to the Celestial world, and from there they will he handed clown to the earth plane in a most marvelous and beautiful manner. Events taking place in those higher realms, and positive information regarding those who have passed on to higher fields of action, will be given in a clear and convincing way. We were anxious to explore our own temples and that of one connected with us who was of the earth, but, as we had many points of interest to visit in God's Kingdom, we decided to leave the exploration of these temples until the last. In this way it would give us something to anticipate while we were at the same time enjoying the other interesting points. I had visited a great many of the temples before on previous trips, but, of course, intended to explore them again, I believed certain marvelous facts in connection with these great temples. There were the temples of the sun, moon, stars, and earthy God's Temple, the Temple of Divinity, the Temple of Chemistry, the Temple of Geology, and others too numerous to mention. There was the palace of John the Baptist, the castle of Swedenborg, and the abiding-places of many gifted people, who had lived in ages past and gone. In this vast domain a great many of the inhabitants remained, never going to the celestial, spiritual, or material worlds. They were so very wise, however, that it was unnecessary, as their powers were sufficient to put them in touch with these places while their spiritual forms remained in God's Kingdom. Oh, strange and wonderful scenes and experiences through which these spiritual travelers were privileged to pass! Time could never remove the indelible impressions produced upon the plastic structures of their spiritual minds. God's Kingdom was indeed a strange place, but wonderfully fascinating. There was an exclusiveness about everything there that had not been realized in any previous plane of existence. The wisdom of the people there was something extraordinary. The inhabitants of that region had attained that stage of unfold ment which made them desire to be busy continually with something that fed the mind and caused the higher senses to expand. They had great plans to work upon and carry out, for they must be in touch with the inhabitants of the realm above that they might receive ideas from them to be given to the celestial and spiritual worlds and to the earth plane. The celestial travelers seemed to catch the spirit of the place, and, while they were eager to behold all its marvels, they still desired to put some good and wise purpose into every experience. Everything they beheld seemed interesting to them. They would hand down to the earth a great deal of the information gained in these experiences. They well knew that not all who bad the opportunity to receive the knowledge would accept it. as literal truth, but if there was occasionally a mind fitted to receive it, the efforts they made to give the information to the people of earth would not be in vain. They never stopped to rest from the beginning of the trip to the end, for rest was entirely unnecessary to beings who felt such a continuous exhieration as they did; and, as they had to take in a great deal during a comparatively short time, they must make every moment count. The Temple of the Earth, a strange, gray structure, was an object of interest to them for several reasons. One reason was that a certain being for whom they cared dwelt there, and it had been made clear to them that for a number of years yet they would be given a most important work to carry out on the earth. The Temple of Earth and the Temple of K volution were similar in what they revealed, but. the latter went more into details over the extraordinary progress of humanity than did the former. The member of the little party who had visited God's Kingdom upon two previous occasions had been shown two Sun Temples, but upon this occasion three Sun Temples were revealed the Sun Temple of the material world and the Temples of the Great Central Sun and its Sun. They were formed about each other according to the manner in which they move in space. The spiritual traveler last mentioned was led to believe that upon her next trip to God's Kingdom her spiritual vision would unfold to the degree that would enable her to behold still another Sun Temple. The Temple of Godly Power a creation from which emanated white light of such magnitude andpower that a celestial being before entering its domain must undergo a transformation by the chemists of the temple was a point of great interest to the celestial travelers. In this place they were enabled to behold scenes taking place for at least six heavens above God's Kingdom. They could not grasp the perfect meaning of alt that was shown to them, but by the aid of the beloved Guide and Teacher who accompanied them, they beheld much that seemed to them very wonderful indeed. The beings of those higher regions had evidently gone far beyond spirituality, if one could judge anything by their appearance. There was no word in their language strong enough to touch their wonderful ethereal forms and the glorious light that emanated from their soft, deep eyes. The celestial travelers were curious to know the state of being they possessed in those far regions. Did they possess feelings and emotions ? Could they enjoy the pleasures of existence, or had they attained that state of quintessence which some thinkers claim does not partake of the nature of any sense that even celestial beings take cognizance of? The celestial travelers were wonderfully fascinated by what they learned regarding these higher stages of being. The following are some of the statements made by the beloved Teacher who accompanied them: The life of those glorious beings you see transmitted upon your vision is a rapture so glorious that it transcends even the celestial conception of joy, bliss, happiness, etc. The idea of peace being the highest attainment of man's superior being is hardly correct, for perfect peace would mean the end of aspiration and the fulfilment of progression, I say to you, You love a certain expression of godly power; it may be a person of the opposite sex; it may be some gift of the soul, such as art, music, or poetry. Is it not a grander thought to believe that when you have attained degrees of sense twenty- five times higher than you now possess, your nature will have unfolded to the state that it will enjoy the very expressions that you now love in a more perfect degree of realization ? If the affection is centered upon those who have not attained your degree of realization f you possess the power to behold those persons as they will be when they have attained the same standard of unfold ment that you now have. This is not imagination; it is enlarged vision, magnifying what really exisits. Sex is eternal with the individual and is not purely physical. Thus, spiritual sex is a higher expression of this great law than physical sex. Celestial sex is higher than spiritual sex and divine sex is higher than the others mentioned. Do away with sex and you do away with the individuality of the person. If a being who has unfolded the tenth sense could imagine for one moment the full extent of the rapture of existence to those who have attained the twenty-fifth sense, he could not endure its intensity, but would be plunged at once into the Universal- Instead of moving on toward peace in the eternal plan of things, life becomes broader, freer, fuller, and more creative. When you analyze this fact, you realize that some forms of religious belief leave out that which is conducive to the greatest joy, the greatest happiness. The forms of the celestial travelers were many degrees more ethereal than they had been before the transformation or disintegration took place Their garments seemed to be woven of delicate threads of light, and wherever they moved they left a glow of light of their particular color. One was a gold light, vibrating with rose color and delicate blue; another was violet, and the other rose color and white. These celestial travelers thought often of one very dear to them, far away upon the earth plane, and they were given the power to behold that person whenever they desired to do so. In the council-hall of this Temple of Godly Power the celestial travelers beheld many things that were marvelous and beyond power of description. In a crystal circle one thousand feet in circumference they beheld a representation of the created work of twenty-five ruling Gods. As they were quite unlike anything of the earth, the spiritual or celestial worlds in shape, size, or color, it would be impossible to describe them to anyone who had never been privileged to look upon anything similar. In one part of this temple, as guardians of the circle of the Sixty-fifth Degree of the Order of Light, were one hundred beings, created by one hundred ruling Gods, These beings had never lived in earthly form, and from one degree of understanding they were absolutely perfect; still they were not perfect as compared with beings in higher realms. When these beings realized this fact, it worked upon the creative powers of their own beings and caused them to desire still greater perfection. This truth was a living demonstration of. the fact that one may go on throughout all eternity acquiring still greater degrees of perfection, but never reaching the ultimatum of perfected being. CPIAPTER 2. A PILGRIMAGE TO THE INFINITE LAND. The spiritual temples were, of course, objects of great interest, and the celestial travelers would have been glad to have remained longer in each of them than the time alloted to it, but they had a great work ahead of them and felt a great satisfaction in the thought that their time was to be so well occupied. The Temple of God was a building larger than Kansas City. Now, it is impossible for the physical organs of vision, or the mind of the physical, to form a perfect mental picture of Kansas City; but the celestial eye or mind is capable of vision of so much greater magnitude that, when it forms comparisons in relation to size or dimensions, it sees whatever it describes in its complete size. In the physical body some people are enabled to behold more perfect expressions of size than others. The size of the eye has nothing to do with this. It all lies in the development of the optic nerve. The minds of very few people have ever been awakened to the fact that by practice they can enlarge the scope of their vision so as to bring objects that are four blocks away to as perfect a range with their sight as those but one block away. When one can analyze this fact> he is enabled to form some idea as to how the powers of vision may be hundreds of times greater in a celestial being than in a physical one; consequently, to be enabled to cast the vision over a range of country the size of Kansas City is not such a difficult feat, after all, to a celestial being; nor is a temple of the size mentioned anything extraordinary to those who dwell in the regions of the Most High. The Temple of Godly Power contained sublime conceptions of the Gods of Power, many realms higher than those through which the celestial travelers were now passing. How weirdly fascinating things were, and in sonic cases almost incomprehensible! Yet these celestial travelers realized that as they evolved in higher consciousness they would be enabled to behold mighty conceptions of the Godly Powers to which they were as those blind at this particular time; for, after they had bell eld the mighty works of twelve different Gods and passed up into the thirteenth circle of Godly Power they could sense something more wonderful than anything with which they had yet come in contact, but they could not behold it. It seemed as though in less than a moment they had been transplanted to realms so exalted that they were too sacred for anything but the touch or the presence of the Divine, They had experienced often that peace which passeth understanding, but never in the wonderful way of which they were conscious at this time. Now did they see, not with their eyes, their minds, or their sixth sense alone, but with a new vision, which seemed deeper than any of which they had before been conscious. They were apparently in this Temple of Godly Power, yet at the same time they stood face to face with Gods and Rulers who were at that time in their own realms from one to fifteen degrees higher than .God's Kingdom, the realms through which they were now passing. And they were in perfect touch with these beings, who were of glorious and exalted form, and I may say of different form from any upon which the celestial travelers had ever before looked. They themselves seemed to have been changed during the period when the wonderfully exalted feeling came over them; for, behold , as they looked at one another and at themselves, they realized that they had forms more glorious and beautiful than anything they had ever imagined; and they communed with one another and with the exalted ones mentioned, not with the celestial voice, not with the unfolded mind, nor the senses, but with a new consciousness which had never before been awakened the same consciousness with which they beheld Gods and Rulers of the Fifteenth Kingdom. The beloved Guide and Teacher> who was ever near these celestial travelers to assist and teach them , revealed to them that, through a special dispensation from beings very exalted, they had been taken through an experience never before given to one who had been in the immortal world for less than two hundred years. A great and mighty power had been exercised over them, and parts of their beings had been quickened and unfolded until they stood forth in the forms they would wear in the far distant future, hundreds or perhaps thousands of years to come. They communicated in a new Language that was wonderfully sweet and musical. In the new language their names were Alo,Vena/ and ft Kmane1/2this being the translation as near as can be given in English words. They were not so changed, however, that they ceased to think of the one to whom they were to first impart the news of their remarkable trip. The Temple of Godly Power was formed of a substance resembling amethyst stone; it was not stone, however, hut a form of electric crystals of a different nature from anything on earth or in heaven. Beautiful plants and flowers grew in the air, and there were flower-gardens around on the outside of the building at intervals. Flowers resembling gold and white orchids were festooned about the pillars of the building, adding beauty to the grandeur of the perfect scene. The atmosphere was charged with a peculiar element of force that gave forth the sound of delicate tinkling bells At length the celestial travelers found themselves in a large hall in the part of the Temple of Godly Power known as The Supreme Arch of Parah. Parah was the god of the region known as The Kingdom of the Blessed but this particular part of The Kingdom of Godly Power represented him and his work. The ceilings and walls of this great hall sparkled as though literally encrusted with jewels. The jewels were etherealiy>ed globules of the highest form of electricity. A light which changed color rapidly filled the great room or auditorium, and in the course oia lew moments it was flooded with a golden light so powerful that even the beings assembled there, who were used to marvelous demonstrations, could not face the brightness and the power manifested. At the same instant, every sphere in the Infinite World was suddenly made radiant with a light whose magnitude had never been demonstrated in such a powerful way. The time had come for each Ruler of every sphere and kingdom of the Infinite World to become a leader of a realm still higher than the one in which he was then reigning. The hour had come for the Beloved Jose and the Divine Ruler of the Spheres to receive new degrees and to become Rulers of realms higher than those over which they were then reigning. The ceremony which would exalt ten Rulers would be held first in this Temple of Godly Power and then in each realm above God's Kingdom up to the tenth. The celestial traveler known as Rose the Sunlightwould behold this wonderful ceremony twice, as she was to pass up into The Kingdom of the Blessed to behold still greater wonders than she had yet witnessed. Suddenly the great auditorium of the temple seemed to become enlarged. Its magnitude was stupendous before, but nothing compared to its present dimensions. It was still so brilliant with powerful light that it was impossible to see what was unfolding or developing beyond the area of the light. Now there was a hush, as though the Supreme Powers of the universe were conferring together, and then there burst upon the vision a scene of magnificence that hath never been revealed to spiritual or physical eyes alone. The fact that it was a real scene and not a representation or spectacular entertainment made it seem even more grand and beautiful than it would otherwise have been to behold great numbers of Rulers and gods clothed in a light so powerful that chemists of mighty wisdom had to stand between them and the celestial travelers to keep the latter from being absorbed in the universal, so great was the power of attraction between the atoms. Think of it, you who read this article a gathering of the Gods who, in a spiritual sense, have dominion over the terrestrial and celestial worlds. As these great beings assembled there together, with the light of a still higher power shining on them and radiating from them, the strains of creation's mighty hymn were heard to vibrate from the distance, and then in a burst of rapturous, glorious music flood the great hall with melody that was certainly ht for Gods to listen to. There was no evidence of the source whence the music came, although it was understood by those present to have been vibrated there by great powers of mightier magnitude than those who had assembled to bestow power as well as to acept it; for the ruling God of a certain universe, a kingdom, or of united spheres, would bestow his power upon the reigning God below him,while he in turn would be taken up into the next degree of power by the God above him. These great beings stood about four feet above a circle of blue, white, and red light. The celestial travelers felt more than honored to think they had been privileged to witness such a scene They were particularly interested, however, in five of the company who were to advance higher to realms of realization and power. One of the celestial travelers had met them upon a previous trip to God's Kingdom. These five beings were the Beloved Jose, the Supreme Divine Ruler of the Spheres, Sauewin, the Great Ols en, and the Godlike Geohavanna. As these great personages stood forth in all their grandeur, with the radiance from powers still greater shining upon them, the three celestial spectators gazed upon the scene with consciousness uplifted as never before. The radiance seemed to grow more intense and powerful until the mighty enclosure was seen to be in a perfect blaze of light, a light not to be compared with any these spectators had ever witnessed in realms below. Again there was silence for a moment, and it seemed as though these great beings were receiving a benediction from on high, for they bowed their forms while a shower of still more powerful electric vibrations played over them; then a great voice in the mighty avalanche of sound spoke these words in the language of realms still farther removed in space: Sons of Eternal Power, Gods of Force, Expressions of The Infinite, whom it hath pleased your Creators to honor upon this auspicious occasion, lift up the glory of your countenances and the consciousness of your exalted beings, for the combined strength of all powers of the Infinite World rests upon you in this, the hour of your supreme transfiguration. The Powers of the Infinite World enjoin you, O triumphant ones, to receive the exaltation meted out to you in its perfect fullness, Gods of Eternity proclaim the righteousness and wisdom of Infinitude's great work unto all beings amenable to your mighty power. Look over, beyond, and upward toward those star-crowned heights, where pulsate the eternal springs of Almighty Power and Infinite Grace. Hearken unto the call, ye watchful ones; drink in the power until your beings throb and quicken with the realization of your own godliness and with the wonder of your triumphant beings. Oh, the glory that shall encompass you around in the expression of all your works! Oh, the power that shall go forth, even unto the smallest corner of the earth I Humanity shall learn to say, 'Life is strong and the mercy of God endureth forever, even unto the day which no eye hath yet seen; for the glory and triumph of great wisdom shall become revealed in the manifestation of its works/ Rise up, ye Gods of men and Eternity ! Behold the torch of flame which lights the way, even unto the darkened souls of them who walk in the shadow of ungodliness and whose feet are torn by the thorns of ignorance and unrighteousness. Rise up in all your power; the day is one of glory, and the sun sets not for him who is encompassed round about with the Everlasting Arms of Infinite God-power. O you exalted ones! More glorious and far reaching shall be your reigns since you have felt the kindling glow of the Gods who have called you to 33 arise and cast the foci of your visions far out over the endless sweep of Creation's realms. Hearken unto the voice which saith unto you> 'Come up higher. There is a grander work, a broader expanse in the great Sea of Infinitude/ 3I The voice ceased to vibrate, and there played over these great personages a wonderful display of light and color. Their forms seemed to grow more ethereal, and the power that vibrated from every part of their beings was sufficient to thrill with wonder the celestial travelers who were privileged to witness the glory of it, Never had they beheld anything to compare with it in point of grandeur or solemnity, After the great voice had ceased to vibrate, each great personage came forth and stood under an arch of golden light to receive individually the blessings of the higher powers and to have conferred upon him the honors which until now had belonged to tVe one above him in power, How gloriously beautiful and how mighty appeared the Divine Jose in His garments of light while receiving His degrees of power from the Supreme Divine Ruler of the Spheres! He requested the celestial traveler known as Rose the Sunlightto stand beside Him while this great ceremony was going on. Words would be inadequate to express the feeling that came over her. Events that had transpired in her life that she had before tried in vain to solve were made clear to her now. She saw herself as she had been, as she was then, and as she would be at a time not far distant in the future. She saw herself stand beside the One who was about to be made Supreme Divine Ruler of the Spheres, and she was clothed in garments of light and a crown of light appeared upon her head. She saw the new body that bad been given her, and was conscious of the great magnitude of power by which she was surrounded. For a moment she was conscious of the power of Gods beyond those she could see with her newly-awakened vision; then she was again standing with the two celestial companions who had traveled with her to God's Kingdom. Then appeared the Mighty Ovanon, a being of majesty and power the Supreme Divine Ruler of the Kingdom of the Blessed and Master of the Two Hundred and Fifty-third Degree, The brilliancy 35 of His garments and the power that emanated from Him showed Him to be a Supreme Master of Power. He was fair in complexion, with a glorious head crowned with a profusion of white wavy hair hair not gray, but naturally white. His eyes were like deep purple stars, and as He spoke it was as though His voice vibrated from far-distant realms in space. He was Master of Ceremonies, and conferred the Two Hundred and Fifty-fourth Degree upon the Supreme Divine Ruler of the Spheres. Streams of pale gold and silver light radiated from His hands and person and vibrated toward the Great Ruler; the Great Ruler held out His hands toward the Beloved Jose and the Beloved Jose vibrated His power toward the Great ' Sauewin; thus the power was radiated around until it had reached every God and Ruler present, af ter which it was vibrated to the celestial travelers. The great wave of light that had separated them parted on each side, and, without being conscious of any movement, the celestial beings found themselves in the midst of Gods and Rulers, Perfect harmony reigned, and these mighty personages were as cordial and as kindly in manner to the travelers from the celestial sphere as though they were all of the same rank in power. Then were the celestial travelers made the guests of honor of these Gods, while a brilliant panoramic scene of splendor continued for six hours. A thousand beautiful beings, representing the Order of the Purple Star, appeared in the symbolic movements of the different degrees. The ceremonies and movements were also very beautiful in the Order of the White Iris. This Order was represented by twelve of the most spiritually developed beings from the Isle of Harmonia, God's Kingdom, the Kingdom of the Blessed, the Sphere of Supreme Content, the Sphere of Light and Wisdom, the Arcana of Power, and the Realm of Glory. Then came the passing of the Gods of Power, a scene that outrivaled in splendor anything the celestial travelers had before beheld. CHAPTER 3. A PILGRIMAGE TO THE INFINITE LAND, It seemed to these celestial travelers that existence would hereafter be even a greater blessing than before, for they had been made more conscious than ever of the mighty creative power of The Infinite. At the close of these great festivities, the Mighty Ovanon gave forth this message to the celestial travelers: Daughters of Light, say to the one of earth, known as 'Hiram the Karth Battery/ when you commingle with him upon the astral, that he shall yet triumph; that his faith is now being tested, and, while there are still some discouragements for him to fa ce, hem ust pu sh hi mself th rough them . The goal of his efforts shall be great success, although I say the task he hath been called upon to complete shall not be an easy one; yet it will be worth the while, for the ultimatum shall be for the upliftment and betterment of humanity, and great shall be the reward; and the joy and peace which followeth after shall be greater than mortal mind hath yet been able to comprehend. Say to the loved one of earth, 'Push on/ for while the pathway holds obstructions now, yet a little further beyond the way is clear and the vista reveals a realm of wondrous beauty/' The celestial travelers passed from this scene of great splendor, feeling as though they had lived a great many years since passing up into those mighty realms, and there were still many temples to be explored and points of interest to visit. Before passing into the Temple of God they took on their former celestial condition. Their next point of interest was the individual temples, which two of them were to see for the first time. The fact that they were to behold these temples together made the privilege doubly interesting. As they passed out into the atmosphere of God's Kingdom they were greeted on all sides with words of welcome by the inhabitants of that region, who evidently knew that three people from the celestial world were visiting their country. It would seem, from the hospitality they showed and the marked degree of interest manifested, that they considered these three people personages of importance. In the Grove of Promethea, a wonderfully beautiful spot, an affair was to be held in honor of these travelers. They accepted the invitation to be present, and found themselves in a great bower of floral beauty. The trees and shubbery, whose foliage was of many different kinds and colors, were made more beautiful by festoons of roseblossoms. It was delightful, of course, the gathering in this beautiful grove, where the very air was an inspiration of something sublime. The grandeur of scenes through which they had just passed and the sudden change to seems of pastoral beauty formed a picture upon the consciousness of the travelers that was marvelously beautiful . The people gathered in the Grove of Promethea were marvelously intellectual. There were no ordinary ones among them, and the language that flowed from them was like liquid music. They were very tall and of fine proportions and they looked very beautiful. The female beings wore illuminated draperies of various colors that seemed as delicately beautiful as mist. About tbe heads and forms of some of them were halos, circles of stars or characters of light, indicative of some rank or honor that had been bestowed upon them. Their faces were marvelously beautiful and their eyes wonderfully clear windows of the soul. The eyes of celestial beings are wonderfully brilliant and beautiful in expression, but they cannot be compared to the eyes of the inhabitants of God's Kingdom. The time glided by m a joyous and happy manner; strains of sweet music seemed to float from every direction, and there was a wondrous charm in everything. Every being in that beautiful grove was a representative of great work, and, while all appeared to give themselves up to the pleasures of the hour, they were at the same time directing great movements in different parts of the universe by the power of mind. The minds of these people were so powerful that they could be used in many different directions at the same time without any indication of absent-mindedness. The celestial travelers had been in that realm but a short time to have passed through the wonderful experiences which are here related, hut to one of them there came still more wonderful experiences in The Kingdom of the Blessed, still farther beyond in the realms of space. At length the travelers found themselves on their way toward the temples which they had created by the acts and motives of their own lives. They had now reached a part of God's Temple where they met but few people. The travelers had developed so much wisdom since passing up into these regions that they were considered competent to act as their own guides. As one had been over the road before, there need he no fear but what they would find the way safely. I may say, however, that the spiritual mind in an unfolded state possesses no degree of fear, and can move to difficult points in space with perfect safety and with a surety that the point desired will be reached. The five temples could he seen for some time hefore they were reached. To the one who had been there before they seemed larger than on previous occasions. This was true, of course, since everything is revealed in its true light in those mighty realms of space. There was the temple of golden brown, the one of white, the pink temple, and the two of pale silver and gold. This was to be one of the most Interesting experiences of the entire trip on account of its personal nature. It was decided that each traveler should visit her own temple first, then they would all enter the temple of the one who had played such an important part in the lives of each of them. The temples all seemed considerably larger than they had on the previous visit, and they apparently were growing rapidly, for as their builders stood and looked at them they could see the upper parts, which looked at first like smoke, gradually take on the form of the lower parts of the buildings, and as they took on form they became luminous, an appearance not manifested in the parts below. Although these individual temples were some distance from each other, there was a pathway which looked like a broad silver ribbon connecting one with the other and extending far up in the ether. It had not occurred to them at first to walk over that pathway, but they did so finally, and the sensation they experienced was wonderfully pleasant and invigorating. Upon the previous visit of Rose the Sunlight to these temples she had noticed a number of very interesting manifestations whose meanings had not been revealed to her, but she had been told that on her third trip these things would be revealed unto her. Emma the Starbeam and Grace the Messenger went on to their temples, and Rose the Sunlight entered hers. On her previous visit the latter had made up her mind that she would build her temple grander and more beautiful than ever before by the motives and acts of her life, and now, as she stood within the structure of her own life, she realized that she had builded well. On her previous visit she had been shown two crystal balls, one blue and one white. The meaning of the blue ball had been revealed to her, but the white one she had been unable to read. Now there was neither blue nor white ball, but a large golden circle, within which the beholder saw herself and the work she would accomplish during the next thousand years. It was a marvelous picture, one calculated to fill her mind with joy, for the good she realized she was to accomplish was well worth the efforts she had put forth and would put forth to grow toward higher accomplishments and broader realizations. She saw herself with a great work to accomplish in at least twenty-five different realms of space, the first four of them being the Earth, the Celestial World, God's Kingdom, and The Kingdom of the Blessed. The others were still farther beyond in space. She saw that before the thousand years had expired one would work with her who was still of the earth, and also that through their work and influence millions of people upon the earrh would find the way to the light of progression. She saw herself far up on the region known as The Realm of Poweras the Supreme Leader of the people of that particular portion of the Infinite World. She knew she would have to climb some to reach that point, but as it was so indicated, she would evidently attain it. It seemed very interesting, the thought of what an earnest woman could accomplish by being brave enough to make the effort to climb toward lofty heights and to carry with her as she went the name of humanity. She saw herself with the one who was to act with her in the years to come in different parts of the universe terrestrial, celestial, and ethereal. They seemed to be greatly interested in their work, hut they had times in which they gave themselves up to the recreations and pleasures of the higher world . The picture seemed very absorbing and fascinating to Rose the Sunlight, and she felt conscious of a stronger desire than ever before to make her work a worthy one. In one part of her temple Rose the Sunlight could behold the earth and could bring to her vision at once anyone she desired to see. She saw the one with whom she was working on the earth and vibrated a message to him. It seemed that she moved about for a long time through her temple, studying some indications that she saw and gaining new lessons in the realization of infinite love, power, and wisdom. By this time the other travelers had explored their temples, and they met on the outer branch of the pathway leading to the temple of Hiram the Earth Battery. This temple appeared more brilliant in appearance than it had on previous occasions. Upon a previous trip to this temple four compartments had been shown, each veiling a mystery which would be made clear upon the third trip to God's Kingdom. The time was now at hand for these mysteries to be revealed. The rose-colored box, the four symbols, the case, and the golden dish were all symbols of experiences that would influence the life of the builder of this temple.They indicated struggle and discouragements, but through these discouragements a plan would he evolved that would result in the establishment of great good for the cause of humanity. The symbols showed a period in the life of this builder where he would be strongly influenced by members of the Masonic Brotherhood who had passed on to broader fields of action; he would be strongly influenced during two very important periods of his life. The first time would be when he prepared a book on Masonry; the second time would be in his building and establishing the Temple or Light, for the Masonic Brotherhood, from the spiritual side of life, would have a part to play in the building of this great temple. The dark case with the three stars was very peculiar. It represented a time when it would seem to this builder that he was moving blindly in the effort to put into operation his plans and ambitions. The three silver stars were symbolic of the loving interest that three angelic beings would manifest toward this life. The stars were also indicative of hope shining through darkness. The case at first was very dark and indicated that there would come a time in the life of this builder when he would almost abandon certain very important things which had been planned to shape his life. Later on this case grew very bright and led out to a very beautiful scene where two people could be seen who would play a very important part in the life of this builder. The fourth symbol, a large, covered dish of gold, was shown now without the cover. It revealed the crowning period of life, the building of a mighty temple, ultimate wealth, great honor, and the loving companionship of those near and dear to him. A large compartment was taking shape near the top of the building. It was veiled in purple and silver light. What it contained would not be revealed until the next visit to God's Kingdom. The three celestial travelers were now met by Jose, Supreme Divine Ruler of the Spheres and God's Kingdom, and Jehovah, Supreme Divine Ruler of The Kingdom of the Blessed and Master of the Two Hundred and Fifty-third Degree, The Beloved Jose would accompany Emma the Starbeam and Grace Celestia upon their return trip, while Rose the Sunlight would journey to The Kingdom of the Blessed to pass through another weird and fascinating experience. CHAPTER 4. A PILGRIMAGE TO THE INFINITE LAND. IN THE KINGDOM OF THE BLESSED. In company with the Supreme Divine Ruler of Gods Kingdom, the Great Ovanon, and a retinue of beings of such intense brightness that her vision couid not penetrate the powerful light, the celestial traveler known as Rose the Sunlightpassed onward and upward through realms of space so far beyond the earth that there were no figures in material language large enough to estimate the height. The space through which she passed was not like earthly atmosphere or ethereal space. As far as she could see the Infinite Universe was aglow with the most intense light. It was as though she moved through a sea of wonderful glowing light. Never had she felt so uplifted, and the peace of God which passeth understanding was more perfect than it had been in God's Kingdom. This traveler was no larger in appearance than she had been before, but her consciousness had expanded in such a powerful way that she was at least fifty degrees higher in realization, vision, and understanding than she had been before. How glorious, how marvelous life and creation appeared to her, and what a blessing to be alive! She was drawing still closer to the great heart of The Infinite, where the God-power was apparent in every atom space. It was a strange thought to contemplate a being who not a great while ago was of the earth, now in the company of the Gods of the universe. In order for this being to enter these realms she was obliged to pass through a most peculiar experience, an experience quite unlike any of previous occasions. Before this time she had been unable to penetrate the aura of light by which the beings were surrounded who accompanied her. She could see them quite distinctly now, however, and beheld in them beings marvelously grand and beautiful. There were twenty-five of them, and they represented the perfected sex. From the different strata of light through which they passed vibrations of wonderful electric elements were passing downward toward God's Kingdom. This power was not called electricitythere, however; it was called divine electione,or supreme principle of creative power.This was the power which , modified, produced life in its many forms. It was wonderful to contemplate, and yet not wonderful after all, when considering the boundless powers of The Infinite, which made all mighty expressions the manifestation of natural law. For miles and miles in extent appeared a great white structure resembling a palace. This was my Father's house with its many mansions, and here dwelt the inhabitants of this sublime realm. Everything to be seen here was either pure white or pale flame color. The beings of that region wore garments of white or the yellow of flame color. At length there appeared to view a mighty temple of flame color and white, Jt was on a more magnificent scale than any that had yet been seen. This was the Temple of Light in The Kingdom of the Blessed, and here the ceremony would take place which would take Ovanon, the former Supreme Divine Ruler, up into the next higher realm of The Infinite, while Jehovah would be crowned Supreme Divine Ruler of the Blessed Kingdom. No words are strong enough to picture the magnificence and grandeur of all that took place in that blissful region. Everything was in the form of ceremony. The minds of these beings had attained such a rare unfoldment that the inhabitants found their supreme happiness to consist in the evolving and carrying out of great plans. By this time the Divine Ruler of God's Kingdom had returned to join the brilliant coterie of Gods and to behold his Father made Supreme Divine Ruler of The Kingdom of the Blessed. This ceremony was grander than anything the celestial traveler had yet witnessed. Thousands of beings from the blissful regions were present and great numbers of Rulers from realms still farther advanced in space. Assembled there in their garments of light, they made a picture that was beautiful, grand, and sublime. The celestial traveler was delighted beyond measure, and, as she prepared to make a return trip from the Courts of Light to the earth plane, there to reveal to the world truths never before given to mortal man, she felt she had indeed been blessed. the end. this was copied, from